Poor Mindset vs. Rich Mindset (2024)

We often hear the terms "rich" and "poor" being used to describe one’s financial status… but is it really that all?

Spoiler: no it isn’t – it’s also about your mindset, beliefs, and behaviors as well.

In this article, we’ll explore the differences between a poor mindset and a rich mindset and how they can impact our financial success.

So, if you're ready to learn how to develop a rich mindset and improve your financial situation, then dive right in! 🚀

What is a Poor Mindset?

A poor mindset is a limited perspective on wealth and a belief that your situation is unchangeable.

People with a poor mindset often live paycheck to paycheck and struggle to make ends meet. They may lack financial literacy and have a negative relationship with money.

Here are some key characteristics of a poor mindset:

Fixed Beliefs

One of the main characteristics of a poor mindset is the belief that one's circ*mstances cannot be changed. People with a poor mindset often think that they are destined to be poor and that there is no way out of their current financial situation. This fixed belief can limit their ability to take action and make positive changes in their lives, even when the odds are in your favour!

Short-Term Thinking

People with a poor mindset tend to focus on immediate gratification rather than long-term goals.

They spend their money impulsively on unnecessary items, neglecting to save or invest for the future. This short-term thinking can hinder their financial growth and prevent them from building wealth over time.

Fear of Failure

A poor mindset is often accompanied by a fear of failure.

People with this mindset may be afraid to take risks or pursue opportunities because they are afraid of making mistakes or facing rejection. They’re often under the impression of saving their reputation, and worrying about ‘what other people would think’.

This fear keeps them stuck in their current financial situation and prevents them from exploring new possibilities for growth and success – be wary of this!

Scarcity Mentality

A scarcity mentality is a common characteristic of a poor mindset.

People with this mentality believe that resources are limited and that there is not enough to go around. They feel jealous or resentful of others' success and believe that if someone else succeeds, it means there is less opportunity for them.

Not only does the scarcity mindset hinder their ability to seize opportunities for growth, but it also damages their relationship with people. No one likes being with a person who’s not genuinely happy about your success!

What is a Rich Mindset?

Unlike a Poor Mindset, a Rich Mindset, represents growth and a belief in abundance.

People with a rich mindset understand that wealth is not limited and that they have the power to create their own financial success.

Here are some signs of exhibiting a Rich Mindset:

Growth-based Approach:

People with a growth-based approach believe that their abilities and intelligence can be developed through hard work, learning, and perseverance.

They see challenges as opportunities for growth and aren’t afraid to take risks and learn from their failures.

People with this mindset know that nothing is set in stone and don’t confine themselves in a specific bottle – in short, it’s a leaderlike mindset!

Long-Term Thinking

Unlike those with a poor mindset, people with a rich mindset have a long-term perspective on their finances and life.

They set clear goals and develop strategies to achieve them. They understand the power of compounding and are willing to delay immediate gratification in order to build wealth over time. Instead of impulsive spending, they prioritize saving and investing for the future.

Embracing Failure

People with this mindset understand that failure is a natural part of the journey to success.

Instead of being afraid of what people would think, or scared of a potential outcome in their mind, people with a rich mindset consider failure as a stepping stone to success.

They’re more willing to take risks and try new things, even if it means being embarrassed along the way. They see failure as a propeller to growth and they stay resilient in the face of setbacks!

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Abundance Mentality

An abundance mentality is when you feel there’s enough wealth in this world for everyone.

People with this mentality believe that there is no shortage of opportunities to go around. They celebrate the success of others and aren’t threatened by it. They understand that collaboration and cooperation can lead to greater success for everyone involved.

You’ll also see that people with this kind of approach in finance (and in life) get along better with people, and even seem to attract wealth through it!

How To Develop a Rich Mindset

Now that we understand the differences between a poor mindset and a rich mindset, how can we develop a rich mindset to improve our financial success? Here are some practical steps you can take:

1. Challenge Your Beliefs

This won’t be an easy step, but it’s the most necessary one you’ll read!

The only way to burst your bubble and cultivate a rich mindset inside out is to start challenging your limiting beliefs about money, wealth, and opportunities. Are you afraid that there isn’t enough money for you in the world? If yes, why so?

