How Big Of A House Do I Really Need? (2024)

It’s a question you should ask yourself more than once in life. Whether you’re a first-time home buyer, an empty nester looking to downsize to a smaller house, or somewhere in between, it’s always good to honestly assess: “How big of a house do I really need?”

As your life changes, and as future plans come more into focus, a thorough examination of your lifestyle and where it’s heading can be beneficial. Having too much square footage for two people can be a strain on your budget, for example, while not having enough for a growing family can leave everyone feeling pinched for space.

This article will help you assess what is the correct square footage to meet your lifestyle. It will also help you avoid becoming “house poor,” with a house that’s larger and more expensive than you really need.

How To Calculate What Size House You Need

The answer to the question of much house you need is subjective and unique to every home buyer. It’s also changing, with some believing they need more and more space, and others finding they can do with far less. The tiny house craze is based on lots of people realizing they can live quite happily in a much smaller, more economical home than most Americans have come to expect. And, of course, there will always be people who want to live in as big a house as they can afford.

On average, many realtors and interior designers estimate that in 2022, given the possessions and lifestyle expectations of modern Americans, you should aim for about 400 to 600 square feet per person.

To find out how big of a house you need, multiply 600 square feet by the number of people in your household. If you’re planning on having children or making room for an older parent, take them into account, too. This will give you the minimum amount of square footage that’s ideal for the house you’re planning to build or buy.

Number of People

Square Footage


600 sq. ft.


1,200 sq. ft.


1,800 sq. ft.


2,400 sq. ft.

Average House Size By The Room

American houses have gotten bigger over the last several decades. According to U.S. Census data, the size of the average house in America grew from 1,660 square feet to 2,301 square feet between 1973 and 2019. Over the same time period, floor plans, particularly on the first floor, have opened up. In many open floor plan houses the kitchen, dining, and living areas flow into one another and can almost be considered one room.

Determining average room sizes can be misleading because bigger houses have larger rooms. For our purposes here, we’ll assume a 2,400-square-foot home with three bedrooms, two and one-half baths, and a traditional floor plan that houses two adults and two children.


Average Square Footage

Living Room

481 sq. ft.

Dining Room

200 sq. ft.


174 sq. ft.

Master Bedroom

309 sq. ft.

Master Bathroom

160 sq. ft.

Additional Bedrooms

120 sq. ft.

Additional Bathrooms

40 sq. ft.

Additional Misc. Rooms

120 sq. ft.

Factors Affecting How Big Of A House You Need

Before you begin a house search or start looking at house plans if you intend to build, you should make a full assessment of what you want your house to provide in terms of space and lifestyle, both for now and in the future. Aside from making room for present and future family members, you should anticipate how life changes will affect each of them, as well as how your home, likely your primary monthly expense, functions within your family budget.

You never know how long you will live in your new house, but for planning purposes you should project at least 10 – 15 years. According to the National Association of REALTORs®, the average duration of homeownership in the U.S. was 13.1 years as of 2018. So, when considering the primary factors affecting how big of a house you need, you must anticipate the changes life will inevitably bring.

Family Size

The first factor to take into consideration is how many people will be living in the house full-time. The second is how much space each person really needs to be content. For domestic partners who have children and/or are planning to add more, questions to consider include whether each child has their own bedroom, how many full bathrooms are needed, and if one or both partners will require a home office.

Factor In Major Life Changes

Life always brings change. Especially if your desire is to put down roots in your next house and stay there for decades, you should find a house that can be expanded or renovated to meet different needs over time. Things to anticipate include additional family members, as well as the changing needs of all family members as they grow older.

There will also be financial challenges, both expected (a new roof, a kitchen renovation) and unexpected (a job loss or flood damage). Your monthly mortgage payment should not be so high that you have little in reserve to survive a sudden financial hit.

Housing Budget

When considering how big of a house you need, knowing your total housing budget is vital. This includes not just your mortgage payment, but annual property taxes, insurance, utility bills, and regular maintenance such as lawn care, snow removal, and cleaning. Here is an excellent assessment for determining how much house you can afford.

