Is There a Secret Millionaire in Your Neighborhood? - United Texas CU (2024)

There are two kinds of millionaires. The first is an obvious millionaire. These are the folks who drive flashy cars, live in big houses, and send their kids to private schools. They are lawyers, CEOs, and politicians. They have money – and everyone knows it.

The other group is less obvious. They are small business owners, plumbers, contractors, and other people who practice a trade. Members of this group live in ordinary neighborhoods, drive sensible cars, and own modest homes. They may not come from significant wealth, but they will leave a great deal to their children. Also, they have had some luck, but they’ve also made good and well-planned decisions.

They’re an emerging class of “secret millionaires.” There are people living in your community who have this kind of money. They got to where they are by following a path that Thomas Stanley and William Danko describe in their book, The Millionaire Next Door.

There are a handful of behaviors practiced by 80 percent of people who have $1 million or more in personal wealth. Before we look at the behaviors, you should know that it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in. The correlation between being a millionaire and occupation is completely random. More than what you do for a living, the manner in which you live your life will determine your financial outcome.

There are three behaviors that are most strongly associated with the lives of these “secret millionaires.” They work for themselves, they live frugally and they invest carefully. Following these steps can improve your chances of becoming one of these wealthy folks.

Being self-employed

The earnings of 65 percent of small businesses are greater than the wages of an employee who’s doing similar work, Stanley and Danko found. There are simple economic reasons for this. Your employer makes money from your labor because they assume risk. You have a guaranteed salary paid to you every month. If the company you work for doesn’t make much money, you still get paid. The owner of the company does not have that guarantee.

The millionaires in this group also profit from the ability to put more work into their businesses. While you might get promoted if you put in more hours at the office, there’s an upper limit to what you can earn. Not so for the business owner. They can pour as many hours into finding new clients and doing more work as they choose. They reap the rewards of working for themselves in a way that people who work for others don’t.

The most common fields of work for millionaires are service, retail, and manufacturing. Skilled services like hairdressing, electronics repair, and consulting are common choices for them. Retail store owners usually become wealthy because they own a small chain of stores. Manufacturing millionaires are usually early adopters of more efficient means of production.

A millionaire often lives frugally

The easiest way to identify a secret millionaire is by the kind of car they drive. Look for people driving late-model efficient sedans that are clean. The average person holds onto a car for just over seven years. The secret millionaire holds on to them as long as possible: 10 years on average. To do so, they practice regular maintenance. A $60 oil change every three months gives them three more years free of a $475 monthly car payment. They also tend not to overspend on cars because they realize and understand that vehicles lose value over time while investment instruments gain value.

This car-buying behavior is a hallmark of the purchasing decisions that secret millionaires make. They make every major decision with an eye toward the future. In addition, they also tend to live in modest houses that offer them only the space they need. They move less because they orient their living arrangement toward stability.

In short, secret millionaires live below their means. This is not to say their wealth is solely a result of their good decision-making. Anyone, including those on the path to making millions, can suffer from injury, accident, or other misfortune. What makes secret millionaires unique is the position they put themselves in to deal with these incidents should they occur. By living frugally, they can save and invest.

Investing carefully

These secret millionaires have one financial position in common: They all own stock. Most of them buy shares of large companies which pay regular dividends. The secret millionaire tends to reinvest these to increase the shares of stock they own. They also keep adding to their savings. They take advantage of compounding returns. Ten thousand dollars invested for 30 years at 8 percent turns into $100,000. In 50 years, that same $10,000 is $500,000. Secret millionaires are in the habit of paying the future before the present. They keep saving to build their personal wealth.

They also invest in their businesses. One of the benefits of working for yourself is that you can invest your own money into your job and see returns. Setting aside some of the profits from a small business enterprise offers them the chance to invest and earn more profit down the road.

They also tend to invest in their communities. Most of these secret millionaires continue to be frugal while setting up estates that are more than enough to take care of their children. This frugality gives them the ability to donate large quantities of money to charities of their choice.

