Alabama Eviction Laws: The Process & Timeline In 2023 (2024)

Alabama eviction laws vary from county to county, but they still follow the same general eviction process:

  1. Send a clear written notice
  2. Fill out the forms
  3. Serve the tenant
  4. Attend the trial
  5. Wait for judgement

Every eviction process is different and dependent on the lease/rental agreement signed by the tenant and the landlord. It is always best to exercise meticulous file-keeping to avoid errors that could be exploited by the tenant.

This article details a summary for landlords to refer to when evicting a tenant. Confirm procedures with your justice court to make sure the entire process goes as smoothly as possible.

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Now, let’s dive in.

Eviction Reasons

1. Failure to comply with rent deadlines

A tenant’s rent is late in Alabama if they have been unable to pay it for one day after the deadline. A grace period may be available if stated in the lease/rental agreement.

Before a landlord can start the eviction process, they are required to give the tenant an official written 7-Day Notice to Pay.

If rent is paid within those 7 days, then the filing for eviction does not continue. If they are unable to pay, the landlord reserves the right to continue filing for eviction.

2. Violation of the lease/rental agreement

The rental lease agreement has to be upheld by both tenant and landlord for the entire duration of their stay. Agreements may vary from tenant to tenant.

If a tenant violates any terms from the lease agreement, the landlord has to issue a 7-Day Notice to Comply. If the tenant resolves these issues on time, the eviction process does not continue.

Lease violations may include:

  • Damage to the rental property
  • Smoking in non-smoking areas
  • Keeping pets in pet-free properties, etc.

If the violations are not resolved or they remain on the property, then the landlord may continue with the eviction.

Landlords are not legally obligated to allow the tenant to resolve the violation before presenting them with the notice to quit if the tenant commits the same violation within 6 months.

If you want to create your own lease agreement, or want to download some examples, visit DoorLoop's Forms Page for examples of lease agreements for the state of Alabama.

3. Writing down false or misleading information on the rental application

Landlords reserve the right to evict tenants who have been dishonest in filling out their rental application. Examples of such dishonesty include, but are not limited to:

  • Tenant’s employment status
  • The number of people living in a rental unit
  • Tenant’s personal information
  • Tenant’s criminal and eviction history

Tenants charged with writing down false or misleading information cannot correct them. They are given a 7-Day Notice to Quit and have 7 business days to vacate the property.

4. Conducting illegal activity

If a tenant has engaged in illegal behavior within the property, the landlord has to issue an official written 7-Day Notice to Quit.

Examples of illegal activities are:

  • Theft, violence, assault
  • Involvement in the creation, distribution, or consumption of a controlled substance
  • Involvement in the creation, distribution, possession, or use of a firearm. This does not apply in the case of self-defense.

Tenants charged for illegal behavior cannot correct them. They are given 7 business days to vacate the property after receiving the Notice to Quit.

Landlords are advised to keep a close eye on their tenants to make sure illegal behavior does not go unnoticed.

5. Material health or safety violation

Alabama law takes into account the health, building, safety, and housing codes. If a tenant violates any of these codes, the landlord has to issue a 7-Day Notice to Comply to allow the tenant time to fix the problem.

Violations under this could include:

  • Not throwing out trash for long periods of time, inviting bugs and/or rodents.
  • Damaging the electrical wiring of a unit
  • Ruining the plumbing fixtures of a unit

The tenant has to finish repairs or fix the problem by the end of the 7 days. If they are unable to do so, the landlord may continue filing for eviction.

6. Non-renewal of the lease after the rental period ends

In Alabama, landlords cannot evict a tenant or force them to vacate the property without probable cause. As long as the tenant does not violate any rules, they can stay until their rental period ends. As seen in the table, if the lease agreement is categorized as monthly, the landlord may issue a 30-Day Notice to Quit instead of the 7-Day alternative.

