How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (2024)

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (1)

357 reviews6 followers

August 2, 2014

I’d wanted to read this stock market classic for a long time but it is notoriously hard to find. Finally I bought it through a reseller on The seller was in England and the book arrived in my mailbox a couple of weeks later. It was worth the wait!

What adds to the book’s appeal is that, unlike Jesse Livermore, Darvas was not a professional investor. He was a professional dancer. He and his dance partner Julia entertained at nightclubs around the world. And because he was not a professional, he got his chops in the school of hard knocks. He learned by doing. And he chronicles his progress, all the mistakes he made along the way, where his thinking went wrong, and how he eventually developed his own theory which made him $2 million in 18 months, starting with a stake of less than $25,000.

Darvas got involved in the stock market quite by accident. In 1952 he was offered a dancing gig in Toronto. The twin brothers who owned the club, Al and Harry Smith, made Darvas an unusual offer. They wanted to pay him in shares of a Canadian junior mining company called Brilund. It was trading at 50 cents a share – 6000 shares worth $3000 for his appearance. Darvas was a bit skeptical as he knew stocks went up and down in price. The Smiths agreed to make up the difference in cash if the stock dropped below 50 cents for the six months following the deal. Darvas agreed.

As it turns out, Darvas could not keep his playdate and felt badly about letting the brothers down. So he offered to buy the 6000 shares for $3000. He got the shares and forgot about them until he noticed two months later that the stock was up to $1.90. He sold and made an $8000 profit. His appetite, as they say, was whetted.

Then began the education. He thought Canadian penny mining stocks were the cat’s meow. “I jumped in and out of the market like a grasshopper,” he writes. He became enamored of some, calling them his “pets”. And he started losing money. So he quit the Canadian market and opened an account with a broker on Wall Street.

His education continued. He followed broker tips. He subscribed to newsletters. He read books. He tried fundamental analysis. And he over-traded like crazy. When Rayonier went from $50 to $100, he was in and out three times picking up $5 here, $8 there and $2 in his last trade. He made $13 a share on Rayonier instead of $50.

When he found out about industry groups, he decided buying the strongest stock in the strongest industry was a good idea. He was so convinced he was on to a sure thing he mortgaged some property he owned in Las Vegas, borrowed on an insurance policy and plunked down $50,000 on steel company Jones & McLaughlin using margin. Three days later “lightning struck. Jones & McLaughlin began to drop.” He was stunned. He held on believing it to be a temporary setback. He became afraid. “I trembled when I telephoned my broker,” he writes. “I was scared when I opened the newspaper. I literally lived with my stock. I was watching it the way an anxious parent watches over his new-born child.”

As you can tell, Darvas is a compelling writer. He grabs the reader’s attention. We’ve all been there, done that. We know what he’s talking about!

But Darvas didn’t give up. And he went on to develop his own method of investing, a largely technical approach. He calls it the box theory and it works like this. He noticed that stocks fluctuate and stocks in an upwards trend will often pause and take a breather, fluctuating within a range. A box he called it. And he noticed that when the stock broke out of this box to the upside, it tended to go up further. And if it broke out to the downside, the trend was often broken.

For example, if a stock was fluctuating between 45 and 50 dollars – a 45/50 box, if it broke through to 51, it would likely go higher. If it broke through to 44, it would likely go lower. So he would buy at 51 and set a stop loss for the top of the last box or 50. Darvas used very tight stops on his initial purchases. He reasoned that the stock had broken out of the box and it had no business going back in the box. If it did, then he made a mistake and wanted to get out as quickly as possible with as little damage as possible. He also looked to increased volume as a positive indicator.

He was not averse to playing the same stock several times. For example, he played steel company Cooper-Bessemer three times between November 1956 and April 1957. Bought at 46, stopped out at 45 1/8; bought at 55 3/8, stopped out at 54; bought at 57 and sold for a hefty profit at 70 ¾. Two losses and a victory for an overall gain of over $1500. In the fall of 1957, a bear market developed but he had been stopped out of all his positions well ahead of it. His system had put him in cash when the market went south.

Darvas was fascinated that he didn’t have to have theories or predictions about where the market in general was headed. The individual stocks told him the story by their behavior. And he learned you can’t get emotional about the market. “I accepted everything for what it was – not what I wanted it to be. I just stayed on the sidelines and waited for better times to come.”

It was during this mini-bear that he made an important discovery. He read the stock reports daily. He noticed some stocks gave ground grudgingly, fighting the down trend. Checking these stocks further, he discovered they were growing earnings. “Capital was flowing into these stocks, even in a bad market. This capital was following earning improvements as a dog follows a scent.”

And so he married this fundamental idea to his technical box theory. “I would select stocks on their technical action in the market, but I would only buy them when I could give improving earning power as my fundamental reason for doing so.”

And he decided to focus on “those stocks that were tied up with the future and where I could expect revolutionary new products would sharply improve the company’s earnings.” Yes, he became a tech stock investor…way back in the 1950s. “They were rapidly-expanding, infant industries and, unless something unforeseen happened, their expansion should soon be reflected in the market.”

