How Much Should I Charge As A Consultant In Australia? (2024)

Ever wondered, “How much should I charge as a consultant?” Deciding on your consulting rates can be confusing, for both new consultants and veterans as well.

If you’ve ever wanted to find out how much to charge for consulting in Australia, we’ll show you four strategies and an indication of how much the average consultant makes. But first.

What Types Of Consultants Are in Demand?

2018 saw the fastest growth the consulting industry had experienced in seven years. The value of the local advisory market was $7.7 billion and just continues to grow. Here are the top in-demand consulting industries in Australia.

  • Financial services
  • Energy and resources
  • Public sector
  • Healthcare

So, How Much Should I Charge As A Consultant In Australia?

Strategy #1: Double Or Triple Your Hourly Salary-Based Wage

You can double or triple your hourly salary-based wage as justification for your consulting rates. Simply take your hourly wage, including benefits, that you would earn if you were working for someone else on a salary basis. Then, just double or triple that amount.

Many consultants in Australia choose a triple rate due to what they call the rule of thirds. When you apply the rule of thirds, one-third of your hourly rate goes to your salary, one-third goes to expenses, and the other goes to administration and debt.

How Much Should I Charge As A Consultant In Australia? (1)It’s also very easy to calculate. As an example, let’s just say you make $90k a year plus benefits, and you get four weeks of paid leave:

($90,000 salary + $22,000 benefits) / (48 weeks * 40 hours) = $112,000 / 1920 = $58.33

Should you choose to double your rate, your consulting rates will be about $120 per hour.

That’s $58.33 x 2 = $116.67, rounded to $120. We recommend rounding up to the nearest $5 or $10 multiple because a $116.67/hour fee looks odd.

If you choose to triple your hourly salary-based wage, your consulting rates will be at about $175 per hour ($58.33 x 3 = $174.99, rounded to $175 per hour).

How Much Should I Charge As A Consultant Strategy #2: Calculate A Daily Rate

If you would like to set a daily rate for your consulting services, simply multiply the hours that you would like to work in a day by your hourly rate from the examples above.

So, if your hourly rate is $175 and assuming that you’ll be working 8 hours a day, your daily rate would be $1,400 ($175 * 8 hours = $960).

Strategy #3: Calculate Consulting Rates Per Project

To find out how much to charge for consulting by the project, some consultants estimate the number of hours they expect to work on them. Then, they simply multiply by their hourly rate.

But some consultants also calculate their project rates by applying the value the client takes from the consultant’s advice. Here’s a funny story about Danish physicist, Niels Bohr, that brilliantly shows this idea.

How Much Should I Charge As A Consultant In Australia? (2)One day, a company’s machine suddenly broke down and the owner who was an old friend of Niels Bohr called him to get it fixed.

Mr Bohr takes a look at the machine, draws an “X” on the side of the machine and says to the company’s mechanic, “Hit it right here with a hammer.”

So the mechanic strikes the X on the side of the machine, and the machine sprung to life! The owner was very grateful for Mr Bohr. He generously thanked him then sent him on his way.

Within a week or so, the owner gets a bill from Niels for $10,000! He called him up and demanded, “Niels!What’sthis$10,000invoice?Youwereonlyherefor10minutes!Sendmea detailedinvoice!”

Mr Bohr agreed, and some days later, the owner got the new invoice.


Drawing “X” on the side of your machine$1
Knowing where to put the “X”$ 9,999

Know your value and charge what you’re worth!

How Much Should I Charge As A Consultant Strategy #4: Charge Market Rates

The last strategy to know how much to charge for consulting is getting the average consulting rates by industry and charging what everyone else in your industry is charging for. While it might be a bit silly, it actually does make a lot of sense. It boils down to what the industry will tolerate and what your competitors’ rates are.

Look at it this way, if you follow what most consultants in Australia are charging for their services, you’re signalling to your potential clients that you are a qualified consultant that plays by the rules. Also, you’re seeing to it that you get the standard consulting rate in your market, which as you’ll see below, is not that bad.

How much do consultants charge in Australia?

Here are the current rates for consultants in Australia from PayScale as of 16 February 2020.

How Much Should I Charge As A Consultant In Australia? (3)So how much do consultants make per hour? As of 16 February 2020, the average hourly rate for a business consultant in Australia is $49.09 an hour with the minimum consultancy fees hourly rate at $25.49 while the top business consultants in the country are earning up to $139.06 an hour.

The marketing consultant hourly rate is a bit higher at $50.45. Love marketing? Learn how you can turn your love of marketing into a career or a business here.

Here are the average annual salaries for consultants nationally, also from PayScale.

How Much Should I Charge As A Consultant In Australia? (4)Want to learn how to become a highly successful coach/consultant? Check out our Accelerated Coaching Certification course by filling the form below.

How Much Should I Charge As A Consultant In Australia? – In Conclusion

Regardless of how you calculate your consulting rates, make sure to use a consulting contract and agreement when it comes to your consulting services. This is important because you want to identify what services are included, the terms of payment, protect intellectual property (if applicable), and define your relationship with the business that you’re working with.

While it might seem overwhelming at first to come up with your consulting rates, it’s really not once you’ve found a strategy that you believe in.