But if they stay in the property even a day after their lease/rental agreement ends and have not arranged for a renewal, landlords can issue a written notice to move.

Notice to Comply

Before filing for an eviction with the court, you need to issue the tenant a notice to comply. You can either download the free PDF or Word template, or create your Alabama eviction notice from here using a step-by-step wizard that guides you through the entire process to make sure you are submitting the legally correct notice.

Keep in mind, the step-by-step wizard will ask you to pay a small fee at the end - it's a small price to pay to ensure legal compliance and protection. The last thing you want is to go to court only to find out you did the first process incorrect.

Filing a Complaint

1. How to File a Complaint

The eviction process can only begin after the issuance of the appropriate written notice. Enough notice time must have been allowed before filing for eviction.

The eviction process is as follows:

  1. Proceed to the justice court the rental property belongs to
  2. File a complaint
  3. Pay the fees

2. Timeline

It takes about 7 to 30 days from the issuance of the Notice to Vacate/Quit.

Serving the Tenant

1. How to Serve a Tenant

An official from the court delivers the Summons for the hearing and the Complaint to the tenant. The landlord or their lawyer is not allowed to deliver the Summons.

The Summons and Complaint has to be delivered at least 6 days before the return date of the eviction process. There are several methods available:

  1. Personal Service: The court official delivers the Summons and Complaint to the tenant in person
  2. Substituted Service: If the tenant is unavailable, someone living with the tenant may receive the documents
  3. Posting and Mailing: The court official leaves a copy of the documents for the tenant. It is placed in a secure and visible position by the entrance of the tenant’s rented property. When using this method, someone (landlord included) has to mail the documents through first-class mail to the tenant.

2. After Serving the Summons and Complaint

The tenant can respond to the Summons and Complaint. If they do, they will receive another document stating the date of the hearing via mail.

They have 7 days to reply if the eviction process does not involve money, or 14 days if the eviction involves monetary disputes.

3. Timeline

The documents should be served to the tenant at within 6 days of the process return date.

If you want to learn more about Alabama's landlord-tenant laws, make sure to visit DoorLoop's Complete Guide to Alabama's Landlord-Tenant Laws for more information.

Asking for Possession

1. Filing a Motion to Obtain Judgement and get a Judgement for Possession

The landlord has to provide a strong argument backed up by solid evidence against the tenant. Should the tenant fail to show up to the hearing, the landlord wins by default.

If the landlord does not win, they can still appeal within 7 days post-judgment for reconsideration.

2. Next procedure if the tenant disagreed and replied

In the state of Alabama, the need for a reply from the tenant for the court date to be scheduled depends on the county.

If the tenant files a written reply to the Complaint, they must also mail it to the attorney of the landlord or to the landlord themself.

The landlord or the tenant can request for a postponement of the hearing for 15 days.

The landlord needs to support the claim with evidence and show it during the hearing.

This could include, but is not limited to the following:

  • Copy of the deed and lease
  • Rent receipts and ledgers
  • Bank statements
  • Witnesses
  • Photo and video documentation of the violations, correspondence, etc.

If the judge rules in favor of the tenant, the landlord has 7 days to appeal the ruling, and vice versa.

3. Timeline

There is no clear date for when an eviction hearing has to be scheduled, but an appeal hearing has to be scheduled no longer than 60 days after either side requests for it.

Appeals can be filed within 7 days of the court giving judgment.

Getting Possession

1. After the landlord wins the case

Provided that the tenant does not appeal for reconsideration, a Writ of Execution is issued immediately.

The Writ of Execution gives the tenant a maximum of 7 days to vacate the property.

2. Move out process

The sheriff, police officer, constable, or bailiff executes the Writ. Once judgment is passed in favor of the landlord, the tenant has to move out.

Only the appropriate authorities are allowed to remove the tenant by force. Even if the landlord wins the case, they are not allowed to engage in illegal methods of eviction.

