Innovations in Podcasts: Q&A between Comscore and AdsWizz (2024)

Last year, Comscore and Adswizz launched their partnership on the PodScribe solution, which provides targeting and brand safety features for advertisers and enhances monetization for publishers.

PodScribe is a scalable solution using advanced speech-to-text transcription technology to provide insight into podcast content, and enables advertisers to efficiently target by keywords, concepts, topics, and interests within the podcast. To ensure brand safety, Comscore’s sophisticated page-level analysis, combined with PodScribe’s transcription capabilities, enables custom keyword targeting and avoidance and provides granular understanding of podcast content. Podscribe leverages Comscore’s Activation solution suite, which includes a robust set of audience and contextual segments that help advertisers reach specific audiences in brand-safe, relevant content across desktop and mobile platforms.

Bruno Nieuwenhuys, Co-founder and CTO, AdsWizz and Rachel Gantz, General Manager, Activation Solutions, Comscore, discuss the PodScribe solution partnership and the benefits of enhanced targeting and brand safety for advertisers, while scaling monetization for publishers in the podcasting landscape.

Rachel Gantz, COMSCORE:
Podcasts represent one of the fastest growing channels within advertising, tell us about how AdsWizz is making podcast ad buying more accessible to advertisers and how contextual targeting solutions are playing a role with that?

Bruno Nieuwenhuys, ADSWIZZ:
Historically, it’s been challenging for advertisers to do intelligent, contextual targeting and buy podcasts in a scalable way to go beyond simple show-by-show sponsorship. It’s a rapidly expanding and highly fragmented market, and the content within podcasts is often relatively unknown, which can make brand safety and alignment an uncertainty.

We launched new features within our audio-centric supply and demand platforms, that -- when combined with PodScribe -- make podcast planning and transactions easier and more accessible for both sides. These new capabilities include automating host-read campaigns and offering brand safe audience buying, along with contextual and behavioral targeting and enhanced media planning and measurement. Additionally, inventory discovery to more quickly identify which podcasts to buy based on objectives, category, show level, audiences, and streaming vs. download is also available.

Rachel Gantz, COMSCORE:
With the launch of the PodScribe Solution as a scalable way for advertisers to reach sought-after podcast listeners, tell us about the traction you have seen with clients and what plans you have to expand this solution based on market demand?

Bruno Nieuwenhuys, ADSWIZZ:
So, we have two types of customers, on the sell side, we work with some of the largest podcast publishers, including NPR, PodcastOne, and audioboom, to provide the technology solution for them to efficiently deliver solutions for advertisers and sponsors of their podcasts. We have had tremendous response from our publisher partners, with most of them already leveraging the PodScribe solution on all of their inventory, so that it can be made available for contextual targeting.

On the buy side, we work with large agencies and trading desks, and are currently seeing very strong interest, as this addresses a real issue in the market today. The current way they buy -- on a show-by-show basis -- is inefficient and does not scale. Bringing brand safe and intelligent contextual targeting to podcast buying, truly enables the advertisers to target their content more efficiently. It also, moves them from buying a single show at a time, to enabling advertisers to buy programmatically and contextually based on the actual content within a podcast. This has been a win-win and since we’re working on both sides of the equation, we’re in a unique position to drive the adoption of the PodScribe solution in the market, and expand its capabilities based on what we hear directly from our partners.

Rachel Gantz, COMSCORE:
PodScribe leverages Comscore’s Contextual Activation solution, taking our intelligent contextualization technology and bringing it to podcasts. Can you talk to us a little about why having scaled contextualization that goes beyond semantic solutions and allows for a granular application of brand safety and contextual categories based on the actual content in the podcast is important? In what specific ways does the partnership with Comscore solve the current market need and why did your team decide to partner with Comscore?

Bruno Nieuwenhuys, ADSWIZZ:
AdsWizz decided to partner with Comscore to bring greater brand safety capabilities to podcast advertisers, as Comscore is one of the most trusted brands in the business when it comes to brand safety and measurement. We wanted to leverage Comscore’s intelligent categorization technology that goes beyond keywords because it identifies unique patterns within content rather than relying only on keywords from the text to understand concepts. This makes it much easier for advertisers to target at a more granular level, and be efficient when buying podcasts, which in turn enables scale. It also makes the advertising itself more relevant and less disruptive to the listener’s experience.

Rachel Gantz, COMSCORE:
Traditionally brands have chosen which podcasts to advertise on based on the overall theme of a podcast, i.e. Sports, News, Food. However, that hasn’t guarantee brand safety or relevance given each episode can have different topics. It also hindered scale. How are marketers thinking about brand safety when it comes to podcasts in our current environment and how are they thinking about real-time contextual targeting to find relevant content to precisely deliver their brand message?