Also, make sure to recognize that your financial situation is not fixed and that you have the power to change it. Read about case studies of successful people who were in the same situation as you (or even worse), and start surrounding yourself with positive influences, such as books, podcasts, likeminded people, and mentors that can help you develop a growth mindset and expand your possibilities. Remember, what you surround yourself with is what you will become. 👊

Start going back to your roots – and if need be, reach out to a professional for better help. Your relationship with money is more psychological than physical, and if you solve it early, it’ll help you throughout your life!

2. Set Clear Goals

Take the time to set clear, specific, and achievable goals for your financial future.

This might seem simple on paper, but it’s difficult to stay consistent in.

Write your goals down and create a plan of action to achieve them in a notebook or your phone. Break your goals down into smaller, manageable steps and track your progress along the way. This will help you stay focused and motivated on your journey to financial success.

If you have trouble staying consistent in tracking your goals, try joining micro-communities, hiring online coaches, or better yet, have an accountability partner who can check up on you and your goals regularly (you can do the same for them too!).

3. Learn from Failure

Embrace failure as a learning opportunity rather than a setback.

It’s normal to feel annoyed, or even lose motivation when you don’t get the result you expect, so make sure you also give yourself the space to feel the emotions that you’re experiencing instead of bottling them inside.

After you recollect your emotions, take the time to reflect on what went wrong and how you can improve yourself through this experience.

Remember: failure is a stepping stone, not a dead-end. 💪

4. Practice Gratitude and Generosity

Develop an abundance mentality by practicing gratitude and generosity. It’s easy to envy people and name everything you wish to have, but it’s not the best decision you can take.

Take the time to appreciate what you have and focus on the positive aspects of your life. If you’re able to read this, there’s a high chance you have enough food to eat, a roof above your head, and have attained some sort of education. Considering all these factors, you have more than half of the world’s population – something to be definitely grateful for!

Try sharing your resources, time, and knowledge with others, knowing that there is more than enough to go around. This mindset of abundance will attract more wealth, opportunities, and happiness into your life. ♥️

5. Educate Yourself

More often than not, the best way to unlearn something is to learn something new.

Overwrite your current knowledge by investing in books, courses, and other means of education related to help you expand your knowledge and skills in personal finance.

The more you know about money and wealth-building strategies, the more empowered you will be to make informed financial decisions. 🚀

6. Surround Yourself with Like-Minded Individuals

You’ve heard the famous saying…

You are the average of 5 people you spend the most time with”

And it’s true – if you surround yourself with people who have a rich mindset, you’ll be on a similar path to financial success.

Seek out mentors and join communities or networking groups where you can learn from others' experiences and be inspired by their achievements. Building a network that supports you by providing valuable guidance, accountability, and motivation is a way to accelerate your journey to financial success!


Developing a rich mindset is crucial for improving your financial and overall standard of life.

We’ve been told since childhood that ‘money is evil’ and that ‘rich people are bad’, and that’s why most of us out there has a damaged relationship with money. We don’t believe we deserve much, and if we do, we feel like villains.

And that’s where you should break the pattern – and the only way to do that is to challenge your beliefs and make an active effort to develop a rich mindset.

Poor Mindset vs. Rich Mindset (2024)


Poor Mindset vs. Rich Mindset? ›

Those with the wealthy mindset will focus on solutions, while people with the poor mindset will focus on the problems. Everyone is faced with problems daily. Some take each problem head-on as challenges, while a lot of people refuse to leave their comfort zone and forego the rewards of taking some risks.

What is the difference between rich and poor mindset? ›

Rich mindset celebrates the successes of others. It embraces the competition and often befriends it. Poor mindset feels jealousy and bitterness about the successes of others. It looks at everything as a zero-sum game.

What is a poor person's mindset? ›

A scarcity mindset, or poor mindset, is associated with having a very near-term focus, Whichello explained. “Individuals with this mindset are more concerned with meeting their immediate needs and wants than planning for the future or saving for long-term goals.”

What are 4 characteristics of a poor mindset? ›

They see problems and obstacles, rather than opportunities. They blame others: People with a poor mindset often blame others for their problems. They don't take responsibility for their own actions and circ*mstances. They have a victim mentality: People with a poor mindset often have a victim mentality.

What is the difference between poor and rich thoughts? ›

They do not believe in easy money or something for nothing. Rich people believe that you have to justly earn and pay for, in terms of toil and treasure, any rewards and riches that you desire. Poor people lack this fundamental understanding, the direct relationship between what you put in and what you get out.