If any belongings are left behind, landlords are required to store them for at least 14 days. They are advised to contact the tenant to retrieve their belongings.

After 14 days, the tenant’s property may be sold or disposed of.

3. Timeline

The tenants have 7 days upon judgment being passed in favor of the landlord. Landlords have to wait 14 days before disposing of any personal belongings left behind.

Alabama Eviction Timeline

Below is the average timeline for a complete eviction process. This timeline does not include special cases such as requests for an appeal or continuance.

On average, it would take anywhere between 30 days to a few months for a complete eviction process.

Showing Evidence

1. How to keep good records

If the tenant disagrees with the eviction request and they reply to the court, it’s important that you keep extremely good records of everything so you can provide proof to the judge and win your case. This part can make or break your entire eviction request in the event of a dispute.

You can stay organized by:

  1. Keeping a physical paper trail - This gets VERY hard to search through, takes up a lot of storage space, and could get lost, damaged, stolen, or burnt in a fire.
  2. Scanning documents - Scan every document into your computer. A great scanner is the Brother ADS-1700W for under $200 or the Fujitsu ScanSnap iX1500 for $400.
  3. Backups - Store and backup every file using Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, or any other option that is easily searchable.
  4. PMS - Use a property management software to save everything from lease agreements, signed documents, violations, emails, notes, invoices, payments, reminders, maintenance requests, pictures, videos, and anything you can imagine. This is used best when you also scan every document into your software.

2. Evidence to show for not paying rent

If the tenant doesn’t pay rent, and they dispute that claim, it’s important that you show the judge the following:

  1. Your lease agreement - Showing the terms of the agreement, when rent is due, and any penalties for late payment.
  2. All payments - Showing all previous payments, how they were normally made (check, credit card, ACH, etc…), and what date they were normally paid on.
  3. Any payment returns - If their check bounced, their bank account had insufficient funds, or they did a chargeback dispute on their credit card, show this to the Judge. Also show any fees your bank may have charged you, and any penalties you are owed according to your lease agreement.
  4. All messages - If you sent your tenant automated or manual payment reminders by text, email, a letter, or mail, it’s important to show this. While it’s usually not needed, it’s still good to show that they were aware of the situation and were given time to cure and make payment. This is why it’s always best to have everything in writing instead of any phone calls or face-to-face meetings.

3. Evidence to show for lease violations

If you are evicting the tenant for lease violations, for example, noise complaints, unauthorized pets, or property damages, it’s important to show proof from any of the following methods:

  1. Security Cameras - If you have a surveillance system that can show them committing the crime or lease violation, it’s safe to say you will normally win this dispute.
  2. Video - If you didn’t catch them in the act, the next best thing is to record a video with your phone of any damages or the lease violation.
  3. Pictures - They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, a picture could be worth thousands of dollars! Even if you take a video, it’s important to show the Judge any pictures too as it’s usually easier to see by email or printed.
  4. Lease Terms - Once again, show the court which term they violated in their lease agreement. Don’t worry if you don’t have every single term spelled out in your rental agreement. If the violation is bad enough, it might not be needed to have it written. As a good practice though, start adding all of the potential reasons to evict a tenant into your agreement.
Alabama Eviction Laws: The Process & Timeline In 2023 (2024)


Alabama Eviction Laws: The Process & Timeline In 2023? ›

On average, it would take anywhere between 30 days to a few months for a complete eviction process.

How long does the eviction process take in Alabama? ›

On average, it would take anywhere between 30 days to a few months for a complete eviction process.

What time frame can Apartments evict in Alabama? ›

Alabama Court Rules give you seven (7) days (one week) to answer an eviction. If the seventh day falls on a weekend or holiday, you can answer on the next business day. If you have a question about the date you were served, check with the Court clerk's office to make sure not to miss your deadline.

How long does a eviction stay on your record near Alabama? ›

An eviction will not show up on your credit report, but any collection accounts may remain on your credit report for up to seven years from the original delinquency date, which is the date of the first late payment that led to the collection status.