You may notice some striking similarities to Jesse Livermore’s approach. Others were the idea of probing the market, that is buying a bit now, a bit more on confirmation and still more after that. In fact, like Livermore, Darvas was a plunger. He bought few stocks. After he made a million, he re-invested the proceeds in just two stocks!

Darvas’s book is a fascinating read. It’s almost as valuable for the discussion of the mistakes he made as for his successes. And it reads like an adventure story, a compelling page turner. Get it! You won’t be disappointed.

Postcript: Can Darvas's achievment be duplicated? You'll find two follow up articles on my personal website,

This review originally published in my newsletter The Break Out Report - Oct. 16, 2006

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (2)

7 reviews9 followers

April 30, 2019

می دیدم که هر سهم درست مثل یک انسان، مشخصات و رفتارهای مخصوص به خود را دارد. اصلا غیرمنطقی نبود زیرا درست رفتار افرادی را منعکعس می کردند که آنها را می خرند یا می فروشند.
همانند آدم ها، سهم ها نیز رفتارهای متفاوتی از خود نشان می دادند. برخی آرام، کند و محافظه کار بودند. برخی دیگر پرهیاهو، عصبی و هیجان زده. دریافتم که حرکات برخی از آنها را به سادگی می توان پیش بینی کرد. رفتارهای ثابتی داشتند و در رفتارشان، منطق روشنی دیده می شد. درست مثل دوستان قابل اعتماد.

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (3)

14 reviews2 followers

June 8, 2015

This book was recommended online as a good book for any novice traders/investors. I enjoyed the story and I wasn't expecting anything too technical and that's exactly what I got. This was a tale of a not so sophisticated investing who created a basic system to help him wisely invest his money to a level of 2 million. The biggest thing I took from this book was the importance of a stop loss order when in any trade.

It was an easy read and I think worth the read for anyone who is investing or trading. Nothing that will help you take your skills to the next level but a good read for a tale of a journey that any trader / investor will have to take.

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (4)

19 reviews

December 17, 2021

Uskomatonta kuinka vuonna 1960 kirjoitettu kirja on vielä täysin relevantti ja josta voi ottaa suoraan opit nykyajan pörssiin. Kirjoitettu myös jännittävän tarina-muotoisesti, joka sopii myös muutenkin luettavaksi kuin oppikirjaksi. Oli pakko ahmia muutamassa päivässä. Suosittelen!

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (5)

13 reviews2 followers

May 3, 2016

Darvas’ classic text explains his unique experiences in the American stock market in the 1950s. He explains in very readable terms how he made a small fortune in a relatively short period of time. He explains a simple approach, now known as the Darvas Box for entering and exiting the market. Many still use this approach today. However, there are a couple of cautionary points to remember. First, his method and results are subject to the state of the US stock market during the 1950s. At that time the US was enjoying a secular bull market and significant economic prosperity. Technically, most stocks were in steady uptrends. Second, by implication, his method will only work well for trending markets, and should not be seen as a universal approach for all markets. Understanding different methodologies and market conditions is a key towards mastery in the markets.
Kind regards, Lee M. Spano, Investor & Creatness International CEO

59 reviews

January 16, 2009

Darvus takes us on a fast paced ride through the relatively short time that it took him to evolve from an absolute novice to someone who made $2M in the market. He keeps the pace of the book fast by writing in small succint paragraphs. As a result the book is a quick read, but for entertainment value it is great. The downside of his writing style and content length is that I took this book as more of a entertaining personal reflection rather than something that can be used fro immediate application to trading.

If you've got any prior knowledge of technical analysis (TA) you'll easily follow his journey to discovering what is now a well know field of study, but at the time he was just starting to discover it all for himself. At some points it almost felt like you were watching a student gradually learn a new subject as he found his style which could be consider some of the earlier application of TA. Although I far from an expert in TA, I know enough that it was easy to follow what he meant by terms such as 'box theory' and other self descriptions of what he was applying. If you know TA you'll be able to pick up and apply his techniques if you want to, but for those without the base knowledge it I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't make sense. This is due to the fact that he writes really brief and doesn't spend much time explaining how he identifies certain trends etc.

If you're after a quick paced biographical account of a trader over a relatively short period of time then this book is well worth the read. If however you are hoping to pick up some invaluable investing or trading approach, then be warned that he doesn't explain much and you may not gain an awful lot out of it. In fact, if you understand enough about TA to get what he means, then you'll also realise that what he developed is nothing new and you'll have heard it all before.

2 reviews1 follower

September 10, 2014

I was studying for the CPA exam at a local Starbucks. I met an old man who had a bag of books. The old man is a retired accounting & finance professor at Pepperdine University. He had his kindle with him and I was picking his favorite useful books. He marked this one as one of the must reads. So far, I have made only few hundred bucks speculating and buying derivatives. I have to read 200 more books about investing. This is just the beginning. Good luck and enjoy!

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (7)

153 reviews20 followers

May 30, 2017

کتابی بسیار جالب با قابلیت درک آسان. هم برای افرادی مناسب است که تاکنون در خصوص بورس مطالعه نداشته اند و هم برای تازه کاران مناسب است. ترجمه کتاب هم عالیست.