What is a rich person's mindset? ›

A Rich Mindset Is Proactive and Optimistic

“Those who have this mindset believe in their ability to create wealth through hard work, ongoing learning and calculated risks,” he said. “They prioritize development, seek solutions and view challenges as learning opportunities.

How do rich people behave differently? ›

The two studies consistently found that rich people are more conscientious, open to experience, and extraverted than the average population. They are also less agreeable (that is, less likely to shy away from conflict) and less neurotic (as in, more psychologically stable).

What are the most unhealthy mindsets? ›

10 Harmful Mindsets That May Affect Your Mental Health
  1. Perfectionism. ...
  2. Catastrophizing. ...
  3. All-or-Nothing Thinking. ...
  4. Self-Criticism. ...
  5. Comparison. ...
  6. Victim Mentality. ...
  7. Approval-Seeking. ...
  8. Future Tripping.

How do rich people view money? ›

Rich people believe poverty is the root of all evil

"The average person has been brainwashed to believe rich people are lucky or dishonest," he writes. "The world class knows that while having money doesn't guarantee happiness, it does make your life easier and more enjoyable."

How do I stop thinking like a poor person? ›

Create a new awareness about money. Some examples are, “I'm worthy of money,” “Money is a force for good in my life,” “I use money to help others,” “When I work hard I am rewarded,” or “My ideas are lucrative.” You need to replace those old thoughts and beliefs about money with something positive.

What causes a lack mindset? ›

A scarcity mindset can stem from a lot of things — the root cause could be a life-changing event that makes you focus on what you've lost or are missing. This might be losing a job, climbing credit card bills or a divorce.

How do you know if you have a poor mindset? ›

There are seven signs to watch out for if you don't want to be broke:
  1. #1 Don't have long term goals for money.
  2. #2 Only want immediate gratification.
  3. #3 Spend to keep up with the neighbors.
  4. #4 No discipline in spending or saving.
  5. #5 Spend windfalls on stuff, not paying down debt.
  6. #6 Blame others for your bad financial choices.

How to get a millionaire mindset? ›

How To Develop a Millionaire Mindset and Get Rich
  1. Cultivate a Growth Mindset. ...
  2. Set Clear Goals. ...
  3. Invest in Education. ...
  4. Embrace Calculated Risks. ...
  5. Develop Multiple Income Streams. ...
  6. Live Below Your Means. ...
  7. Network With Like-minded Individuals. ...
  8. Stay Positive and Persistent.
Oct 6, 2023

How do rich people act? ›

One of the most significant differences between the wealthy and others is their ability to think long-term. They set clear goals and devise a plan to achieve them. This long-term perspective helps them stay focused, disciplined, and patient, even in the face of setbacks or temporary failures.

Are you happier rich or poor? ›

Reconciling previously contradictory results, researchers from Penn and Princeton find a steady association between larger incomes and greater happiness for most people but a rise and plateau for an unhappy minority.

Where do rich people keep their cash? ›

Cash equivalents are financial instruments that are almost as liquid as cash and are popular investments for millionaires. Examples of cash equivalents are money market mutual funds, certificates of deposit, commercial paper and Treasury bills. Some millionaires keep their cash in Treasury bills.

What is the difference between rich and wealthy mindset? ›

Rich people may focus more on spending and maintaining a certain lifestyle, while wealthy people may prioritize accumulating assets that produce income or appreciate in value. The distinction between rich and wealthy also lies in how they approach investments, expenses, and financial planning.

How do you define rich and poor? ›

Empty pockets and empty efforts both mean poor. Rich or wealthy often serve as opposites of poor. If you have material things, you're rich, and if you don't, you're poor. You can be full of knowledge but get poor grades if you're not studying, or you might be poor in terms of money but rich in friends and kindness.

How do you explain rich and poor? ›

Rich people are secure in having more than they need to eat, a place to live that is comfortable and safe, and are certain their basic needs will be easily met. Poor people are not secure in having the minimum they need to avoid hunger, housing insecurity, or having to exchange one basic need to meet another.

What is the difference between broke and poor mentality? ›

Being broke refers to a current financial situation. Poor, however, is a state of mind. The person who is broke can rectify their circ*mstances by improving their finances.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.