Rich People Don’t Just Live Longer. They Also Get More Healthy Years. (Published 2020) (2024)


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Wealthy men and women generally have eight to nine more years of “disability-free” life after age 50 than poor people do, according to a new study of English and American adults.

Rich People Don’t Just Live Longer. They Also Get More Healthy Years. (Published 2020) (1)

Yes, indeed, it’s good to be rich in old age. According to a new study, wealthy men and women don’t only live longer, they also get eight to nine more healthy years after 50 than the poorest individuals in the United States and in England.

“It was surprising to find that the inequalities are exactly the same,” said Paola Zaninotto, a professor of epidemiology and public health at University College London and a lead author of the study.

The findings, published on Wednesday in The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, emerged from two primary questions: What role do socioeconomic factors play in how long people live healthy lives? Do older adults in England stay disability-free longer than those in the United States?

To answer these questions, researchers from University College London, Harvard University and institutions in three other countries turned to two existing data sets containing more than 25,000 people over 50. They then analyzed how well various factors including education, social class and wealth predicted how long a person would live free of conditions that might impair them from activities such as getting out of bed or cooking for themselves — the study’s definition of “disability-free” and “healthy.”

Everything paled in comparison with wealth. In both countries, wealthy women tended to live 33 disability-free years after age 50 — eight to nine more than poor women, the study found. Wealthy men tended to live 31 disability-free years after 50 — eight to nine more than poor men.

There are many ways to define wealth. In this study, researchers considered physical possessions such as a home, jewels and artworks, as well as other financial assets such as savings and investments that had been accumulated over a person’s lifetime, minus debts. For Americans, the average wealth — not to be confused with income — was $29,000 for the poorest group, $180,000 for the middle group and $980,000 for the richest group, Dr. Zaninotto said.

Though education level and social class had some effect, neither was found to be nearly as significant as wealth. The researchers did not evaluate race as a factor in England, restricting that country’s data set, which was almost entirely white to begin with, to white Britons. When parsing the more racially diverse American data set by race, the conclusions stayed the same, Dr. Zaninotto said.

Additional study is required to understand why wealth in particular is such a strong indicator of how long someone lives unimpaired, she said, but it was most likely a function of “having access to funds when you have ill health.”

Corinna Loeckenhoff, director of the Healthy Aging Laboratory at Cornell University, complimented the methodology and made a similar observation.

“More wealth means it’s easier to get to your appointments and access additional services that would not be available to people with less,” said Dr. Loeckenhoff, who was not involved in the study. Additionally, poverty has been linked to higher stress levels, which has implications for health, she added.

Beyond that, she said she was curious about the potential role of lifestyle and personality traits. People who were more inclined to save money, for example, might also be more likely to also engage in healthy activity, she said.

But what about all of those people on remote, beautiful islands who seem to live forever? The secret to their enviably long, healthy, lives has little to do with riches, no?

Yes, of course, longevity is also affected by other factors, Dr. Loeckenhoff said. “The biggest recommendation is to exercise and eat a healthy diet,” she added, noting that the ability to do either might also be affected by wealth.

As far as whether older adults in England or the United States stayed disability-free longer, the study ultimately found that people’s ability to get around in their final years was nearly identical in both countries. The researchers were intrigued by the result, Dr. Zaninotto said, as they had previously found that older Americans tended to be less healthy than older Britons, largely because of obesity.

Heather Murphy is a general assignment reporter who often writes about advances in DNA technology. @heathertal

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Rich People Don’t Just Live Longer. They Also Get More Healthy Years. (Published 2020) (2024)


Rich People Don’t Just Live Longer. They Also Get More Healthy Years. (Published 2020)? ›

They Also Get More Healthy Years. Wealthy men and women generally have eight to nine more years of “disability-free” life after age 50 than poor people do, according to a new study of English and American adults.

Do rich people have longer life expectancy? ›

When it comes to being wealthy, research has found that if you're rich you're likely to live longer, too. Now this isn't because wealthier people have better or healthier genes. Also read: Why do the rich want more money?

Are rich people more likely to be healthy? ›

Rich people live healthy, disability-free lives an average of nine years longer than less wealthy people, according to a major study that lays bare the troubling economic inequalities behind lifespans in the US and UK.

What is the life expectancy of the rich? ›

Income in the United States. The richest American men live 15 years longer than the poorest men, while the richest American women live 10 years longer than the poorest women. The gaps between the rich and the poor are growing rapidly over time.