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (9)

13 reviews98 followers

September 18, 2007

deeeeaaaaaarrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrreeeeaaaaadddderrrrrrr!

holy sh*t you co*ckamamie pervert, it's so nice to see you've hung around for another week! yes, i've hung around for another week, another week indeed, and that can only mean one thing: my girlfriend still hasn't finished filing the court papaers yet! that bitch! don't believe her when she says i killed jesse, because she's a liar!

oh, i tease, i tease! one person who isn't a liar is nicholas darvas, an endlessly intriguing man who, as he traveled around the world dancing on shores far and wide, managed to make over 2 million dollars on the stock market in a period of about 5 years! obviously, this is why his book is called "PUT SOME WATER ON THAT DAMN sh*t"


classic read.
darvas wonderfully details his manic progression from trading novice to investing pro.
highlight: very relatable: makes all of the classic beginner's mistakes.
discusses both fundamental and technical school's of thought.
excellent story, only criticism is that it's somewhat vague and oversimplified with regard to discussion of actual theory and technical valuation.
also unique in that it took place in the last quarter of the century, as opposed to many "investing classics" which are over 50 or 70 years old now.


even though this is simply a personal narrative about getting rich quick, and not actually a "get rich quick" book, with a title like this, you will look like a tool reading it in public so don't peace i'm out!

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (10)

99 reviews10 followers

January 12, 2022

Theo dòng trào lưu người người nhà nhà đầu tư chứng khoán, mình tìm một cuốn về đầu tư chứng khoán thực chiến để đọc. Và mình tìm đến cuốn này - Tôi đã kiếm 2.000.000 đô - la từ thị trường chứng khoán như thế nào? Một trong những điều ngạc nhiên của mình dành cho tác giả là ông không chỉ kiếm được 2.000.000 đô, mà còn là một nghệ sĩ múa. Có vẻ như chẳng có gì liên quan. :)

Nhìn chung, quyển này phù hợp với tất cả mọi người, người chuyên, người không chuyên, người mới tham gia và người tham gia lâu trên thị trường chứng khoán. Với những người chuyên và tham gia lâu trên thị trường chứng khoán, Darvas mang đến cho người đọc cảm giác thân thuộc, thấy suy nghĩ và cảm xúc của mình theo từng bước đặt lệnh. Thỉnh thoảng, Darvas lại nhắc nhở về những nguyên tắc, kỷ luật mà nhà đầu tư dù đã thành thạo nhưng cũng cần khắc cốt ghi tâm. Còn đối với những người không chuyên, mới tìm hiểu về thị trường chứng khoán thì cuốn này là quá hợp. Một là quyển này ngắn, đọc nhanh, không bị chán, nên có hứng đọc. Hai là đọc để hiểu chỉ mong đúng 1 nửa trong số những giao dịch của mình đã là hạnh phúc rồi. Ba là chuẩn bị một tâm thế vững vàng để tự cô lập khỏi mớ thông tin thị trường hỗn độn ngoài kia.

Nhưng dù sao thì, vì sách bản quyền nên giá sách hơi mắc so với hàm lượng sách mang lại và dù có đọc sách đầu tư cũng không thể hiểu thị trường bằng thực chiến, nên là đọc xong rồi thì gấp sách lại thôi.

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (11)

167 reviews12 followers

June 19, 2016

As I finish this short, entertaining and astonishing self account of Nicolas Darvas career, I am lost for words...

Nicolas Darvas was an ordinary 'dancer' who in early 1950s received a payment for his dancing acts in company's stocks. This stock worth $3000 at the time turned into $10000 a few month later spiking the interest in the financial markets for Nicolas.

This book entails Nicolas journey of failure, struggle and ultimately legendary success where he makes over $2000000 in course of 6.5 years. Mind you this is 1950s 2 million.

Absolutely loved this book. If you have any interest in Trend Following, this is what made Nicolas so successful. It's funny as the initial mistakes Nicolas makes is exactly what I have been doing and this was very relatable to me.

Must read, period, for any investor/trader.

33 reviews2 followers

July 29, 2014

As a part of a self imposed project to review 50 books in Finance, I read this book. Even though the book was well written, the message was too simple and can be expressed in four of five sentences. While everyone know these rules, none bother to follow them. That is the strength of this book since it demonstrates to you that by following simple, common sense rules one can make significant amount of money in Stock Market. I liked the way Mr.Darvas compares stocks to people. For example he says that some stocks are highly nervous, irritated and jumpy and the stock price goes all over. Other stocks are sedate and almost bovine.

You can read my complete review of the book here.

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (12)

32 reviews9 followers

September 25, 2021

Essentially a combination of a trading log, a schedule of travel itenararies, some phonecalls, a peek into the emotions of a trader and doesn't really show any charts or TA. All you get from this is that when he listened to noise, he lost. When he overtraded, he underperformed. When he focused on the price, put his stops, pyramided in, he did well. Then again, it happened a couple of times so it's not really statistically valid. Kind of reminded me of Livermore's book but I found that a bit tedious too, so maybe this biographical style isn't my kind of trading book. Still, it's short and worth an evening so i'd still pick it up if I saw this on the shelf.