Once you have a budget, stick to it. It’s always tempting to pay more for wish list items like a bigger kitchen or a bedroom suite with a walk-in closet, but by stretching too far in today’s difficult market you can find yourself with a higher mortgage payment than you can afford. By saving and/or making more money in the future, you can renovate or expand the house, or move to a bigger house, in time.

Other factors besides square footage also have an effect on how much house you really need. The cost of a home per square foot can vary quite widely depending on whether it’s in the country, the suburbs, or a city — and even within the same ZIP code.

Once you’ve considered all the factors that determine where you want to live, you can ask a real estate agent to tell you how much houses typically cost per square foot in that neighborhood. This will never be 100% accurate, but it should be close and you can begin to narrow your search from there.

If you find that the homes in the area where you want to live are not big enough for your needs, you may have to find a nearby locale where houses cost a little less per square foot. Or, you may decide that the location is more important than the size of your house, in which case you can reassess how much square footage you really need to stay in that neighborhood.

Signs You Need To Upsize Your Current House

  • You don’t have enough bedrooms for a growing family.
  • You have an aging family member moving in.
  • You’re relocating to a more affordable area.
  • You need an additional bathroom for more privacy.
  • You’d like to add a walk-in closet/additional closet space.

Signs You Need To Downsize Your Current House

  • You have a lot of unused space in your current home.
  • You’ll soon become empty nesters.
  • You’re taking a pay cut.
  • You’re moving to a more upscale area.
  • You have less time and/or energy for maintenance and cleaning.

The Bottom Line: Reconsider How Much House You Really Need

For anyone trying to buy a house, whether it is a first home or not, it’s important that they take a close look at their current lifestyle and plans for the future before deciding how big of a house they need. For many Americans in 2022, it appears that the square footage they require is shrinking. Since it’s peak in 2015 at 2,687 square feet, the size of the average American home is dropping. People are realizing that bigger is not always better, and that they can find a house that meets all their needs but also requires fewer resources. This reorientation can free up funds that can be applied to things like automobiles, college savings, travel, or even a vacation home.

The reasons for the decline in home size are many, but it is likely that a drop in the size of the average household is chief among them. People are having fewer children and it is less common for aging family members to move in with their adult children. So, while room sizes are getting larger and there is a demand for more and bigger bathrooms and closets, there is also a realization that it’s expensive to build and maintain every square foot of a house, and that it should all be useful and necessary.

Once you’ve carefully decided just how much house is right for you and your family, be sure to get the best advice on how to finance your home by consulting an expert.

How Big Of A House Do I Really Need? (2024)


How Big Of A House Do I Really Need? ›

On average, many realtors and interior designers estimate that in 2022, given the possessions and lifestyle expectations of modern Americans, you should aim for about 400 to 600 square feet per person. To find out how big of a house you need, multiply 600 square feet by the number of people in your household.

How big of a house do I need for a family of 3? ›

On average, the ideal square footage is about 600 – 700 square feet per person. That means a family of three will want a house that's at least 1,800 square feet. A family of four will want a home that's around 2,400 square feet.

How big of a house do I need for a family of 4? ›

How Much Space Does A Family Need? The average house size for a family of four to live comfortably is around 2400 square feet. It is widely believed that each person in a home requires 200-400 square feet of living space. The average cost to build a home of that size will range between $147,000 to $436,000.

Is a 1200 sq ft house big enough? ›

You may get a spacious living room as well as three bedrooms apartments and two bathrooms in a 1200 square feet apartment. This offers plenty of living space for a family without feeling cramped.

Is 1800 sq ft a small house? ›

A small home is a home under 2500 square feet (232 square meters).

Can a family of 3 live on 100k? ›

For most individuals and small families, the answer to “Is $100,000 a good salary?” is a resounding “yes.” Cost of living and family size can affect how far $100,000 will go, but generally speaking, you can live comfortably on $100,000 a year.

What is a good size house for 2 people? ›

1,200 sq. ft.

How many bedrooms should a family of 4 have? ›

A family of four should fit comfortably in a house with three to four bedrooms. Consider an additional room for every one to two children or if you plan on your family growing.