How much longer do the rich live than the poor? ›

At age 50, wealthy men could expect to live 31 more healthy years, which was roughly nine years more than poor men would live, while wealthy women could expect to live 33 more healthy years, which was also nine more years than poor women would live.

At what age do rich people retire? ›

A new survey shows that America's highest earners don't plan on retiring until they are at least 70 years old. Lower-income groups—and even those considered "affluent"—plan to retire much younger, according to the study from Spectrem Group, a wealth research firm.

Why are rich people so healthy? ›

If you have more money, you probably have access to better health care as well as more nutritious foods. You also have less stress from worrying about money, and stress is a factor in mortality, as well.

Who is healthier the rich or the poor? ›

Yes, indeed, it's good to be rich in old age. According to a new study, wealthy men and women don't only live longer, they also get eight to nine more healthy years after 50 than the poorest individuals in the United States and in England.

Are there any disadvantages of being rich? ›

This is a major drawback of great wealth: You'll have trouble trusting people. With anyone you meet, whether in a business setting or social setting, you'll find yourself unsure whether they're truly interested in you and what you have to offer, or they're more interested in your money and what it might do for them.

Do rich people eat healthier than poor people? ›

Wealthier households tend to place a higher value on healthy foods and nutrients, while poorer households tend to value unhealthy ones.

Who has the best life expectancy? ›

Countries ranked by life expectancy
#CountryLife Expectancy (both sexes)
1Hong Kong85.29
92 more rows

What is the best life expectancy? ›

1 state for a long, healthy life: Hawaii. It's not surprising that Hawaii landed the number one spot as the best state for longevity. The Aloha State's life expectancy at birth is 80.7 years, which exceeds all other states and is three years longer than the national average.

Do rich families stay rich for generations? ›

Wealthy families often work to ensure that their wealth is passed down to future generations. This may involve creating trusts, estate planning, and educating younger family members about financial management.

Do rich people still get depressed? ›

You can have depression regardless of how much money you have or make. Although money makes some aspects of life easier, there are other factors that play into mental health and well-being. The wealthy can get depressed the same way people living in poverty can experience depression.

Do most millionaires come from poor families? ›

Millionaires Are Made, Not Born

In fact, the majority of millionaires didn't even grow up around a lot of money. According to the survey, 8 out of 10 millionaires come from families at or below middle-income level. Only 2% of millionaires surveyed said they came from an upper-income family.

How many times does the average millionaire go broke? ›

The average millionaire goes bankrupt at least 3.5 times.

Do rich old people get Social Security? ›

Although to some degree it might seem as if billionaires and millionaires in the U.S. shouldn't be collecting Social Security, the truth is there is no law against it, and mathematically it makes sense. Social Security isn't simply a welfare program, with money handed out to anyone who asks.

Is it better to take Social Security at 62 or 67? ›

You can start receiving your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62. However, you are entitled to full benefits when you reach your full retirement age. If you delay taking your benefits from your full retirement age up to age 70, your benefit amount will increase.

What is the average Social Security check? ›

Average Social Security retirement benefits in 2023

Average payments for all retirees enrolled in the Social Security program increased to approximately $1,827, according to the Social Security Administration (SSA).

Do rich people age slower? ›

New research from University College London shows that people with less wealth also show the physical effects of aging more quickly than their wealthier counterparts, as well. Those effects range from slower walking and lower lung functioning to losing sight earlier and having worse memory.

What is the diet of rich people? ›

The Mediterranean diet -- rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, olive oil, nuts and whole grains -- has long been hailed as a heart-healthy eating plan.

Do rich people lead happier lives? ›

It might seem ludicrous to hear that anyone from this pool of millionaires responded as lower than a “10 out of 10” on happiness. But the results showed that millionaires were around an 8 out of 10 on their self-reported happiness.

Is it better to be poor or broke? ›

Being poor shapes someone's entire life, and changing that takes a lot more than cutting back or making small changes. But for broke people, financial hardship is temporary – and quick solutions make it possible to overcome that hardship.

Who is more stressed rich or poor? ›

In addition to those well-documented costs, it turns out that the poor not only experience more stress than the rich on a daily basis, but it is also more likely to be “bad” stress, which can have long-term effects on the ability to plan for and invest in the future.

