SustainFi | Carbon Project Finance (2024)

SustainFi Inc. provides a carbon credit marketplace connecting carbon credit buyers and sellers, allowing the parties to connect and transact efficiently (“SustainFi Platform”). The information contained herein is provided for general informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice regarding the value of or advisability of entering into any particular transaction. Carbon credit transactions involve substantial risk of loss, and parties are strongly advised to consult with professional and legal advisors prior to entering into any given transaction. Access to or use of the information contained herein does not establish a “client” or “customer” relationship with SustainFi within the meaning of any applicable laws or regulations. The SustainFi Platform is not designed or intended to allow users to place orders or enter into self-executing transactions within the Platform, and the offer, acceptance and contracting process for all transactions shall take place directly between buyer and seller, in their sole discretion.

SustainFi may provide certain data, analytics, and information regarding carbon projects to assist parties in evaluating asset transactions; however, SustainFi expressly does not provide users with any investment advice or make personal recommendations as to whether or not to enter into any particular transaction, and all transaction decisions shall be made by the user, in its sole discretion. Moreover, the SustainFi platform is not designed or intended to allow users to place orders or enter into self-executing transactions within the platform, and the offer, acceptance and contracting process for all transactions shall take place directly between buyer and seller, with the SustainFi platform merely providing tools and information to help facilitate such transactions.

SustainFi makes no guarantees as to the accurateness, quality, or completeness of the information and SustainFi shall not be responsible or liable for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information or for any user’s reliance on the information. The user is solely responsible for verifying the information as being appropriate for the user’s personal use, including without limitation, seeking the advice of a qualified professional regarding any specific financial questions a user may have. SustainFi is not endorsed by or affiliated with any financial regulatory authority, agency, or association.

SustainFi | Carbon Project Finance (2024)


Can you make money from carbon credits? ›

Farmers have always made their cash from crops; now they can also cash in from farming carbon. Carbon farmers create an additional income stream by selling carbon credits while also producing products that grow in carbon-rich soil.

How much is 1 carbon credit? ›

This price is determined by the carbon credit market, which comprises companies and investors who buy and sell carbon credits. The price fluctuates depending on demand and supply but generally ranges from $40 to $80 per metric ton.

What qualifies for carbon credits? ›

Carbon credits are generated from projects around the world that pull Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) out of the atmosphere or keep emissions from being released. Each time a project verifies they have reduced, avoided, or destroyed one metric tonne of GHG, one carbon credit is created.

Who pays for carbon credits? ›

Who Buys Carbon Credits? Carbon credits are bought, on a voluntary basis, by any country or company interested in lowering its carbon footprint. The Kyoto Protocol divides countries into two groups according to the level of their economy: industrialised and developing economies.

How much is an acre of carbon credits worth? ›

What Is the Carbon Credit Price Per Acre? The carbon credit price per acre is $20-30 per acre.

How many trees does it take to offset 1 ton of CO2? ›

In summary, it can be concluded that the annual CO2 offsetting rate varies from 21.77 kg CO2/tree to 31.5 kg CO2/tree. To compensate 1 tonne of CO2, 31 to 46 trees are needed.

How much is carbon credit in usd? ›

The live Carbon Credit price today is $0.299196 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $49,956.16 USD. We update our CCT to USD price in real-time. Carbon Credit is up 2.38% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #974, with a live market cap of $5,082,971 USD.

Can individuals sell carbon credits? ›

Absolutely! Farmers and landowners can sell carbon credits because ALL land can store carbon. Landowners are eligible to receive carbon credits at the rate of one per every ton of CO2 their land sequesters. LandGate helps landowners understand how much carbon their land can sequester every year.

Are carbon credits worth it? ›

Carbon credits are a good investment if you want to lower your carbon footprint and help the environment. Carbon credits are financial instruments that allow companies to offset their emissions by buying carbon offsets. The more emissions you produce, the higher the price of your carbon offset will be.

How much land do you need for carbon credit? ›

Lorraine believes a property should be around 400 hectares if you are looking at paying upfront for many of the services needed to run a soil carbon project.

Can anyone issue carbon credits? ›

Carbon credits are issued by national or international governmental organizations. We've already mentioned the Kyoto and Paris agreements which created the first international carbon markets. In the U.S., California operates its own carbon market and issues credits to residents for gas and electricity consumption.

How many carbon credits per acre of trees? ›

Usually, it is somewhere between 2–5 credits per acre. But this may vary depending on lands like forests, farms, agricultural land, and other plantations. Every country practicing carbon credits has a trading platform for them where they are traded at large.

Do you have to pay back carbon credits? ›

Forests established after 31 December 1989, or 'post-1989 forests', are considered new carbon sinks and can be registered with the ETS to earn carbon credits. Any credits claimed must be paid back if the forest is converted to another land use or removed from the ETS.

How do farmers get paid for carbon credits? ›

Here's how it works: the farmer produces a carbon credit by reducing their greenhouse gas emissions below the baseline level. These credits can then be sold to companies or governments that need to offset their own emissions. It's a pretty simple process, but it can have a big impact on the environment.

