Lot Size in Options Trading - How is it Fixed for Options & Futures (2024)

Options and futures are derivative instruments that derive their value from underlying assets like stocks, commodities, and currencies. The trading of options and futures takes place on stock exchanges. The contracts are standardised based on minimum lot sizes issued by F&O exchanges.

What is Lot Size?

Lots in Futures and options are the minimum quantity of shares that one can buy or sell as per terms of the contracts. SEBI, the apex regulatory body, has defined lot sizes of all stocks and indices permitted to trade in F&O exchanges. For example, the lot size of Nifty 50 is 50 shares, so one wanting to trade in options can do so in multiples of 50 only.

The value of Nifty 50 options contract is the product of the lot size and its trading price. Suppose one buys options of lot size 200, and the value of the Nifty 50 contract is Rs. 7,500. So, the total value of the contract is 200*Rs. 7,500 = Rs. 15,00,000.

Also, read – How to Trade in Futures and Options

How are Lot Sizes Fixed for Options and Futures?

SEBI determines lot values. Initially, when futures and options trading started, the regulator had fixed the notional lot value at Rs. 2 lakh. Then, the regulator fixes lot sizes at a relevant number that would give a notional value of more than 2 lakh when multiplied by the market price. The idea behind this move was to keep the notional value so high that small retail investors do not participate in speculative trading aggressively and avoid enormous losses.

In 2015, as the income and purchasing power of the masses increased, the lot value was revised to Rs.5 lakh. New additions are included to F&O list that would keep the value at Rs. 7.5 lakh. Values of lot sizes of different companies are in the range of Rs. 5-10 lakh. SEBI generally revises lot sizes when the lot value diverges sharply from their determined range.

Why are Lot Sizes Modified?

SEBI revises lot sizes periodically whenever there is a drastic change in share value leading to significant divergence with lot values. For example, a company has shares in a lot size of 1000. The F&O trading price is Rs. 225; so, the lot value is Rs. 2.25 lakhs.

Over a period of time, trading price increased to Rs. 620. Now according to fixed lot size, the lot value becomes Rs. 6.20 lakh, which is a big divergence from indicated lot value determined by SEBI. In this case, the regulator may revise the lot size downward to 300. So, the lot value changes to Rs. 3 lakh, which is a better reflection of lot value.

In case of stock price correction, SEBI increases lot size to maintain the lot value. Changes in stock prices lead to revision or modification in lot sizes of futures and options.

Purpose of Lot Size

The main reason for F&O trading in lot sizes is standardisation in markets. Standardisation can be done in many ways; for example, all future & options contracts expire on the last Thursday of the month. Furthermore, futures and options across indices come with 1 month, 2 months and 3-month tenure. Finally, determining and fixing lot sizes of stocks in F&O trade is a primary standardisation method.

Final Word

The lot size is a very important feature of F&O trading. SEBI constantly keeps a tab on lot sizes and the indicative lot value to stop excess speculation and prevent small retail traders from incurring enormous losses.

Lot Size in Options Trading - How is it Fixed for Options & Futures (2024)


Is the lot size same for futures and options? ›

Futures lot size and options lot size is the same. When you talk of futures lot size, the product of the lot size and the price is the notional value of the futures contract.

How is option lot size decided? ›

In the derivatives market, the lot size of futures and options contracts is determined by the stock exchange from time to time. The lot size of various F&O contracts for a given underlying is always the same.

How is lot size determined in futures contract? ›

The lot size is set by the exchange and is typically determined by the market value of the underlying asset.

What is the lot size in futures? ›

The permitted lot size for futures contracts & options contracts shall be the same for a given underlying or such lot size as may be stipulated by the Exchange from time to time. The price step in respect of Nifty 50 futures contracts is Re.0.05.

What is 1 lot in futures trading? ›

In terms of options, a lot represents the number of contracts contained in one derivative security. One equity option contract represents 100 underlying shares of a company's stock. In other words, the lot for one options contract is 100 shares.

What is minimum lot size in option trading? ›

The number of entities is determined by the lot size. In the stock market, most stocks trade in a lot size of 500-1000 shares, some higher-priced stocks may trade in lots of 100- 200 shares.

What are the lot sizing rules? ›

Static lot sizing methods consist of ordering a fixed quantity or the exact amount of requirements for the date needed. 1. Fixed Order Quantity: This method involves ordering a fixed quantity when the reorder point is reached. The quantity often depends on the supplier-specific constraints.

What is lot size rule? ›

Lot sizing is to unify the calculated net requirements by a certain unit considering cost reduction and work efficiency. There are two main types of lot sizing: a method to unify in terms of the period and another method to unify in terms of the quantity.

What is lot size calculation? ›

To easily calculate the lot size, follow the steps below: Lot = contract size * trade volume * asset price. Example 1. The contract size for a stock is 1; 1 lot is 1 stock.

