Moving Abroad Financial Questions: What You Need to Know Before Moving Out of the U.S. - Clarity Wealth Development (2024)

As I sit down to write this, I just got off the phone with my mom, who moved to Australia almost 10 years ago—long before I became interested in global financial planning. She was venting about a minor oversight from a decade ago that is still causing her frustration.

She was updating me on the latest developments in the saga of the aftermath of a tax reporting mistake they made when she first moved from the US to Australia. Here we are, 10 years later and she is STILL trying to sort it all out.

Watch Our Latest Webinar: 7 Tips to Prepare for an International Move

From a young age, I came to learn that moving abroad is an exciting, albeit complicated, endeavor. I watched my mom navigate it when we moved to the US from South Africa when I was in high school, and now I’ve watched her do it again as she has relocated to Australia.

If you’re moving abroad in the near future, how can you make sure you avoid a long, drawn-out tax reporting mistake (or something else)?

Today, we’re going to look at a few of the most common financial pain points of moving abroad, and how you can set yourself up for success.

Should I Use a Bank in the States or in My New Home Country?

Moving Abroad Financial Questions: What You Need to Know Before Moving Out of the U.S. - Clarity Wealth Development (1)The first question to sort out is where you’ll do your banking. The advent of online banking has made it possible in many cases to access your bank no matter where you go, but taxes and exchange rates may leave you wanting a local bank after you move.

Setting up a bank account may be difficult in your new home country until you have established residency. In some cases, you may just need to show your passport.

If you are moving overseas permanently, you will need to eventually set up an account with a local bank. But if you are only there temporarily (which can still mean several years) and you are maintaining a US address, you may be able to get by using your stateside bank, depending on your banking needs.

One thing to keep in mind is the exchange rate. Some online services exist that allow you to transfer money from your US bank account to pay bills, and many will even provide you with a debit card for international use. The exchange rates using these services, such as Wise or OFX, tend to be better than what you would see if you just used your regular US bank card.

Lastly, pay careful attention to reporting requirements when moving abroad from America. Anyone with foreign bank accounts with aggregate balances over $10,000 must report them to the US when you file your taxes.

What Should I Do with My Investments?

According to a Morningstar report on investor experiences around the world, the US ranks #1 in nearly every criteria, including regulation, disclosures, fees and expenses, sales and customer experience.

In short, if you can keep your investment accounts in the US, then you probably should. Of course, the final decision depends on the specifics of your situation.

After you move abroad, be wary of Passive Foreign Investments Corporations (PFICs) as investing in them can trigger additional taxes and reporting requirements. You’re probably better off leaving these alone entirely.

What About My 401(k), IRA, etc.?


The most important point here is that under no circ*mstances should you cash out these accounts, especially if you haven’t reached retirement age (59.5) and your 401(k) is over $500,000. If you cash out in those circ*mstances, your tax hit could skyrocket to 50% or more.

One option (and likely the better one if you plan to return to the US permanently at some point) is to leave it in the US. As we said above, the American investment environment can’t be beat, so if you can leave your accounts here, then that’s likely your best bet.

That being said, if your expat status will be permanent, then you will probably want to roll your accounts into a retirement plan in your new home country. This option will depend on whether there is a tax treaty between the two countries or not.

For example, if you are moving to Australia, you can roll your retirement plan into your superannuation fund, and there may be some significant tax advantages for doing so. But if you are moving somewhere like Croatia or Belize or anywhere in South America, then you will likely need to figure out another option.

If you are moving permanently and you have a Roth IRA, consider making a full distribution from this account while you are still a US tax resident in order to take full tax advantage of this account.

The best approach for you depends on several factors, including your age, the size of your accounts, where you’re moving and whether your move is temporary or permanent. As in all cases, we recommend consulting with your financial advisor, preferably someone with expertise on the country to which you’re moving.

How Should I File My Taxes?

For the purposes of taxation, the IRS has two classifications of people:

  1. United States Persons – This is defined as a US citizen, US green card holder or anyone currently in the US who has been here for more than 183 days.
  2. Foreign Persons –This is a nonresident person who is not a citizen, does not hold a green card and has been here fewer than 183 days.

If you are classified as a US Person, you need to file US taxes, even after you move abroad.

You may be subject to additional filing requirements when moving internationally depending on the types of assets you have and your tax filing status. For example, foreign bank accounts with an aggregate balance over US$10,000, require that you file the FBAR (FinCEN 114).

Make sure to review your accounts with a professional before filing taxes as any oversights could be very costly. Failure to file penalties can easily exceed $10,000.

