10 Tips To Living An Intentional Life - Whitney Hansen | Money Coaching (2024)

We live in a world that tells us we aren’t enough. We don’t have enough, our bodies aren’t enough, our banks accounts aren’t enough, and the only way to fill this void is by material items.

We chase happiness through material items so deeply, that we sometimes lose ourselves. We lose touch of what truly matters- personal connection, solitude, and chasing our dreams.

The constant bombardment of social media posts, television commercials, magazine ads, and watching the next Kardashian jetset to an exotic location has harsh financial and emotional implications.

This is why we must practice the art of pursing less.

Only when we learn to be intentional with our life, will we be given the opportunity to understand true happiness.

Days are long, but years are short.

We purchase new cars, clothes, finance trips on credit cards and buy seriously silly stuff. But doing this robs us of our one fleeting resource- time. We have to then trade our hours for dollars in order to pay off our once important purchases. Being intentional about purchases leads to more freedom in how we choose to spend our time.

Some call this minimalism, I call it art. Here are ten tips to help you live an intentional life:10 Tips To Living An Intentional Life - Whitney Hansen | Money Coaching (1)

1. Say no more than you say yes

Time is your most precious asset, treat it that way. Guard your time wisely- it’s the only thing you can’t get more of. The rule of thumb to live by is if it’s not a HELL YES, it’s a no. I can’t remember who I heard the from, but it has always resonated with me. If you are looking for a great book to read about this stuff, check out Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. I prefer the audio version. See how you can getEssentialism on Audible forfree.

2. Make your home look like a magazine

Declutter your home. You will find yourself being very careful about what you bring into your home. If you don’t think this stuff matters, check out this podcast episode on how interior design affects your financial life.

I love making my house look amazing and one of the biggest things I did was build an electric fireplace surround. It took me a weekend and truly gave my home an upgraded, comfy look that I will cherish for years.

3. Become self-aware

Many times we make purchases not because we need them, but because we are dealing with something emotionally. Perhaps it is a break-up and you are not feeling attractive. Before you purchase anything, step back and figure out why you are spending money.

4. Practice gratitude

Every morning start your day by reflecting on your blessings. Say “thank you” for everything and everyone in your life. I try to work gratitude into mymorning routine. While I’m eating breakfast and sippin’ on my coffee, I write in my gratitude journal.

5. Only use cash

Leave the credit/debit cards at home. Research shows you will spend 12-18% more when using plastic. Impulse buys will rob you from an intentional life and a great savings account. One way to manage your cash is by using the envelope system.

6. Exercise daily

Don’t kid yourself into thinking that how you treat your body isn’t reflected in your bank account as well. The discipline it takes to get your butt to the gym everyday is the same discipline it takes to stick to a budget. Discipline is a muscle and using it frequently will help you in all areas of life.

7. Don’t give out your email address

When you go shopping and they retailer asks for your email so they can send you coupons, respond with “I don’t prefer to give that out.” Marketers know those emails are effective ways to get you to spend money. It clutters your inbox and hurts your bank account. Just say no to emails.

8. Meditate regularly

Meditation is a powerful, powerful way to get rid of the mental “noise” in your life. Sometimes focusing on breathing is enough to calm us down emotionally, clear minds, and remind us how lucky we are to be alive. (The greatest gift of all.) One of my favorite apps for meditation is Calm.

9. Unplug from technology

One day a week keep your phone at home, leave the laptop in your office, and commit to a technology free day. This is so liberating! We are addicted to checking Facebook, Instagram and email. Give yourself the ability to go hiking, exploring, try a new restaurant without reading reviews beforehand, and enjoy the company you are surrounded by. If once a week sounds too frequent, try this once a month. If you are feeling extra motivated, try taking social media apps off your phone– I know, I know. But give it a try. You can always put it back on later.

10. Mindset shift

Shift your mindset from everything is essential, to nothing is essential. This seems simple, but will take years mental conditioning to fully understand. But when you understand that material items really don’t matter, you will find happiness.

The art of pursing less results in a more; more time, more money, better quality relationships, and more happiness.

Only when we remove our dependency of technology, material items, and even money as much as possible, we will find a truly rich life.

Iwould love to hear from you. Comment below and let me know what steps are you taking to live a rich life.

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10 Tips To Living An Intentional Life - Whitney Hansen | Money Coaching (2024)


10 Tips To Living An Intentional Life - Whitney Hansen | Money Coaching? ›

Being intentional means making deliberate choices to reflect what is most important to us. Becoming intentional can help us maintain a positive mindset, reach goals, experience more clarity, and be more present. It can also increase our focus and commitment and bring more purpose and meaning to our lives.

How can I live my life more intentionally? ›

Second, Add Practical Steps.
  1. Decide to live your life. Stop comparing yourself to others. ...
  2. Define a purpose. Identify what you want your life to communicate and contribute. ...
  3. Set goals. Goals move us and goals shape us. ...
  4. Stay focused. ...
  5. Learn from others.

