Tenant Defenses to Evictions in Texas (2024)

Learn if you have legal grounds to fight your eviction and win the right to stay in your rental unit in Texas.

In Texas, a landlord can evict a tenant for a variety of reasons, including not paying rent on time or violating a portion of the lease or rental agreement. In some cases, a tenant might have cause (legal grounds) to fight the eviction. This article will provide some of the most common legal grounds a tenant can use to fight an eviction in Texas.

How an Eviction Works in Texas

The Texas State Property Code sets out the rules and procedures a landlord must follow when evicting a tenant. First, when the landlord discovers the tenant has either failed to pay rent or violated a portion of the lease or rental agreement, the landlord must give the tenant a three-day Notice to Vacate. If the tenant does not move out within the three-day time period and chooses to fight the eviction, then the landlord will next file a complaint with the Texas Justice Court in the county where the rental unit is located. The court will set a date and time for the hearing and an officer of the law will deliver the complaint to the tenant. Upon receiving the complaint, the tenant will have fourteen days to file an answer to the complaint with the justice court (see Tex. Rules of Civ. Pro. § 502.5). The answer will detail the defenses the tenant wishes to use to fight the eviction lawsuit. The tenant must also appear at the hearing. At the hearing, the judge will decide whether the tenant can stay in the rental unit or move out, based on both the complaint and the answer.

For more information on how evictions work in Texas and for a sample answer form, see the Texas Tenant Advisor website.

Remember that fighting an eviction is not always worth it. It can be a waste of time and money—the losing party often has to pay all the court and attorneys' fees for the winning party, plus it can have a negative effect on your credit rating. If you only need a few more days in the rental unit before moving out, you and your landlord may be able to reach an agreement without going to court. Many communities have free or low-cost mediation services that handle landlord-tenant disputes; local resources are available through the website mediate.com and the American Arbitration Association. The mediation faqs on the Nolo site provide more information on the subject.

Tenant Legal Grounds for Fighting an Eviction in Texas

A tenant may have legal grounds to fight an eviction and stay in the rental unit. Here are some of the most common defenses (procedural and substantive) a tenant may have to try to stop an eviction in Texas.

Landlord Used "Self-Help" Eviction Procedures

A landlord cannot force a tenant out of a rental unit by using such means as changing the locks or turning off the utilities. These types of actions are prohibited by Texas state law (Tex. Prop. Code § § 92.008, 92.0081, 92.009), even if a landlord is justified in evicting a tenant (for example, if the tenant didn't pay rent). The landlord must follow all the procedures set out in the Texas State Property Code. A landlord who engages in these types of "self-help" actions will likely have their case dismissed and have to pay damages to the tenant. See the Nolo article Illegal Eviction Procedures in Texas for more information.

Eviction Notice and/or Service to the Tenant Had Errors

In Texas, landlords must prepare eviction notices according to very specific rules and guidelines. For details, see the Nolo articles Eviction Notices for Lease Violations in Texas and Eviction Notices for Nonpayment of Rent in Texas. If an eviction notice, such as the Notice to Vacate, is missing essential information, such as the date and time the tenant must be out of the rental unit, or service was improper, a judge may dismiss the eviction lawsuit. The landlord can then fix the error and start the process all over again. If the landlord is justified in the eviction, then the tenant will still be forced to leave the rental unit at the end of the eviction lawsuit. This option just gives the tenant more time to remain in the rental unit.

Tenant Has a Legal Justification for Not Paying Rent

There are two main reasons why a tenant may win an eviction lawsuit, even though the tenant has not paid rent.

Tenant Pays Rent Late

In Texas, the landlord can decide whether to accept late rent or evict a tenant. If the landlord chooses to accept late rent, the landlord must notify the tenant in writing that the tenant owes rent, before giving the tenant a Notice to Vacate. If the landlord provides this late rent notice to the tenant, then the Notice to Vacate can give the tenant the option to either pay the rent or move out. If the tenant pays the full amount owed in rent within three days, then the landlord must not proceed with the eviction lawsuit (see Tex. Prop. Code Ann. §24.005(i)).

This option is only available to the tenant if the landlord first notified the tenant in writing that rent is due and owing. The landlord does not have to accept late rent from the tenant and can simply proceed forward with the eviction proceedings without providing this option to the tenant.

