Eviction | Texas Law Help (2024)

COVID-19 Help and Protections

The information below relates to eviction in general. Go here for information about COVID-19 rent assistance and protections. See also Evictions During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Also,contact the legal aid program in your countyto see if you qualify for eviction advice, help negotiating with landlords, and even in-court representation in some cases.

What is an eviction?

An eviction is a lawsuit filed by a landlord to remove tenants and their belongings from the landlord’s property. In Texas, an eviction is also called a “forcible entry and detainer,” and a landlord cannot remove a tenant from the property without filing such a case. You can be evicted for violations of terms listed in your lease, for example:

  • Not paying the rent.

Whatever the reason, it is important to keep paying your rent, as usual, so your landlord can’t use nonpayment as another reason to evict you.

Can my landlord refuse to renew my lease?

Yes. Your landlord can choose not to renew for any reason except for:

  • Discrimination based on sex, race, family status, disability, or another basis prohibited by law.

  • Retaliation for requesting repairs to the unit or asserting rights you have under the lease or law. You are legally entitled to advance notice of non-renewal. The notice period depends upon the terms of your lease and when it expires. If you are in public or subsidized housing, your landlord must have “good cause” not to renew your lease: for example, a serious lease violation.

How will I know if I’m going to be evicted?

You must get written notice to vacate before the landlord can file a lawsuit to evict you. This notice to vacate must give you at least three days unless your lease allows for a shorter time. The written notice can be delivered by hand to you or anyone in the unit over age 16; by mail or posted on the inside of your front door. The date in the notice to vacate is not the date you will be kicked out. Your landlord must go to court to evict you. The notice requirements differ if you are in public or subsidized housing or if your landlord participates in certain federal programs.

During the COVID-19 crisis, some local governments required landlords to give extra notice. This gave tenants time to make up the rent or find a new home.

Go here for more information on special notice requirements.

What happens if I don’t leave by the date on the notice to vacate?

If you don’t leave after you get the notice to vacate, your landlord can proceed with the eviction lawsuit in Justice of the Peace (J.P.) court. A constable will serve the papers on you or anyone on the property over 16 years of age. If personal service fails after two attempts, the constable can post it on your door or slip it underneath.

I’ve been served with the eviction lawsuit. What now?

Review the court papers carefully. The petition must state exactly why you are being evicted. The papers will tell you when you must appear in J.P. court to explain your side of the case to the judge. You should closely follow the instructions in the papers. If you would prefer that a jury rather than the J.P. hear your case, you can request a jury and pay $22 (or a sworn statement of inability to pay that fee) at least three days before the date set for your trial. You must appear in the J.P. court at the date and time given to you by the J.P. staff or as listed in the court papers. If you fail to attend the hearing, the landlord will ask for a default judgment against you. If you lose the hearing, you can appeal within five days. For the special rules that apply to eviction case appeals, see our brochure “Appealing an Eviction.”

What happens if I ignore the lawsuit?

If you ignore the lawsuit or do not appeal if you lost, the landlord can get a “Writ of Possession.” This is an order from the court telling the constable or sheriff to give the landlord possession of the property. Before the constable comes to remove you and your belongings, they must provide at least 24 hours’ notice and post the notice on your front door. Your property can be placed outside of the unit. Your landlord is not required to store it. Find more help from the Texas Tenant Advisor atwww.texastenant.org.

Self-Help Eviction Guide for Tenants

The Texas Justice Court Training Center has written a helpful information packet for tenants facing eviction.

Get a copy of the information packet here.

Eviction Answer Form

You can use this form to file an Answer in your evictions case: Answer Form.

Filing an Answer can help protect you from default judgments, present your defenses, and require the landlord to prove their case against you. Filing an Answer at the beginning of the process also keeps you from having to file an Answer later if you need to appeal to County Court, where Answers are required.

Eviction Defenses

Learn about filing an eviction answer, which lets you list defenses for the court. Also learn how to appeal an eviction or ask the court to set aside a default eviction judgment.

You can also watch the video below to learn more about eviction defenses.