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (13)

291 reviews2 followers

November 7, 2018

When I started Reading Nicolas Darvas's book I was expecting to learn something but I ended up learning something else. He was a dancer who started dabbling in the stock market and lost some money. He tried different strategies until he found the one which started working for him. He made $2 million dollars in less than 2 years. However, he spent 5 years to arrive at his method. The book is easy to understand and his method looks simple on paper, but would not be so easy to follow. The biggest lesson was that you have to be consistent in your investment strategy and try to keep things simple.

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (14)

34 reviews5 followers

January 21, 2019

It is a documentary of sorts, if there were any. He gives detailed schedules of stocks he bough and sold, with company names and prices. It feels like reading a journal rather than a book, I was hoping that it will provide more on the "advisory" aspect. Nevertheless, stock market gurus will enjoy it more than I did.

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (15)

275 reviews48 followers

October 11, 2019

Lý thuyết hộp Darvas thuần là phân tích kỹ thuật thôi, nếu trong một chu kỳ kinh tế đi xuống, bạn ứng dụng kỹ thuật này vào đầu tư, sẽ chỉ là đi từ hộp cao xuống hộp thấp hơn, nếu bán khống thì phù hợp hơn.
Tính thực tiễn của lý thuyết hộp Darvas không cao hơn các mô hình kỹ thuật như Ichimoku, các chỉ báo MACD, RSI, Stochastic...

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (16)

42 reviews6 followers

August 22, 2019

I did what this book said and put $20,000 dollars in the stock market. I ended up losing $19,580 dollars because the stock market crashed again (don't look it up, it happened). At least I still have $420 dollars.


How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (17)

222 reviews83 followers

July 16, 2020

Đa phần các trader, investor thành công và từng viết sách, đều có điểm chung là kỉ luật, kiên trì và trực giác sắt bén. Điểm khác biệt là investor cần thời gian dài, còn trader như Darvas phải dùng margin cao vch.

2 reviews

May 15, 2020

Its just, Meh. The story is enjoyable and traders can relate to some of the experiences which darvas goes through. Probably the only real advice here is to put a strict stoploss everytime u trade.. but other than that its just a fast paced tale of a guy who just got lucky!

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (19)

101 reviews9 followers

October 7, 2020

Surprisingly solid first hand account of a motivated man who developed an independent system to play the stock market. Darvas was a dancer who traveled the world, and relied upon telegrams from his brokers to see daily quotes. He eventually made 2M from a very little starting stake over a couple years, and recounts exactly how.

Key takeaways:

-must develop a system to trade
-Darvas developed his 'box theory' which draws boxes around stock price ranges. if a stock moves into a new higher range, he would buy. commonly referred to as trading break outs
-when he was in NY at his brokers, he bled as he chased the crowd and rumors. distance was his secret weapon. his 'ears were his enemy'.
-he bought stocks in demand, that had both a strong narrative and technicals.
-he made his biggest win on a warrant trade with margin - double leverage.
-he always used stops
-his decisive moments were to hold pat while his position appreciated - "there is no reason to sell a rising stock"
-he slept during the day while he made $

I think this style of trading is still very compelling and I am seeking to emulate. He would have piled into ZM, PTON, and TSLA earlier this year, probably used options on his robinhood account, and instead of writing a book would occasionally tweet pithy statements of wisdom.

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (20)

4 reviews

August 12, 2021

This book is a story of an amateur investor who turned $25,000 to $2million in less than two years. It’s an easy read, but the negative side of this book, in my opinion, is that it goes too deep into his trading details, which isn’t necessary. I recommend this book to everyone who wants to learn about the psychological aspects of the market. But I don’t consider this book helpful in terms of technical analysis because the approach he mentioned is only applicable to trending markets, not ranging markets. Here are some remarkable points that I like the most:
-Darvas belongs to the school of thought, which has faith in shortening your losses and letting your winners run. According to his TA, Darvas was a trend-follower trader, which seems more logical than other trading strategies to me, too.

-The stocks suggested by advisory services, your colleagues, your neighbor, etc., are doomed to failure. Don’t take advice from other people. Do your due diligence instead.

-Don’t get overwhelmed by the rumors. Most of them leads to FOMO or FUD.

-A lousy environment could be harmful to your trading career. When Darvas moved to New York, his results started to deteriorate due to the high volume of unnecessary information he received during that period, which affected his decision-making process.

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (21)

24 reviews2 followers

April 11, 2019

This is a great read for someone interested in starting to invest in equities. Darvas highlights the mistakes he made as an investor and lays out the details of the investment methodology he developed, which largely depends on technical analysis

Techno Analysis: Study of stocks purely on its price action.

1) Box Theory, stock prices move in boxes. Pick the ones that show signs of moving on the upward box

2) Stop loss (constantly adjust stop loss to account for stocks moving back to their previous box)

3) Volumes (look at stocks that have increased volume of activity)

4) Automatic buy order (set it up if the stock moves upward towards the next box)

The techno analysis was used primarily to identify stocks that he wanted to buy. And he used a fundamental approach (improving earnings) as the reason to buy the stock

Some learnings from his mistakes

1) Ignore rumors, advisory services
2) Don’t get emotionally attached to a stock
3) Studying balance sheets did not help, it gives a view of the past and present. The solidarity of the stock can be identified by the technical analysis

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (22)

15 reviews

September 10, 2021

Great book on trading. I can relate to the mistakes he made early on, and also with the challenges/limitations he faced trying to trade while maintaining a full time job. This was encouraging as he was able to find success despite these limitations.

