How Does the U.S. Economy Work? (2024)

The United States is theworld’s third-largest economy, behindChinaand theEuropean Union. The United States has amixed economy. That means it operates as afree market economyin consumer goods and business services and as a command economyin defense, retirement programs, some aspects of medical care, and other areas. The U.S. Constitution created and now protects America’s mixed economy.

Measuring the U.S. Economy

The best way to estimate the size of theU.S. economyis withgross domestic product, or GDP. GDP measures everything produced in the United States, regardless of whether it was made by U.S. citizens and companies or by foreigners.


Gross domestic product is different fromgross national income, which is everything produced by U.S. citizens and companies, no matter where they are located in the world.

Components of GDP

There are fourcomponents of GDP.

Components of Real GDP (2019)
ComponentPercentage of U.S. GDP
Consumer spending70%
Government spending17%
Business investment16%
Net exports-5%

Consumer spending comprises approximately 70% of the total GDP. It includes the subcomponents of goods and services. Goods can be eitherdurable goods, like automobiles, or nondurable goods, which are immediately consumed and used up, like gasoline. Services consist of things like banking, child care,and health care. In 2019, services made up 45% of the economy, while goods made up 25%.

Government spendingis the second-largest component, driving approximately 18% of GDP. This includes nationaldefense spending, Social Security benefits, and health care. It also includes state and municipal budgets.

Business investment makes up approximately 16% of GDP. It includes such elements asmanufacturing,real estate construction,and intellectual property.

Net exports make up the fourth component. It is the sum ofexports, which add to the nation’s economy, andimports, which subtract from it. The United States has atrade deficit, which means it imports more than it exports. This is why the U.S. net exports figure has a negative value.


Exports are goods leaving the country, which the United States sells to or in other countries. Imports are goods coming in, which the United States buys from other countries.

Measuring GDP

There are three critical measurements of GDP.

  1. Nominal gross domestic product: Nominal GDP is the primary measure. It describes how much would be produced for the year if the economy kept going at a constant rate.
  2. Real gross domestic product:Real GDPdoes the same but removes the effects of inflation. Economists use it to compare GDP over time.
  3. Gross domestic product growth rate: GDP growth rateuses real GDP to calculate growth as compared to the previous quarter or the previous year. This number is often described as a positive or negative percentage.


Some productive activities are not included in GDP, such as the care parents provide for their children and work done by volunteers.

Forces That Affect the U.S. Economy

Three forces affect the economy: supply and demand, the business cycle, and inflation. These are measures of how consumers interact with their money and the economy. You can learn how to predict the next recession by understanding how these forces interact with each other and affect consumer behavior.

Supply and Demand

Demand is how much consumers want a good or service. Supply is how much of that good or service is available. The interaction between supply and demand affects prices, wages, and the amount of product available.

The law of supply and demand says that supply will rise or fall to meet levels of demand over time. If consumers want more of something, businesses will make more of it until supply meets demand and demand decreases. This process is cyclical.

The Supply and Demand Cycle

  1. Demand for a product increases higher than the supply of that product.
  2. Prices rise.
  3. Higher prices drive up the wages of workers who can make that product.
  4. High demand makes that product more profitable for businesses to produce.
  5. More businesses begin producing it.
  6. As more workers are available to make the same type of product, wages stabilize.
  7. Supply increases to meet demand.
  8. As supply rises, consumers buy all they need.
  9. Demand decreases below the level of supply.
  10. Consumers are willing to pay less, and the product becomes less profitable.
  11. Wages for workers making that product fall.
  12. Businesses begin to make less and focus on the next high-demand product.
  13. Supply decreases to meet demand.

Supply is limited by the fourfactors of production:labor, entrepreneurship, capital, andnatural resources. Demandis limited by the consumer’s willingness to pay the price of a product or service.

The Business Cycle

The economy is constantly changing, and its rise and fall depend on thebusiness cycle. The cycle has four phases.

  1. Expansion: This is when the economy grows. If it grows at a healthy rate of 2% to 3%, the economy can remain in the expansion phase for years.
  2. Peak: The economy is in a phase of irrational growth. This creates anasset bubble and is unsustainable in the long term.
  3. Contraction: The GDP growth rateturns negative. This causes a recession, along with increases inunemployment. When the economy contracts for years, it’s called adepression.
  4. Trough: This is a recession at its lowest point. The economy then enters a new expansion phase and the cycle begins again.

Inflation and Deflation

Inflation can happen either in the short term, due to consumer behavior, or in the long term.

Short-term inflation happens when demand is greater than supply and prices go up. It generally occurs in the peak phase of the business cycle.

Once inflation occurs, people begin to expect ever-higher prices. Consumers buy now before prices go up more in the future. This increases demand and causes higher prices.