Eviction Defenses

What to do at an eviction hearing (Video)

Eviction Process Overview (Video)

Eviction | Texas Law Help (2024)


Can you stop an eviction by paying Texas? ›

You may be able to come to an agreement without going to court. An eviction will cost both of you money (as well as time), and your landlord may be willing to stop the eviction if you agree to certain terms, such as paying rent you owe or stopping behavior that violates the lease.

How do you fight wrongful eviction in Texas? ›

All tenants have the right to challenge an eviction in court. Eviction cases start in a Texas Justice of the Peace Court. If your case is not successful there, you have five days to appeal the eviction. At the very least, fighting an eviction in court typically adds at least a month to the process.

What is the fastest way to evict a tenant in Texas? ›

The only legal way to remove a tenant from a rental unit in Texas is for a landlord to win an eviction lawsuit (forcible entry and detainer suit) in court. Even after winning the lawsuit, it is illegal for a landlord to take self-help measures to remove the tenant.

Can you be evicted if you pay partial rent Texas? ›

On the other hand, according to Texas Eviction, a landlord in the lone star state can evict a renter if they pay only partial rent. However, advocates for landlords advise them not to accept partial rent at all because it might weaken their eviction case.

How long do I have to move after eviction in Texas? ›

Until a writ of possession is issued, the tenant can remain in their home. Step 1: Written Notice to Vacate. Unless the lease agreement says otherwise, the landlord must give the tenant at least 3 days to move out.

How long can you not pay rent before eviction in Texas? ›

According to Texas law, rent on the rental unit becomes late if it isn't paid within 2 full days once it's due. When rent is late, you must give the tenant the 3-Day Notice to Quit to kick start the eviction process.

Can a tenant appeal an eviction in Texas? ›

One option for perfecting the appeal of your eviction suit is to file an appeal bond. This form is adaptable for justice courts in all counties in Texas, though it is advisable to consult with an attorney before filing.

Is a 3 day eviction notice legal in Texas? ›

Texas law is very specific about how the notice must be given to the tenant and what it must contain. The notice must include: The amount of time the tenant has to move out or fix a certain problem before an eviction suit is filed. This must be at least 3 days unless the lease specifically states otherwise.

Can you delay eviction in Texas? ›

A landlord can request an extension of the delay in 60-day increments. Landlords and tenants can also request to enter the eviction diversion program at any time after the trial as long as the writ of possession has not issued.

How hard is it to evict someone in Texas? ›

However, you should be aware that since this is handled at the county level, each county court will have specific procedures and requirements you must adhere to. In short, its relatively easy to evict a tenant in Texas, as long as you closely follow the eviction process.

What's the fastest a landlord can evict you? ›

The eviction process can take 30 - 45 days, or longer. The time starts from when you have eviction court forms delivered to your tenant to the time they must move out. Choose any box, below, to learn more about the eviction process and get step-by-step instructions.

What is an illegal eviction in Texas? ›

When is an Eviction Illegal? There are circ*mstances where an eviction is simply illegal as a matter of law. A landlord cannot evict a tenant based on race, sex, national origin, disability or family status.

How late can you pay rent Texas? ›

Late Fees. Texas law allows landlords to collect "reasonable" late fees if any portion of the rent remains unpaid more than two full days after it was due. In order to collect this late fee, the landlord must have included notice of it in a written lease.

How much notice do I need to vacate Texas non payment of rent? ›

THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN IN THE MANNER REQUESTED FOR SUCH NOTICE UNDER SECTION 24.005 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. Dear Tenant: Because of nonpayment of rent due on the premises, apartment, and/or house, your rights of occupancy and possession are hereby terminated.

What is Texas rent relief policy? ›

Though it can pay for up to a year in past rent, Texas Rent Relief only pays for three months future rent. (Texas Rent Relief is limited to 15 months rent assistance total, including both future and past rent.)

What happens if you miss eviction court in Texas? ›

No-Show/Default. If you don't appear at the trial, the landlord wins by a default judgment. Six days after the judgment, they can ask the Justice Court for a "Writ of Possession" to remove you. The constable will then post a 24 hours' notice to vacate on your front door.

What happens at eviction court in Texas? ›

During the eviction court process, it is the landlord (or his/her agent's) responsibility to prove immediate right to possess the property in question. Generally, the landlord must draft, print out, and bring a proposed order to the trial, which the judge may use, modify, or altogether ignore as they see fit.