How do you position size in futures? ›

Use the formula: Maximum risk in dollars ÷ (trade risk in ticks x tick value) = position size.

What is the margin required for one lot of futures contract? ›

Futures margin generally represents a smaller percentage of the notional value of the contract, typically 3-12% per futures contract as opposed to up to 50% of the face value of securities purchased on margin.

What is a typical futures contract size? ›

Each futures contract specifies is the quantity of the product delivered for a single contract, also known as contract size. For example: 5,000 bushels of corn, 1,000 barrels of crude oil or Treasury bonds with a face value of $100,000 are all contract sizes as defined in the futures contract specification.

What is the lot size of US dollar futures? ›

The forex lot size for USD-INR futures is $1000. The futures contract value for USD-INR can be calculated by multiplying the currency pair's lot size with the last traded price.

What is the minimum size of a futures contract? ›

A “tick” is the minimum price increment that a futures contract can fluctuate. Ticks are typically quoted in dollars and cents, and sometimes fractions of a penny. For a WTI crude futures contract, the minimum tick size is one cent per barrel, or $10.

How many lots can we buy in options? ›

So, traders can only buy it in the multiple of 50 only. The value of the options contract in the product of the number of units and price of each.

How many lots can I trade with $1000? ›

With 1:100 leverage, your need to choose ($500 * 0.02) / 100,000 * 100 = 0.01 lots. With $1000 on your account, you will be able to trade ($1000 * 0.02) 100,000 * 100 = 0.02 lots.

How much do you need to trade with a lot size 1? ›

Using Standard Lots

A standard lot is a 100,000-unit lot. 1 That is a $100,000 trade if you are trading in dollars. Trading with this size of position means that the trader's account value will fluctuate by $10 for each one pip move.

What is the difference between lot size and leverage? ›

The lot size is the fixed number of units of the stocks, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), options, futures, or forex currencies. In contrast, leverage is the amount taken from the broker to invest in the capital market, and the returns on the capital are paid off as a loan.

How do you size options trades? ›

Once you know what your maximum risk is, you can determine your position's size. You can determine the size of a position by dividing that maximum risk amount into the total amount of your portfolio you have set aside for an option trade.

What is the highest lot size you can trade? ›

The highest lot size in forex trading is a standard lot, which is equivalent to 100,000 units of the base currency. This means that if you are trading the EUR/USD pair, a standard lot would represent 100,000 euros.

Does lot size affect leverage? ›

The larger the position volume in lots, the larger your position in monetary terms. The higher the leverage, the less margin you pay for opening positions with the same volume.

What is the importance of lot sizing? ›

Lot sizing seeks to determine the optimal timing and level of production. The early developments in this field have their roots in the Economic Order Quantity model developed by Harris (1913. 1913. How many parts to make at once.

What is the fixed lot size multiplier? ›

Fixed Lot Multiplier: This modifier creates planned orders that are divisible by the value specified here. For example, If the value is set at 350 and demand is 1000, MRP will create a planned order equal to 1050. 350 multiplied by 3, which meets the demand of 1,000.

What are the advantages of lot sizing? ›

Smaller lot sizes ultimately result in less inventory, leading to a reduction in the need for working capital, warehouse spending, warehouse personnel, as well as any costs associated within the warehouse.

What is the best lot size to use? ›

Micro lots are recommended for beginners as you can minimize your risk while trading. In addition to the micro-lot, there are also mini-lots, which are 10,000 units of the currency that replenishes your account. This is essentially 10 times larger than the Micro Lot.

How much is a 1 lot size? ›

A standard lot represents 100,000 units of any currency, whereas a mini-lot represents 10,000 and a micro-lot represents 1,000 units of any currency.

How do you calculate profit in a lot size? ›

Profit is calculated using the CFD formula, as follows: (Close Price - Open Price) x Lot x Contract Size +/- Swap.

How many lots can I trade with $100? ›

The risk of 10% ($100) will allow you to trade one lot. In this case, 300 points of profit will account for a gain of $300. The optimal risk of $30 a trade will allow you to trade 0.1 lots with an SL of 300 points. The potential growth will be $90.

How to calculate futures? ›

Futures price = (Spot price * (1 + r)^t) + (net cost of carry)
This formula consists of the following variables:
  1. Futures price = the agreed futures price at which the transaction will take place at the future date.
  2. Spot price = the current market price for the commodity.
  3. r = the risk-free rate of return.
Dec 1, 2022

What is the 60 40 rule in futures trading? ›

Take advantage of preferred tax rates on futures trades, based on the 60/40 rule. That means 60% of net gains on futures trading is treated like long-term capital gains. The other 40% is treated as short-term capital gains and taxed like ordinary income.

