More Americans See U.S. as Leading Economic Power (2024)

Story Highlights

  • 44%, up from 37% in 2021, say U.S. is leading economic power in world
  • Democrats, independents responsible for increase
  • More expect U.S. (44%) than China (37%) to be top power in 20 years

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- More Americans now than in 2021, 44% to 37%, believe the United States is the leading economic power in the world. That seven-percentage-point increase is nearly matched by an eight-point decline (from 50% to 42%) in the percentage identifying China as the top economic power.

Americans’ views of the leading economic power have shifted in recent years. The U.S. and China now essentially tie, but China led by a significant margin in 2021 and the U.S. did in 2020. In most prior years, China led, although the U.S. was the overwhelming choice when the question was first asked in 2000.


The latest results are from Gallup’s annual World Affairs survey, conducted Feb. 1-23.

Relatively few Americans give a response other than the United States or China. In addition to those two countries, 4% believe the European Union is the leading economic power, 4% say Japan is, 3% choose Russia, and 2% name India.

In past surveys, Japan was more commonly thought to be the leading economic power, with 10% or more naming it in 2000 (16%), 2008 (13%) and 2009 (10%).

Democrats, Independents More Bullish on U.S. Economic Positioning

Democrats and independents are responsible for the increased belief that the U.S. is the leading economic power in the world today. Both party groups show significant increases from 2021 in the percentage choosing the U.S. -- 14 points among Democrats and nine points among independents. Relatedly, both groups are less likely than in 2021 to believe China is the leading economic power, including a seven-point drop among Democrats and a 14-point decrease among independents.

Republicans’ opinions show no meaningful changes from 2021; they still regard China (48%) rather than the U.S. (43%) as the leading economic power.


United States Regains Edge as Expected Economic Power 20 Years From Now

In addition to asking which country Americans believe is the leading economic power today, Gallup asks the public to say which country they expect to be the leading power 20 years from now.

Forty-four percent of U.S. adults now name the United States on this future-oriented question, compared with 37% who choose China. That is a switch from 2021, when China led by six points. In 2020, the United States led by an even larger margin than it does today, 23 points.


Republicans (50%) are more inclined than Democrats (43%) and independents (41%) to believe the U.S. will be the leading world economic power 20 years from now. Roughly similar proportions of all three party groups believe China will be the leading economy in 20 years, including 37% of Republicans, 33% of Democrats and 39% of independents.

As a result, both Democrats and Republicans think the U.S. rather than China will be the leading economic power in the future, while independents are divided.

Democrats are more likely than the other groups to choose a response other than the U.S. or China, with 9% believing the European Union will be the leading economic power in 20 years, 6% naming India, 5% Japan and 3% Russia.


Republicans and independents are each more likely now than in 2021 (44% and 32%, respectively) to believe the U.S. will be the leading economic power in 20 years, and less likely to believe China will (49% of Republicans and 51% of independents in 2021 held this view).

Democrats’ views are generally similar over the two years, with a slight reduction in the percentage choosing China (from 39%) and a slight increase in the percentage choosing countries other than the U.S.

Bottom Line

Americans’ opinions of which nation is the leading economic power today and which will be so in the future have varied over time. These attitudes have generally shifted according to the perceived health of the U.S. economy. When Americans believed the U.S. economy was strong, such as in 2000 and 2020 (before the pandemic), significantly more Americans chose the U.S. over China as the leading economic power. However, at times when U.S. adults have been less optimistic about the domestic economy, including now, they have been divided or ranked China ahead of the U.S.

The United States remains the largest economy in the world, though China threatens that status in the future, given its larger population and faster economic growth relative to other countries in recent decades. For now, Americans are more optimistic that the U.S. will still be the leading power in 20 years, though that view, too, has changed in recent years.

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More Americans See U.S. as Leading Economic Power (2024)


Why America is economically powerful? ›

There are two things that matter to an economy in the long term: the size of its workforce and the productivity thereof. A higher fertility rate and a more open immigration system have long given America a demographic advantage over most other wealthy countries, and that continues.

How strong is the US economy? ›

United States Economic Data
GDP (USD bn)19,47723,315
GDP per capita (USD)59,87970,160
Economic Growth (Nominal GDP, ann. var. %)4.210.7
Economic Growth (GDP, ann. var. %)2.25.9
35 more rows
May 2, 2023

Is the US a leader in the global economy? ›

America is the world's largest national economy and leading global trader. The process of opening world markets and expanding trade, initiated in the United States in 1934 and consistently pursued since the end of the Second World War, has played an important role in the development of American prosperity.

What is an example of economic power? ›

a country that has a lot of importance because it can produce, buy, and sell a lot of products or services: China is a very important economic power.

