Level 1


‎November 13, 201805:25 PM

last updated‎November 13, 20185:25 PM

My email is the main account email. Used it to setup the account and I know how to apply an email as per our outgoing invoices. However, I seem to be the only one who can receive notifications and can't find a possible way to add or change this email. My question how do I add or change the email that receives all the information for PAYROLL, INVOICING STATEMENTS and just basic NOTIFICATIONS of a particular company??? My email is the account email for 2 companies but I NEED to add particular emails to receive notifications in order for me to stop forwarding emails all week.



Best answer November 14, 2018


Best Answers



‎November 14, 201812:31 AM


I can help you change your email settings in QBO, noobatl1.

To receive notifications for your payroll, you can only use one email address. Let's go to your Payroll Settings to update this information:

  1. Click the Gear icon at the top.
  2. Under Your Company, click Payroll Settings.
  3. Under Business Information, click the Contact Information link.
  4. Enter and confirm the email address.
  5. Click OK.

To change the email address for the notifications of your QBO subscription, you can:

  1. Click the Gear icon.
  2. Select User Profile.
  3. In the Profile tab, click the Edit link in the far right of the Email address section.
  4. Click Done.

Lastly, you can follow these steps to update the contact information of the company:

  1. Click the Gear icon.
  2. Under Your Company, click Account and Settings.
  3. In the Company tab, maximize the Contact info section.
  4. Update the Company email and the Customer-facing email.
  5. Click Save and then Done.

I've added screenshots too.

You can always come back if you need more help with updating your account information.






28 Comments 28



‎November 14, 201812:31 AM


I can help you change your email settings in QBO, noobatl1.

To receive notifications for your payroll, you can only use one email address. Let's go to your Payroll Settings to update this information:

  1. Click the Gear icon at the top.
  2. Under Your Company, click Payroll Settings.
  3. Under Business Information, click the Contact Information link.
  4. Enter and confirm the email address.
  5. Click OK.

To change the email address for the notifications of your QBO subscription, you can:

  1. Click the Gear icon.
  2. Select User Profile.
  3. In the Profile tab, click the Edit link in the far right of the Email address section.
  4. Click Done.

Lastly, you can follow these steps to update the contact information of the company:

  1. Click the Gear icon.
  2. Under Your Company, click Account and Settings.
  3. In the Company tab, maximize the Contact info section.
  4. Update the Company email and the Customer-facing email.
  5. Click Save and then Done.

I've added screenshots too.

You can always come back if you need more help with updating your account information.







Level 1

‎November 28, 201806:59 AM


I have all of these areas changed in Quickbooks. I am still struggling with my emails from Intuit E-commerce sending to the former email address instead of my current email address. I am using the Sync with Square app and the daily import summary is not going to the current email address. Where am I missing the change?



‎November 28, 201807:43 AM


Thank you for getting back to me, donutman.

Since you've updated all of your email addresses in QBO, I'd suggest giving us a call. It's possible that your account for Sync with Square still has your old email address. That's why you don't receive anything on the new one. We can update this information for you to ensure that the daily import summary will go to your current email.

Don't hesitate to come back if you have more questions.



‎February 06, 201902:50 PM


The Community has your back, johntamer.

Thank you for posting here in the Community. Allow me to lend a hand with updating the email address for email notifications.

You must be the Billing Contact in the account to receive important notifications and communications. Since you're using the desktop version, you can update the email address through the Customer Account Management Portal Site.

For more information about updating email address, I'm adding the article I recommend on this:

Update email address.

Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you regarding the notifications. The Community will always have your back.


Level 1

‎December 11, 201901:03 PM


Is it possible to receive notification emails to more than one email address?

We get notifications to the email listed as "Company Email", but have two people we'd like to have notified whenever an invoice is paid. Thanks!




‎December 11, 201902:58 PM


Hi there,Seth.

Only the company email address gets the notifications when invoices are paid. But, wehave a workaround we can set up so the other person can receiveemails.

We'll add the second email address in the Cc field on the Message settings. Let me take you there:

  1. Click on the Gear icon.
  2. Select Account and Settings.
  3. In the Sales section, click on the Messages section.
  4. in the Copy (Cc) new invoices to addressfield,enter another email address.
  5. Click on Save.NOTIFICATION EMAILS (25)

Let your customers know to reply or send a message oncethey've paid the invoice. Then, both(company and the other email address)will receive the email from the customer.

We have more optionson how tosend forms to multiple email addresses, please check it out when you're available.

For now, I can send it in as feedback. I'll take note about adding multiple email addresses so the owners can receivenotifications when customers paytheir invoices.

Your feedback on how we can help you is much appreciated.It will help us create more added features in QuickBooks Online. If you have any questions, post them below. Have a great day!


Level 1

‎March 03, 202004:16 PM


We really need to have more than one email address notified when an invoice is paid.

