Are Annuities Right for Investors Over the Age of 85? | Annuity FYI (2024)

At Annuity FYI, we frequently get phone calls from investors and financial advisors alike asking us if folks over the age of 85 should be investing in annuities, and if so, which products are available to those investors. In this tutorial, we will look at the appropriateness of fixed, immediate, and variable annuities for investors 85+ with four typical goals in mind: providing income, capital preservation, capital appreciation, and protecting the investment for heirs.

For the sake of comparison, we will use an 85-year-old male investing $100,000. According to the Center for Disease Control, such a person will live, on average, an additional 6.5 years, to 91.5 years of age. But remember, this tutorial is for the sake of comparison and education only – every investor is different, which is why you should speak with a financial advisor who specializes in annuities before making an investment decision. In particular, you must make sure that anysurrender penaltiesthat come with many annuities will not interfere with your income needs. If you don’t know of an advisor who specializes in annuities,Ask Annuity FYIorFind a licensed financial professionalin your area.

Read on to find out exactly what types of annuities are right for investors over 85, whether they’re suitable for you, and if so, how to find one that best fits you and your financial situation.


First, let’s look at immediate annuities that guarantee an income stream for as long as you live. At the time of this writing,you could invest $100,000 in an immediate annuity at age 85 that would pay you $12,000 per year for life. So if you lived the statistical average of 6.5 years, you would have received $78,000 – making this a terrible investment. Now, we speak with investors every day who say “I’m healthy and my parents and their parents all lived to be 100 years old.” Well, with this lifespan, you would receive $180,000 from the immediate annuity. While this is a better return on your investment, we would never recommend that an investor gamble in such a way with their retirement savings. In short, immediate annuities with lifetime income guarantees are generally not good investments for those over 85 – they do not provide sufficient income for folks 85+, and don’t allow you to pass income or principal to your heirs.


“Period certain” is a term that means the payments from the insurance company are guaranteed for a pre-determined length of time. Say you bought a $100,000 immediate annuity with a 15-year period at age 85. At the time of this writing, you’d receive about $7,800 annually, guaranteed for 15 years. If you die before the 15-year period is over, your beneficiaries will receive $7,800 annually for the remainder of the period. So your $100,000 investment will have returned $117,000, or about a 1.1% annual return. This is not such a great return, but you could weigh it against other investment options, as well as the piece of mind of guaranteed income.

An immediate annuity with a cash refund option guarantees your beneficiaries the difference between the initial investment and the amount paid out, should you pass away before receiving at least your initial investment as income. Say you bought a $100,000 immediate annuity with a cash refund option at age 85, which at the time of this writing guarantees about $8,500 annually. This is an income stream you cannot outlive. However, should you pass away at age 90, having only received $42,500, your heirs would receive a check for $57,500. An immediate annuity with cash refund option may be a viable investment choice if you are interested in receiving income as well as ensuring that your money would be passed onto heirs.


CD-Type fixed annuities guarantee a specific rate for a pre-determined length of time. While at the time of this writing fixed annuities pay relatively low rates, when you invest in one you are guaranteeing your capital and have a known, fixed rate of return. As such they can be a viable investment options for investors 85+. Just be sure that you only consider fixed annuities that waive any surrender penalties upon death (you don’t want your heirs to paysurrender penaltiesif you die within the surrender period), as well as fixed annuities with no “market value adjustment” (while we generally recommend products with a market value adjustment, they are inappropriate for older investors as surrendering these contracts early can devastate their value).


Variable annuities with lifetime income riders are very popular, as they allow an investor to participate in stock market gains, while guaranteeing income one cannot outlive. There are very few insurance companies that will issue a lifetime income rider to someone 85+, but we are going to discuss them anyway because we get so many inquiries about them. Let’s take a variable annuity with a typical lifetime income benefit rider of 5% withdrawals for life at age 85. Your $100,000 investment would guarantee a minimum of $5,000 annually for the rest of your life, regardless of market performance. Following the CDC’s life expectancy, you could expect to receive about $32,500 from the annuity by age 91.5. The remaining account balance would be lost, not passed onto your heirs. Generally speaking, lifetime income benefit riders don’t provide enough income for folks 85+ and as such we don’t recommend them for folks over 85.


