OpenSea Sales Gas Fee: The Easy Way to Calculate and Monitor (2024)

Want to save money on OpenSea gas fees? In this tutorial, I will show how gas fees are calculated and how you can use to monitor gas fees so you can complete your transactions when OpenSea gas fees are low.

If you’re new to NFTs or want a deeper understanding of how gas fees work on OpenSea, check out our other guide: How to Save Money on OpenSea Gas Fees

Gas fees are the fees needed to execute a transaction in the Ethereum blockchain. These fees will vary depending on how much computational power the transaction needs. The most basic Ethereum transaction (transferring ether from your account to another) costs 21000 units of gas.

For OpenSea gas fee, the requirement is much higher, since the transaction requires more computational power.

Check out Etherscan’s Gas Tracker to see the units of gas needed for different DeFi protocols

OpenSea Sales Gas Fee: The Easy Way to Calculate and Monitor (3)

In order to calculate the price of the gas fee, we will need the units of gas needed for the transaction multiplied by the current gas price in Gwei. There are 1 billion Gwei in one ether.

Let’s walk through an example. If the current OpenSea gas fee is 20, the cost of a transfer will be 71,645 * 20 = 1,432,900 Gwei or 0.0014329 ETH. Now we just need to find out the USD price of 1 ETH in order to find the OpenSea gas fee in USD. In this case it’s $1.92 USD.

Instead of doing all this math, I like to use a bot to make things simpler and faster.

Let’s have a look at how we can easily set up a bot using, a no-code platform for web3 bots.

Estimated setup time: 5 minutes or less

🔔 Get OpenSea gas fee updates on Discord

In order to create a bot that will post the current gas price for OpenSea Sales or other DeFi protocols, all you need to do is to use this recipe that we have created for you and you will receive a message like this on your Discord server.

The only configuration you need to do is add Boto to your server and authorize it by typing /auth in the channel you want to use, followed by the email you used to create your Boto account.

OpenSea Sales Gas Fee: The Easy Way to Calculate and Monitor (4)

Next, click the refresh button and select the channel in the dropdown list.

OpenSea Sales Gas Fee: The Easy Way to Calculate and Monitor (5)

Now save the bot and turn it on and you’ll start getting alerts!

🔔 Get notified ONLY when OpenSea gas fee is below a price in USD

Use this recipe if you would like to receive an alert via email and Telegram when the gas fee for OpenSea Sales or another DeFi transaction is below a certain amount in USD.

Still have questions? We have answers at How to Save Money on OpenSea Gas Fees to questions like:

  • How to pay gas fees on OpenSea
  • Why is the gas fee so high on OpenSea?
  • Who pays the gas fee on OpenSea?
  • How much is the OpenSea gas fee?
  • How to sell an NFT without gas fees on OpenSea
OpenSea Sales Gas Fee: The Easy Way to Calculate and Monitor (2024)


How is OpenSea gas fee calculated? ›

Here's a guide on how to avoid paying high gas fees on OpenSea. Ethereum gas is the cost or 'fees' paid to miners for verifying transactions on the blockchain. The total gas fees are calculated by multiplying the Gas Unit(limits) and the (Base Fee+ Tip).

How to calculate NFT gas fees? ›

They are calculated based on the amount of computational power required to execute a transaction. NFT Gas Fees are typically quoted in gwei, which is a denomination of ETH. Each gwei is equal to one-billionth of an ETH. The average gas fee on Ethereum currently stands at around 10.39 gwei.

How much does OpenSea take when selling gas? ›

Buyers pay gas fees when purchasing a fixed-price item, and some transactions may also include creator earnings. Sellers pay gas fees when accepting offers. OpenSea's fees are simple and straightforward: OpenSea receives 2.5% of the sale price of your NFT.

How much commission does OpenSea charge? ›

The response gives the fee value in basis points. In this example, OpenSea fees are 250 basis points, 2.5%, and the creator fees are 500 basis points, 5%. Orders posted to OpenSea must include any applicable fees on the collection.

How is gas fee calculated? ›

The gas fee is the amount of gas used to do some operation, multiplied by the cost per unit gas.

How do you calculate gas limit? ›

Breaking down the formula​
  1. Transaction fees (TXFEES) = L2 Gas Price (P) * Gas Limit (G)
  2. Gas Limit (G) = Gas used on L2 (L2G) + Extra Buffer for L1 cost (B)
  3. L1 Estimated Cost (L1C) = L1 price per byte of data (L1P) * Size of data to be posted in bytes (L1S)
  4. Extra Buffer (B) = L1 Estimated Cost (L1C) / L2 Gas Price (P)
6 days ago

What is lazy minting? ›

Lazy Minting is a process in which the creator does not have to pay the gas fee for minting the NFT upfront, and they can list it on marketplaces for sale. Whenever a buyer buys the NFT, it is minted just in time, and the minting cost is added to the total cost of the NFT.

How do I avoid gas fees when selling NFT? ›

Setting a lower gas limit is one of the most straightforward ways to reduce fees. Lazy minting removes upfront costs for minting an NFT. No fees are paid until a creation sells. Gas fees are generally cheaper on weekends and nights.

Why are NFT gas fees so high? ›

The popularity of NFTs on Ethereum. Many spikes in gas prices can be attributed to highly anticipated NFT drops. Ethereum is the home of DeFi (decentralized finance). Many of the largest, most established dapps were built on Ethereum, and continue to be the biggest players in DeFi.

What is lazy minting on OpenSea? ›

Lazy minting is a technique for creating non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that delays the minting process until the NFT is purchased. This approach contrasts with traditional minting, where the creator pays upfront gas fees to mint the NFT before it is listed for sale.

How much is gas fee to mint on OpenSea? ›

Cheapest Cost to mint on OpenSea

Unlike other cryptocurrencies, there are no fixed gas fees on OpenSea. The cost can fluctuate based on the supply of the ETH blockchain. For instance, during peak supply, you may have to pay up to $300. On the other hand, during a lower supply period, you can pay as little as $40.

How much does NFT gas cost? ›

Gas fees vary distinctively from one blockchain to another, alongside possibilities for price differences in transactions on a specific blockchain. Therefore, the cost of minting NFTs could vary between $1 and more than $500.

How much does it cost to sell 1 NFT on OpenSea? ›

The largest NFT marketplace, OpenSea, charges 2.5% per transaction. The cost of minting, or creating, non-fungible tokens can range from less than $1 to more than $1,000 depending on the above mentioned factors.

Why did OpenSea get rid of royalties? ›

OpenSea's decision to abandon mandatory creator royalties was perceived as a response to competition from other NFT marketplaces that have also reduced or eliminated such fees.

Is OpenSea taking away royalties? ›

Several non-fungible token (NFT) creators and artists are seeking alternative platforms to sell their work after OpenSea stopped mandating creator royalties at its marketplace. OpenSea, one of the world's largest NFT marketplaces, announced on Aug. 17 that creator royalty fees would be optional on its platform.

How do I calculate my ETH gas fee? ›

Gas fees are calculated by multiplying the gas price by the gas limit. ‌So, if the gas limit is 20,000 and the price per unit is 200 gwei, the fee would be 20,000 * 200 = 4,000,000 gwei or 0.004 ETH. You can also add a tip if you want validators to prioritize your transaction.

How does MetaMask calculate gas limit? ›

It is calculated as: (base fee + priority fee) x units of gas used. MetaMask initially sets this amount based on the previous block's history. However, users can edit this amount through custom settings (see below).

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