You Could Be a Millionaire and Not Realize It—Here's How to Find Out (2024)

According to Credit Suisse, at the end of 2020, "the global number of millionaires expanded by 5.2 million to reach 56.1 million." While this report was encouraging news for the global economy, it also reported that an adult now "needs more than $1 million to belong to the global top 1 percent."

What Makes You a Millionaire, Anyway?

Hitting that coveted seven-figure mark has long been the definition of wealth, but rising inflation and job insecurity seem to keep pushing the goal post further away. As a result, people have gotten equally as creative about defining wealth—and what it means to be a millionaire—more broadly.

Yes, most people who are trying to achieve wealth still want to attain seven figures. But they know that that first million has to lead rather quickly to many more if you're aiming for long-lasting wealth. Financial coaches Anna N'Jie-Konte and Gary Stewart say that anyone aspiring to the millionaire moniker needs to first define for themselves what kind of millionaire they want to be—and only then chase that aspirational goal.

Ahead, these wealth coaches explain the difference between being a cash-flow, net-worth, or asset-value millionaire, and why it is possible that you could be a millionaire today and not even know it.

There are three primary definitions of a "millionaire."

"The most basic definition of a millionaire is somebody who has $1 million," explains Gary Stewart, a financial coach and CPA based in Alexandria, Va. But he says that definition can be misleading when comparing net-worth millionaires, asset-value millionaires, and cash-flow millionaires.

"For example, a cash-flow millionaire is someone who owns assets that pay out (or cash flow) $1,000,000 in a year. An asset millionaire is someone who, if they had to sell everything and pay off any liabilities, would have $1,000,000 left over. A net-worth millionaire is someone who has a net worth of at least $1,000,000. Net worth is a fancy way to say 'what you own minus what you owe.' If that amount ends up being $1,000,000+, you're a net-worth millionaire."

These definitions have distinct differences that affect real wealth calculations. Stewart says net-worth millionaires focus most on real wealth, while a cash-flow millionaire typically would "require a ton of money invested, royalties, profits from a business, or income from real estate. Very few people will become cash-flow millionaires because it takes a lot of work to build a business or portfolio of that magnitude," he explains.

Instead, most Americans are asset millionaires, who own a home that is worth a significant amount of money. Also, they may add retirement and investment accounts together to reach the $1,000,000 threshold. Thus, while it is possible to be a millionaire in all categories, most people would be one kind of millionaire, but not another.

Asset millionaires are rarely ever cash-flow millionaires, since their wealth is held in non-liquid assets. Similarly, net-worth millionaires may never become asset millionaires. Therefore, it is possible to be a millionaire and not realize it, especially if the value of your home or stocks rise without your even knowing it.

Liquidity is why you might not feel like a millionaire, even when you are.

Anna N'Jie-Konte, MBA, CFP, is a Puerto Rican, Gambian-American entrepreneur who spent nearly a decade working in wealth management, advising ultra-high-net-worth families ($5 million+ net worth) how to grow and secure their wealth for generations to come. She says that, similar to reaching a six-figure salary, reaching millionaire status is equally as arbitrary.

"It is not a benchmark of financial success that truly determines whether someone is doing well or not," she explains. Feeling like a million is enough to live well depends much more on a person's lifestyle and financial goals.

N'Jie-Konte argues that financial flexibility and liquidity are a huge part of the feeling of financial security. "These are two of the most under-discussed topics in personal finance—to everyone's detriment," she notes.

"Two people can have the same $1 million net worth, however, one will be much more financially nimble or able to meet life's challenges than the other," N'Jie-Konte explains. "For example, if one person has $1 million in equity in their home and holds a negligible cash or investment portfolio, then it will be quite difficult to access cash for whatever need may arise. Conversely, someone with $400,000 in home equity, $200,000 in a brokerage account, $50,000 in savings, and $350,000 in their 401(k) will have much more flexibility to meet whatever need or opportunity arises."

Being nimble often gives people a sense of comfort—which varies, of course, depending on their life stage, number of dependents, and the financial stability of loved ones. This is why it is possible to be a millionaire but still feel cash-strapped. In fact, many high-net-worth individuals live paycheck-to-paycheck because of their spending habits, debt, and external responsibilities. And the rising costs associated with inflation are another factor that can reduce spending power.

