7 Sun Signs Which Find It Difficult To Forgive & Forget In A Relationship Per Astrology (2024)

Astrology tells us a lot about a person’s behaviour, even what they would be like in their interpersonal relationships. Amongst the many traits astrology can tell you about, is a person’s ability to forgive and forget. So, we list the sun signs who can’t help but hold grudges, and have a hard time forgiving and forgetting.

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7 Sun Signs Which Find It Difficult To Forgive & Forget In A Relationship Per Astrology (1)

Sun signs which can’t forgive & forget as per astrology

1. Capricorn

Credit: Tips Industries

Capricorns are very careful about who they let into their inner circle and trust enough to be close to. Since this sign doesn’t open up easily, the amount they get hurt when someone close betrays them is also manifold.

Breaking their trust will earn you a lot of frosty stares and silent treatment. They won't show you hatred or anger. Masters at hiding their true feelings, Capricorns might not even give you a hint that they are upset. They will just thrive and live on like you don't exist to them, being civil to you but completely done with you deep inside.

2. Scorpio

Credit: Mega Bollywood

Famously unforgiving and likely to remember every bad thing anyone has ever done to them, Scorpio is a cynical sign. This sign is very suspicious and self-protective, so if you mess up even once, they will subsequently question every single thing you do and doubt your intentions.

They are very sensitive and don’t want to give you the satisfaction of hurting them. So, they might even hurt you in anticipation of future damage they think you’re capable of doing, if you’ve hurt them once. Since they’re already naturally pessimistic, god forbid someone actually gives them a reason to be distrustful! Forgiving and forgetting is out of the question, you’re lucky if this sign is not actively out to get you.

3. Taurus

Credit: Phantom Films, Clean Slate Filmz

Taurus might be practical and unbothered by the world, but boy can this stubborn sign hold things against you forever! Once you’ve messed up and they’ve decided you’re not worth their time, nothing can change their mind. A fixed sign like Scorpio, they are calm and steadfast in their unchanging nature, refusing to let go of old grudges and misgivings about people.

Trusting, forgiving, giving people multiple chances—all of this is too much work for them, and they’d rather have nothing to do with you. Be prepared for silent treatment that could last decades!

4. Cancer

Credit: Paramount Pictures, The Montecito Picture Company, Fremantle Productions

Another really sensitive sign like Scorpio, Cancer is also very cautious like Capricorn. They don’t let people in because they’re afraid of being hurt, judged, and abandoned. Plus, they have an elephant’s memory, so they remember exactly who was rude to them on fifth June 2002, or which classmate said which mean words to them in seventh standard. You might forget how you treated them, but they will never forget how bad you made them feel!

5. Leo

Credit: Dharma Productions, Viacom18 Studios

While all the fire signs have a fierce temper, it is Leo that holds the longest grudges and remains angry. Once their pride is hurt, they will not forgive you, or forget the way they were insulted.

This sign has a huge ego, and is often fuelled by that to behave the way it does. What’s more is, they often try to outdo those who wronged them by responding to negativity with more negativity. So, they are definitely not likely to forgive, forget, or let it be!

6. Aquarius

Credit: T-Series

Aquarius is an air sign which seems too aloof and detached to care about anything, so you’d think they’d never hold a grudge and just forget. But, that’s not the case, as this sign is quite judgemental, rigid, and quick to leave someone if they feel wronged.

They also happen to be a fixed sign like Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio, which means adjusting, compromising, and being forgiving are hard for them. They won’t put up with people who disappoint them, and will be out the door at lightning speed, shocking everyone with their refusal to change their mind.

7. Virgo

Credit: Balaji Motion Pictures, Anil Kapoor Films & Communication Network

Virgo might be more accommodating and adjusting than many other signs on this list, but this sign is also more critical and discriminating than the rest. They make mental notes about everything they think the people around them are doing wrong, and slowly, those lists keep growing, turning into reasons they start judging and disliking their partners.

As a result, soon it becomes hard for them to forgive and forget their partners’ mistakes. Their sincerity and need to be liked might prevent them from expressing their grudges, but that doesn’t mean they’re not holding one!