How much margin required for futures and options? ›

Pay 20% upfront margin of the transaction value to trade in cash market segment. Investors may please refer to the Exchange's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) issued vide notice no.

What is the 25% margin rule? ›

Under these rules, as a general matter, the customer's equity in the account must not fall below 25 percent of the current market value of the securities in the account. Otherwise, the customer may be required to deposit more funds or securities to maintain equity at the 25 percent level (referred to as a margin call).

How is margin calculated for futures and options? ›

The premium margin is paid by the buyers of the options contracts and is equal to the value of the options premium multiplied by the quantity of options purchased.

How much does 1 futures contract cost? ›

Fees for futures and options on futures are $2.25 per contract, plus exchange and regulatory fees. Note: Exchange fees may vary by exchange and by product. Regulatory fees are assessed by the National Futures Association (NFA) and are currently $0.02 per contract. Can I day trade futures?

What is an example of a futures contract? ›

For example, corn farmers can use futures to lock in a specific price for selling their corn crop. By doing so, they reduce their risk and guarantee they will receive the fixed price. If the price of corn decreased, the farmer would have a gain on the hedge to offset losses from selling the corn at the market.

What is the minimum lot size in the US market? ›

Minimum trading unit for U.S. stocks

Unlike A shares and HK stocks where the minimum trading unit is 1 lot, in the U.S. the minimum trading unit is 1 share.

What is 0.01 lot size on US30? ›

How Much Is 0.01 on US30? The one pip size for US30 is 0.01, so that means the pip value for one unit of US30 is $0.01 (USD).

What is the name of the largest currency futures trading in the United States? ›

US Dollar Index® Futures

The ICE U.S. Dollar Index (USDX) futures contract is a leading benchmark for the international value of the US dollar and the world's most widely-recognized traded currency index.

Can I trade futures with $500? ›

Some small futures brokers offer accounts with a minimum deposit of $500 or less, but some of the better-known brokers that offer futures will require minimum deposits of as much as $5,000 to $10,000.

What is the main disadvantage of futures contract? ›

The major disadvantages include no control over future events, price fluctuations, and the potential reduction in asset prices as the expiration date approaches.

Can you lose a lot with options? ›

When you sell an option, the most you can profit is the price of the premium collected, but often there is unlimited downside potential. When you purchase an option, your upside can be unlimited and the most you can lose is the cost of the options premium.

Do you need $25,000 to trade options? ›

First, pattern day traders must maintain minimum equity of $25,000 in their margin account on any day that the customer day trades. This required minimum equity, which can be a combination of cash and eligible securities, must be in your account prior to engaging in any day-trading activities.

Can you lose a lot in options trading? ›

Here's the catch: You can lose more money than you invested in a relatively short period of time when trading options. This is different than when you purchase a stock outright. In that situation, the lowest a stock price can go is $0, so the most you can lose is the amount you purchased it for.

Which market is bigger futures or options? ›

Futures contracts are typically enormous in volume but need only a small upfront payment or margin. The buyer of an options contract, on the other hand, must pay a premium to the writer, which is decided by the underlying asset's spot price and traders' judgment of the future market.

Is lot size the same as leverage? ›

The lot size is the fixed number of units of the stocks, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), options, futures, or forex currencies. In contrast, leverage is the amount taken from the broker to invest in the capital market, and the returns on the capital are paid off as a loan.

Why do people prefer futures over options? ›

The Bottom Line. While the advantages of options over futures are well-documented, the advantages of futures over options include their suitability for trading certain investments, fixed upfront trading costs, lack of time decay, liquidity, and easier pricing model.

Can you make more money trading futures or options? ›

The return is much higher in the case of futures options. The risk is also higher because of higher notional value and leverage. But if you know how to trade them futures options is much better to trade with than stock of ETF options!

Which is safer futures or options? ›

Futures tend to be riskier as they are directly aligned to the asset prices and their volatility. On the other hand, Options react differently to the underlying asset price movements and allow you relatively more time to manoeuvre and curtail losses.

What is the best lot size for $100? ›

Micro Lots; Micro lots accounts are the most common and are suitable for beginner forex traders. Here is why; a micro lot equals 1,000 units, which is precisely $0.10/pip movement. With this account, you can deposit anywhere from $100 to $500, which is an excellent amount to start with.

Which lot size is better for beginners? ›

Micro lots are recommended for beginners as you can minimize your risk while trading. In addition to the micro-lot, there are also mini-lots, which are 10,000 units of the currency that replenishes your account. This is essentially 10 times larger than the Micro Lot.

Which lot size is good for trading? ›

Trading With Micro Lots

If you are trading a dollar-based pair, one pip would be equal to ten cents. 2 Micro lots are very good for beginners who want to keep risk to a minimum while practicing their trading.

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