Defining your millionaire roadmap is easier than you think.

Stewart says that people can look like a million bucks, but still be one step away from losing it all. To seek lasting wealth, he says that ordinary people should chart a roadmap to obtain $1 million+ in assets and zero debt.

"To secure your funds and your financial future, it is crucial to have a rainy day fund for emergencies (because life happens), avoid personal debt like the plague (debt steals your income), and continue to invest in good growth investments," he advises.

"Do not strive for perfection," N'Jie-Konte counsels. "Trajectory (moving in the right direction) is much more important than perfection. There is so much shame around personal finance that stops people from making real progress."

In particular, she says that once you've made a choice to prioritize the type of millionaire that you want to be, it is important not to watch the clock. "Humans are inherently impatient and seek instant gratification," N'Jie-Konte continues. "Building substantial wealth sustainably requires time, consistency, and effort. It will happen slower than you would like at first and, after a while, it accumulates quicker than you could have ever imagined."

You Could Be a Millionaire and Not Realize It—Here's How to Find Out (2024)


What is the millionaire formula? ›

The 15*15*15 rule is one of the most basic rules that can help an investor become a 'crorepati' or millionaire.

Is $2 million a multi millionaire? ›

Dated ways of describing someone worth n millions are "n-fold millionaire" and "millionaire n times over". Still commonly used is multimillionaire, which refers to individuals with net assets of 2 million or more of a currency.

What are the signs that you will be a millionaire? ›

9 Signs of Wealth to Look Out For
  • You're an Overachiever. It's hard to be modest when you're an overachiever. ...
  • You Started Making Money At a Young Age. ...
  • You Take Action. ...
  • You Are Outspoken. ...
  • You Possess a Sense of Urgency. ...
  • You're Focused More on Saving Than Earning. ...
  • You Know The Difference Between Needs & Wants.
Oct 13, 2022

Is $5 million net worth rich? ›

Someone who has $1 million in liquid assets, for instance, is usually considered to be a high net worth (HNW) individual. You might need $5 million to $10 million to qualify as having a very high net worth while it may take $30 million or more to be considered ultra-high net worth.

Are you considered a millionaire if you have $1000000? ›

Someone is considered a millionaire when their net worth, or their assets minus their liabilities, totals $1 million or more.

What makes 90% of millionaires? ›

“90% of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.” This famous quote from Andrew Carnegie, one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs of all time, is just as relevant today as it was more than a century ago. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world have built their wealth through real estate.

What net worth is wealthy? ›

The Modern Wealth Survey collected responses from 1,000 adults between the ages of 21 and 75. According to those surveyed, it would take an average net worth of approximately $2.2 million to be considered “wealthy” in 2022. In 2021, survey respondents indicated it would take a net worth of $1.9 million.

Is $2 million enough to retire at 60? ›

Yes, for some people, $2 million should be more than enough to retire. For others, $2 million may not even scratch the surface. The answer depends on your personal situation and there are lot of challenges you'll face. As of 2023, it seems the number of obstacles to a successful retirement continues to grow.

What percentage of US citizens have a net worth over 2 million? ›

Additionally, statistics show that the top 2% of the United States population has a net worth of about $2.4 million. On the other hand, the top 5% wealthiest Americans have a net worth of just over $1 million. Therefore, about 2% of the population possesses enough wealth to meet the current definition of being rich.

What is a silent millionaire? ›

However, there's a growing number of "Silent Millionaires," people who achieve wealth effortlessly and with a net worth over a million pounds who you'd never suspect, who follow traditional methods of trading and investing to accumulate their wealth over time. In this book Daniel D.

What is the average age to make a million? ›

How old is the average millionaire? The average millionaire is 57 years old. This is because it takes smart financial decisions, hard work, and wise investments to become a millionaire, most of which don't fully pay off until around the age of 50 or 60.

What is a millionaire personality? ›

The five personality traits that are particularly standout are: risk-taking, emotional stability, openness, extraversion and conscientiousness.