Secret millionaires aren’t luckier, smarter, or better born than the rest of us. A combination of good timing, hard work, and modest living enabled them to amass their fortunes. The richest person in your neighborhood isn’t the one with the nicest car or the biggest house. It may, however, be the hardest worker, or the one who values financial security above the trappings of wealth.

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Is There a Secret Millionaire in Your Neighborhood? - United Texas CU (2024)


How can you tell if someone is a secret millionaire? ›

These secret millionaires have one financial position in common: They all own stock. Most of them buy shares of large companies which pay regular dividends. The secret millionaire tends to reinvest these to increase the shares of stock they own. They also keep adding to their savings.

Are there secret millionaires? ›

Secret millionaires employ long-term strategies and invest for several decades. Most started saving and investing early—such as in their 20's. Most live into their 90's or beyond, giving investments many years to grow.

Who is the youngest secret millionaire? ›

Andrew Feldman was the youngest millionaire to appear on the show at the age of 24 in the final episode of series 10 shown on 24 June 2012 and made the second largest donation a single charity had received, of £100,000, to Little Heroes; a charity that supports children with cancer.

How to hide being a millionaire? ›

How To Be An Invisible Millionaire
  1. Never drive a nice car to work or to any public setting. ...
  2. Be careful who you give your home address to. ...
  3. Always say it's fake. ...
  4. Never reveal your full income. ...
  5. Spread your assets around. ...
  6. Get out of your bubble. ...
  7. Pretend you do not understand.

What is a silent millionaire? ›

However, there's a growing number of "Silent Millionaires," people who achieve wealth effortlessly and with a net worth over a million pounds who you'd never suspect, who follow traditional methods of trading and investing to accumulate their wealth over time. In this book Daniel D.

How can you spot a wealthy person? ›

9 Signs of Wealth to Look Out For
  • You're an Overachiever. It's hard to be modest when you're an overachiever. ...
  • You Started Making Money At a Young Age. ...
  • You Take Action. ...
  • You Are Outspoken. ...
  • You Possess a Sense of Urgency. ...
  • You're Focused More on Saving Than Earning. ...
  • You Know The Difference Between Needs & Wants.
Oct 13, 2022

Do millionaires hold cash? ›

High net worth investors typically keep millions of dollars or even tens of millions in cash in their bank accounts to cover bills and unexpected expenses. Their balances are often way above the $250,000 FDIC insured limit.

Where do 90% of millionaires come from? ›

“90% of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.” This famous quote from Andrew Carnegie, one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs of all time, is just as relevant today as it was more than a century ago. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world have built their wealth through real estate.

What are the 3 things millionaires do not do? ›

He also identified three money habits that successful self-made millionaires avoid at all costs.
  • They don't have a wallet full of exclusive credit cards. ...
  • They avoid giving large gifts to their children, or supporting them financially as adults. ...
  • They don't spend hours managing their investments.
Nov 24, 2020

How old is the youngest female millionaire? ›

In 2014, Forbes had named Holmes as the world's youngest self-made woman billionaire worth $4.5 billion when she was just 30 years old. Here's all you need to know about Elizabeth Holmes and the Theranos scam: 1.

Who is the youngest billionaire alive? ›

But old age is not a requirement for amassing great wealth. In fact, there are 15 people around the globe who boast a three-comma fortune despite being 30 years old or younger. The youngest of this mostly lucky bunch are Clemente Del Vecchio and Kim Jung-youn, neither of whom have hit their 20s yet.

Is there a 12 year old millionaire? ›

Social Links for Rikki Schlott. He's only 12, but this boy from London is already a self-made millionaire. All from creating online avatars — when he's not busy doing math homework.

Where do millionaires keep their money? ›

Examples of cash equivalents are money market mutual funds, certificates of deposit, commercial paper and Treasury bills. Some millionaires keep their cash in Treasury bills. They keep rolling them over to reinvest them and liquidate them when they need the cash.

