Executive summary – Global EV Outlook 2023 – Analysis - IEA (2024)

Executive summary
  • Executive summary
  • Electric Vehicles Initiative
  • Trends in electric light-duty vehicles
    • Electric cars
    • Electric car models
    • Emerging markets
    • Electric light commercial vehicles
    • Electric two- and three-wheelers
  • Trends in electric heavy-duty vehicles
  • Trends in charging infrastructure
  • Trends in batteries
  • Policy developments
    • Introduction
    • Policy to develop EV supply chains
    • Policy support for electric light-duty vehicles
    • Policy support for electric heavy-duty vehicles
    • Policy support for EV charging infrastructure
    • International initiatives and pledges
  • Corporate strategy
    • Electrification plans by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)
    • Global spending on electric cars
    • Finance, venture capital and trade
  • Prospects for electric vehicle deployment
    • Electric mobility scenarios
    • Outlook for EVs
    • Shrinking implementation gap
    • OEM targets versus projections
    • Battery demand
    • Charging infrastructure
    • Impact on energy demand and emissions

Report options

Global EV Outlook 2023Global EV Outlook 2023

Executive summary

Electric car markets are seeing exponential growth as sales exceeded 10million in 2022. A total of 14% of all new cars sold were electric in 2022, up from around 9% in 2021 and less than 5% in 2020. Three markets dominated global sales. China was the frontrunner once again, accounting for around 60% of global electric car sales. More than half of the electric cars on roads worldwide are now in China and the country has already exceeded its 2025 target for new energy vehicle sales. In Europe, the second largest market, electric car sales increased by over 15% in 2022, meaning that more than one in every five cars sold was electric. Electric car sales in the United States – the third largest market – increased 55% in 2022, reaching a sales share of 8%.

Electric car sales are expected to continue strongly through 2023. Over 2.3million electric cars were sold in the first quarter, about 25% more than in the same period last year. We currently expect to see 14million in sales by the end of 2023, representing a 35% year-on-year increase with new purchases accelerating in the second half of this year. As a result, electric cars could account for 18% of total car sales across the full calendar year. National policies and incentives will help bolster sales, while a return to the exceptionally high oil prices seen last year could further motivate prospective buyers.

There are promising signs for emerging electric vehicle (EV) markets, albeit from a small base. Electric car sales are generally low outside the major markets, but 2022 was a growth year in India, Thailand and Indonesia. Collectively, sales of electric cars in these countries more than tripled compared to 2021, reaching 80000. For Thailand, the share of electric cars in total sales came in at slightly over 3% in 2022, while both India and Indonesia averaged around 1.5% last year. In India, EV and component manufacturing is ramping up, supported by the government’s USD3.2billion incentive programme that has attracted investments totalling USD8.3billion. Thailand and Indonesia are also strengthening their policy support schemes, potentially providing valuable experience for other emerging market economies seeking to foster EV adoption.

Market trends and policy efforts in major car markets are supporting a bright outlook for EV sales. Under the IEA Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS), the global outlook for the share of electric car sales based on existing policies and firm objectives has increased to 35% in 2030, up from less than 25% in the previous outlook. In the projections, China retains its position as the largest market for electric cars with 40% of total sales by 2030 in the STEPS. The United States doubles its market share to 20% by the end of the decade as recent policy announcements drive demand, while Europe maintains its current 25% share.

Projected demand for electric cars in major car markets will have profound implications on energy markets and climate goals in the current policy environment. Based on existing policies, oil demand from road transport is projected to peak around 2025 in the STEPS, with the amount of oil displaced by electric vehicles exceeding 5million barrels per day in 2030. In the STEPS, emissions of around 700MtCO2-equivalents are avoided by the use of electric cars in 2030.

The European Union and the United States have passed legislation to match their electrification ambitions. The European Union adopted new CO2 standards for cars and vans that are aligned with the 2030 goals set out in the Fit for 55 package. In the United States, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), combined with adoption of California’s Advanced Clean Cars II rule by a number of states, could deliver a 50% market share for electric cars in 2030, in line with the national target. The implementation of the recently proposed emissions standards from the US Environmental Protection Agency is set to further increase this share.