Bruno Nieuwenhuys, ADSWIZZ:
Marketers are clearly seeing the tremendous growth in podcasts globally, and want to scale their investments, but are increasingly concerned their messages could become associated with programs and content that is not aligned with their brands. Imprecise contextual targeting can lead to unsuitable and irrelevant context.

In fact, according to a TAG/BSI survey, up to 93 percent of consumers will actually reduce their spending on brands appearing against unsuitable content. We know suitability varies dramatically by brand, sector, language and culture and it’s why we’ve focused on working with Comscore to develop solutions that specifically help agencies and advertisers automate and scale their podcast buying, while ensuring brand safety and alignment with the podcast content that make sense for their image, customer base, markets and business objectives.

Rachel Gantz, COMSCORE:
How is podcast advertising moving into programmatic to offer buyers a better way to target their campaign to the podcast listener audience? What do you see as the future for programmatic podcast advertising?

Bruno Nieuwenhuys, ADSWIZZ:
In order to truly scale, podcast advertising is evolving the same way programmatic buyers now look at digital audio as a whole. Solutions like PodScribe and our relationships with major podcast publishers all over the world are enabling the industry to grow in a way that is also safe for advertisers. That ability to scale is coming via dynamic ad-insertion (DAI) and automated buying, even for host read ads, which will be intelligently targeted and served without compromising brand safety, the listener’s experience, and content quality.

Today, many buyers have yet to associate ‘programmatic’ or ‘automated’ with ‘podcast buying’. However, as we automate the creation and delivery of host-read campaigns and bring automated buying to podcast, this will change. We absolutely see automated buying on podcast growing significantly in the near future.

Comscore and Adswizz are excited to deliver this critical market need in the podcasting space and look for ways to expand the partnership. PodScribe is available today with select publishers and advertisers around the world, in multiple languages. To learn more, click here.

Innovations in Podcasts: Q&A between Comscore and AdsWizz (2024)


How can I make my podcast better? ›

How To Create Interesting Podcast Episodes
  1. Talk about things you're interested in. ...
  2. Focus on your target audience. ...
  3. Tell lots of stories. ...
  4. Help your audience take the next step. ...
  5. Ask your listeners questions and report their responses. ...
  6. Stay on topic and don't wander too much. ...
  7. Invite unique experts onto your show.

What is the purpose of a podcast? ›

The purpose of podcasts

People might listen to a podcast to learn more about a topic, keep up with current events, or because they want to laugh. A podcast can also be a powerful marketing tool. Podcasting can be an opportunity to promote your business, broaden your reach, or market to your existing audience.

What is the most important part of a podcast? ›

The most important part of your podcast body is authenticity. This is where you get into the juicy part of what the episode is all about. Remember to write down a list of the questions/things you want to cover for each episode.

What is the key to a successful podcast? ›

Holding your audience's attention is essential to a successful podcast episode. Most listeners are multitasking while tuning into a podcast, so their attention span is much less. Because of this, it's necessary to keep things concise and entertaining.

Why do so many podcasts fail? ›

Why Podcasts Fail: Lack of Consistency. Most podcasters quit after the first three episodes. Starting a podcast and not sticking to a schedule is how most podcasts fail. You probably expect to succeed after you have published your first few episodes.

How do I make my podcast sound more professional? ›

18 Podcast Recording Tips to Produce High Quality Audio
  1. Record with the right equipment.
  2. Record in the right environment.
  3. Spend a few moments warming up.
  4. Mute whomever isn't speaking.
  5. Plant audio cues for mistakes.
  6. Eliminate background noise as much as possible.
  7. Resolve your audio issues early.
Sep 30, 2022

What are the disadvantages of podcasting? ›

The list of the disadvantages of podcasting is time consuming, not searchable, accessibility problems and limited audience. Podcast consumes a lot of time especially if the file is larger. It is not usually easy to search in podcasting.

What skills does podcasting give you? ›

Practical Skills
  • Your Voice. Now this may be a really unexpected item to have on a list of podcasting skills to improve, but your voice is really just another tool you use to help craft a great show. ...
  • Writing Skills. ...
  • Interviewing Skills. ...
  • Sound Quality. ...
  • Authority Building. ...
  • Creativity. ...
  • Productivity. ...
  • Community Building.
Feb 16, 2021

What are the pros and cons of podcasting? ›

Anyone who needs to see or hear them can stream the files or download them to a computer, smartphone or media player for listening or viewing.
  • Advantage: Convenience. ...
  • Disadvantage: Accessibility. ...
  • Advantage: Easy. ...
  • Disadvantage: Loss of Control. ...
  • Finding an Audience.

