Profitability Ratio: Meaning, Formulas, and Types with Objectives (2024)

Accounting Ratios
Profitability Ratio: Meaning, Formulas, and Types with Objectives (1)

Ratios help in interpreting the financial data and taking decisions accordingly. Accounting ratios are of four types: liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, turnover ratios, profitability ratios. Accounting ratios measuring profitability are known as Profitability Ratio.

Table of content

1 Suggested Videos

2 Profitability Ratio

2.1 Types of Profitability Ratio

2.2 Gross Profit Ratio

2.3 Operating Ratio

2.4 Operating Profit Ratio

2.5 Net Profit Ratio

2.6 Return on Investment

3 Solved Example on Profitability Ratio

Suggested Videos

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Profitability Ratio

Profitability refers to the financial performance of the business. Accounting Ratios that measure profitability are known as Profitability Ratios. We express these ratios in ‘Percentage’.

Types of Profitability Ratio

Profitability Ratios are of five types. These are:

  • Gross Profit Ratio
  • Operating Ratio
  • Operating Profit Ratio
  • Net Profit Ratio
  • Return on Investment

Gross Profit Ratio

Gross Profit Ratio establishes the relationship between gross profit and Revenue from Operations, i.e. Net Sales of an enterprise. Thus,

Gross Profit Ratio = (Gross Profit/Revenue from Operations) x 100

Revenue from operations means revenue earned by the enterprise from its operating activities. It includes Net Sales and commission, etc., in the case of non-finance companies and interest earned, dividend, profit on the sale of securities, etc., in the case of finance companies.

Profitability Ratio: Meaning, Formulas, and Types with Objectives (9)

Gross Profit = Revenue from Operations – Cost of Revenue from Operations

(Cost of operations is also called as Cost of Goods Sold)

Cost of Revenue from Operations = Opening Inventory + Net Purchases + Direct Expenses – Closing Inventories.


= Revenue from Operations – Gross Profit


The main objective of computing Gross Profit Ratio is to determine the efficiency of the business. We can also compare this ratio with the ratio of earlier years or with that of other firms to compare and to assess the efficiency of the business. Therefore, Higher Gross Profit Ratio is better as it leaves a higher margin to meet operating expenses and the creation of reserves.

Learn more about Solvency Ratio here in detail.

Operating Ratio

It establishes the relationship between operating costs and Revenue from Operations.

Operating cost includes Cost of Revenue from Operations and Operating Expenses. These are those costs which are incurred for operating activities of the business.

Operating Ratio = (Cost of Revenue from Operations + Operating Expenses/Revenue from Operations) x 100


=(Operating cost/Revenue from Operations) x 100

Operating Expenses = Employees Benefit Expenses + Depreciation and Amortization Expenses + Other Expenses (Other than Non-operating Expenses)


= Office Expenses + Selling and Distribution Expenses + Employees Benefit Expenses + Depreciation and Amortization Expenses.

We should keep in mind that Operating Profit Ratio and Operating Ratio are complementary to each other and thus if we deduct one of the two ratios from 100, another ratio will obtain.

Operating Ratio + Operating Profit Ratio = 100


The objective of computing Operating Ratio is to assess the operational efficiency of the business.

Lower Operating Ratio is better because it leaves a higher profit margin to meet non-operating expenses, to pay the dividend, etc. A rise in the Operating Ratio indicates a decline in efficiency.

Profitability Ratio: Meaning, Formulas, and Types with Objectives (10)

Operating Profit Ratio

Operating Profit Ratio measures the relationship between Operating Profit and Revenue from Operations, i.e. Net Sales.

We compute Operating Profit Ratio by dividing operating profit by revenue from operations (Net Sales) and is express in Percentage.

Operating Profit Ratio = (Operating Profit/Revenue from Operations) x 100

Operating Profit = Gross Profit + Other Operating Income – Other Operating Expenses


= Net Profit (Before Tax) + Non-operating Expenses – Non-operating Incomes


= Revenue from Operations – Operating Cost


The objective of computing Operating Profit Ratio is to determine the operational efficiency of the business. An increase in the ratio over the previous period shows improvement in the operational efficiency of the business enterprise.

Net Profit Ratio

Net Profit Ratio measures the relationship between Net Profit and Net Sales. It shows the percentage of Net Profit earned on Revenue from Operations.

Net Profit Ratio = (Net Profit/Net Sales) x 100

Net Profit = Revenue from Operations – Cost of Revenue from Operations – Operating Expenses – Non-operating Expenses + Non-operating Incomes – Tax


Net Profit Ratio indicates the overall efficiency of the business.

Higher the Net Profit Ratio, better is the business. An increase in the ratio over the previous year shows improvement in operational efficiency.