How I Made $2,000,000 In The Stock Market (24)

20 reviews2 followers

August 29, 2019

برای علاقه مند کردن به بورس و نکاتی رو به تازه کارا میگه که میتونن باهاش اشتباهاتشون رو کمتر کنن.
خلاصه ای از کتاب:
عنوان کتاب: چگونه در بورس دو میلیون دلار بدست آوردم
نویسنده: نیکلاس دارواس

مترجم: ساناز قهقرایی زمانی

داستان این کتاب در مورد یک مهاجر مجارستانی است که به شغل رقاصی در کلوپ های شبانه نیویورک مشغول بود و چگونگی ورود او به بورس و شرح ماجراجویی های وی در بازار سهام برای هر فردی که علاقه مند ورود به این بازار است بسیار آموزنده می باشد. کتاب مذکور نخستین بار در سال ۱۹۸۵، در آمریکا به چاپ رسیده است.

نکته طلایی و جالب در مورد کتاب ((چگونه در بورس دو میلیون دلار بدست آوردم)) این موضوع است که چگونه یک فرد بدون داشتن هیچ دانش و پشتوانه ای و بی هیچ حمایتی از سوی بازیگران بزرگ بازار بورس، توانسته به کسب ثروتی بیش از دو میلیون دلار از این بازار نائل شود، آن هم در حالیکه بخش بزرگی از آن را در طی یک مسافرت شغلی به دور دنیا، خلق کرده است.

در فصل یک این کتاب که با عنوان دوران کانادایی یاد شده است، ماجرای ورود اتفاقی این فرد به بازار بورس و چگونگی شروع حرکت وی در یک دنیای جدید و جذاب عنوان شده است.

همان طور که در مقدمه گفته شد، نیکلاس شغل رقاصی در کلوپ های شبانه را برای خود برگزیده بود. در سال ۱۹۵۲، دو برادر دوقلو به نام های آل و هری اسمیت که صاحبان یک کلوپ شبانه در تورنتو بودند، به نیکلاس پیشنهاد دادند که در کلوپ آن ها برنامه اجرا کند و در عوض به جای پول به او ۶۰۰۰ سهم از شرکت بریلند را بدهند. بریلند نام یک شرکت معدنی در کانادا بود و ارزش هر سهم آن در آن زمان چیزی در حدود ۵۰ سنت برآورد می شد. از آنجایی که نیکلاس تا آن زمان هیچ گونه آشنایی و اطلاعاتی در مورد بورس و بازار سهام نداشت، از برادران اسمیت خواست، اگر قیمت سهم از ۵۰ سنت کم تر شد، کسری آن را برای یک دوره ۶ ماهه تضمین کنند. آنها پذیرفتند و اولین مواجهه نیکلاس با بورس این گونه رقم خورد.

مدت ها گذشت و نیکلاس به کلی سهام خود را فراموش کرده بود تا اینکه بعد از دو ماه به طور اتفاقی متوجه شد که قیمت هر سهم از ۵۰ سنت به ۱،۹۰ دلار رسیده. همه سهام را به صورت یکجا فروخت و سودی بالغ بر ۸۰۰۰ دلار به دست آورد. همین کسب سود باعث شد که به بورس به عنوان یک فرصت تازه برای سرمایه گذاری و درآمد زایی نگاه کند و تصمیم گرفت وارد معاملات بازار سهام شود.

از آنجایی که این فرد هیچ آشنایی قبلی با بازار سهام نداشته، با ورود به این بازار با سؤال هایی مثل: چطور باید شروع کنم؟ چگونه باید سهمی را برای خرید پیدا کنم؟ رو به رو بود. او فکر کرد که اگر از افراد زیادی در دور و اطرافش سؤال کند به نتایج خوبی می رسد و شروع کرد به سؤال کردن درباره بازار بورس از هرکس که می توانست. او از این دوران با عنوان دوران پیروی های کورکورانه یاد می کند. در همین زمان تصمیم به انتخاب یک کارگزار برای ادامه فعالیت هایش گرفت. از کسب سودهای اندک راضی بود و شاید به خاطر اطلاعات اندکی که از این بازار داشت حتی متوجه ضررهایی که می کرد نبود.

همین باعث شد به شرکت های مشاوره ای مالی و توصیه های اغلب تبلیغاتی آن ها روی بیاورد و او آن موقع نمیدانست که در یکی از دام های بزرگ گرفتار شده است. دامی که اغلب بر سر راه معامله گران خرده پا قرار دارد. سال ها طول کشید تا فهمید که زمانی که شرکت های مشاوره ای خرید سهمی را به معامله گران کوچک و تازه کار بازار پیشنهاد می کنند درست زمانی ست که حرفه ای هایی که مدت ها قبل آن سهم را خریده اند اقدام به فروش می کنند.