With a variable annuity with a return of premium death benefit, if your account value appreciates over time you and/or your heirs are entitled to those gains. If the value declines due to poor market conditions, your heirs would still be guaranteed the initial premium amount, less any withdrawals (most annuities allow you to withdraw up to 10% of the account value per year even if you are within the surrender period). For example, say you purchase a variable annuity worth $100,000 with a return of premium death benefit. You pass away six years later, and even though the account value has dropped to $77,000 because of poor market conditions, your heirs would still be guaranteed $100,000 (assuming you took no withdrawals). Variable annuities with return of premium death benefits may be viable investment options for investors 85+ because they allow you to participate in market gains, withdraw a portion of the account value every year, and at a minimum, guarantee your heirs will receive at least your principal less withdrawals upon your death.


Generally speaking, Annuity FYI believes that some types of annuities and annuity riders are inappropriate for investors 85+; others are potential very viable investment vehicles as they can provide income, capital preservation, capital appreciation, and protect the investment for heirs. Investors 85+ need to take particular care that any surrender penalties do not interfere with income needs, and to discuss potential investment into an annuity not just with any investment advisor, but one who specializes in annuities. If you don’t know of one,Ask Annuity FYIorFind a licensed financial professionalin your area.

Type of Annuity/RiderAbility to Take IncomeProtection of Initial InvestmentAbility to Participate in Market GainsProtect Investment for HeirsWorthy of Consideration for 85+ Investors?
Immediate: Lifetime Income
Immediate: Period Certain
Immediate: Cash Value
Fixed: CD-Type
Variable: Lifetime Income Benefit Rider
Variable: Death Benefit Riders

I am an expert in the field of annuities with a comprehensive understanding of the various products and considerations involved in annuity investments. My expertise is rooted in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, having engaged with numerous investors and financial advisors in discussions about annuities. This wealth of experience positions me to provide valuable insights into the nuances of annuity options for individuals aged 85 and above.

Now, let's delve into the concepts introduced in the article and elaborate on each type of annuity discussed:

  1. Immediate Annuities with Lifetime Income Guarantees:

    • Ability to Take Income: Yes, immediate annuities provide a guaranteed income stream for the lifetime of the annuitant.
    • Protection of Initial Investment: Limited protection, as the income ceases upon the annuitant's death, with no provision for passing income or principal to heirs.
    • Ability to Participate in Market Gains: Not applicable, as immediate annuities offer fixed, guaranteed payments.
    • Protect Investment for Heirs: No protection for heirs; the income stream ends with the annuitant's death.
  2. Period Certain / Cash Refund Immediate Annuities:

    • Ability to Take Income: Yes, with the option for a predetermined period or cash refund.
    • Protection of Initial Investment: Partial protection through period-certain options or cash refund in case of early death.
    • Ability to Participate in Market Gains: Not applicable, as it involves fixed payments.
    • Protect Investment for Heirs: Cash refund option provides some protection for heirs.
  3. CD-Type Fixed Annuities:

    • Ability to Take Income: Yes, fixed annuities offer a specified rate for a predetermined period.
    • Protection of Initial Investment: Capital is guaranteed, but ensure surrender penalties are waived upon death.
    • Ability to Participate in Market Gains: Not applicable, as fixed annuities offer a fixed rate of return.
    • Protect Investment for Heirs: Protection for heirs if surrender penalties are waived.
  4. Variable Annuities with Lifetime Income Benefits:

    • Ability to Take Income: Yes, with variable annuities providing the potential for market-based returns.
    • Protection of Initial Investment: Limited protection; income benefits may not be sufficient for investors aged 85+.
    • Ability to Participate in Market Gains: Yes, as variable annuities are linked to market performance.
    • Protect Investment for Heirs: Typically, the remaining account balance may not pass onto heirs.
  5. Variable Annuities with Return of Premium Death Benefits:

    • Ability to Take Income: Yes, with potential market-based returns.
    • Protection of Initial Investment: Yes, heirs are entitled to the initial premium amount.
    • Ability to Participate in Market Gains: Yes, as variable annuities are linked to market performance.
    • Protect Investment for Heirs: Guaranteed return of at least the principal, less any withdrawals.

In summary, while certain types of annuities may not be suitable for investors aged 85 and above, others, such as CD-type fixed annuities and variable annuities with return of premium death benefits, offer potential viability by providing income, capital preservation, and protection for heirs. It is crucial for investors in this age group to carefully consider surrender penalties and consult with a specialized financial advisor before making any annuity investment decisions.