What percentage of Americans have over $1000000 net worth? ›

There are 5.3 million millionaires and 770 billionaires living in the United States. Millionaires make up about 2% of the U.S. adult population. While an ultra-high net worth will be out of reach for most, you can amass $1 million by managing money well and investing regularly.

What percentage of US population has $3 million dollars? ›

There are roughly 5,671,005 households with $3 million or more in America, 4.41% of all US households.

What net worth is wealthy for family? ›

How much money do you need to be considered rich? According to Schwab's 2022 Modern Wealth Survey, Americans believe it takes an average net worth of $2.2 million to qualify a person as being wealthy. (Net worth is the sum of your assets minus your liabilities.)

Do millionaires have a lot of cash? ›

Many millionaires keep a lot of their money in cash or highly liquid cash equivalents. They establish an emergency account before ever starting to invest. Millionaires bank differently than the rest of us. Any bank accounts they have are handled by a private banker who probably also manages their wealth.

Is $3 million enough to retire at 65? ›

If you retire at age 65 and expect to live to the average life expectancy of 79 years, your three million would need to last for about 14 years. However, if you retire at 55 and expect to live to the average life expectancy, your nest egg would need to last for about 24 years.

Is $3 million enough to retire at 55? ›

The good news: As long as you plan carefully, $3 million should be a comfortable amount to retire on at 55. If you're ready to be matched with local advisors that can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

What number is considered wealthy? ›

Based on that figure, an annual income of $500,000 or more would make you rich. The Economic Policy Institute uses a different baseline to determine who constitutes the top 1% and the top 5%. For 2021, you're in the top 1% if you earn $819,324 or more each year. The top 5% of income earners make $335,891 per year.

Do millionaires own their homes? ›

With rapid price appreciation between 2020 and 2022, we estimate that approximately 1.2 million California households are now home-equity millionaires. Who are these house-rich Californians? Most have paid off their mortgages. In 2020, 58% of the state's equity millionaires owned their homes free and clear.

What is upper class salary? ›

What Is Middle-Class Income?
Income groupIncome
Low incomeLess than $52,200
Middle income$52,200 - $156,600
Upper incomeMore than $156,600
Feb 27, 2023

What income is upper middle class? ›

Many have graduate degrees with educational attainment serving as the main distinguishing feature of this class. Household incomes commonly exceed $100,000, with some smaller one-income earners household having incomes in the high 5-figure range.

Does high net worth include 401k? ›

Do you include a 401(k) in a net worth calculation? All of your retirement accounts are included as assets in your net worth calculation. That includes 401(k)s, IRAs and taxable savings accounts.

Can you live off interest of 2 million dollars? ›

At $200,000 per year in average returns, this is more than enough for all but the highest spenders to live comfortably. You can collect your returns, pay your capital gains taxes and have plenty left over for a comfortable lifestyle. The bad news about an index fund is the variability.

Can I live off interest on a million dollars? ›

Once you have $1 million in assets, you can look seriously at living entirely off the returns of a portfolio. After all, the S&P 500 alone averages 10% returns per year. Setting aside taxes and down-year investment portfolio management, a $1 million index fund could provide $100,000 annually.

At what age should you have $1 million in retirement? ›

A recent analysis determined that a $1 million retirement nest egg may only last about 20 years depending on what state you live in. Based on this, if you retire at age 65 and live until you turn 84, $1 million will probably be enough retirement savings for you.

Does net worth include home? ›

However, one measure that many overlook is net worth. Your net worth represents how much wealth you have, measured by assets like a house, cars, 401(k), jewelry or cash in the bank, minus the debt obligations you have, or what you owe.

How many US citizens make over 2 million a year? ›

In 2020, about 10.1 million households in the United States had an income of 200,000 U.S. dollars or more a year. Another 22.43 million households however, had an income of less than 25,000 U.S. dollars in the same year, The total number of households in the U.S. since 1960 can be found here.

How many US citizens make over $1 million a year? ›


There are just under 72,500 tax filers in California with an adjusted gross income above $1 million.