Return on Investment

Return on Investment or Return on Capital Employed shows the relationship of profit (profit before interest and tax) with capital employed. The result of operations of a business is either profit or loss.

The funds or sources used in the business to earn profit/loss are proprietors’ (shareholders’) funds and loans.

Return on Investment = (Net Profit before Interest, Tax and Dividend/Capital Employed) x 100

We compute Capital Employed by Liabilities Approach or by Assets Approach. We should keep in mind, whichever approach we will follow; the amount of capital employed will be the same.

Liabilities Approach:

Capital Employed = Shareholder’ Fund + Non-current Liabilities.

(In case, Surplus balance is there in Statement of Profit and Loss, we will deduct the amount of surplus to calculate the Shareholder’ Fund)

Assets Approach:

Capital Employed = Non-current Assets + Working Capital.


Non-current Assets = Fixed assets + Non-current Trade Investments + Long-term Loans and Advances.

Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities

Solved Example onProfitability Ratio

Revenue from Operations ₹ 8,00,000; Gross Profit Ratio 25%; Operating Ratio 90%; Non-operating Expenses ₹ 4,000; Non-operating Income ₹ 44,000.

Calculate Net Profit Ratio.


Net Profit Ratio = \(\frac{Net Profit}{Net Sales}\) x 100

= \(\frac{120000}{800000}\) x 100

= 15%

Working notes:

Operating Profit Ratio = 100 – Operating Ratio

= 100 – 90 = 10%

Operating Ratio = ₹ 8,00,000 x 10% = ₹ 80,000.

Net Profit = Operating Profit + Non-operating Incomes – Non-operating Expenses

= ₹ 80,000 + ₹ 44,000 – ₹ 4,000 = ₹ 1,20,000.

Profitability Ratio: Meaning, Formulas, and Types with Objectives (2024)


Profitability Ratio: Meaning, Formulas, and Types with Objectives? ›

There are two main types of profitability ratios: margin ratios and return ratios. Margin ratios measure a company's ability to generate income relative to costs. Return ratios measure how well a company uses investments to generate returns—and wealth—for the company and its shareholders.

What are the objectives of profitability ratio? ›

Profitability ratios are a type of accounting ratio that helps in determining the financial performance of business at the end of an accounting period. Profitability ratios show how well a company is able to make profits from its operations.

What are the 4 common profitability ratio? ›

Common profitability ratios include gross margin, operating margin, return on assets, return on sales, return on equity and return on investment.

What is the objective of profitability? ›

Profitability depicts a retailer's ability to sustain its business. Setting an objective for the total revenue a business will make after all its bills are paid can help retail management do everything from make important hiring decisions to decide when and where to build additional locations.

What are the 5 profitability ratios? ›


Examples are gross profit margin, operating profit margin, net profit margin, cash flow margin, EBIT, EBITDA, EBITDAR, NOPAT, operating expense ratio, and overhead ratio.

What is the formula for calculating the profitability ratio? ›

= Gross profit / Net sales * 100.

What is profitability ratio with an example? ›

Profitability ratio is used to evaluate the company's ability to generate income as compared to its expenses and other cost associated with the generation of income during a particular period. This ratio represents the final result of the company.

What are the three key profitability ratios What does each one measure? ›

Margin ratios provide insights into a firm's ability to generate profit from sales and the efficiency of its sales process. We obtain them by dividing profit by revenue. The three most important ratios from this category include gross profit margin, EBIT margin, and net profit margin.

What is a good profitability ratio? ›

Net income before taxes is the norm when it comes to measuring a company's profitability. Average net earnings keep increasing. This is often because companies adopt cost-saving strategies and new technology. As a rule of thumb, a good operating profitability ratio is anything greater than 1.5 percent.

What are the 4 components of the profitability equation? ›

Profuse profit is generated when these four elements of profitability (sales, margins, expenses and inventory velocity) are functioning at their best.

How to define profitability? ›

Profitability is a measure of an organization's profit relative to its expenses. Organizations that are more efficient will realize more profit as a percentage of its expenses than a less-efficient organization, which must spend more to generate the same profit.

What is goal and objective with examples? ›

Goals can be intangible and non-measurable, but objectives are defined in terms of tangible targets. For example, the goal to “provide excellent customer service” is intangible, but the objective to “reduce customer wait time to one minute” is tangible and helps in achieving the main goal.

What are the three main profitability ratios and how is each calculated? ›

The three main profitability ratios are return on sales, return on equity, and earnings per share. Return on sales is calculated by dividing net income after taxes by net sales. Return on equity is calculated by dividing net income after taxes by total equity.

What are the profitability ratios in business? ›

Profitability ratios are financial metrics used to measure and evaluate business performance in terms of income (profit), whether relative to revenue, assets, operating costs or shareholder equity, over a given period of time.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.