Lead image credit: Paramount Pictures, The Montecito Picture Company, Fremantle Productions, Balaji Motion Pictures, Anil Kapoor Films & Communication Network

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As someone deeply immersed in the realm of astrology, I bring to you a comprehensive understanding of the intricate connections between celestial bodies and human behavior. My expertise extends beyond mere familiarity with sun signs; I delve into the nuanced aspects of astrological traits and their impact on various facets of life, including interpersonal relationships.

In the article you provided, the exploration of zodiac signs and their tendencies to hold grudges is intriguing. Allow me to shed light on the astrological concepts and characteristics associated with each mentioned sign:

  1. Capricorn:

    • Astrological Profile: Capricorns are known for their cautious and reserved nature.
    • Key Trait: Difficulty in opening up and trusting others easily.
    • Grudge-Holding Tendency: Capricorns, when betrayed, exhibit a stoic exterior but may harbor deep-seated grudges. Their trust is not easily regained.
  2. Scorpio:

    • Astrological Profile: Scorpios are characterized by their intensity, skepticism, and self-protective instincts.
    • Key Trait: Highly suspicious and unforgiving nature.
    • Grudge-Holding Tendency: Scorpios remember past wrongs and may question intentions after a single betrayal. Forgiving and forgetting prove challenging for them.
  3. Taurus:

    • Astrological Profile: Taurus is a practical and stubborn earth sign.
    • Key Trait: Fixed nature, resistant to change.
    • Grudge-Holding Tendency: Similar to Scorpio, Taurus holds on to grudges persistently. They are calm and steadfast in their refusal to let go of past grievances.
  4. Cancer:

    • Astrological Profile: Cancer is a sensitive and cautious water sign.
    • Key Trait: Emotional sensitivity and a strong memory.
    • Grudge-Holding Tendency: Cancerians, like Scorpios, have a long memory for past hurts. They may harbor grudges based on past emotional wounds.
  5. Leo:

    • Astrological Profile: Leo is a fiery sign driven by pride and ego.
    • Key Trait: Fierce pride and a strong ego.
    • Grudge-Holding Tendency: Leos, when insulted, hold onto grudges and may respond to negativity with more negativity. Their ego plays a significant role in shaping their reactions.
  6. Aquarius:

    • Astrological Profile: Aquarius is an air sign known for aloofness and detachment.
    • Key Trait: Judgmental and quick to leave if wronged.
    • Grudge-Holding Tendency: Despite their aloof image, Aquarians can be judgmental and inflexible. They may swiftly cut ties if they feel betrayed.
  7. Virgo:

    • Astrological Profile: Virgo is an earth sign known for practicality and discernment.
    • Key Trait: Critical and discriminating nature.
    • Grudge-Holding Tendency: Virgos, though accommodating, make mental notes of mistakes. Over time, these accumulate, making it challenging for them to forgive and forget.

In summary, astrology offers a lens through which we can explore and understand the complexities of human behavior, especially in the realm of forgiveness and grudge-holding. Each sun sign brings a unique set of traits and tendencies that shape their approach to interpersonal relationships.

7 Sun Signs Which Find It Difficult To Forgive & Forget In A Relationship Per Astrology (2024)


7 Sun Signs Which Find It Difficult To Forgive & Forget In A Relationship Per Astrology? ›

Scorpios find it hard to let go of strong feelings, Capricorns link forgiveness to responsibility, Taurus holds onto grudges due to loyalty, Virgos struggle due to overthinking, and Cancers

Karka is also an astrological sign in Indian horoscope systems, corresponding to Cancer (astrology). Karkata is also the sixteenth month in the Darian calendar for the planet Mars, when the Sun traverses the constellation Cancer as seen from Mars.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Karkaṭa
have a tough time moving on from emotional wounds.

What zodiac signs forgive and forget? ›

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

They forgive and forget quite easily. Unless you have done something that is truly unforgivable and they never want to see you again, it won't be long until these signs put the past in the past and start looking toward your future again.

Which zodiac sign is hard to forget in love? ›

Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. This earth sign is known for its sentimentality and deep emotional connections. Once a Taurus falls in love for the first time, they tend to hold onto those feelings forever.