The Rental Unit is Uninhabitable

The Texas State Property Code informs landlords and tenants of the responsibilities landlords have to keep a rental unit safe and habitable. Landlords have a responsibility to repair anything in a rental unit that affects the physical health or safety of a tenant, such as raw sewage backing up into the apartment or lack of heat. However, the tenant must first inform the landlord in writing that the rental unit has a health or safety problem and the tenant must be fully paid up in rent. Then the landlord has no more than seven days to fix the problem (see Tex. Prop. Code Ann. § 92.052 and 92.056).

If the landlord does not fix the problem, then the tenant can repair the problem and deduct from the rent the amount of money required for repairs (see Tex. Prop. Code Ann. § 92.056 and 92.0561 and Texas Tenant Rights to "Repair and Deduct"). If the landlord proceeds with an eviction because a tenant did not pay the full amount of rent in this situation, then the tenant can use as a defense that the rental unit was legally uninhabitable.

Landlord Is Retaliating Against the Tenant for Exercising a Legal Right

In Texas, a landlord cannot evict a tenant for exercising a legal right. The Texas Property Code §92.331 details the specific instances where landlords cannot evict a tenant:

1. The tenant, in good faith, tries to exercise a right allowed to the tenant under the lease, municipal ordinance, or federal or state statute. For example, if the lease allows the tenant to have one cat in the rental unit, then the landlord cannot evict the tenant for keeping one cat as a pet in the rental unit.

2. The tenant gives the landlord notice that a repair needs to be made in the rental unit.

3. The tenant complains to a government agency to enforce building or housing codes.

If a landlord evicts a tenant for exercising one of these rights, the tenant can use this as a defense against the eviction. For more information, see the Nolo article Texas State Laws Prohibiting Landlord Retaliation.

Landlord Has an Illegal Discriminatory Reason for Evicting the Tenant

Under the federal Fair Housing Act and the Texas Fair Housing Act, a tenant cannot be discriminated against for race, religion, gender, national origin, familial status (including children under the age of 18 and pregnant women), and disability. A landlord cannot evict a tenant based on any of these characteristics. If a landlord does evict a tenant in violation of the federal Fair Housing Act or Texas Fair Housing Act, the tenant can use this as a defense against the eviction. The Texas Workforce Commission provides more information on the federal Fair Housing Act and the Texas Fair Housing Act. Also see the Nolo article Housing Discrimination Prohibited by State and Local Law for more on laws prohibiting discrimination against tenants.

Tenant Resources for Fighting an Eviction in Texas

For more information on tenants' rights, see the articles available at TexasTenant.org, a site maintained by the Texas Low Income Housing Information Service that includes useful advice on tenant defenses to evictions in Texas. The Texas Attorney General also has several articles regarding tenant rights available online. Tenants who live in federally assisted housing should check out the tenant resource page at HUD.gov.

Also, check out your specific county court resources. Understanding how each county court operates is essential for tenants challenging an eviction lawsuit. Some county courts provide sample legal forms and other information regarding how to proceed in an evictions case, such as the Dallas County Justice Court and the Harris County Justice Court.

When to Hire an Experienced Tenants' Lawyer

If your case is complicated or the landlord has already hired a lawyer, it is probably best for you to do the same. A lawyer can handle the whole case or to give you advice on how to best stop the eviction. A lawyer can also let you know how likely you are to win your case. You may especially want to hire an attorney if you are confident of your case and your lease or rental agreement entitles you to attorney fees if you win in court.

For advice on finding a good lawyer, see the Nolo article How to Find an Excellent Attorney. Also check out Nolo's Lawyer Directory for Texas lawyers who specialize in landlord-tenant law.

Texas has several legal aid options available as well for those who qualify, including Legal Aid of Northwest Texas and Lone Star Legal Aid.

More Information on Evictions and Terminations

For more articles on the subject, see the Evictions and Terminations section of Nolo.com. If you want to learn about how tenant bankruptcy affects an eviction, see the Nolo article Bankrupt Tenants.

For more information on tenant rights, see Every Tenant's Legal Guide, by Janet Portman and Marcia Stewart (Nolo).

Tenant Defenses to Evictions in Texas (2024)


How do you beat an eviction in Texas? ›

Make an Appeal Against Eviction

In TX, there is a mandatory five-day appeal period after the hearing. You can appeal to the court to rehear your side of the story during this time. If you lose at the hearing and want to appeal, an attorney can help you win the next round if you have a case.

Can you fight an eviction notice in Texas? ›

One option for perfecting the appeal of your eviction suit is to file an appeal bond. This form is adaptable for justice courts in all counties in Texas, though it is advisable to consult with an attorney before filing.