What state has the fastest eviction process? ›

Louisiana. Louisiana's effective property tax rate is just 0.54%, the third lowest in the US. It is also one of the states that have laws that preempt rent control. Louisiana has one of the fastest eviction processes in the country.

Do you have 30 days after eviction notice in Alabama? ›

Other Notice

Usually, the lease will specify the amount of time to be given to the tenant to vacate once notice is given, usually 30-days. For example, if the lease is month-to-month, the Alabama eviction notice is 30-days.

What a landlord Cannot do in Alabama? ›

Keep in mind that with a long-term lease, the landlord cannot increase the rent until the lease ends and a new tenancy begins—unless the lease itself provides for an increase. Alabama landlords may not raise the rent in a discriminatory manner—for example, only for members of a certain race.

What is the longest an eviction can take? ›

Constable returns possession of property to landlord.

Evicting a tenant in California can take around five to eight weeks, depending on the type of eviction. If tenants request a continuance or jury trial, the process can take longer.

Is a 7-day eviction notice legal in Alabama? ›

An Alabama seven (7) day notice to quit allows a landlord to submit notice that rent is late to a tenant. If payment is not made within the 7-day period, the lessee will be required to either leave the property or face an eviction filing against them (known as an “Unlawful Detainer”).

What is an illegal eviction in Alabama? ›

Illegal Evictions in Alabama

Alabama prohibits “self-help” evictions in which the landlord personally acts to remove the tenant from the property. The landlord must obtain a court order to remove a tenant from the premises. Typical methods of self-help eviction include: Changing the locks.

How do I get an eviction off my record in Alabama? ›

To expunge an eviction, a tenant typically files a form with the court in person, through mail, or e-filing online. The tenant is also required to serve the landlord involved in the action with notice of the filing.

What is an eviction notice in Alabama? ›

An Alabama eviction notice is a written statement from a landlord to the tenant that details the terms for them to vacate the property, also known as an “unlawful detainer.” The lease violation is required to be stated in the notice.

Do evictions show up on credit karma? ›

If you've experienced an eviction, the removal process and judgement won't appear on your credit reports. However, there are some potential consequences of an eviction that may still appear on your credit reports and impact your scores.

Is there a way to get around an eviction? ›

Talk to your previous landlord.

In some cases, a landlord that evicted you might be open to erasing an eviction if you pay any money that's owed and settle any lingering disputes. If you are on good terms, he may also provide a convincing recommendation to your new landlord.

What is the shortest eviction notice? ›

A Three-Day Notice is the most common and quickest way to initiate the eviction process if the tenant is deliquent in paying the rent. The majority of Evictions, called Unlawful Detainer cases are for nonpayment of rent.

What state has the least evictions? ›

The states with the lowest eviction rates were New Mexico, Virginia and Hawaii, according to the study. For its analysis of laws benefiting renters, ConsumerAffairs used 2018 research from Rentcafe that looked at 10 common aspects of the landlord-tenant relationship by state and the laws that defined it.

Can a landlord evict you without a court order in Alabama? ›

The only way a landlord can remove a tenant from a rental unit is by winning an eviction lawsuit against the tenant. Even then, the landlord must not actually evict the tenant. That can only be done by a law enforcement officer with a court order.

How many days notice must be given to evict in Alabama? ›

In Alabama, a landlord can evict a tenant for violating the terms of their lease or not upholding their responsibilities under Alabama landlord tenant law. To do so, landlords must first serve the tenant a 7 days' notice to comply or vacate, which gives the tenant a chance to fix the issue or move out.

How much does an eviction notice cost in Alabama? ›

the average cost is $288.50. These filing, court, and service fees do not include outside costs such as legal fees or post-eviction fees (i.e., locksmith fees, storage costs for a tenant's abandoned property, cleaning service fees, repair costs, or advertising costs for a vacant dwelling unit).