Is 4000 square feet a mansion? ›

The typical real estate definition of a mansion is a home that offers at least 5,000 square feet of space and at least five to six bedrooms. Mansions typically sit on small acreage (homes set on vast amounts of land are considered estates).

Is 1600 sq ft a small house? ›

Home Plans between 1500 and 1600 Square Feet

You might be surprised that homes between 1500 and 1600 square feet are actually quite smaller than the average single-family home. But stepping into a home of this size feels anything but below average.

How many bedrooms can you fit in 1200 sq ft? ›

1,200 square foot homes can easily accommodate two or three bedrooms.

Is 1500 sq ft house too small? ›

Is a 1500 sq ft House Big? A 1500 square feet house is not a very large house. Most houses in America are 2000 square feet and over. Although it is possible to live well with a small family in a 1500 square feet house, you should moderate your expectations as to how big such a home will feel.

Is 2500 sq ft a small house? ›

Average Square Footage of a House

The average house size is right around 2,500 square feet, but that doesn't mean you should aim for the middle and hope for the best.

What is a good size for a 3 bedroom house? ›

The typical size of a 3 bedroom house plan in the US is close to 2000 sq ft (185 m2). In other countries, a 3 bedroom home can be quite a bit smaller. Typically, the floor plan layout will include a large master bedroom, two smaller bedrooms, and 2 to 2.5 bathrooms.

How many bedrooms should a family of 5 have? ›

A family of four functions best with at least 3 bedrooms in the home. Four bedroom house plans are ideal for a family of five, two adults and three children. Having an extra bedroom (in addition to the basic minimum for your family) is a major plus if you can afford it.

How many square feet is a basic house? ›

How Many Square Feet Are In The Average House? The average house has about 2,400 square feet.

What salary is considered rich for a single person? ›

For 2021, you're in the top 1% if you earn $819,324 or more each year. The top 5% of income earners make $335,891 per year. What Is a Rich Monthly Income?

What percentage of Americans make $100000? ›

In the U.S. 18% of individuals earn more than $100,000, according to Zippia, a career advising company, and like the cost of living, income varies greatly between cities and states.

What is a good salary in 2023? ›

If a worker works 52 weeks a year, this equates to a national annual salary of $51,168, up 5.1 per cent from the previous year. Any sum beyond that should be regarded as a good salary; however, this is not always the case.

What is the most common house size? ›

The median home size in the United States is 2,014 square feet.

What is the average size house in America? ›

The average number of occupants in each home fell, while the average size of a new single-family home ballooned - from just 909 square feet in 1949 to 2,480 square feet in 2021.

Is it better to buy a house with 2 people? ›

The biggest advantage of purchasing a home with another co-borrower is that your combined income will likely allow you to be approved for a higher loan amount. Plus, together you can probably make a larger down payment than you would be able to if you purchased alone.

Can 4 children share 1 bedroom? ›

In California, there are no hard-and-fast rules about kids' bedrooms. In fact, across the United States, no federal or state laws dictate how many children can share a room or whether children of opposite sexes can share a room.

Is it worth adding a 4th bedroom? ›

An extra bedroom will typically add 15 percent to the resale value of a house. However, that may not necessarily cover the initial cost of a room addition.

How many bedrooms is most desirable? ›

For a family, at least two bedrooms will suffice, but three rooms are more recommended. If you can afford it, a four-bedroom house is optimal. We say three is better than two because you need to prepare for both girls and boys. It's also so that you don't keep a newborn in a room with an older child.

What is considered a McMansion? ›

There is not one specific size for a McMansion type of home. Generally speaking, these homes are larger than the median size of a newly built single-family home, which according to the U.S. Census Bureau for 2021, was 2,532 square feet. 1 Most McMansions between 3,000 or 5,000 square feet or larger.

Why do people buy such big houses? ›

Many people who want a big house don't actually want a big house at all – they want the things they believe a big house can provide. Some of these desires can be fulfilled by owning a large home. This includes the ability to have lots of family over, entertain friends, have enough space to raise a large family, etc.