What is the structure of a podcast? ›

The three act podcast structure is a storytelling model that divides a story into an organized and logical order. In school, teachers referred to the three parts as the “beginning, middle, and end,” but that description doesn't really do it justice. The Three Act Structure storytelling method.

Why is it called podcast? ›

The word podcast is derived from a combination of two words. iPod and Broadcast. When the term was coined most people were using Apple's iPod to listen to podcasts. So when Ben Hammersley suggested the word podcasting to describe the new method of delivering content the term stuck.

What are the 7 skills for the future podcast? ›

The series shares each of the 7 skills individually; adaptability, critical thinking, empathy, integrity, resilience, being proactive, and optimism.

What are the pillars of podcasting? ›

In The Four Pillars of Podcasting, I breakdown everything you need to learn how to do, to successfully launch a podcast. The book is broken down into 4 steps: Pre-Production, Production, Post-Production, Marketing and Launch. You need to successfully build upon each pillar in order, before you move on to the next.

What are the four basic steps to creating a podcast? ›

If you're interested in starting a podcast but don't know where to begin, completing the following steps will set you up for success.
  1. Define Your Niche or Topic. ...
  2. Build Your Brand and Online Presence. ...
  3. Source Recording Equipment and Editing Software. ...
  4. Record and Edit Your First Podcast. ...
  5. Promote Your Podcast.
Aug 20, 2022

What makes a good podcast intro? ›

Host(s) names: Introduce yourself and any co-hosts in a few sentences. Episode title: Some podcasts like to mention the episode title to help listeners orientate themselves. Episode number: Chronology allows listeners to get an idea of where they are within a podcast series. Music: Use intro music to set the tone.

How long should a podcast be? ›

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

How many listeners do you need for a successful podcast? ›

Higher-income podcasters are 8.1 times more likely to have more than 1,000 listeners per episode. But if you have a smaller show, under 1,000 listeners, you also have a chance of making a good income from it. You just need to adjust your expectations and your revenue model each step of the way.

How do you get noticed on a podcast? ›

6 Tips to Increase Podcast Listeners
  1. Create a Podcast trailer.
  2. Use Call to Actions.
  3. Promote your Podcast on social media.
  4. Repurpose your Podcast content.
  5. Podcast SEO.
  6. Invite guests and star as a guest.

Why do people quit podcasting? ›

One of the biggest reasons why people quit their podcasts is because they don't see results immediately. It takes time to build an audience for your podcast. If you're just starting out, it's important to be patient and keep at it.

How do you know if a podcast is doing well? ›

8 methods for how to measure podcast success
  1. Number of listeners. ...
  2. Number of downloads per episode. ...
  3. Sponsors and advertisem*nts. ...
  4. Audience and critic reviews. ...
  5. Website and social media traffic. ...
  6. Engagement with promotional materials. ...
  7. Networking and referrals. ...
  8. Recycled content.
Jun 24, 2022

How do I attract new podcast listeners? ›

Podcast Tips: 8 Ways to Help You Gain Podcast Listeners in 2023
  1. Craft a Great Podcast Episode Title.
  2. Choose a Different Keyword for Each Episode.
  3. Build a Website for Your Podcast.
  4. Create a Separate Page for Each Episode.
  5. Share Your Content on Social Media Channels.
  6. Submit Your Podcast to Directories.
Apr 28, 2023

What is the best audio setting for a podcast? ›

The standard of measurement of the loudness of a piece of audio is LUFS, or “loudness units relative to full scale.” Although there isn't an industry standard for loudness, the ideal audio level for a podcast should fall between -20 and -16 LUFS.

How long does it take to edit a 30 minute podcast? ›

The length of your podcast

As a general rule, after personally overseeing the production of over 50 podcasts, I'd say a good average edit time for a 30-40 minute podcast is about 4-5 hours.

Is a podcast a side hustle? ›

Podcasting can be a good side hustle, but you may have to hustle for a while before having a moneymaking podcast. Podcasts with good listenership can command thousands of dollars a month in advertising revenue, but most podcasts require some time to grow to that point.

Is the podcast industry oversaturated? ›

5, 2022. The average podcaster surveyed covers 3 industries. Interestingly, 55 percent of podcasters believe the space is oversaturated with too many podcast options.

What is the future of podcasting? ›

In the future, podcasting will be more about keeping your own user data. With the rise of platforms like Substack and Ghost, creators, not limited to writers, now have the tool to directly collect and manage information from their listeners. Having ownership of your own email list is essential in the recent 2-3 years.