Battery manufacturing continues to expand, encouraged by the outlook for EVs. As of March 2023, announcements on battery manufacturing capacity delivered by 2030 are more than sufficient to meet the demand implied by government pledges and would even be able to cover the demand for electric vehicles in the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario. It is therefore well possible that higher shares of sales are achievable for electric cars than those anticipated on the basis of current government policy and national targets.

Global spending on electric cars exceeded USD425billion in 2022, up 50% relative to 2021. Only 10% of the spending can be attributed to government support, the remainder was from consumers. Investors have also maintained confidence in EVs, with the stocks of EV-related companies consistently outperforming traditional carmakers since 2019. Venture capital investments in start-up firms developing EV and battery technologies have also boomed, reaching nearly USD2.1billion in 2022, up 30% relative to 2021, with investments increasing in batteries and critical minerals.

SUVs and large cars dominate available electric car options in 2022. They account for 60% of available BEV options in China and Europe and an even greater share in the UnitedStates, similar to the trend towards SUVs seen in internal combustion engine (ICE) car markets. In 2022, ICE SUVs emitted over 1GtCO2, far greater than the 80Mt net emissions reductions from the electric vehicle fleet that year. Battery electric SUVs often have batteries that are two- to three-times larger than small cars, requiring more critical minerals. However, last year electric SUVs resulted in the displacement of over 150000 barrels of oil consumption per day and avoided the associated tailpipe emissions that would have been generated through burning the fuel in combustion engines.

The electric car market is increasingly competitive. A growing number of new entrants, primarily from China but also from other emerging markets, are offering more affordable models. Major incumbent carmakers are increasing ambition as well, especially in Europe, and 2022-2023 saw another series of important EV announcements: fully electric fleets, cheaper cars, greater investment, and vertical integration with battery-making and critical minerals.

Consumers can choose from an increasing number of options for electric cars. The number of available electric car models reached 500 in 2022, more than double the options available in 2018. However, outside of China, there is a need for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to offer affordable, competitively priced options in order to enable mass adoption of EVs. Today’s level of available electric car models is still significantly lower than the number of ICE options on the market, but the number of ICE models available has been steadily decreasing since its peak in the mid-2010s.

Electrification of road transport goes beyond cars. Two or three-wheelers are the most electrified market segment today; in emerging markets and developing economies, they outnumber cars. Over half of India’s three-wheeler registrations in 2022 were electric, demonstrating their growing popularity due to government incentives and lower lifecycle costs compared with conventional models, especially in the context of higher fuel prices. In many developing economies, two/three-wheelers offer an affordable way to get access to mobility, meaning their electrification is important to support sustainable development.

The commercial vehicle stock is also seeing increasing electrification. Electric light commercial vehicle (LCV) sales worldwide increased by more than 90% in 2022 to more than 310000 vehicles, even as overall LCV sales declined by nearly 15%. In 2022, nearly 66000 electric buses and 60000 medium- and heavy-duty trucks were sold worldwide, representing about 4.5% of all bus sales and 1.2% of truck sales. Where governments have committed to reduce emissions from public transport, such as in dense urban areas, electric bus sales reached even higher shares; in Finland, for example, electric bus sales accounted for over 65% in 2022.

Ambition with respect to electrifying heavy-duty vehicles is growing. In 2022, around 220 electric heavy-duty vehicle models entered the market, bringing the total to over 800 models offered by well over 100 OEMs. A total of 27 governments have pledged to achieve 100% ZEV bus and truck sales by 2040 and both the United States and European Union have also proposed stronger emissions standards for heavy-duty vehicles.

The increase in demand for electric vehicles is driving demand for batteries and related critical minerals. Automotive lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery demand increased by about 65% to 550GWh in 2022, from about 330GWh in 2021, primarily as a result of growth in electric passenger car sales. In 2022, about 60% of lithium, 30% of cobalt and 10% of nickel demand was for EV batteries. Only five years prior, these shares were around 15%, 10% and 2%, respectively. Reducing the need for critical materials will be important for supply chain sustainability, resilience and security, especially given recent price developments for battery material.