Should I Get a Financial Advisor in My New Country?

If you don’t have one, consider getting a financial advisor to at least help you navigate the transition between countries.

People moving across countries often wonder if they will need two financial advisors—one in their old country and one in the new. The rise of cross-border planning specialists can often solve this issue.

Ideally, you can find an advisor that specializes in cross-border planning between the US and the country to which you are moving. In some situations you may need an advisor in both countries.

Click here to download our ebook, “The Expat’s Guide to Financial Planning.”

What Else Do I Need to Be Aware Of?

Real Estate

Depending on how long you’re moving away, it may be best to sell your US real estate holdings once you move away. Again, several factors go into this decision but unless the real estate investment is very cash positive, it usually does not make sense to hold.

Life Insurance

The cost of term life insurance tends to be lower in the US than elsewhere, especially Australia. The death benefit is usually tax free, which can be especially beneficial for US persons.


If you will have tuition expense at a school that is covered by 529 accounts, consider paying tuition before you move. That will make it clear that you were a US tax resident when you made the payment, thus allowing you to optimize the tax advantage of the account.

Mind the Details

It may seem like a lot of details to remember, but it’s important that you understand the potential pitfalls of financial planning when moving between countries. Otherwise, you could end up with big financial penalties—or annoying little issues you’re still dealing with 10 years later.

If you want help thinking through the financial aspects of your international move, regardless of where you’re moving, click here to schedule a complimentary consultation with me.

Moving Abroad Financial Questions: What You Need to Know Before Moving Out of the U.S. - Clarity Wealth Development (2024)


What should I consider before moving to another country? ›

11 Things to Consider Before Moving Abroad
  • Visa Requirements. It's easy to want to move abroad, but you first need to check if it's possible. ...
  • Banking. There is A LOT of Paperwork. ...
  • Work. ...
  • Tax Obligations. ...
  • Living Arrangements. ...
  • Language Barrier. ...
  • Healthcare. ...
  • Transportation.
Jan 11, 2023

How do I financially prepare to move abroad? ›

How to Budget for a Move Abroad
  1. Research the Cost of Living. ...
  2. Check if Your Visa Requires Proof of Funds or Proof of Income. ...
  3. Consider the Lifestyle You Want. ...
  4. Include Healthcare and Insurance Costs. ...
  5. Plan For an Emergency Fund. ...
  6. International Move Expenses.
  7. Living Abroad Expenses. ...
  8. Moving Your Stuff.

What to do with US bank accounts when moving abroad? ›

If you are moving overseas permanently, you will need to eventually set up an account with a local bank. But if you are only there temporarily (which can still mean several years) and you are maintaining a US address, you may be able to get by using your stateside bank, depending on your banking needs.

How do I maintain my US bank account while living abroad? ›

There are many good reasons, however, to keep your current primary American checking account and some credit card accounts active. All you have to do to keep it intact is to have the address on the account changed to a relative or friend's address in America and have your statements sent to you online.

What questions to ask before moving to a new country? ›

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving Abroad
  • How you will make money? ...
  • Is your job secure? ...
  • What type of work permit or visa will you need? ...
  • How long do you plan to be away? ...
  • Do you speak the language? ...
  • Do you understand the culture? ...
  • Where will you live? ...
  • Why do you want to move abroad?
Nov 13, 2017

What is the first step in moving to another country? ›

Settle your home affairs.
  • Find Out The Visa Requirements. ...
  • Get Your Documents Ready. ...
  • Make a Timeline of Your Move. ...
  • Prepare Your Pets. ...
  • Check Tax Obligations. ...
  • Prepare Insurance & Check the Health Care System. ...
  • Find Housing. ...
  • Sort Your Previous Living Situation.

How much money do you need to leave the US? ›

You may bring into or take out of the country, including by mail, as much money as you wish. However, if it is more than $10,000, you will need to report it to CBP.

How much money should I save before leaving the country? ›

But for long-term budget travel, I usually recommend planning to spend at least $1500 per month. So that means to backpack around the world for 6-months, you should have at least $9000 in your bank account before you leave. See my Travel Banking Tips & Guide for more info.

How much money should you have before moving across country? ›

In general, depending on the moving company and the method of transportation that you elect to use, the average cost to move across the country currently hovers around $2,000 – $8,000. But a coast-to-coast move may come in at even higher cost, to the tune of $2,200 – $15,000.