What does a good podcast contain? ›

Good podcasts thrive off good stories. It's as simple as that. And by good stories, we mean ones that are genuinely interesting to listen to because of the way they're told. Good storytelling will retain listener attention, and increase the chances of listeners coming back for more.

Which two skills can be improved using podcasts? ›

By hearing the authentic language use in podcasts and vodcasts, learners can improve their overall listening comprehension and pronunciation skills.

What makes a successful podcast host? ›

Great podcast hosts know how to progress their episodes and keep their listeners engaged like great storytellers. You never want to sound foolish, especially when you're talking to a podcast guest, so never walk into recording unprepared.

What are the challenges of having a podcast? ›

This article will reveal common problems that beginner podcasters face and show you how to tackle them.
  • Issues With Your Hardware. ...
  • Difficulty Finding Good Ideas. ...
  • Nothing Recording During Your Sessions. ...
  • Figuring Out How to Upload the Episode Online. ...
  • The Audio Being Too Quiet. ...
  • Nobody Listening to Your Podcast.
Oct 7, 2022

How impactful are podcasts? ›

The unique ability of audio to highlight the experience of making knowledge can also connect listeners to scholarship in a way that books often fail to do. Podcasts can allow academics to infuse themselves into the arguments they make rather than downplay their connection to their scholarship.

Why are podcasts impactful? ›

It builds a relationship between you and your audience

Use voice modulation to emphasize important points. By having them become familiar with your views, creative ideas, voice and format, your audience will start to trust you. Pro Tip: Make a good podcast intro to engage your audience from the very beginning.

What topics are most popular for podcasts? ›

What are the Top Podcast Topics and Ideas of 2022
  • Advice. Are you an expert in a particular field? ...
  • Celebrity Interviews. Invite movie actors, singers, and famous artists to your show. ...
  • Q&A (Ask Me Anything) ...
  • Celebrity News. ...
  • True Crime. ...
  • Talk to People in a Train or Bus. ...
  • Books Review. ...
  • Movies.

What is the most popular type of podcast? ›

Comedy continues to be the podcast genre listened to by the most people in the U.S. We just released the Edison Research Top Podcast Genres for Q3 2022 ranker based on audience size among those age 18 and older from Edison Podcast Metrics, and Comedy maintains its reign as #1.

Who listens to podcasts the most? ›

While older generations also tune in, the main group consuming podcasts is the age group of 12 to 34 year-olds.

What is the hardest part of starting a podcast? ›

Getting Started. One of the most difficult common challenges podcasters face is getting started. The distance between your initial inspired idea and recording your first episode seems too far and too long to travel. You may be overwhelmed by the many steps involved in making your podcast a success.

What makes a podcast unique? ›

One of the best ways to make your podcast unique is to offer valuable insights; insights like tips, advice, information, tutorials, educational content, etc. that listeners can actually use in their day-to-day lives. The best way to offer valuable insights is to do research within your niche.

What is a podcast strategy? ›

A podcast content strategy is a comprehensive framework that guides your business or brand in effectively engaging your target audience through your podcast. It encompasses a set of rules, recommendations, and communication channels that determine the most impactful ways to connect with your listeners.

What is a podcast owner called? ›

A podcast producer is similar to a manager. They oversee all aspects of podcast production and they handle many different responsibilities in order to create awesome episodes. They are also there to provide a support system to the podcast host and answer any podcasting questions that clients may have along the way.

What is someone who does a podcast called? ›

Working on all aspects of the audio production is the key responsibility of a podcast producer. In other words, they are in charge of the recording, editing, and even the publication of each episode.

What do you call someone who listens to podcasts? ›

Podcast Enthusiasts and Podcast Newbies.

What is the most important feature of a podcast script? ›

The biggest challenge of writing a podcast script is keeping it conversational. If you aren't careful, reading a podcast script can lead to a flat, monotone delivery.

What can you not say on a podcast? ›

DON'T: Tell Insider Jokes

Your podcast isn't the place for insider jokes. Listeners won't have a clue what you're talking about. And even if they did, they probably wouldn't be that interested. Keep in mind new listeners know very little about you or your show.

What three reasons made podcasts so popular? ›

Why Are Podcasts so Popular?
  • You Can Listen Wherever You Want, Whenever You Want. Nowadays, there is a high demand for people to have access to online content wherever they are, whenever they want. ...
  • Provides a Community. ...
  • Podcast Are the Future.
Jul 14, 2022

What do the most successful podcasts have in common? ›

Good content: Of course, the most important thing for a successful podcast is to have good content. This means having interesting and engaging topics, well-researched facts, and entertaining hosts. Regularly scheduled episodes: People are more likely to subscribe to and listen to podcasts that have regular episodes.

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.