Can I get carbon credits for trees? ›

Carbon credits are realized when trees take in carbon from the atmosphere and store it in the tree and soil. For a forestry carbon project to qualify as a verified emissions reduction and be claimed as an offset, stringent rules must be met. Simply stated, this makes sure the project will last.

How many trees do you need to sell carbon credits? ›

To offset one ton of CO2, between 31 and 46 trees are required…but it's not that it doesn't matter… IT DOES…it's just that other facts need to be considered before making such a claim. To offset a ton of carbon emissions, people need to plant way more trees than just cover an acre per person.

How do I use my land for carbon credits? ›

To enroll, you need to have land maps available that document your ownership of the land, as well as the legal description of the land. You also need have to document your management practices and obtain a signed contract between yourself and those purchasing/paying for the carbon credits. All fees should be listed.

How does a landowner sell carbon credits? ›

NCX enables landowners to sell carbon credits by postponing timber harvests that would otherwise likely occur. This delay stores additional carbon on the landscape. No acre minimums, one-year contracts, and no enrollment fee.

Which tree absorbs the most CO2? ›

The live oak is the most efficient carbon capturing tree, it being able to sequester some 10,994 CO2 equivalent over its lifetime.

What does 1 ton of CO2 look like? ›

1 tonne of CO2 looks like…

500 CO2 fire extinguishers; a 500 m3 hot air balloon; 125m3 of cola.

Can we plant enough trees to stop global warming? ›

There is not enough land on Earth to tackle climate change with trees alone, but if paired with drastic cuts in fossil fuels, trees can be an important natural solution.

How much does 1 ton of CO2 cost? ›

A study published in Nature found that the USA's value of one tonne of carbon dioxide should be $185 – almost four times the current cost of $51. These monetary values are used when the government and businesses weigh up the benefits and costs of acting on climate mitigation.

How much CO2 does an acre of forest absorb per year? ›

One acre of forest can absorb 4.5 to 40.7 tons of carbon dioxide and produce four tons of oxygen. The capture is enough to offset the annual carbon emissions produced by driving your car 26,000 miles.

What is the difference between a carbon credit and a carbon offset? ›

The terms carbon credits and carbon offsets are often used interchangeably. However, they refer to two distinct products that serve two different purposes. A carbon offset is the removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and a carbon credit is a reduction in greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.

Can you get carbon credits for solar panels? ›

Do Solar Projects Generate Carbon Credits? Yes, they do. Solar projects are one of the common initiatives that companies invest in to produce RECs and these credits are another form of carbon credits. In particular, solar projects generate solar renewable energy credits (SRECs).

How much can I sell CO2 for? ›

It can either be injected and stored in underground geological formations, or used in enhanced oil recovery (EOR), where it's pumped into oil reserves to squeeze more oil out. “You get 85 dollars a ton if you put it in a geologic formation and 60 dollars a ton if you use it for enhanced oil recovery.”

Can forest owners sell carbon credits? ›

If you own and manage forestland, you may be able to sell carbon credits generated from management activities on your land. However there are several questions to consider before pursuing detailed eligibility requirements. Am I planning to purchase new forest land or adopt a new management regime?

What are the negatives of carbon credits? ›

Disadvantages of Carbon Credit

They do not invest in actions to avoid emissions because they are able to buy unlimited credits. In this case, the reduction of 1 ton of carbon, that is, 1 credit, will never be enough. Because, in fact, somebody will use this ton, so there won't really be an emission reduction.

Why did carbon credits fail? ›

The most prominent reason why carbon projects fail is that they are not additional, meaning that the project does not contribute to achieving additional climate benefits - compared to if the project had not existed. This can happen when carbon credits are issued by protecting forests which were never in danger.

Does a carbon credit expire? ›

A carbon credit is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions to compensate for emissions made somewhere else. Credits are traceable, tradable and finite: When they are purchased, they are retired forever.

How much carbon does a tree offset? ›

To determine the amount of carbon dioxide a tree can absorb, we combine average planting densities with a conservative estimate of carbon per hectare to estimate that the average tree absorbs an average of 10 kilograms, or 22 pounds, of carbon dioxide per year for the first 20 years.

How much carbon does an acre of land sequester? ›

A fifty-year-old forest on average absorbs . 8 metric tons of carbon per acre per year. A 65 year old forest 1.6 metric tons per acre per year. Doubling the age of the forest in the North Maine Woods could increase carbon storage by more than 1000 million metric tons.

Are carbon credits real property? ›

If a carbon credit is created from management of or sequestration upon real property, then likely the carbon credit will be an interest in real property. If a carbon credit is created from activities arising out of the use of personal property, then likely the carbon credit will be personal property.

Who are the largest buyers of voluntary carbon credits? ›

Recent data from BloombergNEF shows that Delta Air Lines and oil firm Shell were among the largest buyers of credits in 2021, until crypto-trading platform Toucan Protocol swept in and bought credits worth 17 million tonnes of CO2 for tokenization.