What makes a house a mini mansion? ›

Generally, McMansions are built on small plots of land, stretching out to the very edges of the property line. True mansions, on the other hand, usually include sprawling grounds equipped with a variety of amenities.

Is 3000 square feet a small house? ›

The average house in the U.S. is about 2400 square feet, so a 3000-square-foot house is considered larger than average. Extra space can lead to extra luxuries, including a more spacious kitchen and bedrooms or fun bonus rooms like a library or home gym.

What is the best size house for a family of 5? ›

For families with 4-5 members, the optimal house size for all members to live comfortably is between 2,400 and 3,000 square feet. This gives each member a living space of at least 400 square feet, which is more than enough to ensure that each member gets adequate space and privacy.

Is 3000 sq ft house small? ›

Houses of 3000 to 3500 square feet are large enough to create a luxury home that can suit almost any family. Features such as high ceilings, an expansive master suite, home office, media room, or separate guest space can easily fit in an upper-mid-size home plan.

What is livable square feet? ›

When house plan sellers refer to Total Living square feet, they are referring to the “living area” of the home. This can be thought of as the area that will be heated or cooled. It is called the living area because this is where you spend your time. An attic, while a useful storage area, is not living space.

How many sq ft is an ideal bedroom? ›

The average bedroom size is about 132 square feet while there are bedrooms much larger than even 144 square feet. The basic guideline to bear in mind while allocating space for a standard bedroom is that it should measure at least 120 square feet to comfortably accommodate a full-size bed.

How many bedrooms can a 4000 square-foot house have? ›

How many bedrooms can a 4,000 square-foot house have? Most 4,000 square foot homes include three to five bedrooms depending on the size you'd like each.

Is 1200 sq ft enough for a family of 4? ›

For a family of four, the ideal house size is between 2,400 – 2,800 square feet and so forth. It's up to you to decide how much space you're most comfortable with up to 3,027 square feet (if you consider yourself middle class).

How many people can live in a 1500 square foot home? ›

A 1500 sq ft home is not “small” by any means. This amount of space can handle anything from a couple just starting out to a family with three children. And 1,500 square feet allocated through a smart floor plan can easily support kids with more room to spread out than they'd get in an apartment or condo.

Are smaller houses worth more per square foot? ›

Generally speaking, smaller homes will sell at more per square foot than larger homes. As a home gets larger in size, the price per square foot often drops. This is another danger of using prices by square footage to put a value on a home.

What is considered a small house in America? ›

Small homes are much more traditional homes – usually coming in around 1,000 square feet or less.

What is the average size of a modern house? ›

Average US House Size Has Been Increasing Over Last 50 Years

New data from 2021 indicate that things haven't changed much – the average house size was 2,273 sq ft which still puts it below the 2015 peak.

What size is considered a tiny house? ›

A tiny house is a miniature version of a regular single-family house, including sleeping quarters, a bathroom, and kitchen. The average American single-family home is around 2,260 square feet, while tiny homes have an average size of about 225 square feet (generally under 600 feet).

How many bedrooms can a 1500 square foot house have? ›

The typical 1,500 sq. ft. floor plans have two to three bedrooms in the layout. The benefit of choosing your own home plan is deciding what size you would like each room to be.

How many bedrooms can a 2000 square foot house have? ›

Expect a 2,000 square feet home to contain three large or four average-sized bedrooms with a kitchen, living room, dining room, walk-in closets, and at least two bathrooms.

How many square feet is a 3 bedroom 2 bath house? ›

Square Footage for Number of Rooms in a House
# of RoomsAvg. Square Feet of Home
3 Bedrooms, 2 Bath1,200 - 1,700
3 Bedrooms, 2 Bath, Flex Room1,700 - 2,000
4 Bedrooms, 2 Bath, Flex Room2,000 - 2,300
3 more rows
Sep 30, 2020

How many rooms do you need for 2 kids? ›

Ideally, you want one bedroom per child, but kids can always double up when they're young. It's when they grow into teenagers that you might want to consider what you'll do when they want their own space.