Why are rich people silent? ›

Money gives people the ability to insulate themselves from the outside world. They can buy quieter cars, houses in gated communities, and private schools for their children. They can also afford to take vacations to quiet places. This is why rich people are so quiet - they can afford to avoid noise.

What are the 3 things millionaires do not do? ›

He also identified three money habits that successful self-made millionaires avoid at all costs.
  • They don't have a wallet full of exclusive credit cards. ...
  • They avoid giving large gifts to their children, or supporting them financially as adults. ...
  • They don't spend hours managing their investments.
Nov 24, 2020

What are the three types of millionaires? ›

There are three primary definitions of a "millionaire."

But he says that definition can be misleading when comparing net-worth millionaires, asset-value millionaires, and cash-flow millionaires. "For example, a cash-flow millionaire is someone who owns assets that pay out (or cash flow) $1,000,000 in a year.

What is the average age of a 401k millionaire? ›

The typical "401(k) millionaire" reaches the milestone after age 50, according to a Fidelity Investments report cited by the New York Times. On average, women hit the milestone at age 58.5, while the average man became a millionaire at age 59.3.

How many 20 year olds make $100,000? ›

From age 18-24, only 1% of earners (7% altogether) earn $100k per year or more. This makes these age groups by far the lowest earners in the US. Americans make the most income gains between 25 and 35. Only 2% of 25-year-olds make over $100k per year, but this jumps to a considerable 12% by 35.

How old is the average American millionaire? ›

Most millionaires in the US are 60-79 years old.

More data published by Statista suggests two-thirds of US millionaires are 60-79 years old. Another 23% of Americans with a net worth of $1 million or more are 50-59, with a small percentage of millionaires being 40 or younger.

What are 3 traits of millionaires? ›

Here Are 5 Personality Traits of Self-Made Millionaires
  • Risk-Taking. One defining characteristic of self-made millionaires is their ability to take risks. ...
  • Emotional Stability. Emotional stability is one of the most important personality traits of self-made millionaires. ...
  • Openness. ...
  • Extroversion. ...
  • Conscientiousness.
Aug 15, 2022

Are most millionaires happy? ›

Millionaires are happy, but not extremely happy.

But the results showed that millionaires were around an 8 out of 10 on their self-reported happiness. The table below shows the average happiness (out of 10) for millionaires based on their wealth bracket.

What industry creates the most millionaires? ›

The financial service industry has created the most millionaires in modern times. The financial system manages the money of people worldwide. Behind the most successful ventures in the world are people developing and growing money.

Do most millionaires have college degrees? ›

It found that 88% of millionaires graduated from college, compared to 38% of the general population. In addition, 52% of millionaires had a master's or doctoral degree, compared to 13% of the general population.

What country has the most millionaires? ›

According to data from Forbes, the United States has the highest number of billionaires in the world with a total of 724 billionaires. This is followed by China with 698 billionaires and India with 237 billionaires. Germany and Russia complete the top five countries with 136 and 117 billionaires respectively.

Can you live off the interest of 3 million dollars? ›

Living off the interest of $3 million is possible when you diversify your portfolio and pick the right investments. Here are six common investments and expected income for each year: Savings and money market accounts. Savings accounts are one of the most liquid places to hold your money besides a checking account.

How many people have $1000000 in savings? ›

In fact, statistically, around 10% of retirees have $1 million or more in savings.

How much money do the richest Americans have? ›

Top 25 richest Americans
RankNameNet worth in billion US$
1Elon Musk180
2Jeff Bezos114
3Bill Gates135.8
4Larry Ellison119.5
21 more rows

What net worth is considered poor? ›

In 2020, a two-adult, two-child household was considered poor if the total household income was less than $26,246 (U.S. Census Bureau 2021). The same household would be net worth poor if its net worth was less than $6,562.

How much money is considered broke? ›

In a survey conducted in 2019, 86% of Americans said that they were either broke or had been in the past. According to 28% of millennials, overspending on food led them to that point. In general, people considered having only $878 available either in cash or a bank account to mean they were bankrupt.