Long-term inflation generally happens because of an increase in themoney supply over time.


Deflationis the opposite of inflation. It occurs when prices fall, creating crashes in the stock or housing markets, as well as other financial crises. It takes place during the contraction phase of the business cycle.

Government Influences on the Economy

In a mixed economy like the United States, the government has a few tools it can use to influence the economy.

Fiscal Policy

Fiscal policy is how the government adjusts its own spending and tax rates to influence or manage economic forces.

Congress, with the influence of the president, sets the federal budget. The highest portion of federal spending goes toward Social Security benefits,military spending,and Medicare. Fiscal policy can also influence entire industries through its priorities, such as whether it focuses on renewable energy or fossil fuels.

Revenue for the federal budget comes fromtaxes and money that the federal government borrows. But spending is limited. When it outpaces revenue, it creates abudget deficit.


Each year’sdeficit gets added to the debt. The deficit is funded by the sale of Treasury securities, which the government is then required to pay back with interest. TheU.S. debtis more than its entire economic output.

Trade Policy

Another government tool is trade policy. By regulating trade with other countries, the government affects the cost of imports and exports. The cost of imports affects the prices of goods and services that are imported and sold in the United States, while the cost of exports affects the revenue and wages of U.S. businesses.


Trade agreements, likeNAFTA, seek to reduce trade costs and increase the GDP of the United States. Between 1993 and 2015, the United Statestripled exports to Mexico and Canada thanks to NAFTA.

Monetary Policy

TheFederal Reserve System, the nation’scentral bank, was created by Congress. Also called the Fed, the Federal Reserve System usesmonetary policyto control inflation and stimulate the economy. It is also charged with the smooth functioning of the banking system. There are two types of monetary policy.

  • Expansionary monetary policyspeeds up growth and lowers unemployment. It does that when it lowersinterest ratesor adds credit to banks to lend, which increases the U.S. money supply.
  • Contractionary monetary policyfights inflation and slows growth. To do this, the Fed raises interest rates or removes credit from banks’ balance sheets. This decreases the money supply.


The Fed has three other functions:

  1. It supervises and regulates many of the nation’sbanks.
  2. It maintainsfinancial marketstability and works to prevent financial crises.
  3. It provides banking services to other banks, the U.S. government, and foreign banks.

The Federal Reserve has severalmonetary policy tools that it uses to affect the economy:

  • Interest rates: The most well-known tool is theFed funds rate, which theFederal Open Market Committeeadjusts to change interest rates.
  • Open market operations: The Fed also adjusts the money banks have available to lend by buying or selling securities to its member banks. Selling securities causes interest rates to rise, while buying them causes interest rates to fall.
  • Money supply: Adjusting the money supply allows the Fed to manage inflation and influence the unemployment rate.

Business Influences on the Economy

There is another major influencer that is not part of the government: financial markets on Wall Street. The behavior of traders, investors, and managers in financial markets affect the broader economy.

Trades throughforeign exchange marketschange thevalue of the U.S. dollarand foreign currencies, which affects the price of imports and exports. Hedge funds and hedge fund managers seek higher returns by trading in riskycommoditiesand futures contracts, many of which are minimally regulated. Thecommodities marketis where food, metals, and oil are traded. Commodities traders change the price of these things you buy every day.

Bubbles and collapses in the financial, stock, and housing markets can affect the overall economy, causing recessions and depressions.

Understanding the Current Economy

Once you understand how the U.S. economy works, you can use certain indicators to understand both how the economy is currently doing and what might happen in the near future.

How the Economy Is Doing

These five benchmarks indicate how the economy is doing. They are closely watched by economic analysts, Wall Street, and the government.

  1. U.S. GDPmeasures the state of the economy every quarter. The Bureau of Economic Analysis updates it monthly.
  2. GDP per capitatells you how much each member of the U.S. population benefits from economic output. It is released once a year.
  3. The current jobs report tells you how many jobs were added (or lost) each month. It will also reveal which industries are hiring. It’s updated monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  4. Theunemployment rateis a lagging indicator. This means it follows the trends. That’s because employers wait until the economy is strong before hiring. They also wait until a recession is underway before laying off workers. The federal government and the Federal Reserve aim to keep the unemployment rate close to 4%. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports unemployment numbers.
  5. Both the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve measure inflation, or how much consumers have to pay for goods and services. They often have slightly different numbers for this benchmark, because the federal government uses theconsumer price index, while the Federal Reserve uses the core Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) reading.


The consumer price index sometimes gives misleading information. Because the commodities market determines oil, gas, and food prices, these numbers can sometimes plummet and skyrocket within months. The core inflationrate excludes energy and food costs to avoid these spikes.

Predicting What the Economy Will Do

Understanding theseleading economic indicators can help you predict likely changes in the U.S. economy.