What are the squatters rights in Alabama? ›

Squatters must use the property in a transparent and open manner. Their acquisition cannot be made secretly. Anyone visiting the place must be able to tell that the occupant is actively using and controlling it. If the person occupying the property moves in secretly, they cannot file an adverse possession claim.

Do renters have rights in Alabama? ›

In addition to your lease and the Alabama Landlord-Tenant Law, you have rights and protections under the federal Fair Housing Act. own expense, such as adding a wheelchair ramp. “no pets” rule. If your landlord is violating your fair housing rights, turn to the next page for information about legal help.

What to do if tenant leaves personal property behind after eviction in California? ›

Landlords should send a notice to the tenant, letting them know that they need to come back for the items or let the landlord know their plan to remove them. If the tenant doesn't respond to the notice within 18 days, the landlord can begin legal steps to remove, sell, and dispose of these belongings.

Is the eviction moratorium extended to 2023 in California? ›

On Monday, April 3, 2023, the Los Angeles Mayor's Office issued a notice extending certain residential renter protections related to the COVID-19 pandemic that were slated to end upon the expiration of the LA County Eviction Moratorium on Friday, March 31, 2023.

Can I give 30 days notice in the middle of the month California? ›

The tenant pays rent for the entire month. California law differs because a 30-day notice is permitted any time during the month, with the final date of occupancy 30 days from the date the notice is delivered to the landlord, according to the California Department of Consumer Affairs.

What is a writ of Possession in Alabama? ›

A Writ of Possession is an order from the Court which has previously made a ruling in favor of a landlord in an eviction case. The Writ directs the constable to seize or take control of the premises subject to the order and turn it over into the landlord's possession.

How do I report a landlord in Alabama? ›

How to File a Complaint if Your Housing Rights Have Been Violated
  1. Call Legal Services Alabama.
  2. English 1-866-456-4995.
  3. Español 1-888-835-3505.
  4. Apply Online for Legal Help.
  5. Find your local office.

How do I write an eviction notice in Alabama? ›

Eviction notices in Alabama must include the legal reason for the eviction, the dollar amount of overdue rent (if applicable), and the number of days the tenant has to cure the problem or leave. An eviction notice must also be legally served to the tenant.

How do I file an ejectment in Alabama? ›

While an eviction is begun by filing a unlawful detainer form that is brief and simple, an ejectment action is begun by filing a drafted complaint in Circuit Court. In an eviction action the Defendant has 7 days to respond after they are served with the complaint.

How do you evict a roommate not on the lease in Alabama? ›

Evicting Someone Not on the Lease

Contact law enforcement /deliver an eviction notice (if required). File an eviction case with the appropriate court (if required). Attend the eviction hearing (if a hearing is required). File an appeal if the court doesn't evict the party.

What is the eviction process in Marshall County? ›

This is a three-step process: Notice to Quit (this can be a 3-day or 10-day notice, served by the Sheriff's Office). Forcible Entry and Detainer (this will involve a court date). Writ of Possession (this is the actual eviction).

What court handles evictions in Alabama? ›

The District Court Civil Division handles civil cases with damages from $6,000.01 to $20,000. Additionally, District Court Civil Division has jurisdiction over evictions and unlawful detainers.

What is Experian rentbureau? ›

Collects rent payment history data from property owners and residential real estate managers, electronic rent payment services and collection companies, and makes that information available to the multifamily housing industry through tenant screening companies.

How long does an eviction stay on your record in Texas? ›

If an eviction case against you shows up on a public consumer report, any potential landlord may assume you were evicted. This is true even if you won your eviction case. Also, any rent or court fees you owe may go to collections. This will appear on your credit report for seven years.

Does your credit score drop when you get evicted? ›

While an eviction does not directly affect your credit score, many evictions involve owing money to the landlord. This might be unpaid rent or damage to the property. Unlike other debts, your landlord will not typically report your rent history or late payments to a credit bureau.

