Price Per Square Foot: A Terrible Valuation Method in Real Estate (2024)


Price Per Square Foot: A Terrible Valuation Method in Real Estate (1)Is the price per square foot important? This is a question that lots of buyers and sellers want to know.

In real estate, as with many things in life, the easiest solutions to a problem are not always the best solutions.

Take calculating the value of a home for sale. Realtors, sellers, and buyers want concepts they can use to quickly and easily convey a home’s value.

One of the most familiar concepts used in real estate is the price per square foot.

Take the price of a home, divide it by the square footage of the property, and you have the price per square foot.

Easy right? Yes – and people who use this valuation method get the price wrong nearly every time!

Although the price per square foot can be useful in learning about the general value of the real estate in a particular area, it is a poor indicator of a home’s actual value.

There are so many components of a home that must be considered. This, by the way, is part of what keeps professional Realtors working.

Let’s look at everything to know about per-square-foot pricing.

The Price Per Square Foot is Too Simplistic

Determining a home’s actual value is much more complicated than a simple formula using only two variables.

However, some real estate agents who are not that skilled in pricing a home will use this simple formula to estimate home value.

This is a gigantic mistake and one that causes so many Realtors to price homes WRONG! Price per square foot is one of the least accurate means of valuing a home!

What real estate agents and consumers should understand is the most important factors in pricing a home for sale. In the article, you will see what matters and what doesn’t when trying to price a home accurately.

The danger of using price per square foot to value a home is significant.

How Big is a Square Foot?

The size of a given space can be calculated by multiplying the length and width of the area. One foot is equivalent to 12 inches, meaning that if a space measures 12 inches in length and 12 inches in width, this area is one square foot, which equates to 144 square inches.

How to Calculate Price Per Square Foot

The price per square foot calculation is easy to do. To calculate the price per square foot, you take the price divided by the home’s square footage.

For example, if you have a 4000-square-foot home that is priced at $800,000, you would divide $800,000 by 4000. The result would be a price per square of $200.00.

The price per square foot calculation can be used for many things, including measuring carpets, granite countertops, sod, and other home-building products.

Those who are thinking about building a home will often research house building prices per square foot. To calculate the price per square foot, you need to know how to measure a house.

The same can be said when calculating how big an acre of land is. Calculating price per square foot is used all the time for less consequential items. It should not be used for valuing homes, as you’ll see why.

Understanding Basic Home Types

To clarify why the price per square foot is so inadequate a measurement, in most instances, it can be useful to understand the different basic categories of homes. They are:

Economy Housing

Price Per Square Foot: A Terrible Valuation Method in Real Estate (2)An economy home is built to appeal to lower-income buyers and people who want to spend as little as possible on a house.

Builders are careful to use materials that will keep costs down, so every part of the home will be made using materials that – while meeting code requirements – are not of the greatest quality or desirability.

Everything from the roof, plumbing fixtures, and flooring will be low-end.

The home is certainly functional, but compromises had to be made to build it to a certain low price point. This kind of home is made in the most cost-efficient manner.

Standard Home Construction

Most homes are of standard build quality. Everything in the home is constructed of more durable materials than the economy home.

The different components of the home, such as the cabinets, may be mass-produced, but they are produced using higher quality materials that will last longer and hold up better to wear and tear.

Standard homes can contain components from both economy homes and possibly some elements of custom homes.

Keep in mind every builder constructs homes differently. Some build in a particular manner where the quality of the materials used is not visible to the laymen who are not in the construction industry.

While most buyers can tell the difference between a Marvin window vs. a builder’s grade window, most would not be able to see the difference in quality from one heating system to the next.

Home “A” might have a heating system that costs $12,000, while House “B” has one that is only $8000.00.

Custom Homes

A custom home kicks it up a notch, adding elements that are not found in lower categories. The cabinets in this home may be custom-made by hand.

The flooring may be hardwood, while the counters may be granite. In this kind of home, you may have higher-end appliances, better windows, and bathroom fixtures.

As the name suggests, custom homes can also feature unique, customized amenities that are not typically seen in a standard or economy home.

Custom homes are unique and reflect the characteristics and desires of a particular buyer. Custom homes may also be built with other architectural features that make them more expensive to construct, such as intricate roof lines and higher-end materials used on the facade. It is not uncommon to see stone or brick as siding choices.

Luxury Built Homes

Luxury homes are at the top end of the housing market. These are the homes that feature the best of everything. Indoor swimming pools, home theaters, wine rooms, and more.

The home is built out of the best materials, and it is possible that every feature in the home is customized to the needs of the individual who had the home built.

A luxury home is considered the best of the best. These homes are constructed with the highest grade of construction materials throughout. There is no expense spared on anything, and the amenities seen inside the home are sometimes enough to make your mouth drop!