How much is rich by age? ›

Average net worth by age
Age of head of familyMedian net worthAverage net worth
2 more rows
Dec 2, 2022

What is the millionaire next door saving formula? ›

A simple rule of thumb, however, is more than adequate in computing one's expected net worth. Multiply your age times your realized pretax annual household income from all sources except inheritances. Divide by ten. This, less any inherited wealth, is what your net worth should be.

What is the millionaire next door formula money guy? ›

In short it is 10% X Age X Income = Expected Net Worth. If you are in the Balance Sheet Affluent category, also known as prodigious accumulators of wealth, your net worth should be twice the expectation. The Wealth Equation was developed from national surveys of households with incomes of $80,000 or more.

How to mathematically become a millionaire? ›

Start by applying some simple math: If you want to make a million dollars in one year, you will need to earn $83,333 each month, or $20,830 each week, or assuming a 40-hour work week, about $520 each hour.

What is the millionaire ratio? ›

There are 5.3 million millionaires and 770 billionaires living in the United States. Millionaires make up about 2% of the U.S. adult population. While an ultra-high net worth will be out of reach for most, you can amass $1 million by managing money well and investing regularly.

What is average net worth by age? ›

Mean and median net worth by age (2019)
Age GroupMean Net WorthMedian Net Worth
Less than 35$76,300$13,900
2 more rows
Nov 30, 2022

How to save $1,000,000 in 5 years? ›

Tips for Saving $1 Million in 5 Years
  1. Capitalize on Compound Interest. ...
  2. Leverage Your Job. ...
  3. Establish Daily, Weekly and Monthly Savings Goals. ...
  4. Identify Ways to Increase Your Income. ...
  5. Find Simple Investments to Grow Your Money. ...
  6. Cut Expenses.
Mar 20, 2023

Where do millionaires keep their savings? ›

Examples of cash equivalents are money market mutual funds, certificates of deposit, commercial paper and Treasury bills. Some millionaires keep their cash in Treasury bills. They keep rolling them over to reinvest them and liquidate them when they need the cash.

What does the average millionaire look like? ›

they're first-generation wealthy; most millionaires earn their wealth instead of inheriting it. they're well-educated; 80% have college degrees and more than 35% have advanced degrees. they save more than 15% of their money. they live well below their means, driving American-made cars and living in relatively modest ...

What are the 7 traits of The Millionaire Next Door? ›

The authors talked about the seven most common traits that showed up among those that have accumulated wealth. Those common traits are the following; high income, low expenses, frugal, wealthy, breaking even (Spartan), spender, broke, and breaking even (Lavish).

Is The Millionaire Next Door still relevant? ›

The Millionaire Next Door made waves in 1996 when it challenged America's ideas about wealth. Despite coming out a quarter-century ago, it's still a #1 Bestseller on Amazon in 2022. It's long been popular in the early retirement community, too, so I was excited to finally read it.

Do millionaires pay off debt or invest? ›

They stay away from debt.

Car payments, student loans, same-as-cash financing plans—these just aren't part of their vocabulary. That's why they win with money. They don't owe anything to the bank, so every dollar they earn stays with them to spend, save and give!

How much do I need to save to be a millionaire in 5 years? ›

How to become a millionaire in 5 years
Account balanceCumulative amount invested
After two years$354,549$315,660
After three years$553,370$473,490
After four years$768,096$631,320
After five years$1,000,000$789,150
2 more rows
Apr 10, 2023

Can you actually become a millionaire on an average salary? ›

As you can see, if you start early enough, it's not very hard to become a millionaire even if your income is just average. You can save 10% of your income in your mid-20s and hit your target. And if your income goes up, you could even keep your savings rate the same and still become a millionaire.

Do 90% of millionaires make over $100000 a year? ›

And one crucial detail to note: Millionaire status doesn't equal a sky-high salary. “Only 31% averaged $100,000 a year over the course of their career,” the study found, “and one-third never made six figures in any single working year of their career.”

What is the average age of a millionaire? ›

How old is the average millionaire? The average millionaire is 57 years old. This is because it takes smart financial decisions, hard work, and wise investments to become a millionaire, most of which don't fully pay off until around the age of 50 or 60.

What do most millionaires do for a living? ›

The top five careers for millionaires include engineer, accountant, teacher, management and attorney.

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.