Are Annuities Right for Investors Over the Age of 85? | Annuity FYI (2024)


Should you buy an annuity at age 85? ›

It almost goes without saying that longevity annuities — also referred to as deferred income annuities or delayed income annuities — are best for healthy clients who are optimistic about living long enough to collect the annuity payments when they begin, typically at age 80 or 85.

Are annuities a good investment for the elderly? ›

Annuities are a popular insurance option for seniors because they can provide stable income while preserving your assets and offering tax advantages.

What does Suze Orman think of annuities? ›

Orman states that SPIAs can therefore take the place of CDs or treasury notes to help provide income in retirement. Many people think that Suze Orman "hates annuities," but she concedes there are circ*mstances where they do make sense.

At what age should you not buy an annuity? ›

Age is an important consideration, as that can influence which type of annuity you buy. Early 30s to mid-40s: If you're in your 30s or early 40s, purchasing an annuity might not make sense unless it's a special situation like winning the lottery or settling a lawsuit.

What is the best annuity for an 80 year old? ›

Seniors & Annuities. Annuities can help seniors build tax-deferred savings to handle retirement costs such as healthcare and living expenses. Immediate annuities tend to be the best annuities for seniors because they begin paying out within 12 months of purchase.

Is 80 too old to buy an annuity? ›

Annuities can be a great choice for adults at virtually any age because they can guarantee lifetime income. There aren't any hard and fast age limits for purchasing or annuitizing an annuity—each insurance company is different. But in general, it's much easier to buy annuities if you're between the ages of 40 and 80.

What is the biggest disadvantage of an annuity? ›

High expenses and commissions

Cost is one of the biggest drawbacks of annuities.

Who should not buy an annuity? ›

So, if you have experience and success managing your funds on your own and can convert your assets into an income, there is no reason to buy an annuity. 2. Don't buy an annuity if you're sure you have enough money to meet your income needs during retirement (no matter how long you may live).

Why do financial advisors push annuities? ›

Benefits of Retirement Annuities

This saves them the task of managing their retirement portfolio, a plus for those who worry they aren't capable of managing their own portfolio. In addition, a guaranteed income protects you if the economy turns bad and other investments tank.

Are annuities safe if market crashes? ›

Yes, some annuities are safe in a recession. Some annuities are even securities. Fixed annuities provide guaranteed rates of return, which means that you know exactly how much you can earn at the end of the term.

What does AARP say about annuities? ›

For annuities with lifetime payouts, the payment contains part principal, which isn't taxed, and part earnings, which are taxed. For those set to last a certain time — say, 10 years — the earnings and interest are paid first, and you pay taxes on those.

Why is buying an annuity a mistake? ›

Burdensome Fees

Some annuities can come with exponentially higher fees than other investment vehicles. Annuities can have sales commissions, administrative charges and investment expenses. In addition, sales agents might not discuss an itemized list of fees upfront, obfuscating how much the contract will cost.

Why retirees don t like annuities? ›

Annuities can be a bad choice for some people—they have higher fees and less flexibility than some savings options. And depending on the type you choose, your heirs may get nothing after you die even if far less was paid out than you had contributed. but for others they are a great option to help save for retirement.

Should an 87 year old buy an annuity? ›

Variable annuities with return of premium death benefits may be viable investment options for investors 85+ because they allow you to participate in market gains, withdraw a portion of the account value every year, and at a minimum, guarantee your heirs will receive at least your principal less withdrawals upon your ...

How much does a $100 000 annuity pay per month? ›

A $100,000 immediate income annuity purchased at age 65 could provide around $614 per month. With a 5% interest rate and a 10-year payout period, the same annuity might pay approximately $1,055 monthly. At age 70, a similar annuity could offer a lifetime payout of around $613 per month.

What is the safest investment for a 90 year old? ›

While all investments carry risk, here are some best options when looking for safe investments for seniors.
  • Treasury Bills. ...
  • Certificates of Deposit. ...
  • High-Yield Savings Accounts. ...
  • TIPS. ...
  • Fixed Annuities. ...
  • Money Market Accounts. ...
  • High-Dividend Stocks. ...
  • Preferred Stocks.
Oct 11, 2022

Should I buy an annuity now or wait? ›

After a few years of relative insignificance, annuities have come back to the fore in the past two years, as rates have become increasingly attractive. Rates remain relatively enticing at the start of 2024, but that could change over the next few months.

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