Why carbon offsets don t work? ›

Carbon offsetting is not economically sustainable because “poorer” countries are paid to offset carbon while the “rich” countries continue to emit. This maintains an economic gap between the world's rich and poor. The number of emissions from the worlds rich compared to the world's poor is highly disproportionate.

What trees are best for carbon credits? ›

Which tree species are eligible for carbon credits?
  • Fruit trees such as apples and kiwis.
  • Cropping and horticulture species.
  • Non-woody species like flax and toetoe.
  • Native nursery crops such as gorse.
  • Certain invasive species and tree weeds.
Oct 10, 2022

How many trees equal 1 carbon credit? ›

The answer is about 15 trees for the carbon dioxide that a person releases based on the food they eat.

How much carbon does an acre of grass absorb? ›

An acre of grass, whether maintained or left alone to grow unmolested, will sequester approximately 3,600 pounds of greenhouse gas annually which seems pretty impressive.

Is buying carbon credits a good investment? ›

Investing in carbon credits can be a profitable way to get involved in a growing market and support the transition to a low-carbon global economy. Since their launch, carbon credit ETFs have increased in value. However, they do come with risks, and past performance is not a predictor of future performance.

How do I retire my carbon credits? ›

The other way carbon credits are retired is through the voluntary market. The voluntary market consists of individuals and businesses who wish to participate in programs that sell carbon offset credits. These credits are created through practices such as wind farms, gas capture, and forestry.

Are pine trees good for carbon sequestration? ›

Pine trees as carbon sinks

There are quite a lot of pines known for their ability to sequester carbon. These trees are found in forests around the world, but they also make good landscape plants. Just be sure to give them enough room, because they need plenty of it.

What companies are buying carbon credits for farmers? ›

One start-up, Boston-based Indigo Ag, is helping them do that. Indigo Ag works with farmers on climate-friendly strategies to pull carbon dioxide into the soil and capture emissions. The firm funds its work by selling carbon credits to companies. Farmers get 75% of the proceeds and Indigo AG gets the rest.

How does farm credit make a profit? ›

Farm Credit raises funds by selling debt securities on the nation's money markets through the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation. Farm Credit insures its debt insured through the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, a self-funded insurance entity.

Can you farm carbon credits? ›

The Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) is a voluntary carbon offsets scheme. It is an integral component of the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) and allows land managers to earn carbon credits by changing land use or management practices to store carbon or reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

How much is an acre of forest worth in carbon credits? ›

What Is the Carbon Credit Price Per Acre? The carbon credit price per acre is $20-30 per acre.

How many trees do you need to plant to offset your carbon footprint for one year how many trees have you actually planted this year? ›

US Citizens are among the largest global emitters of greenhouse gases, with each individual in the nation releasing about 22,046 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere. To offset this massive volume of emissions, each person in the country would need to plant about 725 to 1,000 trees every year.

How much are forest carbon credits worth? ›

This price is determined by the carbon credit market, which comprises companies and investors who buy and sell carbon credits. The price fluctuates depending on demand and supply but generally ranges from $40 to $80 per metric ton.

Is carbon credits a good investment? ›

Carbon credits are a good investment if you want to lower your carbon footprint and help the environment. Carbon credits are financial instruments that allow companies to offset their emissions by buying carbon offsets. The more emissions you produce, the higher the price of your carbon offset will be.

How do I start earning carbon credits? ›

If you're a farmer or own land, you can produce carbon credits yourself to sell.
  1. Conservation tillage or no-tillage practices,
  2. Nutrient management and precision farming,
  3. Returning biomass to the soil as mulch after harvest,
  4. Planting cover crops off-season, as well as rotating crops,
Apr 21, 2023

How do farmers make money from carbon credits? ›

Here's how it works: the farmer produces a carbon credit by reducing their greenhouse gas emissions below the baseline level. These credits can then be sold to companies or governments that need to offset their own emissions. It's a pretty simple process, but it can have a big impact on the environment.

Can anyone buy and sell carbon credits? ›

Absolutely! Farmers and landowners can sell carbon credits because ALL land can store carbon. Landowners are eligible to receive carbon credits at the rate of one per every ton of CO2 their land sequesters. LandGate helps landowners understand how much carbon their land can sequester every year.

What is the disadvantage of carbon credit trading? ›

Disadvantages of the scheme

These were frequently given out for free, which caused the price to drop and ineffective emission reductions. Another issue is that trading of offset permits, which are obtained through funding pollution reductions in developing nations, is permitted.

Why is carbon credit price dropping? ›

Harrison said the main reason for the price drop was that the Government had created uncertainty around the rules of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and its “commitment to a solid carbon price”.

Can I get carbon credits for planting trees? ›

Carbon credits are realized when trees take in carbon from the atmosphere and store it in the tree and soil. For a forestry carbon project to qualify as a verified emissions reduction and be claimed as an offset, stringent rules must be met. Simply stated, this makes sure the project will last.

How much money can you make selling carbon offsets? ›

Depending on how you sequester the carbon, you might earn anywhere from . 25 to 2 offsets per acre. If your 1,000-acre wheat farm removes 1 tonne per acre, that is 1,000 carbon credits—and $15,000 profit annually.

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