KPMG charges federal government up to 50pc more than NSW government (2024)

The NSW government's regime of capped rates is part of a sophisticated procurement framework that aims to cut administrative and procurement costs by $731.4 million over the forward estimates by reducing spending in areas such as consulting, IT, legal services, advertising and travel.

Seven firms – McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, Port Jackson Partners, L.E.K. Consulting, Partners in Performance, Promontory Australasia and Cambridge Economic Policy Associates – have refused to discount their rates to the level mandated by the NSW government.

The Morrison government does not cap the rates it will pay consultants for federal government work. Instead, agencies and departments use a system of panels where maximum rates are negotiated with individual firms.

There are about 120 panels across the federal government to deal with professional services such as consulting, and KPMG is a member of about 60 panels.

KPMG's rates vary across the federal panels it is on. The rates are generally higher for specialist strategy services than for other services such as general accounting.


Insiders say the rates, which represent the maximum the firm can earn, are rarely paid by federal government departments and agencies.

$16,000 a day

The federal government is already under fire after the Financial Review revealed McKinsey's "typical commercial rate" for Human Services is up to $16,000 a day for its most senior partners. That is four times more than the highest daily rate the NSW government will pay for a consultant.

The details of the daily rates of consultants at McKinsey and KPMG were contained in a pitch document used by the firms to win the initial six-week contract to transform the Human Services Department. The firms offered a one-off discount of almost 66 per cent for the initial $858,000 contract.

KPMG charges federal government up to 50pc more than NSW government (1)


The revelation of this federal premium shows the skewed priorities of the Morrison government, says Labor's public service spokeswoman Katy Gallagher.

"Scott Morrison appears to be happy to spend thousands of dollars of taxpayers' money each day to line the pockets of large consulting firms rather than investing in jobs, knowledge and capability for the public service," Senator Gallagher said.

“Scott Morrison appears to have lost sight of what the core role of the [Australian Public Service] is – serving the Australian community and not maintaining the balance sheet of big businesses.

"The Prime Minister’s own department even admits that arbitrary staffing caps force departments to hire more expensive consultants and contractors to fill key roles that could otherwise be done in-house.

"If there are genuine projects that require specialist private sector advice then they have to be contracted with efficiency and the best use of taxpayer funds in mind. The public purse should not be used to fund exorbitant private sector fees."

A spokesman for Government Services Minister Stuart Robert said that "all procurement decisions made by the department are made in accordance with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules".


Lower admin cost

A spokesman for the federal Department of Finance said its "devolved procurement framework" had led to a reduction in the overall cost of government administration.

"As identified in the 2019-20 Budget Paper 4, the overall cost of government administration – which includes public sector staffing, consultants and contractors – as a proportion of overall government expenditure decreased from 8.5 per cent in 2007-08 to 7 per cent in 2018-19, and is expected to further decrease to 5.4 per cent in 2022-23," he said.

"Under the devolved procurement framework, Commonwealth entities are responsible for undertaking their own procurement processes in order to meet their business needs, including engaging a consultant where it is appropriate to meet an entity’s requirements and represents value for money."

The Finance spokesman added that consultants "can deliver value for money when the need for specialist skills or additional support is temporary or project-specific, or is highly specialised in nature".


"While spending on consultants and contractors varies from year to year in line with priorities, consultancies, as a proportion of the value of total contract notices, have remained relatively stable at approximately just 1 per cent since 2011‑12."

Rates reflect capability

A spokeswoman for KPMG said its rates reflected the "calibre and capability of our highly specialised teams".

“We work with government to provide external expertise on a range of technical and often genuinely specialist areas which complement the skills embedded in Australia’s professional public service," she said.

"Our professional rates reflect both the calibre and capability of our highly specialised teams who are recognised as experts in their field, and the significant impact we make to public programs.


“We recognise the importance of providing value for money for all of our clients, including governments. The professional services provided to government are secured through a transparent and competitive tender process. The government assesses the value of our work during both the procurement and delivery of services.”

The new outsourcing inquiry, which will look at visa and citizenship programs, the robo-debt welfare system, the National Disability Insurance Scheme roll-out and other private sector contracts, coincides with a second review by the Auditor-General into outsourcing.

The big four consulting firms Deloitte, EY (the former Ernst & Young), KPMG and PwC earned $1.7 billion from the federal government between 2012-13 and 2016-17. During this time, the firms have also emerged as major political donors. In the six years to 2018, theygave more than $4 million to the major political parties.

KPMG charges federal government up to 50pc more than NSW government (2024)
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