New alternatives to conventional lithium-ion are on the rise. The share of lithium-iron-phosphate (LFP) chemistries reached its highest point ever, driven primarily by China: around 95% of the LFP batteries for electric LDVs went into vehicles produced in China. Supply chains for (lithium-free) sodium-ion batteries are also being established, with over 100GWh of manufacturing capacity either currently operating or announced, almost all in China.

The EV supply chain is expanding, but manufacturing remains highly concentrated in certain regions, with China being the main player in battery and EV component trade. In 2022, 35% of exported electric cars came from China, compared with 25% in 2021. Europe is China’s largest trade partner for both electric cars and their batteries. In 2022, the share of electric cars manufactured in China and sold in the European market increased to 16%, up from about 11% in 2021.

EV supply chains are increasingly at the forefront of EV-related policy-making to build resilience through diversification. The Net Zero Industry Act, proposed by the European Union in March 2023, aims for nearly 90% of the European Union’s annual battery demand to be met by EU battery manufacturers, with a manufacturing capacity of at least 550GWh in 2030. Similarly, India aims to boost domestic manufacturing of electric vehicles and batteries through Production Linked Incentive (PLI) schemes. In the UnitedStates, the Inflation Reduction Act emphasises the strengthening of domestic supply chains for EVs, EV batteries and battery minerals, laid out in the criteria to qualify for clean vehicle tax credits. As a result, between August 2022 and March 2023, major EV and battery makers announced cumulative post-IRA investments of at least USD52billion in North American EV supply chains – of which 50% is for battery manufacturing, and about 20% each for battery components and EV manufacturing.

Next Electric Vehicles Initiative

The Global EV Outlook 2023 by the International Energy Agency (IEA) provides a comprehensive overview of the electric vehicle (EV) landscape, encompassing various facets like market trends, policy developments, corporate strategies, financial investments, prospects, and implications on energy demand and emissions. As someone deeply engaged with the EV domain, here's a breakdown of the concepts and topics covered:

Market Trends and Sales

  • Global Sales: Exponential growth observed, surpassing 10 million in 2022.
  • Sales Share: Electric cars constituted 14% of all new car sales, up from 9% in 2021 and less than 5% in 2020.
  • Key Markets: China led with around 60% of global EV sales, followed by Europe and the United States.
  • Emerging Markets: India, Thailand, and Indonesia saw promising growth in EV sales, supported by governmental incentives.

Policy and Regulatory Initiatives

  • Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS): Projections show an increase in the global share of electric car sales to 35% by 2030.
  • Legislations: The EU and the US have adopted standards and regulations aligned with electrification goals, aiming for significant EV market shares by 2030.

Investment and Finance

  • Spending: Global spending on electric cars exceeded USD 425 billion in 2022, with a notable portion from consumer investments.
  • Venture Capital: Booming investments in EV and battery tech startups, reaching nearly USD 2.1 billion in 2022.

Vehicle Segments

  • Car Models: The number of available electric car models reached 500 in 2022, doubling since 2018.
  • Beyond Cars: Electrification extends to two/three-wheelers and light commercial vehicles, showcasing growth in these segments.

Impact and Implications

  • Battery Demand: Growing demand for batteries and critical minerals due to increased EV adoption.
  • Emissions and Energy Impact: Projections show a substantial displacement of oil consumption and CO2 emissions reduction due to EV adoption.

Supply Chains and Manufacturing

  • Supply Chain Expansion: Efforts to diversify and expand EV-related supply chains, focusing on domestic manufacturing.
  • Global Trade: China remains a significant player in battery and EV component trade.

The report underscores the multifaceted growth of EVs globally, driven by market dynamics, policy interventions, financial investments, and the implications on energy transition and emissions reduction. The focus on diverse vehicle segments and the expansion of supply chains highlights the evolving landscape of the EV industry.

If you'd like a deeper dive into any specific aspect or have more questions about the trends and implications discussed in the report, feel free to ask!

Executive summary – Global EV Outlook 2023 – Analysis - IEA (2024)


What is the EV market outlook for 2023? ›

With 3.7 million units sold globally in 3Q 2023, electric vehicles made up 18% of total passenger vehicle sales in the world. BloombergNEF expects global EV sales to reach 14 million in 2023 and 16.7 million in 2024.