What are the benefits of intentional living? ›

Being intentional means making deliberate choices to reflect what is most important to us. Becoming intentional can help us maintain a positive mindset, reach goals, experience more clarity, and be more present. It can also increase our focus and commitment and bring more purpose and meaning to our lives.

What does being more intentional mean? ›

That means being purposeful and mindful in your actions, and making choices that align with your values and goals. Being intentional has a number of benefits. It can help you lead a more satisfying life, achieve your goals, and build stronger relationships.

How to do things intentionally? ›

Here are a few simple ways to learn how to be intentional and create practices that help you reach your goals.
  1. Set measurable goals. ...
  2. Establish a daily routine. ...
  3. Strengthen your relationships. ...
  4. Make a vision board. ...
  5. Declutter your space. ...
  6. Make deliberate spending choices. ...
  7. Don't waste time. ...
  8. Monitor your mental health.
Mar 17, 2023

What does the Bible say about intentional living? ›

The key to Intentional Living is found in Ephesians 5:10, “Figure out what will please Christ, and then do it.” (The Message) It's a roadmap for life. When put into practice each and every day, living intentionally changes your life.

What are the first steps of living a life of intentionality? ›

To live a truly intentional life, make sure to take these three steps: 1) Evaluate Reality Clearly; 2) Make Effective Decisions; 3) Achieve Your Goals.

What does living with intention look like? ›

Living with intention means we take action and make decisions with intention and mindfulness rather than letting our environment and impulses determine them. Living with intention isn't easy; it takes impeccable practice from moment to moment.

How do you live a slow intentional life? ›

21 Ways to Live a Slow, Simple & Intentional Life
  1. Start your day with intention. Take a few minutes in the morning to set your intentions for the day. ...
  2. Practice mindfulness. ...
  3. Simplify your schedule. ...
  4. Take breaks. ...
  5. Declutter your space. ...
  6. Prioritise relationships. ...
  7. Learn to say no. ...
  8. Embrace slow cooking.
May 25, 2023

What is the power of intentional? ›

Incorporating intentionality into our lives and work goals is a powerful strategy for success. By living with purpose, making mindful decisions, and building meaningful connections, we can not only achieve our objectives but also experience a deeper sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

What are examples for intentional? ›

Examples of intentional in a Sentence

an intentional and premeditated killing I apologize for the omission of your name from the list. It was not intentional.

How can I be more intentional with my words? ›

To help you choose your words wisely, here are three ways you can be mindful of the words you use.
  1. Say words you mean, and mean words you say. People tend to joke about things that they don't want to have to be serious about. ...
  2. Say words that build up, not tear down. ...
  3. Don't be afraid to say positive and uplifting words.
Mar 5, 2022

What are 3 synonyms for intentional? ›

Synonyms of intentionally
  • deliberately.
  • purposely.
  • purposefully.
  • willfully.
  • knowingly.
  • consciously.
  • voluntarily.
  • purposively.

How do you live a life with purpose? ›

Here are some of her recommendations based on her research on purpose.
  1. Identify the things you care about. ...
  2. Reflect on what matters most. ...
  3. Recognize your strengths and talents. ...
  4. Try volunteering. ...
  5. Imagine your best possible self. ...
  6. Cultivate positive emotions like gratitude and awe. ...
  7. Look to the people you admire.
Aug 6, 2020

What are intentional behaviors? ›

Intentional behaviors are the decisions you make and the habits you build with healing and growth in mind. For many survivors of child sexual abuse, a key part of healing from trauma is feeling empowered by the choices they make.

How to be intentional with people? ›

Intentionality comes with knowing yourself and knowing your friend. Another way to be intentional is by asking questions to get to know them. These questions can be surface-level or deeply personal, depending on where you are in your relationship. Be curious, but not intrusive.

How can I be an intentional person? ›

Tips for intentional living
  • Tune out the noise. Today's world is filled with distractions that can easily pull you away from your values and intentions. ...
  • Identify your values. ...
  • Set a morning intention. ...
  • Refocus. ...
  • Create small shifts. ...
  • Create a vision board. ...
  • Recount your intentions. ...
  • Give yourself a break.
Dec 14, 2021

How do you live slowly and intentionally? ›

5 Steps to Slow & Intentional Living
  1. Living with Intention. "Slow living" is essentially the opposite of a fast-paced life, one that savours moments and finds happiness in the simple things. ...
  2. Doing Less. ...
  3. Silence / Stillness. ...
  4. Take Your Time. ...
  5. Gratitude.
Aug 28, 2023

What is the intentional taking of one's own life called? ›

Suicide is the act of taking one's own life on purpose. Suicidal behavior is any action that could cause a person to die, such as taking a drug overdose or crashing a car on purpose.

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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.