Can I keep my UK bank account if I live in the USA? ›

Keep your existing bank account

So, the answer to the question, “can I keep my UK bank account if I move abroad?”, is yes. Keeping your UK bank account open after moving overseas is the first option and there are a couple of reasons why you might choose to do this.

Can I withdraw money from Bank of America in a foreign country? ›

Bank of America will assess an international transaction fee of 3% of the U.S. dollar amount for all ATM withdrawals processed in foreign currency. International ATM operators may offer to do your currency conversion for you, but they may charge a higher fee for conversion.

Is it legal to have a U.S. Bank account from abroad? ›

Yes, a foreigner can open a bank account in the U.S., it just takes some additional paperwork to make it happen. If you have a foreign government ID, passport or resident alien number from a green card, those will help. If you don't have a Social Security number, you'll need an ITIN.

Do I have to tell my bank if I move abroad? ›

Yes, one of the most important things you need to do before going abroad is informing your bank. You want to make sure you'll be able to access your funds and use your debit or credit card while you're on vacation.

Can I keep my credit card if I move abroad? ›

Bottom Line. Even though you have moved abroad, your credit card debts continue to exist. Therefore, it is always in your best interest to pay your debts before leaving the country or be open with your credit card issuers about why you're moving abroad and when you'll be making your payment.

Which U.S. Bank has most international branches? ›

Bank of America

With operations in more than 35 countries around the world including Spain, Germany, and Japan, they are able to provide services to a worldwide customer base. The bank offers a suite of financial products including, but not limited to, commercial banking, investment banking, and consumer banking.

What is the most difficult thing about moving to another country? ›

Learning a foreign language is one of the hardest parts of becoming an expat, especially since it takes many years to master a new language. A recent study found that learning to speak the local language was the #1 biggest challenge expats faced when moving abroad.

How do I prepare myself for moving abroad? ›

  1. Find your new home. Whether you know exactly which city you'll be moving to, or you are keeping your options open, deciding on where you'll be living is one of the most fun elements of moving abroad. ...
  2. Apply for a visa. ...
  3. Contact your bank. ...
  4. Call your accountant. ...
  5. Make copies of important documents. ...
  6. Throw a goodbye party.
Mar 28, 2023

What are five questions you need to consider before going global? ›

5 International Expansion Questions to Ask Yourself Before Going...
  • Will my brand identity change? ...
  • Where do I enjoy traveling? ...
  • Do I need to adjust my offering? ...
  • How will the new market affect overall logistics? ...
  • How will my HR needs change?
Mar 26, 2018

What to cancel when moving overseas? ›

Services to Cancel Before You Move Overseas
  1. Internet/TV. Many internet and cable providers require 30 days' notice of cancellation, so keep this in mind, so you are not charged for internet and cable you don't even use. ...
  2. Car/Home Insurance. ...
  3. Gas/Electric. ...
  4. Subscriptions. ...
  5. Mobile Phone. ...
  6. Banking.

What do you need when you are leaving the country? ›

Leaving the country? 11 things to do before you go
  • Check your passport. ...
  • Apply for a visa (if needed) ...
  • Obtain an International Driver's Permit. ...
  • Make copies. ...
  • Check alerts & register your trip. ...
  • Get vaccinated & have medications in order. ...
  • Notify your bank. ...
  • Prepare your wallet.
Oct 8, 2018

How can I move out of the US permanently? ›

How to Move Out of America in 10 Steps
  1. Create your relocation bucket list.
  2. Explore visa options for each country.
  3. Decide what you're willing to do to move out of the US.
  4. Research everything that matters.
  5. Choose your destination.
  6. Secure a visa.
  7. Come up with a contingency plan.
  8. Get your affairs in order at home.
Sep 3, 2020

Can I leave the US with more than 10000 dollars? ›

You need to declare it when traveling internationally

It's legal to travel with more than $10,000 in the United States and abroad. You have the right to travel with as much money as you want. However, during international travel, you need to report currency and monetary instruments in excess of $10,000.

How much cash can be kept at home USA? ›

McCarty framed it more in terms of a ratio: “In terms of amount, don't let your cash exceed 10% of your overall emergency fund and/or $10,000. You can't deposit more than $10,000 in cash in a given year without raising red flags with the IRS.”

How much cash can you take abroad? ›

If you're wondering “how much money can I take abroad?”, the answer is it depends on the country you're travelling to. India - cash rupees above 125,000INR or any foreign currency worth more than $5,000USD (or $10,000 cash and travellers' cheques combined) must be declared.

