How to use Wave Mini as a mold risk indicator (2024)

Understanding your wave mini graphs and data

What do my mold risk levels mean?


Good. Little risk for mold growth, but there is always a possibility for mold above 0.


Poor. There is a high mold risk for all kinds of materials.

Mold risk graphs

How to use Wave Mini as a mold risk indicator (1)

How to use Wave Mini as a mold risk indicator (2)

How to use Wave Mini as a mold risk indicator (3)

It will take about 2 days for the mold risk indicator to give you an indication of your mold risk. “Processing data” will display when ready or when it is syncing using Bluetooth.

The mold algorithm depends significantly on time, which means that long term monitoring of your mold risk is essential.

When your graph is growing steadily, the risk of mold is increasing. You should take action before it gets worse.

When your graph turns green after some time in yellow or red: mold will start to die, however, the process is slow. Make sure to remove visible mold.

This is a very typical reading. If your humidity is always less than 80% in the most humid location in your room, you likely have no risk of mold. If you think there is a high likelihood of mold, move the device closer to the suspected mold risk area.

How to use Wave Mini as a mold risk indicator (2024)


How to use Wave Mini as a mold risk indicator? ›

If you think there is a high likelihood of mold, move the device closer to the suspected mold risk area. It will take about 2 days for the mold risk indicator to give you an indication of your mold risk. “Processing data” will display when ready or when it is syncing using Bluetooth.

Does wave plus detect mold? ›

The Wave Plus, Wave, and View Plus do not have the mold risk indicator, but for a very good reason! The Mold Risk Indicator is a feature of our Wave Mini used to detect the risk of mold growth which typically grows in conditions with high humidity.

Where do you put wave radon? ›

You can place Wave Radon wherever you want to measure your air quality, such as your bedroom, on the wall in the baby's room, or on a shelf in the living room.

Where should I install Airthings? ›

For optimum functionality and longevity, a suitable environment is:
  1. a location where you spend the majority of your time (living room, bedroom, etc...)
  2. below 80% humidity.
  3. clean, without heavy dust or dirt.
  4. away from vents, windows and direct sunlight.
  5. Temperature: 4°C to 40°C. 39°F to 104°F.
  6. for indoor use only.

How do you mount Wave Plus? ›


If you plan to mount your device on a wall, the backplate serves as a mounting plate. Be sure that you use a screw best suited for the wall's material. Once the plate is attached to the wall, the magnets on the plate and the device make it a snap to mount the monitor.

Is there a device that detects mold? ›

Understanding mold detection technology

One popular type is a mold sensor, which uses advanced detection systems to identify levels of mold in the air. Another option is a mold detection system, which can be installed in your HVAC system or placed in individual rooms to monitor for mold growth.

How do you detect mold exposure? ›

Questionnaire-based respiratory symptoms induced by mold/dampness
  1. Sneezing, itching in the nose, rhinorrhea (runny nose), nasal congestion.
  2. Redness, itching of the eyes, tears.
  3. Whistling or buzzing noise in the chest.
  4. Cough (productive, with sputum)
  5. Dry cough.
  6. Asthma, shortness of breath, heavy breathing.
Mar 29, 2022

How accurate is wave radon? ›

See how we test. According to Airthings, the Wave displays the local radon levels accurate to within 20 percent after a week, and accurate to within 10 percent after a month.

Where in your house is radon most likely? ›

Radon levels are usually highest in the basem*nt or crawl space. When someone breathes in radon gas, it goes into their lungs, exposing them to small amounts of radiation. This may damage the cells in the lining of the lungs and increase a person's risk of lung cancer.

Where is radon most likely to accumulate in a home? ›

You spend the most time in your home, so that's where radon exposure is most likely. Radon can come up through the ground and into your home through cracks in the foundation. Once it's through the cracks, it can get trapped inside, where it builds up. It can also get into your home through well water.

How accurate is Airthings mini? ›

Users can rest assured that their Wave Mini is providing them with the most accurate information and guidance possible, as Airthings' mold risk indication is based on the ASHRAE mold index - the leading global organization focused on setting standards for health and safety through air quality.

What is the lifespan of Airthings? ›

Wave Radon and Wave Plus come with 2x AA batteries and they are designed to have an expected battery life of approx. 1 year. The Wave Mini comes with 3x AA batteries and they typically have a lifetime of approx. 2-3 years.

Does Airthings really work? ›

Airthings's Professional devices, Plus and Pro, provide very high levels of accuracy. The Plus measures at just 12% accuracy after a week and 9% after a month, measured at 50-to-350 Bq/m3. The Pro boasts an impressive 7% accuracy after 24-hours and less-than-5% after a week.

How long does it take for Airthings to calibrate? ›

Why do I need 7 days to calibrate the VOC and CO2 sensors? The CO2 and VOC sensors need 7 days to calibrate and gather enough data in order to adjust properly to their environment.

What is Airthings hub? ›

The Hub is the heart of the Airthings Ecosystem. It acts as a connector for your Airthings devices and brings them online to view and sync remotely, instead of having to sync via Bluetooth.

What camera detects mold? ›

It can create a visual representation of temperature differences in objects and surfaces. A thermal camera can be a useful tool for detecting certain types of mold in walls, but it has limitations and should be used in conjunction with other methods of mold detection.

Is there a way to detect mold in carpet? ›

Moldy or Musty Smell

The most common sign of mold in your house is that it will give off a musty smell. A moldy carpet is not only mold-filled, but it also gives off a particular smell. This may be one of the most tangible signs that there's mold in your house.

Do mold detectors really work? ›

At this time, it is unknown what level of mold is “safe” or how much is necessary to cause health problems. Mold tests cannot measure all the molds in an environment or how much occupants are exposed to. Such testing can also miss evidence of problems and results may mislead or be misused.

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