How can I legally hide money? ›

So if you need to have hidden money, here are ten ways to hide it.
  1. Don't Disclose New Income to Spouse. ...
  2. Get Cash Back Each Time You Check Out. ...
  3. Safety Deposit Box. ...
  4. Paying off a Loan From Family. ...
  5. Buy New Possessions. ...
  6. File Taxes Separately and Overpay. ...
  7. Gather Prepaid and Giftcards. ...
  8. Not Disclose Cash Income.
Dec 22, 2022

What do millionaires do that others don t? ›

Millionaires take personal responsibility, practice intentionality, are goal-oriented, and work hard, according to Hogan. While those are qualities of many people, regardless of net worth, millionaires recognize that these traits can't work together without consistency, he said.

How many millions is considered rich? ›

You might need $5 million to $10 million to qualify as having a very high net worth while it may take $30 million or more to be considered ultra-high net worth. That's how financial advisors typically view wealth.

What are the three types of millionaires? ›

There are three primary definitions of a "millionaire."

But he says that definition can be misleading when comparing net-worth millionaires, asset-value millionaires, and cash-flow millionaires. "For example, a cash-flow millionaire is someone who owns assets that pay out (or cash flow) $1,000,000 in a year.

How many millionaires inherited nothing? ›

Dave Ramsey, personal finance expert and founder of Ramsey Solutions, says this myth of primarily inherited riches is “flat wrong.” When Ramsey's National Study of Millionaires asked where the riches came from, they found that a whopping 79% didn't receive any inheritance from parents or other family members.

How can you tell if someone has old money? ›

The easiest way to determine if the money is old or new is to look at the source. If the money has been passed down during the course of many generations, it is old. If earned recently, the wealth is considered new.

What are the 5 traits of an wealthy? ›

The five personality traits that are particularly standout are: risk-taking, emotional stability, openness, extraversion and conscientiousness.

What do rich guys look for in a woman? ›

The woman is supportive and understanding.

A lot of millionaire men are attracted to women who are very understanding of their lifestyle and how busy they are and are willing to put his interests first when necessary. Many women think that playing hard to get is the way to land a wealthy man.

What bank do millionaires use? ›

Citi Private Bank is the private banking department of Citibank. Their services are reserved for worldly and wealthy individuals as well as their families. While eligible clients can get deposit accounts and retirement accounts as you'd find at any other bank, there are also many specialized products and services.

How much cash is considered rich? ›

Based on that figure, an annual income of $500,000 or more would make you rich. The Economic Policy Institute uses a different baseline to determine who constitutes the top 1% and the top 5%. For 2021, you're in the top 1% if you earn $819,324 or more each year. The top 5% of income earners make $335,891 per year.

Can you keep millions in the bank? ›

Can You Keep Millions in the Bank? Keeping large amounts of money in a bank can be tricky, but it is possible. There are limits to the amount of money that is insured for each depositor at a bank — up to $250,000 per depositor with the FDIC — so the super wealthy often spread out their accounts over multiple banks.

What do most millionaires do for a living? ›

The top five careers for millionaires include engineer, accountant, teacher, management and attorney.

What nationality has the most millionaires in America? ›

76% of millionaires in the U.S. are White.

White people, who are not Hispanic or Latino, make up about 60% of the U.S. population.

Which nationality has the most millionaires? ›

According to estimates, in the middle of 2021 there were 56 million people worldwide whose assets exceeded one million US dollars, of whom nearly 40% lived in the United States. The total net worth of all millionaires stood at around $158.261 trillion.

Do millionaires use credit cards? ›

Credit cards play a major role in the financial lives of wealthy Americans. While they use credit cards for similar reasons as other Americans, they also rely on credit cards to manage their finances, earn rewards, and take advantage of exclusive benefits that come with high-end credit cards.

What do most millionaires do on their free time? ›

Millionaires work a little more on average than others

The researchers distinguished between "active leisure," which included sports, meeting friends, hobbies, and volunteer work, and "passive leisure," including things like watching TV, resting, sleeping, doing nothing.

How do most millionaires go broke? ›

If a millionaire doesn't budget properly and starts spending on personal chefs, expensive cars, and other luxury amenities, they will quickly run out of money. Sometimes millionaires — especially new millionaires — feel they have so much money, that they lose perspective on what they can afford.