How much does the average American keep in savings? ›

Luckily, we've investigated all of the essential facts about American savings, and according to our extensive research: 42% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings as of 2022. The average American savings account balance is $4,500.

What's the 30 day rule with money? ›

What Is the 30-Day Rule? Instead of allowing yourself to make that impulse purchase, wait for 30 days before you buy — that's the 30-day rule. Following this rule means you defer all non-essential purchases for 30 days, which gives you ample time to think about whether you really need to make the purchase.

Which country is the best to save money? ›

The Top Ten Savers
  • Qatar (58.1%) ...
  • Ireland (57.6%) ...
  • Brunei (54.5%) ...
  • Singapore (53.8%) ...
  • Luxembourg (53.4%) ...
  • Gabon (52.2%) ...
  • UAE (47.8%) ...
  • China (44.9%) The Chinese savings rate of 44.9% remains high by global standards, and it was a significant factor in China's economic growth.

What is the average cost of moving to another country? ›

Depending on how you categorize expenses, the average cost to move to another country can be $1000 - $10,000+. On the low-end, an international move is as cheap as a one-way flight ticket. On the high-end are corporate international relocation packages, where your company pays all the costs to move you abroad.

How do I ship belongings across the country? ›

There are six ways you can ship large boxes across the country:
  1. United States Postal Service (USPS)
  2. Courier shipping (UPS®, FedEx®)
  3. Rent a truck and move yourself.
  4. Hire professional movers.
  5. Rideshare or peer-to-peer shipping.
  6. Consolidated freight.

Is 3000 enough to move out? ›

A popular rule of thumb says your income should be around 3 times your rent. So, if you're looking for a place that costs $1,000 per month, you may need to earn at least $3,000 per month. Many apartment complexes and landlords do follow this rule, so it makes sense to focus only on rentals you're likely to qualify for.

Which US banks are international? ›

In this article, we've rounded up some of the best international banks in the US that are great options for international travel.
  • Citibank. ...
  • HSBC. ...
  • Capital One. ...
  • Charles Schwab Bank. ...
  • First Republic Bank. ...
  • Bank of America. ...
  • Citibank. ...
  • HSBC.

What happens to my mortgage if I move abroad? ›

What happens to your mortgage if you move abroad? Nothing. But when your fixed term deal expires, you will need to remortgage or pay the lenders' standard variable rate (SVR). Often, expats ask their mortgage company for 'consent to let'.

Can I transfer money from my US bank account to a foreign bank account? ›

You can send an international wire transfer by visiting a U.S. bank branch. Feel free to save time by setting up an appointment.

How much money can I take out from the Bank of America? ›

The maximum ATM cash withdrawal amount is $1,000 or a maximum of 60 bills that can only be dispensed at one time. There may also be different limits based on account type and availability of funds. The maximum ATM cash limit when setting up a withdrawal in advance in the Mobile Banking app is $800.

What ATMs can I use with Bank of America for free? ›

As a Bank of America account holder, you don't incur fees for withdrawals, transfers or balance inquiries at ATMs displaying the Bank of America name and logo. (Cash advance fees may apply to credit card accounts; please see your credit card agreement for details.)

Which UK banks offer accounts for non residents? ›

There are a few expat-friendly banks in the UK including HSBC, Barclays, and Lloyds Banking Group. These banks offer both free and paid bank accounts and let you manage your account offline (at a branch) and online (website and mobile app). They also offer deposit protection up to £85,000 GBP.

Why is Wells Fargo closing foreign accounts? ›

Wells Fargo may view these U.S. expat clients as a source of perceived compliance risk. Ultimately, they may have decided for their overall business practice to close these retail international brokerage accounts. Again, the good news is that compliant and efficient U.S. expat investing options exist.

How do I let Bank of America know I'm leaving the country? ›

Here's how to set a Bank of America travel notice:

Log in to your Bank of America online account. Click on the “Help & Support” tab. Click “Set Travel Notice.” Enter your destinations and travel dates.

What happens if you don't declare a foreign bank account? ›

Penalties for failure to file a Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR) can be either criminal (as in you can go to jail), or civil, or some cases, both. The criminal penalties include: Willful Failure to File an FBAR. Up to $250,000 or 5 years in jail or both.

How long can a retired US citizen stay out of the country? ›

If you leave the U.S., we will stop your benefits the month after the sixth calendar month in a row that you are outside the country. You can make visits to the United States for specific periods of time, depending on how long you've been outside, to continue receiving your benefits.