Where in the Bible does it say rich but poor? ›

2 Corinthians 8:9 (NIV)

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”

What is the syndrome of being rich? ›

Key Takeaways. Sudden Wealth Syndrome (SDS) refers to a psychological condition or an identity crisis in individuals who have become suddenly wealthy. Sudden Wealth Syndrome is characterized by isolation from former friends, guilt over their change in circ*mstances, and extreme fear of losing their money.

What is better being rich or wealthy? ›

The Differences Between Wealthy and Rich

wealthy status, as it depends on the individual situation. A better barometer involves looking at assets and debt. A wealthy person typically has a significant net worth, while a rich person could have a high annual income but a negative net worth because of debt.

Why do rich people eat small? ›

One of the biggest reasons why fancy restaurants serve food in smaller portions is so it can reduce costs for purchasing ingredients. This means that less money will be wasted, and the restaurant will capitalize on a higher profit margin.

Do rich people still eat fast food? ›

A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey found the more money people make the more they eat fast food. According to the survey, which was conducted from 2013 to 2016, fast food was eaten 42 percent more by higher-income Americans than it was by lower-income Americans.

Why do Americans eat so fast? ›

Fast food is high in calories, fat, and sodium, which are associated with increased risks for diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Fast food is also convenient, affordable, and readily available. These are just some of the reasons why Americans eat it so much.

Who statistically lives longer? ›

Among humans, women's life span is almost 8% on average longer than men's life span.

What career has the longest life expectancy? ›

A 2021 study on Occupation-Based Life Expectancy found that people working in non-skilled general, technical and transport domains lived on average 3.5 years less than those in academic professions. Those working in the transport sector had the shortest life expectancy, and teachers had the longest.

Who are more likely to live longer? ›

In countries all over the world, the average life expectancy of women is years longer than it is for men. This trend is so significant that experts have identified many influencing factors. How many of these factors do you have the power to change?

Is 60 too late to get rich? ›

2. It is Never Too Late to Build Wealth. It is not unheard of for people to become millionaires AFTER they retire. And, the average age when people become millionaires is 58.5 for women and 59.3 for men according to a report from Fidelity investments.

Why do rich people age slower? ›

Not only does wealth and ambition buy privilege, it also buys years. A recent study at University College London compared the DNA of 450 office workers and found that those with more advanced degrees had longer telomeres, which are linked to lifespan.

How common is it to live to 90? ›

At the end of the study, about 16 percent of the men and about 34 percent of the women survived to the age of 90. In fact, the authors found that women who were taller than 5 feet 9 inches were 31 percent more likely to reach 90, compared to those who were under 5 feet 3 inches.

Who lives longer married or single? ›

An example of research that found no sex differences is the longest-running study of longevity, which has been going on since 1912 (discussed here). Results show that the people who lived the longest were those who stayed single and those who stayed married.

In what state do people live the longest? ›

1 state for a long, healthy life: Hawaii. It's not surprising that Hawaii landed the number one spot as the best state for longevity. The Aloha State's life expectancy at birth is 80.7 years, which exceeds all other states and is three years longer than the national average.

What is the secret to long life expectancy? ›

Wise Choices
  • Get moving.
  • Eat a healthy diet. Get tips at (USDA)
  • Pay attention to weight and shape.
  • Don't smoke or use tobacco.
  • Keep your brain active.
  • Be good to yourself.
  • Get regular medical checkups.
  • Drink only in moderation if you drink alcohol.

What is the strongest predictor of life expectancy? ›

Parental longevity is one of the most important predictors of survival to age 100 for both men and women.

Does retirement age affect life expectancy? ›

When they looked at the sample of 2,956 people who had begun participating in the study in 1992 and retired by 2010, the researchers found that the majority had retired around age 65. But a statistical analysis showed that when people retired at age 66 instead, their mortality rates dropped by 11%.

What is the most common age of death? ›

The world average age of death is a few years lower at 68.9 years for men and 73.9 years for women. Within the European Union, these are 77.7 and 83.3 years respectively. Birth rate and death rate are given in births/deaths per 1,000 inhabitants within one year. The table shows the official data from the year 2021.

What is the average age of death? ›

For example, a baby born in the US in 2021 has an estimated life expectancy of about 76 years, according to the latest report from the National Center for Health Statistics. Our life expectancy varies depending on our current age, sex, race and ethnicity, and where in the US we live.

Is longevity inherited from mother or father? ›

This study showed that children's anthropometric traits predicted their parents' longevity better in the case of mothers than fathers. Mothers of small-bodied children and fathers of vigorous sons had higher chances of becoming longevous.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.