Is the US still the most powerful economy? ›

According to the latest available data from the World Bank, the United States of America is currently the world's largest economy, with a GDP of over $23 trillion in 2021.

When did America become the most powerful economy? ›

Digital History. By 1890, the United States had by far the world's most productive economy. American industry produced twice as much as its closest competitor--Britain. But the United States was not a great military or diplomatic power.

Does the US have a good economy right now? ›

That has translated into sustained demand, which in turn produced a January jobs report that showed 517,000 jobs added — the most since July. And while gross domestic product has also most likely peaked in the post-pandemic period, it remains firmly in positive territory, with 2.9% growth in the most recent quarter.

Is the US economy still good? ›

The size of the U.S economy is now over 5 percent above its 2019 level. Core inflation in the United States is now lower than in many major advanced economies. The U.S. labor market recovery has been exceptionally strong.

Does US have a good economy? ›

Background. The United States has one of the world's most dynamic economies but has been undergoing policy challenges that undermine its long-term economic competitiveness.

What country is the leading power? ›

United States. The United States of America is a North American nation that is the world's most dominant economic and military power. Likewise, its cultural imprint spans the world, led in large part by its popular culture expressed in music, movies and television.

What is the role of us in the world economy? ›

The US has the world's single largest economy, accounting for almost a quarter of global GDP (at market exchange rates), one-fifth of global FDI, and more than a third of stock market capitalisation. It is the most important export destination for one-fifth of countries around the world.

Why is the US a world power? ›

This influence comes in many forms; the United States holds economic, political, military, and cultural influence across the planet. Because of this influence, many have called the United States a superpower, a country with a dominant position over most other countries.

What makes economic power? ›

Economic power is usually a result of its economic size. It is also the basis of economic growth. Economic power is related to the country's purchasing power. The purchasing power is determined by the strength of the country's currency.

What is economic power in simple terms? ›

Economic power refers to the ability of countries, businesses or individuals to improve living standards. It increases their ability to make decisions on their own that benefit them.

What are 5 examples of economy? ›

One can broadly classify five distinct examples of economic activities. These activities are producing, supplying, buying, selling, and the consumption of goods and services.

Is the US #1 in economy? ›

The U.S. economy is the world's largest in terms of gross domestic product, and also the most technologically powerful.

Who has a better economy than the US? ›

Switzerland. Switzerland, officially called the Swiss Confederation, is a small country in Central Europe made up of 16,000 square miles of glacier-carved Alps, lakes and valleys. It's one of the world's wealthiest countries, and has been well-known for centuries for its neutrality.

Who has the best economy in the US? ›

States by GDP
1California3.5 trillion
2Texas2.1 trillion
3New York1.9 trillion
4Florida1.3 trillion
47 more rows

What type of economy is the US? ›

There are many different types of economic systems used throughout the world. Some examples are socialism, communism, and capitalism. The United States has a capitalistic system.

Is the US still a superpower? ›

Currently, only the United States fulfills the criteria to be considered a superpower. However, the United States is no longer the only uncontested foremost superpower and the world's sole hyperpower to dominate in every domain (i.e. military, culture, economy, technology, diplomatic).

What made America wealthy? ›

The integration of far-flung settlements required new technologies — steam engines, canals and railroads — setting the country on a natural course to industrial development. In sum, slavery and conquest created the foundation upon which the U.S. economy grew.

Is the US economy currently growing stronger or weaker? ›

The US economy did better than expected at the end of last year, despite higher borrowing costs and rising cost of living dragging on growth. The economy grew at an annualised rate of 2.9% in the last three months of 2022, official figures show.

Who has the best economy in the world? ›

United States

Is the US economy growing? ›

Gross domestic product increased 1.1 percent in the first quarter as consumer spending remained robust despite higher interest rates.

Is the US economy declining? ›

The U.S. economy is losing steam and recession fears are rising The country's GDP growth is slowing as banks cut back on credit and the Federal Reserve tries to crack down on inflation.

How is the US economy best described? ›

Created by the United States Constitution, the U.S. has a mixed economy, meaning that it combines elements of the command and market economic models. In terms of consumer goods and business services, the United States economy operates as a free market.

What is the US ranked in power? ›

In terms of economic power, the United States remains the world's largest economy, with a GDP of over $21 trillion in 2021. China is the world's second-largest economy, with a GDP of over $16 trillion, but its economic growth has been slowing down in recent years.

Where does the US rank in power? ›

Download Table Data
Power RankCountryGDP
1United States$21.40 Tn
2China$14.30 Tn
3Russia$1.69 Tn
4Germany$3.86 Tn
73 more rows

Who is the biggest country in the world? ›

The largest country in the world is Russia with a total area of 17,098,242 Km² (6,601,665 mi²) and a land area of 16,376,870 Km² (6,323,142 mi²), equivalent to 11% of the total world's landmass of 148,940,000 Km² (57,510,000 square miles).