Does credit report show rental history? ›

What rent information is on my credit report? Unless your landlord reports it, rental information will not appear on your credit report. It doesn't matter if you have on-time, late, or missing payments. Evictions, bounced checks, broken leases, and property damage also won't automatically appear on your credit report.

Does not paying rent affect credit score? ›

Missing a rent payment by a few days won't hurt your credit. But if you leave your rent unpaid by 30 days or more, it could damage your credit if your landlord reports the delinquency to one or more credit reporting agencies.

How much money does a landlord have to give a tenant to move out in California? ›

If your landlord evicts you for one of these reasons, they must first give you one month's rent or waive one month's rent to help you move out. What notice does the landlord have to provide me?

What is eviction notice on Roblox? ›

Eviction Notice is a Roblox game developed by Peak Precision Studios. It is based on the TV series, Big Brother, and is the third real-life competition game made by Peak Precision Studios. In the game, players will first challenge against each other in a Leader competition to obtain the House Leader(s) role.

How do I delay an eviction in Florida? ›

How Tenants Can Fight (or Delay) an Eviction in Florida
  1. Talk to Your Landlord. The best way to delay an eviction is to talk to your landlord. ...
  2. Fight (Raise a Defense) ...
  3. Ask for a Continuance. ...
  4. Talk to the Judge. ...
  5. File For Bankruptcy to Delay Your Eviction. ...
  6. Should I Ignore an Eviction Notice?
Dec 5, 2022

How long is eviction process in Alabama? ›

On average, it would take anywhere between 30 days to a few months for a complete eviction process.

What's the fastest a landlord can evict you? ›

The eviction process can take 30 - 45 days, or longer. The time starts from when you have eviction court forms delivered to your tenant to the time they must move out. Choose any box, below, to learn more about the eviction process and get step-by-step instructions.

Can I be evicted during COVID in Alabama? ›

There is currently no eviction ban for most tenants in Alabama.

What state has the highest eviction? ›

More than 900,000 renter households were evicted from their homes each year. South Carolina experienced the highest eviction rate of any state (6.2 percent) with an average of 26,430 evictions per year. Other states with high eviction rates include Arizona, Virginia, and Delaware.

Which states are most favorable to landlords? ›

The Best States For Landlords In 2022 & 2023
  • Florida.
  • Illinois.
  • Pennsylvania.
  • Ohio.
  • Georgia.
  • Kentucky.
  • Michigan.
  • North Carolina.

Which state has the best landlord laws? ›

Top 12 Landlord-Friendly States in the U.S. in 2023
  1. Texas. With high demand for rental properties, cities that are drawing in younger populations, and favorable rental property laws, Texas is considered among the best states for real estate investing. ...
  2. Alabama. ...
  3. Indiana. ...
  4. Colorado. ...
  5. Florida. ...
  6. Arizona. ...
  7. North Carolina. ...
  8. Illinois.
Feb 3, 2023

Is there an eviction ban in Alabama? ›

There is currently no eviction ban for most tenants in Alabama.

Is Alabama a landlord friendly state? ›

2. Alabama. One of the most landlord-friendly states to buy a rental property in, Alabama, does not require any rental licensing, and the property tax is just 0.48%. In addition, there are no limits to deposits or late fees, so any reasonable amount can be demanded in the lease terms.

How do I evict a squatter in Alabama? ›

It's important to remember squatters' rights. Do not use force to evict them, threaten them, or turn off their utilities. To have them removed from the premises, you might need to hire an attorney and file an unlawful detainer complaint, if necessary.

What is the fastest you can evict a tenant? ›

The eviction process can take 30 - 45 days, or longer. The time starts from when you have eviction court forms delivered to your tenant to the time they must move out. Choose any box, below, to learn more about the eviction process and get step-by-step instructions.

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.