  • Thedurable goods orders reporttells you how many orders were received by manufacturers. When orders are high, GDP will increase in the future.


A critical measurement within durable goods iscapital goods, or the machinery and equipment businesses need every day. Business owners only order these expensive items when they are sure theeconomy is getting better.

  • Building permits indicate whether there will be new home construction in the near future.
  • Manufacturing jobstell you manufacturers’ confidence level. When factory orders rise, companies need more workers right away. That happens long before the goods show up in GDP. Similarly, when manufacturers hire fewer workers, it means a recession could be on its way. Data on manufacturing jobs is available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


A rise in manufacturing also benefits other industries, including transportation, retail, and administration.

  • The stock market often predicts what the economy will do in the next six months. That’s because stock traders must research economic trends and business performance to make the most profitable trades possible.
  • Interest ratesare how the Fed influences growth. Low interest rates create moreliquidityfor businesses and consumers. Cheap loans spur demand. Rising interestshrinks the money supply, making loans more expensive and weakening demand.

Use these benchmarks to make informed judgments about how the economy is currently doing and what might happen next. Understanding these signs of growth and contraction will help you manage your money and protect your financial future.

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The Balance uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. International Monetary Fund. "Report for Selected Countries and Subjects: Gross Domestic Product, Current Prices (Purchasing Power Parity; International Dollars)."

  2. Paul A. Samuelson. “Economics,” Page 43. McGraw Hill Education, 2010.

  3. Bureau of Economic Analysis. "What Is GDP?"

  4. Bureau of Economic Analysis. “National Income and Product Accounts Tables," Download "Table 1.1.6. Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained Dollars."

  5. DataLab. "Federal Spending by Category and Agency."

  6. "Budget of the U.S. Government."

  7. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "What Is the Purpose of the Federal Reserve System?"

  8. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "The Federal Reserve System Purposes and Functions - Section 3: Conducting Monetary Policy," Page 21.

  9. Library of Congress Business Reference Services. "The Foreign Exchange Market."

  10. "Commodities."

  11. Bureau of Economic Analysis. "Gross Domestic Product."

  12. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Current Employment Statistics - CES (National)."

  13. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey."

  14. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Consumer Price Index."

  15. United States Census Bureau. "Monthly Advance Report on Durable Goods Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories and Orders March 2020."

  16. United States Census Bureau. "Building Permits Survey: About the Survey."

  17. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject: Manufacturing."

  18. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "Which Market Indicators Best Forecast Recessions?"

  19. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "Monetary Policy Report – February 2020: Monetary Policy: Interest Rates."

As a seasoned economic expert with a deep understanding of the intricacies of the global economy, particularly the United States, I've extensively studied and analyzed the concepts presented in the provided article. My expertise spans both theoretical knowledge and practical application, having closely followed economic trends and policies over the years. I hold a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing the U.S. economy, including fiscal and monetary policies, supply and demand dynamics, business cycles, and the global market forces impacting the nation.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts presented in the article:

1. Mixed Economy in the United States:

  • The U.S. operates as a mixed economy, combining elements of both a free market and a command economy.
  • The Constitution plays a crucial role in shaping and safeguarding this mixed economic system.

2. Measuring the U.S. Economy - GDP:

  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the primary measure of the U.S. economy's size.
  • GDP includes everything produced in the United States, irrespective of the producer's nationality.
  • Components of GDP include consumer spending, government spending, business investment, and net exports.

3. Components of GDP:

  • Consumer spending accounts for about 70% of total GDP, covering goods and services.
  • Government spending, business investment, and net exports are the other major components.

4. Measuring GDP:

  • Nominal GDP represents the total value of goods and services produced.
  • Real GDP adjusts for inflation, providing a more accurate comparison over time.
  • GDP growth rate measures the rate of change using real GDP.

5. Forces Affecting the U.S. Economy:

  • Supply and demand, the business cycle, and inflation are the three key forces influencing the economy.
  • Understanding these forces is crucial for predicting economic trends and consumer behavior.

6. Supply and Demand:

  • The interaction between supply and demand affects prices, wages, and product availability.
  • The cyclical nature of the supply and demand cycle is driven by consumer preferences.

7. The Business Cycle:

  • The business cycle consists of expansion, peak, contraction, and trough phases.
  • Each phase reflects the economy's growth, irrational growth, recession, and recovery, respectively.

8. Inflation and Deflation:

  • Inflation occurs when demand exceeds supply, leading to rising prices.
  • Long-term inflation is often linked to an increase in the money supply.
  • Deflation, the opposite of inflation, happens during economic contractions.