Who is the richest black woman in the world? ›

10 Richest Black Women in the World
  1. Oprah Winfrey. An American talk show host, television producer, actress, author and philanthropist is currently the richest black woman as per Forbes.
  2. Isabel Dos Santos. ...
  3. Rihanna. ...
  4. Ngina Kenyatta. ...
  5. Folounsho Alakija. ...
  6. Hajia Bola Shagaya. ...
  7. Sheila Crump Johnson. ...
  8. Janice Bryant Howroyd. ...
May 16, 2023

Who is the richest self-made woman in the world? ›

Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian appear on Forbes' richest self-made women list
  • Rihanna, 35, takes the top spot for a musician. ...
  • Taylor Swift, 33, is at No. 34 with a net worth of $740 million. ...
  • Shonda Rhimes is among the eight newcomers to the list at No. 96 with a net worth of $250 million.
3 days ago

Who is the wealthiest woman alive? ›

There are 337 women on the 2023 World's Billionaires list, including a familiar face as the world's wealthiest. T he reign of Françoise Bettencourt Meyers continues.

Who is the richest 14 year old? ›

At 14 years old, Mia Talerico has more than $1 million to her name. The actress is best known for starring in the TV series “Good Luck Charlie,” which she started working on at just 11 months old.

Who is the richest self-made youngest billionaire? ›

Austin Russell, the 28-year-old CEO of California-based Luminar Technologies, remains the world's youngest self-made billionaire, with a net worth of US$1.

Who is No 1 richest person in the world? ›

Who is the richest man in the world? As of June 1, 2023, the richest man in the world is Bernard Arnault, the CEO and chairman of LVMH of France; he's worth $215 billion. He moved into the number one spot after Elon Musk's fortune fell in late 2022 as shares of electric carmaker Tesla fell.

At what age are you a millionaire? ›

This is according to a study conducted by Ramsey Solutions, which is the largest study of millionaires to date. The average age of a millionaire is 49 years old, which means it takes them over 27 years of saving and investing to reach this status. This may seem daunting, but the truth is, it's never too late to start.

Which child is most likely to be a millionaire? ›

Researchers have found a correlation between risk-taking and being the last-born sibling. We may get rubbish hand-me-downs, but youngest children from average working families are more likely to become self-made successes, according to this study.

Am I too old to become a millionaire? ›

It is Never Too Late to Build Wealth

It is not unheard of for people to become millionaires AFTER they retire. And, the average age when people become millionaires is 58.5 for women and 59.3 for men according to a report from Fidelity investments. Don't ever think it is too late.

How much liquid cash do millionaires have? ›

Studies indicate that millionaires may have, on average, as much as 25% of their money in cash. This is to offset any market downturns and to have cash available as insurance for their portfolios. Cash equivalents are financial instruments that are almost as liquid as cash and are popular investments for millionaires.

What happens to my money in the bank if the dollar collapses? ›

The agency collects insurance premiums from banks so that in the event that bank becomes insolvent deposits at the financial institution are guaranteed up to a limit, at no expense to the US taxpayer. The standard deposit insurance coverage limit is $250,000 per depositor, per ownership category, per FDIC bank.

Should I pull cash out of the bank? ›

Despite the recent uncertainty, experts don't recommend withdrawing cash from your account. Keeping your money in financial institutions rather than in your home is safer, especially when the amount is insured. “It's not a time to pull your money out of the bank,” Silver said.

Where would old person hide money? ›

Check these hiding spots before transitioning a senior to a retirement community
  • Plants. Does the older person have potted plants in his or her home? ...
  • In clothes and shoes. Another common place to stash valuables is in shoes. ...
  • On the bookshelf. ...
  • Anywhere there's room. ...
  • In the vents.

How do you open a bank account that no creditor can touch? ›

There are four ways to open a bank account that no creditor can touch: (1) use an exempt bank account, (2) establish a bank account in a state that prohibits garnishments, (3) open an offshore bank account, or (4) maintain a wage or government benefits account.

What are secrets of millionaires? ›

The secret sauce to becoming a millionaire is to invest part of your income every month, and let compound interest do its work. Every dollar you save by living frugally and avoiding debt is money that can help you build long-term wealth.