What happens if I don t pay my credit card and move out of the country? ›

While debt technically won't follow you abroad, you may suffer several consequences for trying to flee from it: you may be sued and have your wages garnished; your credit score will suffer; you may have to pay taxes on your debt. These are just a few consequences of leaving the country with unpaid debt.

Does US debt follow you to another country? ›

There's no law saying you can't move to another country if you have debt—even if it's in collections. But if you've taken on debt in the U.S., you're contractually obligated to pay it, regardless of where you choose to live.

What are the disadvantages of using credit card abroad? ›

Disadvantages of an overseas card

For a start, many overseas credit cards do not offer interest-free deals on purchases, which means it's important to watch what you spend on your card on holiday. If you are unable to pay off your balance in full each month you will usually be charged interest.

Can I have a US bank account if I live abroad? ›

Yes, you can. The process might be a bit complicated for non-citizens, but it's not impossible. Whether it's for business, travel, or personal reasons, setting up a US bank account will be worth the trouble. Banking in the US has many advantages.

Can a US citizen living abroad have a US bank account? ›

If you're a US citizen living abroad you can open a bank account in the US. To do so, you must apply to banks that accept US citizens abroad. But also, maintain the US-specific ties that the bank requires and pass the bank's standard identity verification and compliance procedures.

What is the number 1 bank in America? ›

JPMorgan Chase. Headquarters: New York, N.Y. JPMorgan Chase is the largest bank in the U.S., with roughly $3.20 trillion in consolidated assets.

What is the hardest part about moving to a new country? ›

Whether traveling or living as an expat, you need to accept getting buried in documentation. Working visas, health insurance, cellphone contracts are always challenging in a foreign country – especially in a foreign language. And then there's doing foreign taxes!

What are the things that you have to think about before moving to a new country in Latin America? ›

Some of the most important factors you need to consider include visa requirements, the culture, and the weather.

What is difficult about moving to a new country? ›

Cultural differences are probably one of the biggest challenges you will face when you move to a foreign country. In addition, for you to adapt to the local language, to the way of living in the new city and to their cultural habits can be a very difficult challenge to overcome.

How much money should you have saved when moving to another state? ›

If you know you won't have a job immediately after your move, save enough money to cover at least three months of living expenses. This amount should be on top of any moving expenses you will accrue.

What is a good amount of money to move to another state with? ›

Start with two months of living expenses to account for the time it takes to move and any possible time off of work you may be taking. Be sure to include mortgage or rent, utilities, food, transportation, housing, insurance, and car payments and other bills.

What are the negative aspects of moving to another country? ›

In this article on disadvantages of living abroad
  • The language barrier.
  • Culture shock.
  • Homesickness.
  • Making friends and building a community.
  • Bureaucracy and paperwork.
  • The cost of moving and living abroad.
  • Difficulty finding work.
  • Discrimination.
Jan 9, 2023

What is the number 1 country people want to move to? ›

Which are the most popular countries for moving abroad?
The Top 10 Countries for Moving AbroadNumber of countries that want to move here the most
1. Canada30
2. Japan13
3. Spain12
4. Germany8
6 more rows

How long does it take to adjust to living in a new country? ›

Six to twelve months after arriving in their host country, expatriates usually begin to grow accustomed to their new home and know what to expect from their surroundings. Daily activities become routine, and the customs of the host country are accepted as an alternative way of life.

What are the pros and cons of moving to a new country? ›

Pro: Carpe Diem!
  • Con: Leaving friends and family behind.
  • Con: Feeling homesick.
  • Con: Getting a work visa or permit.
  • Con: The hassle of moving abroad.
  • Con: Healthcare comes at a cost.
  • Con: The language barrier.
  • Con: The cultural faux pas that could offend.
  • Con: Culture shock.
Feb 9, 2023

What are the psychological effects of moving to another country? ›

The stress of the move and adjustment to the new country, can lead to anxiety and depression and other psychological problems amongst migrants. Often the hardest thing for new migrants is coping with the loss of family and friends and the realisation that their loved ones are devastated by their move.

Will moving country make me happier? ›

One school of thought says yes. In fact, it may be exactly the type of "fresh start" people need to re-calibrate their happiness. Another suggests that while a move might provide us with a temporary lift in mood, it is most common for our happiness to return to its baseline, pre-move level.

Does moving country change your life? ›

Moving abroad, experiencing new things, and meeting new people show us the other side of the mirror that is totally different. This whole new experience broadens our vision and perspective that slowly starts changing our thinking, and we become more embracing of new things, ideas, opinions, and changes.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.