What constitutes wrongful eviction in Texas? ›

A landlord cannot evict a tenant based on race, sex, national origin, disability or family status. Nor can a landlord use wrongful eviction to retaliate against a tenant who files maintenance requests or complaints about the condition of the property.

What happens if a tenant wins an eviction case in Texas? ›

A tenant winning an eviction lawsuit means that they have the right to continue staying at your property, and you have no right to evict them.

How long do you have to move out when evicted in Texas? ›

Until a writ of possession is issued, the tenant can remain in their home. Step 1: Written Notice to Vacate. Unless the lease agreement says otherwise, the landlord must give the tenant at least 3 days to move out.

How long do you have to move after eviction court in Texas? ›

The Judge will typically give you 5-10 days to move out. Failure to move out will result in a Writ of Possession being issued. If this occurs, the Constable will serve you with a 24-hour notice to vacate.

Can you stop an eviction by paying Texas? ›

You may be able to come to an agreement without going to court. An eviction will cost both of you money (as well as time), and your landlord may be willing to stop the eviction if you agree to certain terms, such as paying rent you owe or stopping behavior that violates the lease.

Do I have 30 days to move after an eviction in Texas? ›

In this case, tenants are not allowed to renew their lease. The landlords have to issue a 30-Day Notice to Vacate. The tenant has no choice but to leave the premises before the end of the notice period. Landlords can continue with the eviction process if the tenant refuses to leave after the 30-day grace period.

How long does it take to evict a tenant in Texas? ›

How long does it take to evict someone in Texas? From start to finish approximately four weeks • 3 days from notice to vacate to filing of suit • 8-10 days to serve the citation -The court date is set between 10-21 days. 5 days to appeal the suit following the hearing required by law.

What is landlord harassment in Texas? ›

Lying or intimidating a tenant. Giving a “three-day notice” or other eviction notice that is based on false charges. Using fighting words or threatening bodily harm. Refusing to do repairs that are required by law.

What is an example of landlord retaliation in Texas? ›

Depriving the tenant of use of the premises; Decreasing services to the tenant; Raising the rent or ending the lease; or. "[E]ngaging, in bad faith, in a course of conduct that materially interferes with the tenant's rights under the tenant's lease."

What is a Motion to dismiss eviction in Texas? ›

A Motion to Dismiss is a request to the court to throw out a lawsuit. This Motion says that the eviction should be thrown out because the landlord should not have filed the eviction because of the CARES Act.

What happens if you lose an eviction case Texas? ›

If you lose the hearing or there is a default, you can appeal within five days and remain in the property while the appeal is pending. You still must pay rent as set forth below if the eviction is for nonpayment of rent.

How do I get rid of a dismissed eviction in Texas? ›

Eviction cases cannot be expunged in Texas

One of the biggest challenges a renter in Texas faces is that being sued for eviction, even if you win and your case is dismissed, could damage your credit for up to seven years.

Can you be evicted if you pay partial rent Texas? ›

On the other hand, according to Texas Eviction, a landlord in the lone star state can evict a renter if they pay only partial rent. However, advocates for landlords advise them not to accept partial rent at all because it might weaken their eviction case.

What happens after 3 day eviction notice in Texas? ›

If the tenant does not move out of the rental unit at the end of the three days, then the landlord can file an eviction lawsuit (also known as a forcible detainer suit) with the court. (Tex. Prop. Code § 24.005 (2021).)

How far behind in rent do you have to be to get evicted in Texas? ›

Most states give tenants between three and ten days; Washington DC and New Jersey specify 30. In Texas, the rules are stacked against the tenant. Unless the lease or rental agreement specifies otherwise, when the rent is unpaid, landlords must give tenants three days to quit.

What are the renters rights in Texas? ›

Your rights as a tenant include the right to "quiet enjoyment," a legal term. This means your landlord cannot evict you without cause or otherwise disturb your right to live in peace and quiet. If other tenants in your building are disturbing you, you should complain to the landlord.

Can you get evicted in Texas without going to court? ›

An eviction is a lawsuit filed by a landlord to remove tenants and their belongings from the landlord's property. In Texas, an eviction is also called a “forcible entry and detainer,” and a landlord cannot remove a tenant from the property without filing such a case.

What if the apartment was not ready for occupancy on my move in date Texas? ›

Breaking a Lease

If the lease you signed had a specified move-in time and the landlord failed to have the apartment ready by that time, the landlord has breached the lease agreement and you can demand the landlord give back any money you may have paid.

