ROE vs ROA (2024)

Difference Between ROE and ROA

ROE is a measure of financial performance which is calculated by dividing the net income by total equity, while ROA is a type of return on investment ratio which indicates the profitability in comparison to the total assets and determines how well a company is performing; it is calculated by dividing the net profit with total assets.

Two crucial parameters for analyzing a business are the Interpet ROE and return on assets Interpet ROEInterpet ROEReturn on Equity (ROE) represents financial performance of a company. It is calculated as the net income divided by the shareholders equity. ROE signifies the efficiency in which the company is using assets to make more and return on assets (ROAROAReturn on assets (ROA) is the ratio between net income, representing the amount of financial and operational income a company has, and total average assets. The arithmetic average of total assets a company holds analyses how much returns a company is producing on the total investment more).

Return on equity and Return on assets are known as profitability ratios, as they indicate the level of profit generated by a business.

Table of contents
  • Difference Between ROE and ROA
    • What is ROE?
    • What isROA?
    • ROE vs. ROA Infographics
    • Critical Differences Between ROA vs. ROE
    • Comparative Table
    • Conclusion
    • Recommended Articles

What is ROE?

Return on equity measures how much a business earns concerning the amount of equity put in the business. Return on equity is a ratio calculated with net income as the numerator and total equity as the denominator.

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What isROA?

Return on assets is a measure to gauge how much profit the business generates with the number of total assets invested in the business. This ratio is measured with net income as a numerator and total assets as a denominator.

  • In another way, this measures how much profit the business generates with the funds invested by the equity shareholder’s preferred shareholders and total debt investment.
  • Total assets are funded by both equity and debt holders. All these sets of investors provide the funds required for the total assets. It is necessary to add back interest expenses in the net income, which seats in the ratio’s numerator.
  • In the case of ROA, as in the case of ROE, the numerator is an income statement item, and the denominator is the balance sheet item. That’s why the average of the total asset is taken in the denominator.

ROE vs. ROA Infographics

ROE vs ROA (4)

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Critical Differences Between ROA vs. ROE

The followings are the key differences:

Comparative Table

BasisReturn on Equity(ROE)Return on Assets(ROA)
IntroductionReturn on equity measures how much a business earns concerning the amount of equity put in the business.Return on assets is a measure to gauge how much profit the business generates with the number of total assets invested in the business.
Difference in denominatorReturn on equity is a ratio calculated with net income as the numerator and total equity as the denominator.This ratio is measured with net income as a numerator and total assets as a denominator.
DU Pont AnalysisROE is also calculated using du Pont analysis, which helps to identify whether ROE has increased due net profit marginNet Profit MarginNet profit margin is the percentage of net income a company derives from its net sales. It indicates the organization's overall profitability after incurring its interest and tax more or leverage or is it due to an increase in asset turnoverNo such measures applicable for the calculation of ROA
InvestorsOnly equity investorsEquity InvestorsAn equity investor is that person or entity who contributes a certain sum to public or private companies for a specific period to obtain financial gains in the form of capital appreciation, dividend payouts, stock value appraisal, more are considered for the calculation of ROE.ROA measures how much profit the business generates with the funds invested by the equity shareholders preferred shareholders. All these investors provide total debt investment as the funds required for the total assets.
AdjustmentFor the calculation of ROE, it is not required to adjust the ratio’s numerator as the denominator is only equity, not the combination of both debt and equity. As debt is not involved, interest need not be added back in the numerator.As the total asset is funded by both equity and debt holders, it must add back interest expenses in the net income, which seats in the numerator of the ratio.


Return on equity and return on assets are known as profitability ratiosProfitability RatiosProfitability ratios help in evaluating the ability of a company to generate income against the expenses. These ratios represent the financial viability of the company in various more, as they indicate the level of profit generated by a business. While deciding and concluding about a company’s financial health and performance, it is essential to consider both ROA and ROE since both these ratios are very important.

Combining the results helps us get a fair idea about the effectiveness of the company management of any company.

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This article has been a guide to ROE vs. ROA. Here we also discuss the top differences between ROE and ROA and infographics and a comparison table. You may also have a look at the following articles –

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ROE vs ROA (2024)


ROE vs ROA? ›

The single biggest difference between ROA and ROE is that ROA takes into account a company's debt, while ROE doesn't. If a company doesn't have any debt, these two numbers would be the same for that company.

Which is better ROA or ROE? ›

ROA is a better measure to determine the financial performance of a company. Higher ROE along with higher ROA and manageable debt is producing decent profits. Higher ROE can be misleading with lower ROA and huge debt carried by the company.

Why ROE is larger than ROA? ›

The more debt a company has, the lower its ROA is. This is because ROA balances the company's returns against its debts or liabilities. If a company has a significantly larger ROE than the ROA, it can be a sign that it's accumulated too much debt.