Do millionaires pay off their house? ›

Most have paid off their mortgages. In 2020, 58% of the state's equity millionaires owned their homes free and clear. Statewide, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of Californians who have paid off their mortgages, from 1.6 million households in 2000 to 2.4 million in 2020.

How can you tell if someone is rich or fake? ›

10 Signs of a Fake Rich Person
  1. They rely on credit cards to pay for things. ...
  2. They have a need to impress people. ...
  3. Money is all they can talk about. ...
  4. They always want more. ...
  5. They care more about perception than quality. ...
  6. Fake rich people compare what they have to everyone else.
Jul 4, 2022

What is Secret Life of Millionaires? ›

Secret Lives of the Super Rich is an American television series, hosted by Robert Frank (X)', airing on CNBC. The series explores how wealthy people live, what they buy and how they travel. It regularly features mansions, luxury cars and aircraft and expensive jewelry.

What is invalid millionaire? ›

Answer: The word invalid millionaire means to be extremely rich but not purposeful. Explanation: Invalid Millionaire is metaphoric proverb. A metaphor is a figure of speech that symbolizes producing a rhetorical effect directly or indirectly mentioning other things.

What are the 7 secrets of wealth? ›

Here, I share a set of seven principles that reflect my overall philosophy and offer some core practices for effectively managing wealth.
  • Wealth is a responsibility. ...
  • Wealth is an instrument of choice. ...
  • Good choices require good goals. ...
  • It's a three-legged stool. ...
  • Scorecards matter. ...
  • Enough is enough.
Jul 20, 2016

What is the dark side of wealth? ›

In Navigating the Dark Side of Wealth, Ms. Willis details the pitfalls that great wealth can lead people into: the morally corrupting and emotionally stunting effects that having material riches can cause, and the pain and heartache that ensue.

How do I get instant wealth? ›

  1. Establish Financial Goals. To get rich, you need to start by defining exactly what rich means to you. ...
  2. Destroy Your Debt. ...
  3. Create a Cushion. ...
  4. Start Investing Now. ...
  5. Diversify Your Portfolio. ...
  6. Boost Your Income. ...
  7. Learn about FIRE. ...
  8. Avoid the Schemes.
Mar 24, 2023

How do rich people act? ›

Millionaires take personal responsibility, practice intentionality, are goal-oriented, and work hard, according to Hogan. While those are qualities of many people, regardless of net worth, millionaires recognize that these traits can't work together without consistency, he said.

How can you tell if a man has money? ›

  • Bring cash. ...
  • Check out his wheels. ...
  • Ask about his relationship with his family. ...
  • Find out if he is reluctant to discuss difficult subjects. ...
  • Check out his phone. ...
  • Go online. ...
  • Look at his Facebook page. ...
  • Think about your deal breakers.
Mar 21, 2012

How do I know if I'm rich? ›

Being rich currently means having a net worth of about $2.2 million. However, this number fluctuates over time, and you can measure wealth according to your financial priorities. As a result, healthy financial habits, like spending less than you make, are critical to becoming wealthy, no matter your definition.

Do most millionaires make over $100 000 a year? ›

Choose the right career

And one crucial detail to note: Millionaire status doesn't equal a sky-high salary. “Only 31% averaged $100,000 a year over the course of their career,” the study found, “and one-third never made six figures in any single working year of their career.”

How to meet a millionaire? ›

8 Best Millionaire Dating Sites to Meet Wealthy People in 2023
  1. Millionaire Match – Best millionaire dating site.
  2. WhatsYourPrice – Best for getting dates.
  3. – Best for sugar dating.
  4. Elite Singles – Best for dating professionals.
  5. HiBillionare – Best for serious relationships among wealthy people.
Oct 24, 2022

How many millions of dollars do you have to have to be considered a millionaire? ›

A net-worth millionaire is someone who has a net worth of at least $1,000,000.

How many bank accounts does a millionaire have? ›

An average millionaire has at least five rich bank accounts. Each of them is usually designed for a specific purpose: savings. investments.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.