Which zodiac sign falls in love the hardest? ›

In love, Scorpios are champions. So, obviously, they are 1 of the 3 zodiac signs that love the hardest. To gain their trust is difficult, but once you know them and they trust you immensely, you'll find out they have the deepest soul. Incredibly loyal, once they fall in love, then there is no turning back for them.

What is the most forgotten sign? ›

The constellation Ophiuchus, as defined by the 1930 International Astronomical Union's constellation boundaries, is situated behind the Sun from November 29 to December 18. The idea appears to have originated in 1970 with Steven Schmidt's suggestion of a 14-sign zodiac, also including Cetus as a sign.

Which zodiac forgives easily? ›

Certain zodiac signs, like Libra, Pisces, Sagittarius, Cancer, and Aries, have a special gift for forgiving and giving second chances.

What zodiac misses their ex? ›

Cancer individuals are governed by the Moon, which oversees emotions. This attachment to memories, shared experiences, and loved ones makes it challenging for them to let go of their exes. Parting with an ex may feel akin to relinquishing a piece of their heart.

What zodiac pairs would never break up? ›

These zodiac pairs would never break up
  • 01/6These couples are forever. Shop Similar Look. ...
  • 02/6Aries and Pisces. Shop Similar Look. ...
  • 03/6Leo and Libra. Shop Similar Look. ...
  • 04/6Sagittarius and Gemini. Shop Similar Look. ...
  • 05/6Taurus and Virgo. Shop Similar Look. ...
  • 06/6Pisces and Cancer. Shop Similar Look.
Dec 16, 2021

What zodiac sign is the deep love? ›

1. Cancer. Cancerians are known for their nurturing and compassionate nature, making them naturally adept at deep love. They form strong emotional bonds with their partners and prioritize their well-being above all else.

What zodiac sign falls in love quickly? ›

Libra. An inherently romantic sign, Librans are prone to falling in love too quickly and too often. It's hardly surprising, given the sign is ruled by Venus, AKA the planet of love. Librans are naturally romantic and are not afraid to declare their love shortly into a relationship.

Which zodiac sign takes relationships seriously? ›

Some people are really serious about finding love. They want to have a strong and lasting relationship. Capricorn , Virgo , and Scorpio value responsibility, attention to detail, and deep connections.

Which zodiac sign is a hopeless romantic? ›

Pisces, Cancer, Libra, and other Zodiac signs that are hopeless romantics. Pisces, Libra, Leo, Cancer, Taurus, and Virgo each have distinct romantic traits. While astrology hints at personality traits, individual beliefs about love vary.

What zodiac signs love fighting? ›

Aries. This warrior sign skates through life with their armour on at all times and ready for battle. Being a passionate sign, they are willing to go to any lengths to fight for the ones that they care about.

What is the number one rare zodiac sign? ›

And that can only mean one thing: The rarest zodiac sign is none other than Aquarius. With Aquarius season falling between January 20 and February 18, it makes sense that it's the rarest sign. February is the shortest month of the year, after all, so this astrological season is shorter than the rest.

What zodiac sign is very rare? ›

Aquarius is the rarest zodiac sign out there.

Other government-backed data supports this—between 2000 and 2014, birthdays between January 20 and February 18 (the date range for Aquarius) were very uncommon when compared to other zodiac signs.

What is the stubborn sign? ›

As the sign of the bull, the bullheaded Taurus will never back down. Taurus is undoubtedly the most stubborn sign of the entire zodiac.

What zodiac signs apologize? ›

Some zodiac signs excel at this skill. To understand why Libra, Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, and Taurus are quick to say sorry and mend things in relationships, read on. When faced with challenges, Libras exhibit remarkable composure.

How are the zodiac signs broken up? ›

Triplicities refer to the four zodiac sign elements, of which there are three zodiac signs in each group: Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), and Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).

Do Scorpios forgive and forget? ›

Forgiving and forgetting can be hard for Scorpios because they tend to remember and dwell on past hurts.

Do Virgos forgive and forget? ›

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

An enraged Virgo needs to know why you did it, how you did it and if you will do it again. They can always forgive but will never forget. They would like to improve their relationship with you even if they've been wronged.

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