What is the global outlook for electric cars? ›

Over 2.3 million electric cars were sold in the first quarter, about 25% more than in the same period last year. We currently expect to see 14 million in sales by the end of 2023, representing a 35% year-on-year increase with new purchases accelerating in the second half of this year.

Which organization sets the standards for electric vehicle charging connectors in the United States? ›

SAE International: SAE International, previously called the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), is a United States-based, automotive professionals association and standards developing organization. Amongst the first standard that is still prevalent today is the J1772 AC charging standard.

What percent of new cars sold are electric? ›

The EV market share for new vehicle sales in February 2024 was approximately 6.5%, compared to 83.1% for gas-powered vehicles, according to Edmunds sales data.

What is the global EV growth rate in 2023? ›

In total, global sales of EVs, including BEVs, PHEVs (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles), and FCVs (Fuel Cell Vehicles), reached 13 million units in 2023, with a growth rate of 29.8% compared to 2022. The number, however, represents a significant slowdown from the 54.2% growth rate in 2022.

What is the EV battery trend in 2023? ›

For the full year of 2023, total global battery consumption for electric vehicles was 705.5 GWh, up 38.6 percent from 509.2 GWh in the same period last year, according to data released on February 7 by South Korean market researcher SNE Research.

What is the global electric vehicle outlook for 2024? ›

S&P Global Mobility's 2024 global sales forecast projects battery electric passenger vehicles to be on track to post 13.3 million units worldwide for 2024 - accounting for an estimated 16.2% of global passenger vehicle sales. For reference, 2023 posted an estimated 9.6 million BEVs, for 12% market share.

What is the EV market outlook for 2024? ›

The latest Outlook, published today, finds that global electric car sales are set to remain robust in 2024, reaching around 17 million by the end of the year.

What is the global impact of EV? ›

The Global Nature of the Electric Vehicle Industry

The electric vehicle industry has major players establishing their presence in multiple countries across the globe. As the development of electric vehicles continues to progress, companies are expanding their operations worldwide, increasing the job market.

Who is the industry leader in EV charging? ›

Tesla: Leading The Charge With Superchargers

With more than 45,000 Superchargers on all major routes globally, Tesla has made its mark in the EV charging landscape. The company's annual revenue reached 81.462 billion USD in 2022, demonstrating its market leadership and far-reaching impact.

Who is the largest US EV charging company? ›

ChargePoint. With just over 31,000 locations and 56,000 total Level 2 and Level 3 ports, ChargePoint operates the single largest EV public charging network in the United States.

What is the future of EV charging? ›


According to Bain & Company, EV charging infrastructure and related services will have huge market potential in the future. Every day, more electric vehicles are roaming the roads. This will lead to a dramatic increase in EV charging business revenue in Europe by 2030.

Why are EV sales declining? ›

More competition and flagging demand for electric vehicles has led to declining sales at Tesla. As sales of Teslas drop and demand for electric vehicles cools — even as more models enter the market — an increasing number of automakers are competing for a slice of a shrinking pie.

Why Americans are having second thoughts about electric cars? ›

Based on our research, most Americans are anxious about the vehicles' range. They also worry about sticker prices, insufficient financial incentives to buy electric, and too few choices.

What is the biggest EV market in the world? ›

China now accounts for nearly 60% of EV sales worldwide. When it comes to the electric vehicle (EV) market, China is leading the charge ahead of traditional automotive juggernauts like Germany and Japan. China's new EV sales increased by 82% in 2022, accounting for nearly 60% of global EV purchases.

Will EV stocks go up in 2023? ›

Global sales of EVs rose 31% in 2023 after previously surging 60% in 2022. Li Auto (LI): Li Auto skyrocketed in late February after a positive quarterly earnings report.

Will EV prices go down in 2023? ›

According to data from Cox Automotive (parent company of Kelley Blue Book), the average price paid for a new EV has fallen significantly—in September 2023, it came down by $14,300 over the prior year. This amounted to a cost of just $2,800 more than the average paid for a new gas-powered vehicle.

What is the EV outlook for 2025? ›

In the STEPS, electric LDV sales are projected to reach over 20 million in 2025, doubling the number of sales in 2022, and to quadruple to 40 million in 2030. The sales share of electric LDVs thus increases from 13% in 2022 to over 20% in 2025 and around 35% in 2030.

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