Requesting our customers to reply is a nonstarter.

It would be easier to forward an email than to rely on our customers to notify us when they pay.

This really needs to be fixed ASAP.


Level 1

‎March 03, 202004:21 PM


I'm rather incredulous that I can't have more than one email address notified when a customer pays an invoice.

This needs to be fixed ASAP.



‎March 04, 202012:53 PM


@Vern 1 Thank you for joining this thread. I understand your concern over paid invoice notifications unable to be sent to more than one email address. Currently only the company email address getsnotifications when invoices are paid. But, there isa workaround to set up another person to receiveemails. It was previously mentioned that you can add additional emails under QuickBooks account settings to copyadditional email addresses.

You can add a second email address in the Cc field on theMessagesettings. Let me take you there:

  1. Click on theGearicon.
  2. SelectAccount and Settings.
  3. In theSalessection, click on theMessagessection.
  4. in theCopy (Cc) new invoices to addressfield,enter another email address.
  5. Click onSave.NOTIFICATION EMAILS (30)

Let your customers know to reply or send a message oncethey've paid the invoice. Then, both(company and the other email address)will receive the email from the customer.

We have more optionson how tosend forms to multiple email addresses, please check it out when you're available.

For now, I can send it in as feedback. I'll take note about adding multiple email addresses so the owners can receivenotifications when customers paytheir invoices.

We are always working to improve our services to customers and appreciate your time to give feedback. Feel free to contact us again if you have any other concerns.


Level 1

‎June 20, 202008:43 AM


Problem is not resolved by following this thread, in fact it seems there is a bug with Quickbooks.

My Quickbooks keeps importing several data from Banks. One day I have changed my quickbooks email address, at all places. However, it still keeps sending emails to old email address. This is definitely bug, where I can not change my daily import notification emails.



‎June 20, 202010:58 AM


I understand this isn't an easy process for you,@RFPMart.

Let's make sure you change the email address in your Intuit account. This way, it will receive the notifications. Here's how:

  1. Click theGear icon ⚙️, and then chooseAccount and Settings.
  2. Select theCompanytab, and thenMarketing Preferencesunder theCommunications with Intuitsection. This will route you to your Intuit account.
  3. You can also directly access it bysigning in to your Intuit account.
  4. Once there, pick theSign in and securitytab.
  5. Check theEmail addresssection if it's been successfully changed to your new email. If not, clickEditand change your email.

Please refer to this article for more details about the steps above:Change the email address.

You can also send sales form or reports to many email addresses to make your task easy and efficient. Check out this resource for more info:Email sales form or reports to multiple email address.

Fill me in if you have more questions about managing your emails or other QuickBooks-related concerns. I'll be here to help you. Take care and stay safe always.


Level 1

‎March 18, 202109:44 AM


We need QBO to allow more than one email address to be used to send notification of payments made. Asking the client to let us know they made a payment is not realistic or very customer focused. We use the cc: for notification that an invoice was sent, but there's no such option for paid. This should be added.




‎March 18, 202111:35 AM


Thanks for becoming part of the Community, srezac.

Users can view invoice statuses by accessing their Sales menu, selecting All sales or Invoices, then reviewing each record's Status column.

Here's what each status means:

  • Open - You haven't emailed it yet.
  • Open (Sent) - You've emailed a copy to your customer.
  • Open (Viewed) - The customer's opened their document.
  • Overdue - It's past due and hasn't been paid yet.
  • Overdue (Viewed) - They've reviewed it, but didn't pay their past due amount.
  • Paid - They paid it.

I can certainly understand how an ability to list multiple email addressesfor payment notifications could be useful and have submitted a suggestion about it as of today.

You can also submit your own feature requests while signed in.

Here's how:

  1. Use your Gear (⚙️) icon.
  2. Click Feedback.NOTIFICATION EMAILS (38)
  3. Enter your suggestions and/or comments.
  5. Choose Skip and send message.
  6. The available drop-down menu can be used to pick an appropriate category.
  7. Select Send message.NOTIFICATION EMAILS (40)

Your feedback's definitely valuable to Intuit. It will be reviewed by our Product Development team and considered in future updates. Feature requests can be tracked through Intuit's Customer Feedback website.

I've additionally included a few detailed resources about managing your QuickBooks Payments account, users, and invoices that may come in handy moving forward:

If there's any questions, I'm just a post away. Have a lovely day!


Level 1

‎August 06, 202107:48 AM


I agree it would be really helpful to have a feature to have multiple emails receive notifications and easily manage who gets which notifications.

As the owner of the company, I need my email address as the primary contact and I want to receive all notifications to be aware of what's going on. However, it's a big waste of my time to have to forward the email notifications to the Accounting staff.

It seems like this should be a basic function.