همزمان با خروج بازیگران اصلی و منابع حمایتی از معاملات یک سهم، گروهی از معامله گران خرده پا وارد معاملات می شوند. افرادی که همیشه خیلی دیر وارد بازار شده و سرمایه شان آنقدر کوچک است که نمی تواند بازار را در نقاط اوجی که حرفه ای ها در آنجا خارج می شده اند حمایت کند. او می دانست که نکته اساسی و مهم زمان درست ورود به بازار است. او در این مدت معاملاتی در بورس کانادا انجام می داد، گاهی اوقات سودهای اندکی می کرد ولی در نهایت می دید که سرمایه که وارد بازار کرده از سودی که به دست می آورد خیلی کم تر است.

در پایان سال ۱۹۵۳، زمانی که به نیویورک بازگشت به بررسی معاملاتی که در این مدت در بورس کانادا انجام داده بود پرداخت و متوجه شد که ۱۱۰۰۰ دلار سرمایه ای که وارد بازار کرده بود به ۵۸۰۰ دلار تقلیل پیدا کرده بود. تصمیم گرفت که وارد بورس نیویورک شود. برای همین به مطالعه ستون های مالی روزنامه های ((نیویورک تایمز)) ، ((نیویورک هرالد تریبون)) و ((وال استریت ژورنال)) روی آورد. این آشنایی بیشتر با بورس نیویورک در نهایت باعث شد تا او تمام سهامش در بورس کانادا را بفروشد و وارد وال استریت شود.

در فصل دوم از ورود این تازه کار به وال استریت صحبت شده است. زمانی که او درگیر سودهای خیلی پایین بود، سودهایی که با راهنمایی های کارگزار به دست می آمد و زمان و انرژی زیادی را از او می گرفت. او برای اینکه بهتر بتواند از راهنمایی هایی کارگزارش استفاده کند، تصمیم به آشنایی با اصطلاحات بورسی و شرکت های بورسی مثل سود سهام، سود و سرمایه شرکت، انواع درآمدها و … گرفت.

این آموزش ها او را درگیر یک نوع اعتماد به نفس کاذب کرده بود و مغرورتر کرده بود. در ادامه فصل دوم به نمونه هایی از معاملاتی که او تحت تأثیر این احساسات انجام داده بود اشاره شده که مطالعه آن، نکات بسیار آمورنده ای را در اختیار شما قرار می دهد.

او همزمان با ادامه تجربه کردن در بازار معاملات به چند قانون کلی رسید از جمله اینکه:

نباید از شرکت های مشاوره ای پیروی کنم چون آنها مصون از اشتباه نیستند.
باید در مورد پیشنهادات کارگزاران محتاط بود.
در بازارهای غیر رسمی معامله کردن توصیه نمی شود چون اغلب خریداری برای سهمی که می خواهیم بفروشیم پیدا نمی شود.
نباید به شایعات توجه کنم. مهم نیست که چقدر منبع معتبری داشته باشند.
و اینکه روش فاندامنتال بهتر از روش بخت و اقبال است.
و قانون دیگری که او برای خود تعریف کرد این بود که نگهداری سهمی که در حال رشد است برای یک دوره طولانی بهتر از درگیری با چندین سهم در دوره ای کوتاه مدت است که برای فهمیدن این موضوع بهترین راه روش فاندامنتالی بود. او ماه ها سرگرم مطالعه و بررسی گزارشات مالی شرکت ها، داراییها، دیون سرمایه، حاشیه سود و غیره بود. در این زمان با ماهنامه ای آشنا شد که در آن ارزش و امنیت سهام شرکت ها رتبه بندی شده بود. او با مقایسه رتبه بندی های اعتباری سهم های مختلف که از طریق این ماهنامه به دست آورده بود دیگر به تجزیه و تحلیل صورت های مالی و ترازنامه شرکت ها نیازی نداشت و اطلاعات فاندامنتالی که در مورد شرکت ها نیاز داشت از این طریق به دست می آورد.

فصل سوم به شرح فعالیت های این فرد با دانش فاندامنتالی می پردازد. او بر اساس دانشی که به دست آورده بود دو هدف برای خود ترسیم کرد. یکی یافتن صنعت برتر و دیگری پبدا کردن قوی ترین شرکت متعلق به آن صنعت.

در واقع او به بررسی رفتارهای سهام بر اساس رفتارهای هم گروهی هایش پرداخت. درباره این تجربه اش در بخشی از کتاب گفته: هرگاه سهمی رفتاری بهتر از سایر سهام عموم بازار نشان می داد فورا به رفتار هم گروهی هایش چشم می دوختم. اگر می دیدم که آن ها نیز در حال رشد هستند به دنبال سرگروهشان یعنی سهمی که بیشتر از سایرین رشد می کرد می گشتم. تعبیر من اغلب این بود که احتمالا برای کسب سود از خرید سرگروهشان، فرصت کافی ندارم و بنابراین می بایست به سراغ سایرین بروم.