What are the renters rights in Texas? ›

Your rights as a tenant include the right to "quiet enjoyment," a legal term. This means your landlord cannot evict you without cause or otherwise disturb your right to live in peace and quiet. If other tenants in your building are disturbing you, you should complain to the landlord.

Can you get evicted in Texas without going to court? ›

An eviction is a lawsuit filed by a landlord to remove tenants and their belongings from the landlord's property. In Texas, an eviction is also called a “forcible entry and detainer,” and a landlord cannot remove a tenant from the property without filing such a case.

What is a 3 day eviction notice in Texas for non payment? ›

The Texas three (3) day notice to quit is a form served upon a tenant who has failed to pay their rent on time. The form may be issued the day after rent is due and gives the tenant three (3) days to either pay all that is due to the lessor or face vacating the property within the seventy-two (72) hour timeframe.

How do you get unpaid rent after eviction in Texas? ›

Collecting unpaid rent after eviction

There are several steps a landlord can take to collect on a judgment, including: Take the tenant to small claims court or file a civil suit. Ask the court to garnish the tenant's wages. Put a lien on the tenant's property.

Can you sue for wrongful eviction in Texas? ›

If a tenant is wrongfully evicted, they may sue the landlord and recover their damages, such as the cost of moving, the cost of the replacement lease, lost wages, etc. This is brought as a separate lawsuit after the eviction.

What is a Motion to dismiss eviction in Texas? ›

A Motion to Dismiss is a request to the court to throw out a lawsuit. This Motion says that the eviction should be thrown out because the landlord should not have filed the eviction because of the CARES Act.

How much does it cost to appeal an eviction in Texas? ›

Our recommendation is to find an attorney that will represent you for a flat fee. That way, you know exactly how much it will cost. Expect to pay anywhere from $800-2500.

Do I have 30 days to move after an eviction in Texas? ›

In this case, tenants are not allowed to renew their lease. The landlords have to issue a 30-Day Notice to Vacate. The tenant has no choice but to leave the premises before the end of the notice period. Landlords can continue with the eviction process if the tenant refuses to leave after the 30-day grace period.

Can you be evicted for late fees in Texas? ›

Yes, if the lease requires payment of late fees and says that tenants may be evicted for violating the terms of the lease. You can also be evicted even if you do pay late fees, but you pay your rent late.

How long before a guest becomes a tenant in Texas? ›

Tennessee: Guests become tenants after paying rent to occupy the property or as specified in the lease. Texas: Guests become tenants after contributing to the rent, bills, or other expenses, after using the property as a mailing address, or as specified in the lease.

How much does the eviction process cost in Texas? ›

you, the plaintiff. The Court Clerk will assist you if you have PROCEDURAL questions. The cost for filing an Eviction Suit is $54.00. for serving an Eviction Suit citation is $75.00.

Can you be evicted for any reason in Texas? ›

In Texas, a landlord can evict a tenant for a variety of reasons, including not paying rent on time or violating a portion of the lease or rental agreement. In some cases, a tenant might have cause (legal grounds) to fight the eviction.

Does it cost money to evict someone in Texas? ›

The cost of an eviction in Texas for all filing, court, and service fees can vary heavily based on service and execution fees. For cases filed in Justice of the Peace Court, the average cost is $289.

What is the longest an eviction can take? ›

Constable returns possession of property to landlord.

Evicting a tenant in California can take around five to eight weeks, depending on the type of eviction. If tenants request a continuance or jury trial, the process can take longer.

How do you get someone to move out? ›

File an official tenant eviction order with your local courts. If they still won't leave, you can take them to court. If they paid for groceries or any bills, they may legally be an "at-will tenant," making it much harder to kick them out legally.

How much should a landlord pay a tenant to move out in Los Angeles? ›

Under the new law, landlords will be required to pay relocation assistance to renters who decide not to renew their lease because their rent is going up more than 10% or by more than the Consumer Price Index plus 5%. The relocation assistance is pegged to three times the fair market rent plus $1,411 in moving costs.