What is difference between ROE and ROA? ›

Return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA) are two key measures to determine how efficient a company is at generating profits. The main differentiator between the two is that ROA takes into account leverage/debt, while ROE does not. ROE can be calculated by multiplying ROA by the equity multiplier.

Should ROA be larger than ROE? ›

Return on assets and return on equity both give you a sense of how effectively and efficiently a company is using resources to generate profit. Because of how these ratios are calculated, a company's return on assets should be smaller than its return on equity.

Why is ROA the best measure of profitability? ›

The ROA figure gives investors an idea of how effective the company is in converting the money it invests into net income. The higher the ROA number, the better, because the company is able to earn more money with a smaller investment. Put simply, a higher ROA means more asset efficiency.

Why would ROE be lower than ROA? ›

The big factor that separates ROE and ROA is financial leverage or debt. The balance sheet's fundamental equation shows how this is true: assets = liabilities + shareholders' equity. This equation tells us that if a company carries no debt, its shareholders' equity and its total assets will be the same.

What is a good ROE ratio? ›

While average ratios, as well as those considered “good” and “bad”, can vary substantially from sector to sector, a return on equity ratio of 15% to 20% is usually considered good. At 5%, the ratio would be considered low.

Why is high ROE not good? ›

But here's something many investors miss. High ROE by itself is not enough. Without significant earnings and revenue growth, a high ROE is akin to garnish. Without growth, a company can, at best, just maintain its ROE but rarely grow it.

What does ROE tell you? ›

Return on equity (ROE) is the measure of a company's net income divided by its shareholders' equity. ROE is a gauge of a corporation's profitability and how efficiently it generates those profits. The higher the ROE, the better a company is at converting its equity financing into profits.

What if ROA is too high? ›

When a firm's ROA rises over time, it indicates that the company is squeezing more profits out of each dollar it owns in assets. Conversely, a declining ROA suggests a company has made bad investments, is spending too much money and may be headed for trouble.

Is a higher ROE better? ›

High and stable ROE is generally better, but the absolute number should be considered in the context of the industry. It's also a good sign if ROE increases over time. Use ROE to sift through potential stocks and find the companies that turn invested capital into profit fairly efficiently.

Is ROE the same as profit margin? ›

ROE can also be broken down into other components for easier use. ROE is the product of the net margin (profit margin), asset turnover, and financial leverage. Also note that the product of net margin and asset turnover is return on assets, so ROE is ROA times financial leverage.

What does Roa and Roe tell us? ›

With the help of ROE, we can measure how much a business is earning concerning the amount of equity put in the business. In contrast, ROA tells us how much profit is being generated by the business with the total amount of assets invested in the business.

What is the difference between ROE and Roae? ›

Return on Average Equity (ROAE) is a financial ratio that measures the performance of a company based on its average shareholders' equity outstanding. The return on equity (ROE), a determinant of performance, is calculated by dividing net Income by the ending shareholders' equity value in the Balance Sheet.

Do shareholders care more about ROE or ROA? ›

Step 4: Final Answer. Equity holders care more about ROE than about ROA because ROA reflects how productively a bank is being run since it demonstrates how much benefit is created by every dollar of assets.

Is ROA a good measure of financial performance? ›

Return on assets (ROA) is an indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its assets or the resources it owns or controls. Investors can use ROA to find good stock opportunities because the percentage shows how efficient a company is at using its assets to generate profits.

How do you analyze ROA ratio? ›

How is the return on assets ratio calculated? The return on total assets ratio is calculated by dividing a company's earnings after tax by its total assets. Total assets are equal to the sum of the shareholders' equity and the company's debt. This value is found on the company's balance sheet.

What is the most accurate profitability ratio? ›

Gross profit margin, also known as gross margin, is one of the most widely used profitability ratios. Gross profit is the difference between sales revenue and the costs related to the products sold, the aforementioned COGS.

What happens if ROE is higher? ›

ROE = Net Income / Shareholders' Equity

A sustainable and increasing ROE over time can mean a company is good at generating shareholder value because it knows how to reinvest its earnings wisely, so as to increase productivity and profits.

Is 7% a good ROE? ›

As with return on capital, a ROE is a measure of management's ability to generate income from the equity available to it. ROEs of 15–20% are generally considered good.

Is ROE 5% good? ›

Generally, an ROE of between 15% and 20% is considered good. But it's important to remember that return on equity measures relative financial performance. Whether a company's ROE is considered high or low depends on how it compares to its peers within its industry.

Why is ROE misleading? ›

The ROE as a ratio can also be misleading at times. For example, the company can artificially boost the ROE by relying more on debt rather than equity. That could have a negative impact on financial solvency although the ROE may be high. Secondly, the quality of the ROE depends on the quality of earnings.

What is considered a bad ROE? ›

ROE When Net Income Is Negative

When net income is negative the resulting percentage is negative, which is always considered bad. If both net income and equity are negative the resulting ratio might be artificially inflated and misleading.