او با همین نگاه یک جدول مقایسه از چند سهام برای خود ترسیم کرد (که به تفصیل در کتاب توضیح داده شده ) و بسیار خرسند و خوشجال بود از اینکه بر پایه ی علم و دانش در حال حرکت است. اما ناگهان اتفاقی رخ داد که درس هایی زیادی با خود داشت. برخلاف نتایجی که او از طریق مطالعاتش به دست آورده بود سهام شرکت جونز اند لالین که او حساب ویژه ای روی آن باز کرده بود با ریزش شدید مواجه شد و با ناباوری با ضرری حدود ۹۰۶۹،۱۸ دلار از سهم خارج شد.

وی با این سؤال مواجه شد که فایده تحقیق و مطالعه چیست و چرا تحلیل ها و بررسی های آماری من جواب نداد؟

اما تجربه ناموفق جونز اند لالین او را به سمت تئوری بزرگی به نام تحلیل تکنیکال راهنمایی کرد. در شروع فصل چهار کتاب ورود او به معاملات سهام با نگاه تکنیکالیستی عنوان شده است. او در همین راستا به بررسی رفتار سهام پرداخت و موفق به کسب سود هم شد و به همین دلیل او متقاعد شد که روش تکنیکال به تنهایی می تواند جوابگوی او در بازار بورس باشد. روش او اینگونه بود که اگر سهمی به طور غیرمعمول شروع به فعالیت کرد رفتارش را تحت بررسی قرار دهم و اگر قیمتش شروع به افزایش کرد آن را بخرم که روش گاهی موفق بود و گاهی نه.

در خلال همین بررسی ها متوجه الگوی رفتاری خاصی شد. او دریافت که حرکات سهام خیلی هم اتفاقی نیست. او بیان می دارد: سهم ها مانند بالون نیستند که به طور اتفاقی در هر جهتی حرکت کنند. اگر دلیل وجود داشته باشد در یکی از دو جهت صعود یا نزول حرکت می کنند و وقتی این روند أغاز شود تمایل دارند که در آن جهت راهشان را ادامه دهند. در این روندها، سهم ها سهم ها پر فواصل خاصی حرکت می کردند. و این آغاز نظریه چهارچوب بود.

وی در باره روشی که نظریه چهارچوب را بر طبق آن تعریف کرده بود می گوید:

هرگاه چهارچوب های تعیین شده قیمت به شکل یک هرم یکی بالای دیگری تشکیل شده و قیمت فعلی سهم در آخرین چهارچوب قرار می گرفت، رفتار آن سهم را به دقت زیر نظر می گرفتم. تا زمانیکه ��ین محدوده بالایی و پ��یینی آخرین چهارچوب نوسان می کرد، رفتارش از نظر من رضایت بخش بود. چیزی که باید درباره اش تصمیم می گرفتم میزان این دامنه نوسان و در واقع محدوده چهارچوب بود. نکته جالب این نظریه ای بود که بر طبق آن سهام برای جهش دورخیز می کند. مطالعه فصل چهارم کتاب و مثال هایی که از خرید و فروش سهام در قالب نظریه چهارچوب در آن بیان شده حاوی نکات بسیار جذاب و آموزنده ای است.

اما وقتی ۵۰۰ سهم نورت آمریکن اویلیشن بر طبق نظریه او عمل نکرد او با دائما با خود می گفت که نمیتواند این اتفاق بیفتد و قیمت سهم از این پایین تر بیاید. او بعدها فهمید در بازار بورس چیزی به نام نمیتواند وجود ندارد و هر سهمی هر کاری می تواند بکند.

او در این زمان تصمیم گرفت دستور خرید (( خرید به شرط رسیدن به قیمت …)) به همراه یک دستور فروش (( توقف ضرر در …)) در معاملات خود استفاده کند که کمک بسیاری به وی کرد.

او لیستی از اهداف جدیدش را بر پایه ی این روش ایجاد کرد شامل:

سهم مناسب

زمان بندی مناسب

ضرر کم

سود زیاد

در شروع فصل پنج یعنی جایی که شخصیت مورد نظر کتاب با درس هایی که از اشتباهات گذشته گرفته بود و با کنترل احساساتش روند رو به رشدی را در معاملات سهام طی می کرد، با چالش جدید رو به رو شد. او یک قرارداد کاری به امضا رسانده بود که بر اساس آن به مدت دو سال همراه با یک گروه رقص و تأتر باید به سرتاسر دنیا سفر می کرد و این معنی دورافتادن از معاملات و اطلاعاتی که لازم داشت بود. برای حل این مشکل او با مشورت با کارگزارش تصمیم گرفت در طی مدت سفرش اطلاعاتی که لازم داشت کارگزارش از طریق تلگراف برایش ارسال کند. اطلاعاتی که شامل قیمت پایانی سهم و جزییات نوسان روزانه قیمت میشد. در واقع انجام معاملات از طریق تلگراف باعث میشد که به دلیل نداشتن رابطه مستقیم با بازار از گیج شدن و افتادن در دام شایعات جلوگیری کند.