How Much Should I Charge As A Consultant In Australia? (5)

We hope you’ve enjoyed this post, “How Much Should I Charge As A Consultant In Australia?”. If you’d like to learn more tips on how to create a successful consulting business, register for our free webinar, “5 Steps To Starting A Consulting Business Or Coaching Business”, here.

Want to find out if you have what it takes to become a coach? If you’re curious about how to become an internationally certified, highly-paid coach, book a free personal assessment with one of our friendly Course Advisors today.

We can help you get crystal clear on building your own successful life coaching business in 90 days or less. Click here to book a time that suits you now.

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How Much Should I Charge As A Consultant In Australia? (2024)


What do consultants charge in Australia? ›

Consulting Jobs by Hourly Rate
Job TitleRangeAverage
Environmental ConsultantRange:AU$30 - AU$41Average:AU$36
BookkeeperRange:AU$26 - AU$39Average:AU$30
Structural DrafterRange:AU$29 - AU$43Average:AU$35
Civil EngineerRange:AU$30 - AU$39Average:AU$33
3 more rows

What is a good rate to charge for consulting? ›

Keep in mind, if the average consulting fees are around $100 per hour, your experience and track record will need to be taken into account. If you are a brand new consultant, you may be charging closer to $50 per hour. With 20 years of experience under your belt, you may be charging $150 or even $200 per hour.

What is the average consultant hourly rate in Australia? ›

Find out what the average Consultant salary is

The average consultant salary in Australia is $95,037 per year or $48.74 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $72,097 per year, while most experienced workers make up to $131,179 per year.

How do I determine my consulting rate? ›

To calculate your hourly consulting rate from your working week salary follow these steps:
  1. Determine what salary you'd like to make.
  2. Take that number and divide it by 52 (number of working weeks), then again by 40 (number of hours each week).
  3. Take that number and mark it up by 25% to 50%.
Aug 29, 2022

Are consultants in demand in Australia? ›

The demand for the business expert

In addition to the number of management consultants increasing in Australia, the ANSC has forecast the number of employees working in Management and Related Consulting Services is also set to increase by 14.2% over the next five years.

Do consultants make a lot of money Australia? ›

The average annual salary for Business Consultant jobs in Australia ranges from $110,000 to $130,000.

What is the daily rate for international consultants? ›

While income for international development consultants varies significantly based on factors like years of experience and assignment, websites like ZipRecruiter show a yearly average of US$72,676 a year. Independent consultants with 5-10 years of experience may charge US$350-$650 per day.

How much should I charge for small business consulting? ›

The average business consulting fee is around $100 per hour, but consider your experience and expertise. You may charge closer to $50 or $75 per hour if you are a brand-new business consultant. On the other hand, with more experience, you can charge $150 or even $200 per hour.

What is the average Big 4 consulting rate? ›

Big 4 Consulting Salary
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$209,500$101
75th Percentile$165,000$79
25th Percentile$96,000$46

What is a good hourly rate in Australia? ›

The average annual salary in Australia is $68,900 and $35.30 per hour. It is just the average salary for basic workers but skilled and experienced workers also earn around $108,980 annually. The average salary also varies depending on the field of work and the job role of workers.

What is the hourly rate for freelancers in Australia? ›

Find out what the average Freelance salary is

The average freelance salary in Australia is $107,250 per year or $55 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $74,350 per year, while most experienced workers make up to $161,606 per year.

How many hours do consultants work in Australia? ›

Lastly, consulting will bring with it regular 60-80 hour working weeks, including some weekend work, late nights and travel, but for the sort of salary and opportunities it offers this is all just part of the gig. If you are serious about starting a career in consulting, be prepared to put in the hard yards.

Do consultants charge for travel time? ›

Travel time is always an issue.

This is especially important when traveling for a half-hour or more. Consultants will typically charge one-half to one-third of their hourly rate for travel time outside their local area. Where can you lose on this if you “include” your travel time?

How do you negotiate consulting rates? ›

Here are a few things to keep in mind to make your pricing decisions, especially those around discounting, more effective.
  1. Ask for the budget. ...
  2. Trade off scope for price. ...
  3. Be creative with pricing negotiations. ...
  4. Make first-time discounts explicit. ...
  5. Don't leave money on the table. ...
  6. Regulate demand with pricing. ...
  7. Track your results.

Why are consulting rates so high? ›

Consultants don't get paid for time spent bookkeeping, networking, marketing, and a variety of other non-billable activities that need handling when you run a business. Consulting fees must take this downtime into account. Everything from professional memberships to paperclips – a self-employed consultant buys it all.

How much do international business consultants make in Australia? ›

The average business consultant salary in Australia is $100,345 per year or $51.46 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $84,000 per year, while most experienced workers make up to $145,000 per year.

What are the rates for international consultants? ›

ZipRecruiter shows international development consultants making between US$22,000-$137,500 a year. The average is US$72,767 a year or $35/hour.

What do McKinsey consultants charge? ›

Hiring McKinsey is a famously expensive proposition, even when compared with its leading competitors. A single junior consultant — typically a recent college or business school graduate — runs clients $67,500 per week, or $3.5 million annually. For $160,000 per week, you get two consultants, the second one mid-level.

Do consultants pay GST in Australia? ›

If you're earning more than $75,000 annually, you'll also need to register for and pay the Goods and Services Tax (GST) by lodging regular Business Activity Statements (BAS).

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.