Ranking top 5 most valuable Michael Jordan rookie cards (2024)

Michael Jordan's rookie cards are extremely valuable. Jordan is considered the best basketball player of all time, which is why it's not surprising that some of his rookie cards are worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Some of Jordan's cards have sold for more than a million, which is very impressive. However, this isn't surprising considering that he was such a fantastic player and that he still has millions of fans all around the world.

This article will list the five most valuable Michael Jordan rookie cards. We will take a look at the design of these cards and reveal some interesting details about them.

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#1. Some Michael Jordan rookie cards are worth more than $1 million

A few months ago, a Michael Jordan rookie card was sold for more than a million dollars. This was the 2006-07 Fleer card that became very popular after "The Last Dance," Jordan's documentary, was released.

One thing that makes this card so unique is MJ's autograph. Due to this, it's not surprising that the card was sold for so much money at the latest auction.

#2. 1986 Fleer card is also very valuable

The 1986 Fleer Michael Jordan rookie card also has impressive value. While it's not as expensive as the first card on the list, it's been sold for more than half a million several times.

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The biggest sale of the card came in February 2021 when it was sold for $645,000.

#3. The Fleer Sticker is another six-figure card

Many Michael Jordan rookie cards are worth six figures and the 1986 Fleer Sticker is no exception. While the last few sales of the PSA 10 card had an average price of around $75,000, the card has been sold for more than $100,000 several times.

The all-time high price of the card is $200,100 from February 5, 2021.

#4. 1984 Star is very unique

Finding a PSA 10-grade 1984 star Michael Jordan rookie card is almost impossible. However, even lower-grade cards are very expensive and are worth five figures easily.

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A grade 8 card costs around $35,000, which is very impressive. This card has been sold for $50,000 several times, with the latest sale taking place in September 2022.

#5. The Olympics gold medalist Jordan card

The 1984 star card features Michael Jordan in a different jersey. Before he joined the Chicago Bulls and dominated the NBA, Jordan was an Olympic gold medalist, which is why he's wearing a United States men's basketball team's jersey on the card.

This is another rare card that is almost impossible to find in perfect conditions. However, even a PSA 9 card is worth at least four figures.

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Edited by Arnav Kholkar


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Ranking top 5 most valuable Michael Jordan rookie cards (2024)
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