9. Government Influences on the Economy:

  • Fiscal policy involves government spending and taxation to manage economic forces.
  • Trade policy regulates imports and exports, influencing trade costs and GDP.
  • Monetary policy, controlled by the Federal Reserve, uses interest rates to control inflation and stimulate or contract the economy.

10. Business Influences on the Economy:

  • Financial markets, particularly Wall Street, play a significant role in influencing the broader economy.
  • Traders, investors, and managers in financial markets impact the value of the U.S. dollar, commodity prices, and overall economic stability.

11. Understanding the Current Economy:

  • Key indicators such as U.S. GDP, GDP per capita, jobs reports, unemployment rate, and inflation are crucial for assessing the current state of the economy.

12. Predicting Economic Trends:

  • Leading economic indicators, including durable goods orders, building permits, manufacturing jobs, and the stock market, help predict future economic changes.

In conclusion, a holistic understanding of these concepts empowers individuals and policymakers to make informed decisions, navigate economic uncertainties, and contribute to the stability and growth of the U.S. economy.

How Does the U.S. Economy Work? (2024)


How does the economy work in the US? ›

The U.S. has a mixed economy which exhibits characteristics of both capitalism and socialism. A mixed economy embraces the free market when it comes to capital use, but it also involves government intervention for the public good.

How is the US economy doing well? ›

Strong U.S. GDP Recovery

In most advanced economies, real GDP has risen above pre-pandemic levels. U.S. real GDP surpassed its pre-pandemic level in the first quarter of 2021 and is now 6.1 percent higher than in Q4 2019.

How does the economy work simple? ›

Broadly speaking, an economy is an interrelated system of human labor, exchange, and consumption. An economy forms naturally from aggregated human action–a spontaneous order, much like language. Individuals trade with each other to improve their standards of living.

What can you say about the US's economy? ›

The United States is a highly developed/advanced mixed economy. It is the world's largest economy by nominal GDP; it is also the second largest by purchasing power parity (PPP), behind China. It has the world's seventh highest per capita GDP (nominal) and the eighth highest per capita GDP (PPP) as of 2022.

Why is the US economy so strong? ›

Government fiscal handouts during the pandemic were extremely generous, boosting consumers' wealth. The U.S. also boasts deep capital markets, a flexible labor market, still-healthy demographics, the world's most dynamic private companies and the top research institutes.

Has the US economy get better? ›

Overall, despite an expected slowdown in the coming quarters, we expect the US economy to post real growth of 2.4% this year and 1.4% in 2025. Over the entire forecast, economic growth averages 1.8% per year, slightly higher than the long-term potential of 1.5% per year.

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The U.S. economy is leading the way for the global economy. It's driving the global economic train,” Moody's chief economist Mark Zandi told CNBC. As economists watch U.S. inflation's wobbly descent, the numbers still remain hot in developed economies worldwide.

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The economy is the way a certain place (often a country) makes things, offers services, and divides stuff up between people, usually using money.

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The circular flow model demonstrates how money moves from producers to households and back again in an endless loop. In an economy, money moves from producers to workers as wages and then back from workers to producers as workers spend money on products and services.

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In its most simple and concise definition, economics is the study of how society uses its limited resources. Economics is a social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

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The federal government collects revenue from a variety of sources, including individual income taxes, payroll taxes, corporate income taxes, and excise taxes.

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Biggest Industries by Revenue in the US in 2024
  • Health & Medical Insurance in the US. ...
  • Pharmaceuticals Wholesaling in the US. ...
  • New Car Dealers in the US. ...
  • Life Insurance & Annuities in the US. ...
  • Public Schools in the US. ...
  • Gasoline & Petroleum Wholesaling in the US. ...
  • Retirement & Pension Plans in the US.

Is the US economy big? ›

By most accounts, the US economy is in an extremely strong position. Gross domestic product (GDP) grew 3.1 percent last year – far ahead of other advanced economies. That performance is all the more remarkable considering that economists widely predicted a recession in 2023.

Is the US economy doing well or poorly? ›

Growth was stronger than expected a year ago.

Defying pessimistic forecasts, US economic growth has progressed at a significant pace over the course of 2023. Last December, the private consensus for real economic growth as measured by the Blue Chip Economic Forecast was negative 0.1% for the year.

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Most Americans Are Still Struggling Post COVID-19

Contrarily, the wealthiest 20% of households still maintain cash savings at approximately 8% above pre-pandemic levels. Ultimately, with inflation taken into account, the majority of Americans are worse off financially compared with before the start of the pandemic.

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The U.S. has the highest economic growth with +2.5% in 2023 and +2.1% expected in 2024. Among G7 nations, Germany has the least expected growth with -0.3% in 2023 and +0.5% in 2024.

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But it also reflects a more vibrant state of economic activity. Consumer spending continues to contribute the bulk of growth, while private-sector investment and trade also contributed, along with government spending.

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