Level 1

‎March 14, 202206:23 AM


This no longer works. I would like to prevent my accountant from getting these emails and change the email address they are going to for my company. Thanks.


QuickBooks Team

‎March 14, 202207:56 AM


I'm here to provide some ideas about preventing your accountant from getting email notifications, @inflatableoffice.

In QuickBooks Online, it is a default to notify the accountant if there are some changes to the company. However, you have the option to turn off the settings in the QuickBooks Accountant Online.

To proceed, here's how:

  1. From the left menu, chooseWork.
  2. ClickNotifications.
  3. SelectEdit✏️.
  4. Choose the settings you want for email notifications on assignments, due dates, details, status, project or task names, assignees, and deletions.
  5. ClickSavethen chooseDone.

Otherwise, you can send feedback to our product developers. At times, we roll out enhancements based on our customer's requests. They'll review this idea and might consider updating it in the future.

Here's how:

  1. Go to theGearlocated at the top.
  2. Under Profile, clickFeedback.
  3. Enter your recommendation and selectSubmit.

Additionally, let me share this link ongetting email reminders for your Payroll Account. Email reminders keep you (or your accountant) informed about upcoming payroll submission due dates and account transactions, such as tax payments.

Keep me posted if you have other questions about turning off notifications in QuickBooks. I'll be happy to help. Stay safe!


Level 1

‎March 14, 202208:09 AM


Where is the "Work" menu item? Is that something the accountant has to do from their view? I tried switching to accountant view but no luck.

Additionally, the link you sent me to for payroll notifications mentions only the primary user email is used. However, I've changed that email and it is still using my previous primary user email address. It appears you have a bug.


QuickBooks Team

‎March 14, 202209:44 AM


Hello, @inflatableoffice. Thanks for getting back to us in the Community. Let me chime and help you with your concern about the work tab in QuickBooks Accountant Online.

About this matter, our system updates the interface in batches. It's the reason why the Work tab is unavailable on your end. This feature will be available on your QBO soon.

Please see this sample screenshot for reference:


Additionally, I'll share with you thisarticleif you want to know more about managing and tracking your work with client requests, projects and tasks.

I’m always ready to assist you if you have any other questions or concerns about the features in QBO. Tag me in your reply and I’ll sprint back into action. Have a good one and keep safe.


Level 1

‎May 13, 202208:57 AM


The recent update has made it so only one email can be used for payroll notifications such as when payroll is due and taxes are due. Quickbooks is requiring it to be the principal responsible for business. This makes no sense. I don't know of any large company where the CEO, CFO etc files payroll. They are the principal responsible but have nothing to do with the day to day functions. There needs to be a way to add email notifications for the payroll coordinator/filier.


Level 1

‎September 01, 202211:35 AM


There is no "business information section" in my QBO payroll set up and I need to change the notifications email from the old accountant to me- the new accountant. I am an admin. How do I do this?


QuickBooks Team

‎September 01, 202201:22 PM


Hello there, LindaLeikness.

My previous colleague provided information on how to change notification email settings in QuickBooks. If you haven't tried it yet, you can follow the steps below:

Let's go to your Payroll Settings to update this information, you can only use one email address.

  1. Click the Gear icon at the top.
  2. Under Your Company, click Payroll Settings.
  3. In your Business Information, click the Contact Information link.
  4. Enter and confirm the email address.
  5. Click OK.

To change the email address for the notifications of your QuickBooks subscription:

  1. Click the Gear icon.
  2. Select User Profile.
  3. In the Profile tab, click the Edit link in the far right of the Email address section.
  4. Click Done.

To update the contact information of the company here's how:

  1. Click the Gear icon.
  2. Under Your Company, click Account and Settings.
  3. In the Company tab, maximize the Contact info section.
  4. Update the Company email and the Customer-facing email.
  5. Click Save and then Done.

To give you more insights about what are the options that you can do to keep track of the emails that you've sent to your customers in the system, please see these links attached:

Don't hesitate to drop a comment below if you have follow-up questions about changing notification emails. I'm more than happy to help. Take care!


Level 1

‎February 08, 202302:11 PM


There is no business information section under my Payroll settings. There is an 'email notifications' section but this doesn't let me change the email address. I can change when to get notified but not the email. Where can I change the email address for payroll notifications? I am the primary admin.


QuickBooks Team

‎February 08, 202305:04 PM


Welcome to this thread, @AlexW3. I can show you where to customize or change the email address for payroll notifications.

Here's what you'll need to do:

  1. Go to theGear icon(settings menu), then selectPayroll Settings.
  2. On theEmail notificationtab, click theEdit/pen iconto toggle it on/off.
  3. ClickSaveandDone.

For further insights, you can visit this link to learn more aboutmanaging the email addressin QuickBooks Online.

Feel free to post here anytime if you have any other questions. I'll be around to assist. Have a great day.

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