How do I write a 3 day eviction notice in Texas? ›

You are hereby notified that you are required to vacate the above noted rental unit by the ________ day of _________________, ______ which is not less than THREE (3) days from the date on which this notice is delivered.

Can my landlord lock me out in Texas? ›

A common question from both landlords and tenants is whether a landlord can lock someone out of the rental for not paying rent. The answer is "yes," but only temporarily and under very specific conditions. They cannot permanently lock the tenant out.

What is landlord harassment in Texas? ›

Lying or intimidating a tenant. Giving a “three-day notice” or other eviction notice that is based on false charges. Using fighting words or threatening bodily harm. Refusing to do repairs that are required by law.

What to do if you can't pay rent Texas? ›

To contact the Texas Rent Relief program, please call 1-833-9TX-RENT (1-833-989-7368). The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) created the Texas Rent Relief program to help Texas renters pay rent and utility bills (including past due rent and utilities).

What happens if I don't pay my last month's rent in Texas? ›

Not paying any part of the last month's rent can make you liable to the landlord for three times the amount of rent you don't pay. If you owe rent and there is no dispute over the amount you owe, the landlord can keep the security deposit for the amount you owe.

What are your rights as a tenant without a lease in Texas? ›

No written lease

If there is no lease, a Texas landlord can evict a tenant without providing a reason. Simply give notice to vacate, and follow eviction proceedings if the tenant fails to leave. When there is a verbal agreement but no written lease, whatever terms specified verbally must still be honored.

Does a tenant have to give a 30 day notice in Texas? ›

If there is a written lease, it may say how far in advance a tenant needs to notify the landlord before they can move out of the apartment. Texas law does not say how much notice must be given to a landlord if the lease is not a month-to-month lease.

How do I evict a month-to-month lease in Texas? ›

For a month-to-month tenancy, you must give your tenant a thirty days' notice to vacate the premises. Basically, the notice tells the tenant that they have exactly thirty days to move out. For a fixed-term tenancy, you must wait until the existing lease term comes to an end.

How do I stop an eviction in Texas? ›

Talk to Your Landlord

You may be able to come to an agreement without going to court. An eviction will cost both of you money (as well as time), and your landlord may be willing to stop the eviction if you agree to certain terms, such as paying rent you owe or stopping behavior that violates the lease.

Did Texas rent relief run out of money? ›

By the following year it had gone statewide, with the aim of providing emergency rental assistance to landlords whose tenants have been impacted by the pandemic. The program abruptly closed in November of 2021 because it had run out of money.

Can you fight an eviction notice in Texas? ›

One option for perfecting the appeal of your eviction suit is to file an appeal bond. This form is adaptable for justice courts in all counties in Texas, though it is advisable to consult with an attorney before filing.

How do I get rid of a dismissed eviction in Texas? ›

Eviction cases cannot be expunged in Texas

One of the biggest challenges a renter in Texas faces is that being sued for eviction, even if you win and your case is dismissed, could damage your credit for up to seven years.

What happens if you lose an eviction case Texas? ›

If you lose the hearing or there is a default, you can appeal within five days and remain in the property while the appeal is pending. You still must pay rent as set forth below if the eviction is for nonpayment of rent.

What is wrongful eviction in Texas? ›

Wrongful eviction occurs when a tenant, who was occupying the property, is evicted when their lease was still valid and suffers damage as a result. If a tenant is wrongfully evicted, they may sue the landlord and recover their damages, such as the cost of moving, the cost of the replacement lease, lost wages, etc.

What is a motion to dismiss eviction in Texas? ›

A Motion to Dismiss is a request to the court to throw out a lawsuit. This Motion says that the eviction should be thrown out because the landlord should not have filed the eviction because of the CARES Act.

What are my legal rights as a tenant in Texas? ›

Your rights as a tenant include the right to "quiet enjoyment," a legal term. This means your landlord cannot evict you without cause or otherwise disturb your right to live in peace and quiet. If other tenants in your building are disturbing you, you should complain to the landlord.

Can you get an apartment in Texas with an eviction? ›

A record of an eviction is usually enough to flag an application for denial. In Texas, tenants who are evicted—because they cannot pay rent, because they don't show up to court, or because they don't know their rights—have little recourse when it comes to clearing their rental history.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.