Why is ROE more important than ROI? ›

ROI measures if it's worth pursuing a revenue-generating activity, and ROE measures your company's profitability. Both figures are an indication of the overall financial health and performance of your company. You will learn a lot about your company from looking at these metrics, and so will (potential) investors.

Is 30% of a ROE good? ›

A return on equity (ROE) of 20+% is considered good, 30% ROE is considered exceptional.

Why do investors care about ROE? ›

Return on equity provides you with an insight into your business's profitability for owners and investors. In short, it helps investors understand whether they're getting a good return on their money, while it's also a great way to evaluate how efficiently your company can utilise the firm's equity.

Is 80% ROE good? ›

In most cases, the higher your return on equity, the better. Investors want to see a high ROE because it indicates that the business is using funds effectively. Generally, a return on equity of 15-20% is considered good.

How do you convert ROA to ROE? ›

In summary, to calculate your firm's ROE, multiply Net Profit Margin times Return on Assets (ROA) times Financial Leverage. ROE can then be used to compare companies within a given industry, and demonstrate to investors a firm's ability to effectively reinvest their capital.

Is 12% a good ROE? ›

An ROE of 15-20% is considered good. A value above 20% can indicate very strong performance, but it can also be an indication that company management has increased the business's exposure to risk by borrowing against company assets.

How can I improve my ROA and ROE? ›

A firm can increase its return on assets and thereby its return on equity by increasing its profit margin or its operating efficiency as measured by its asset turnover. Margins are improved by lowering expenses relative to sales. Asset turnover can be improved by selling more goods with a given level of assets.

Can ROI and ROE be the same? ›

While ROE calculates the percentage return on invested equity, ROI calculates the percentage return on investment. In other words, ROE assesses an investment's "efficiency," but ROI measures its "profitability."

Should ROE be higher than cost of equity? ›

Investors and analysts measure the performance of bank holding companies by comparing return on equity (ROE) against the cost of equity capital (COE). If ROE is higher than COE, management is creating value. If ROE is less than COE, management is destroying value.

Why is ROA important? ›

What is the importance of ROA? ROA is a very important indicator for a corporation, as it shows investors how the company is actually behaving in terms of converting assets into net capital. As a result, it can be inferred that the higher the metric (given in percentage), the better it is for the business's management.

Does Warren Buffett use ROE? ›

Buffett uses the average rate of return on equity and average retention ratio (1 - average payout ratio) to calculate the sustainable growth rate [ ROE * ( 1 - payout ratio)]. The sustainable growth rate is used to calculate the book value per share in year 10 [BVPS ((1 + sustainable growth rate )^10)].

Which is better ROI or ROE? ›

However, ROI is still a fundamental metric for companies, as it shows their investments' efficiency. Generally, a higher ROI is better, but it is essential to consider all the factors involved to make an informed decision. Whatever your priorities, it's critical to understand both ROI and ROE.

What does ROE and ROA tell you about a company? ›

With the help of ROE, we can measure how much a business is earning concerning the amount of equity put in the business. In contrast, ROA tells us how much profit is being generated by the business with the total amount of assets invested in the business.

Why ROE is better than ROI? ›

ROE ratios tell you where a company ranks among its competition, so they can determine whether it's successful. ROI ratios communicate a company's success with a particular investment, allowing them to understand how well the business manages its assets.

Do investors want a high ROE? ›

High and stable ROE is generally better, but the absolute number should be considered in the context of the industry. It's also a good sign if ROE increases over time. Use ROE to sift through potential stocks and find the companies that turn invested capital into profit fairly efficiently.

Is ROE above 20% good? ›

An ROE of 15-20% is considered good. A value above 20% can indicate very strong performance, but it can also be an indication that company management has increased the business's exposure to risk by borrowing against company assets. An ROE of 15-20% is considered good.

Do investors look at ROA? ›

Return on assets (ROA) is an indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its assets or the resources it owns or controls. Investors can use ROA to find good stock opportunities because the percentage shows how efficient a company is at using its assets to generate profits.

Why do investors look at ROE? ›

By measuring the earnings a company can generate from assets, ROE offers a gauge of profit-generating efficiency. ROE helps investors determine whether a company is a lean, profit machine or an inefficient operator.

What is the ideal ROE for a company? ›

A return of between 15-20% is considered good. ROE is also used when evaluating stocks, as well as other financial ratios. However, it is important to note that there are many different factors to consider when evaluating stock than return on equity alone.

Does a higher ROE mean more profitable? ›

Key Takeaways. Return on equity (ROE) is the measure of a company's net income divided by its shareholders' equity. ROE is a gauge of a corporation's profitability and how efficiently it generates those profits. The higher the ROE, the better a company is at converting its equity financing into profits.

What is the best ROE for investors? ›

Generally, if a company has ROE above 20%, it is considered a good investment.

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