What affects the US economy? ›

Forces That Affect the U.S. Economy. Three forces affect the economy: supply and demand, the business cycle, and inflation. These are measures of how consumers interact with their money and the economy.

Who is more powerful the US or Russia? ›

The US dominates the air with far more bases, fighter jets and bombers than Russia but Russia is superior on the ground with more tanks, artillery and land vehicles. At sea, the countries are more evenly matched, but here the US has the edge with more destroyers, submarines and aircraft carriers.

Which statement best explains why the United States grew into a world economic power? ›

Which statement best explains why the United States grew into a world economic power in the 20th century? the United States benefited from investments in manufacturing and technology.

What is the meaning of world power? ›

: a political unit (such as a nation or state) powerful enough to affect the entire world by its influence or actions.

What keeps the economy strong? ›

Economic growth is driven oftentimes by consumer spending and business investment. Tax cuts and rebates are used to return money to consumers and boost spending.

What does it mean to be economically powerful? ›

1) A high rate of growth. This means increases in economic production; it will result in higher real wages, higher employment, and higher spending. 2) Low and stable inflation. 3) Low unemployment.

What is growing economic power? ›

Economic growth is an increase in the production of goods and services in an economy. Increases in capital goods, labor force, technology, and human capital can all contribute to economic growth.

What economic powers does the government have? ›

The government (1) provides the legal and social framework within which the economy operates, (2) maintains competition in the marketplace, (3) provides public goods and services, (4) redistributes income, (5) cor- rects for externalities, and (6) takes certain actions to stabilize the economy.

What is the power of economic freedom? ›

The Impact of Economic Freedom

There is a positive correlation between economic freedom and a country's overall prosperity and growth rate due to economic development. Free countries with market economies tend to have a greater wealth per capita, cleaner environments, higher life expectancy, and less poverty.

Why is the economy important? ›

Economic growth increases state capacity and the supply of public goods. When economies grow, states can tax that revenue and gain the capacity and resources needed to provide the public goods and services that their citizens need, like healthcare, education, social protection and basic public services.

Why is economic important? ›

The study of economics helps people understand the world around them. It enables people to understand people, businesses, markets and governments, and therefore better respond to the threats and opportunities that emerge when things change.

What causes economic problem? ›

The main causes of economic problems are: Scarcity of resources like labour, land, and capital are insufficient when compared to the demand. Human beings' demands and wants are unlimited and keep multiplying. Therefore, they cannot be satisfied because of limited resources.

What makes a country economically powerful? ›

If economic power is primarily measured in the growth of GDP per capita, then the main factors that influence a country's economic power are the four factors of production: natural resources, labor, capital equipment, and entrepreneurship.

Why the US economy is the most important in the world? ›

This means that at the present moment, the American economy contributes to about 30% of the world economy. This is because most of the major multinational companies across the world are from America. Also, America has significant gold and oil reserves which make it a force to reckon with.

What are the reasons for strong economy? ›

Economic growth is driven oftentimes by consumer spending and business investment. Tax cuts and rebates are used to return money to consumers and boost spending. Deregulation relaxes the rules imposed on businesses and have been credited with creating growth but can lead to excessive risk-taking.

What makes an economy powerful? ›

Economic growth results when groups of people, so-called economic actors, are able to produce goods and services with increasing efficiency. To produce real productivity, an economy must have better tools and equipment, namely capital goods, and greater specialization of laborers.

What is the most economically powerful nation? ›

In terms of economic power, the United States remains the world's largest economy, with a GDP of over $21 trillion in 2021. China is the world's second-largest economy, with a GDP of over $16 trillion, but its economic growth has been slowing down in recent years.

What is the most important thing in an economy? ›

Supply and Demand

The relationship between supply and demand sits at the heart of most economic theory, for a simple reason: They are inextricably linked. The law of supply and demand can be explained as follows: When supply of a good or service exceeds its demand, prices will fall until an equilibrium is reached.

What are the 3 reasons for economic growth? ›

There are three main factors that drive economic growth:
  • Accumulation of capital stock.
  • Increases in labor inputs, such as workers or hours worked.
  • Technological advancement.
Jun 1, 2015

What are 3 benefits of the economy? ›

A market economy promotes free competition among market participants. Notable benefits of a market economy are increased efficiency, production, and innovation.

Is the US economy doing well? ›

The size of the U.S economy is now over 5 percent above its 2019 level. Core inflation in the United States is now lower than in many major advanced economies. The U.S. labor market recovery has been exceptionally strong.

Why is economics important in society? ›

Considered a social science, economics uses scientific methods to understand how scarce resources are exchanged within society. Economists study theories and techniques useful for developing policies in government as they have a deep understanding of how to create efficiency in today's world.

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