What is the ideal number of bathrooms in a house? ›

The average ratio for most homeowners is that there should be at least two bathrooms for every three bedrooms. For instance, if you have a three-bedroom house, it is most likely that there will be the main bathroom for adults, and a family bathroom for children and other members of the family.

How many kids share a bedroom? ›

Many parents have heard their kids say they don't want to share and don't want to sleep. But children share bedrooms in 70.4% of households with two or more kids, according to a survey of 1,250 U.S. parents and caregivers. Considering 34.9% of children ages 17 and younger.

What is a good size house for retirement? ›

A Size With Universal Appeal

Since Southern Living has so many unique house plans in our collection, we've come to learn which are the best and most-loved layouts for each stage of life. And if you ask us, the perfect size for a retirement home is 1,500 square feet.

Do closets count as square footage? ›

Closets are often included in the square footage of a home, but not always. Any space inside a home that has walls, a floor, a ceiling and heat are usually counted toward the overall square footage.

Do stairs count in square footage? ›

In general, areas like staircases and closets count as finished square footage. Spaces like garages, three-season porches and unfinished basem*nts or attics are not included in the square footage of a house.

How much does a family of 3 need to survive? ›

Average monthly expenses for a family of 3:

$6,597, or $79,163 annually.

How many bedrooms do you need for a family of 3? ›

That would largely depend upon the family, eg: 1 parent + 2 children: You would need at least 2 bedrooms if your children don't mind sharing a bedroom. If your children are teenagers, you will probably need 3 bedrooms - a master bedroom for the adult(s) and 2 separate bedrooms, one for each child.

Can a family of 4 live on $40000 a year? ›

But a $40,000 salary is not typically enough for a household to live comfortably in most parts of the United States. To put it another way, a single person can live more comfortably on a $40,000 salary, but a family — with or without children — may find it more difficult.

What is considered high income for a family of 4? ›

Range of household incomes needed to be considered middle class, by family size
StateSingleFamily of four
California$29,851 – $89,552$59,702 – $179,105
Colorado$26,876 – $80,629$53,752 – $161,257
Connecticut$28,364 – $85,091$56,727 – $170,181
Delaware$26,146 – $78,437$52,291 – $156,873
48 more rows

What is a realistic food budget for a family of 3? ›

Monthly Grocery Budget
1 person$251
2 people$553
3 people$722
4 people$892
2 more rows
Sep 25, 2020

What is considered a large house? ›

In the U.S., most real estate specialists consider a home to be a mansion at or above 8,000 square feet in size. Historically speaking, a mansion would be a home of about 5,000 square feet or above.

How many bedrooms can a 1500 square feet house have? ›

The typical 1,500 sq. ft. floor plans have two to three bedrooms in the layout. The benefit of choosing your own home plan is deciding what size you would like each room to be.

Is 1500 sq ft a small house? ›

Is a 1500 sq ft House Big? A 1500 square feet house is not a very large house. Most houses in America are 2000 square feet and over. Although it is possible to live well with a small family in a 1500 square feet house, you should moderate your expectations as to how big such a home will feel.

What is the average size for a master bedroom? ›

What is the average master bedroom size? The average master bedroom size is 15′ by 15′ (225 square feet), but they can range from as little as 125 square feet to as large as 400 square feet depending on the home's floor plan and other factors.

Is 1600 sq ft enough for family of 4? ›

Some people estimate that each person in the family needs 200 to 400 square feet—but that could put a family of four in a 1,600 square foot home. If you're working from home and your kids are going to school remotely, a 1,600 square foot home is probably not going to suffice.

Can you live in a 500 sq ft house? ›

With some smart decorating and thoughtful purchases, living in 500 square feet is very possible. In fact, it can even feel comfortable and cozy. So, instead of worrying about the lack of space, embrace what you have, get creative and settle in by making every last inch your own.

Is 1400 square feet in a home small? ›

While 1300 to 1400 square foot house plans leave plenty of room for a few bedrooms or an office, they are very close to falling under the minimalist and tiny house movement's ideals and offer many of the same benefits.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.