در فصل ششم کتاب نویسنده بیان می دارد: بازار وارد یک کانال کاهش شده بود و من در انتظار رسیدن به روزهای بهتر به دقت معاملات سهام را زیر نظر گرفتم. بعد از مدتی که نخستین نشانه های سقوط از بازار رخت بربست من آمده یافتن فرصتهای جدید شدم و معتقد بودم که سهم های مطمئن شروع به مقاومت در برابر روند منفی بازار می کنند. لذا تصمیم گرفتم پیوندی میان روش تکنیکال و بررسی های فاندامنتال برقرار کنم تا به اطلاعات کلی شرکت ها هم دسترسی پیدا کنم. همین بررسی ها موجب شد تا به دنبال پدیده ها جدید باشم. یعنی شرکت هایی که پیش از این دوران هیچ جذابیتی برای سرمایه گذاری نداشتند. بر طبق همین فرضیه او شروع به خرید سهم هایی کرد که نشان از درستی روشی داشت که در پیش گرفته بود.

فصل بعدی از جایی آغاز می شود که با جواب دادن روش نویسنده کتاب، توانسته بود سود قابل توجهی به دست آورد. او نخست تصمیم گرفت نیمی از سود به دست آمده اش را از بازار خارج کند و سپس با دقت بازار را زیر نظر گرفت تا بتواند سهامی که رفتار مناسبی از خود نشان می دهد را شناسایی کند. او با تکیه بر تجاربی که از طریق معاملات سهام به دست آورده بود توانسته بود نیم میلیون دلار ثروت کسب کند. معاملاتی که مطالعه جزییات مثال هایی از آنها که در فصل هفت کتاب آورده شده است، نکات طلایی با خود به همراه دارد.

فصل نهم کتاب عنوان می دارد که چگونه کسب ثروت نیم میلیون دلاری نویسنده را دچار احساس غرور کاذب کرد و اشتباهاتی که او در این رهگذار مرتکب می شود را با ذکر مثال هایی ملموس به تصویر می کشد. او در این زمان دیگر از سفر کاریش به نیویورک بازگشته بود و سرخوش از موفقیت های گذشته از این نکته غافل شده بود که بازار همواره آماده است تا به معامله گران فراموش کاری که قدرت او را نادیده بگیرند، درس های تلخی بدهد. در این باره نویسنده می گوید: با بازگشت به نیویورک تصمیم گرفتم که با وال استریت نیز رابطه دقیق و نزدیکی برقرار کنم و همین باعث شد با وسوسه یک شبه پولدار شدن همه دانش گذشته ام را فراموش کرده و دنبال رو دیگران شوم. کنترل و مهارتم بر بازار را ازدست داده بودم و دست به هر معامله ای می زدم اشتباه از کار در می آمد و در نهایت وارد بدترین مرحله از فعالیتم در این دوران شدم. با خود فکر کردم و به این نتیجه رسیدم که باید مانند گذشته و به دور از شایعات و با حداقل اطلاعاتی که از سهم ها داشتم به معاملات بپردازم. به پاریس رفتم و از کارگزارم خواستم که فقط اطلاعاتی که قبلا در موردش توافق کرده بودیم را برای من ارسال کند.

و اما فصل آخر کتاب با عنوان دو میلیون دلار؛

نیکلاس دارواس با عبور از بحران و تسلط بر خود توانست دوباره به روزهای خوب معاملات بورس بازگردد. او فرصتهای مناسب برای سهم هایی مثل یونیورسال و چند سهم دیگر را با همان روشی که پیش از این کارایی خود را نشان داده بود شناسایی کرد و به سود دست یافت. مثالهایی از خرید و فروش سهم هایی که در فصل ده کتاب آورده شده دربردارنده اطلاعاتی است که برای هر فرد علاقه مند به بازار سهام درس های زیادی به همراه دارد. سهم هایی که در نهایت سود دو میلیون دلاری با خود به همراه داشتند.

در بخش آخر کتاب هم از مصاحبه هایی که با نویسنده کتاب انجام شده و چگونگی تصمیم او به نوشتن این کتاب مطالبی ذکر شده است.

نتیجه گیری
این کتاب به ما می آموزد که موفقیت در بازار بورس هم ساده �� هم مشکل است. ساده است اگر خودتان و بازار را بشناسید و دشوار است اگر ندانید به کجا قدم گذاشته اید و چه باید بکنید.

در نهایت موضوعی که در مورد این کتاب بسیار حائز اهمیت است، آن است که چگونه یک فرد می تواند با شناسایی و بررسی اشتباهات گذشته و درس گرفتن از آن ها، راه موفقیت خود را هموار کند و درک این نکته نه تنها در بورس که در هر زمینه ای از زندگی از مهم ترین رازهای موفقیت است.

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190 reviews63 followers

May 16, 2022

قطعاً و حتماً در اولین فرصت این کتاب رو مطالعه کنید اگرررر در بازارهای مالی فعالیت میکنید... خیلی وقت بود میخواستم این کتاب رو مطالعه کنم ولی هی تعویق در تعویق در نهایت بالاخره تموم شد و واقعاً دوسش داشتم و خیلی عالی بود به نظرم
از طرفی شاید اینکه دیرتر مطالعه ش کردم بهتر بود حتی

136 reviews1 follower

January 13, 2022

Great book of the mindset of a swing-trader! It doesn't go in to any specifics, just covers the human mind - which in many cases is the biggest risk!

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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.