How much does it cost in Texas to evict someone? ›

Eviction Filing Fee is $204 ($54 court cost and $150 service fee per person). Payment options of cash, cashier's check, or money order. Please make payable to the Justice of the Peace 3 ( JP 3).

Are there squatters rights in Texas? ›

Squatting Laws in Texas - An Overview. A squatter is someone who lives on a property to which they have no title, no rights, and/or no lease. But despite this fact, squatters have protections under federal and state laws. Under the Texas squatters' rights, a squatter can legally own property through adverse means.

How do I write a 3 day eviction notice in Texas? ›

You are hereby notified that you are required to vacate the above noted rental unit by the ________ day of _________________, ______ which is not less than THREE (3) days from the date on which this notice is delivered.

Can I sue my landlord for emotional distress in Texas? ›

In short - yes. Every resident of the United States has the right to file a civil lawsuit against another they believe caused them harm. Still, the right to file a suit does not mean the court will agree and award damages.

What can a tenant sue a landlord for in Texas? ›

Go to court: Sue your landlord to make the repairs and for damages. A court can order your landlord to make repairs, reduce your rent from the date you asked for repairs, and award you damages caused by failure to repair, damages of one month's rent plus $500, court costs, and attorney's fees.

What is Section 92.331 of the Texas Property Code? ›

According to Texas Property Code 92.331, a landlord may not retaliate against you for any of the following actions: Doing anything that is allowed by your lease or by law. Asking that your landlord repair or fix something. Filing a complaint with a government agency.

What are 3 examples of retaliation? ›

For example, depending on the facts, it could be retaliation if an employer acts because of the employee's EEO activity to:
  • reprimand the employee or give a performance evaluation that is lower than it should be;
  • transfer the employee to a less desirable position;
  • engage in verbal or physical abuse;

Who can I report my landlord to in Texas? ›

The Texas Workforce Commission ("TWC") is the entity responsible for enforcing the Fair Housing Act in the State of Texas. You have one year after an alleged violation to file a complaint, but you should file it as soon as possible. The following information will be requested: Your name and address.

Where do I report a bad landlord in Texas? ›

You can submit a complaint online, or you can call their office at (512) 463-2642 or toll-free (Texas only) at (888) 452-4778.

What is Section 24.0053 in Texas property code? ›

See Section 24.0053, Texas Property Code. The officer may not require the landlord to store the property. A writ of possession cannot be issued more than 60 days after a judgment for possession is signed, and a writ of possession cannot be executed after the 90th day after a judgment for possession is signed.

How much does an eviction lawsuit cost in Texas? ›

Cost of an Eviction in Texas
FeeJustice of the Peace
Initial Court Filing$54
Citation Service~$80+
Writ of Possession Issuance$5
Writ of Restitution Service & Execution~$150+
1 more row
Apr 13, 2023

How much does it cost to file an eviction suit in Texas? ›

you, the plaintiff. The Court Clerk will assist you if you have PROCEDURAL questions. The cost for filing an Eviction Suit is $54.00. for serving an Eviction Suit citation is $75.00.

Does credit Karma show evictions? ›

Although evictions won't show up on your credit reports, future landlords will be able to see your rental history. Any past evictions can make it significantly harder for you to get approved for a lease in the future.

Can you rent an apartment in Texas with an eviction? ›

A record of an eviction is usually enough to flag an application for denial. In Texas, tenants who are evicted—because they cannot pay rent, because they don't show up to court, or because they don't know their rights—have little recourse when it comes to clearing their rental history.

How late can you pay rent Texas? ›

Late Fees. Texas law allows landlords to collect "reasonable" late fees if any portion of the rent remains unpaid more than two full days after it was due. In order to collect this late fee, the landlord must have included notice of it in a written lease.

What is Texas rent relief policy? ›

Though it can pay for up to a year in past rent, Texas Rent Relief only pays for three months future rent. (Texas Rent Relief is limited to 15 months rent assistance total, including both future and past rent.)

Do you have 30 days after eviction notice in Texas? ›

The landlords have to issue a 30-Day Notice to Vacate. The tenant has no choice but to leave the premises before the end of the notice period. Landlords can continue with the eviction process if the tenant refuses to leave after the 30-day grace period.

How long can you not pay rent before eviction in Texas? ›

According to Texas law, rent on the rental unit becomes late if it isn't paid within 2 full days once it's due. When rent is late, you must give the tenant the 3-Day Notice to Quit to kick start the eviction process.

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