Comparing Apples And Oranges With Price Per Square Foot

When you consider the different types of homes that are out there, it is easier to understand why the price per square foot is not the best tool to calculate the value. The cost of a single room in a luxury home may match that of an entire economy home.

Price per square foot only gives you average or median ranges to help you understand market trends. So when someone asks if the price per square foot is the best way to value a home, the answer is clear cut and dry – NO, it is not!

Price Per Square Foot: A Terrible Valuation Method in Real Estate (3)The best way to show you this is to give you a perfectly detailed example. Let’s say you have two homes that are 2800 square feet.

Home “A” has the following amenities:

  • A single tab roof shingle and builders-grade windows.
  • A dropped flagstone walkway and concrete front steps.
  • Carpets throughout the first floor and linoleum in the bathrooms.
  • The kitchen and baths have “stock” cabinetry.
  • Formica countertops in the kitchen and bathrooms.
  • Plastered door openings with no wood trim.
  • Hollow core doors throughout.

Home “B” has the following amenities:

  • An architectural roof and Anderson windows.
  • A brick walkway.
  • Hardwood floors throughout the first floor and tile in the baths.
  • A custom kitchen.
  • Granite countertops in the kitchen and baths.
  • Crown moldings throughout the first floor and wide base molding on the first and second floors.
  • Solid doors throughout.
  • Central air.
  • Sprinkler system.
  • Security system.

Too Many Other Variables Besides Price Per Square Foot

Now keep in mind these homes are the same size. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that home “B” should sell for significantly more than home “A.” Let’s now go a step further and put home “B’ in the best neighborhood in town and put home “A” on a busy road.

Real Estate agents who want to use pricing per square foot to calculate value this way end up looking like fools. Using the price per square foot method with home “A” selling at $400,000 would give you a price per square foot of $142.86.

Sorry boys and girls but house “B” sure as sh*t is not going to be selling for $142.86 per square foot. This, however, is exactly how some real estate agents and consumers like to calculate a home’s value.

Some home buyers will see that a home sold for X amount on Main Street and try to transfer that calculation to the home they are considering making an offer on. This is NOT how real estate valuation works.

Then, of course, some home sellers will see house “B” selling for a certain amount per square foot and will automatically assume their home should sell for the same, even though they do not have half the amenities and live in a far less desirable location.

Price Per Square Foot Doesn’t Work Pricing Houses

I remember a gentleman interviewing Grafton Real Estate agents a few years ago. He wanted to use the price per square foot to determine his property’s value. Clearly, he did not understand by using this simple method, he was setting a price for his home that did not work.

As many sellers do, he decided to list with the agent that went along with his thinking. Needless to say, I was back in the door four months later, cleaning up this seller’s mess he created by overpricing his home.

This illustration above clearly shows that you can not multiply the price per square foot by the square footage of the home you are considering buying. There are way too many variables with a home’s characteristics to make generalizations like that.

Both buyers and sellers need to understand this is not how to properly value a home. If you are selling a home, the price you set is the most significant reason it will sell.

Overpricing will cause failure nearly every time. Buyers and sellers need to understand proper real estate valuation techniques to accurately understand a home’s true value.

Getting Into The Finer Details of Price Per Square Foot

Another thing to consider about pricing a home is just how much each aspect of a home can impact its value in the marketplace. Many different things can go into a home’s price calculations that are not readily apparent when you look at the price per square foot.

You may have a two-story home, a home that has gone through major renovations, or a home on a big lot. Each of these factors will influence the price.

Comparing a home on a large lot to a home on a smaller one will skew the pricing per square foot – even if the larger one is nicer, its per square foot price can easily be less than the house on the small lot.

A home in a better area may demand far more than a home in a not-so-nice area, which can also change the price per square foot.

The Impact of Other Variables Matter

How the square footage is calculated can also impact the price per square foot. One home may have a square footage calculation that includes a finished basem*nt, while the next may not. Comparing both homes by their price per square foot then becomes useless.

For those who don’t know this, below-grade square footage is worth much less than above-grade space. Any appraiser will confirm this for you.

So if you have one home that is 3500 square feet above grade and another that has 3000 above grade and 500 square feet below grade – all other things being equal, the home with 3500 above grade is worth far more money.

Did you also know that the actual size of a home will impact what it sells per square foot? Yes, it’s true.

Generally speaking, smaller homes will sell at more per square foot than larger homes. As a home gets larger in size, the price per square foot often drops. This is another danger of using prices by square footage to put a value on a home.

Another example is bedroom counts. A smaller four-bedroom home may have considerably more value than a three-bedroom home with gigantic rooms. In these instances, the smaller home can be worth the same or more than the larger one just because it has an extra bedroom.

To take this a step further, you could have a large two-bedroom home that could be considered to have functional obsolescence because the appeal of having two bedrooms is limited.

All of these homes could have the exact square footage, and the bedroom count would seriously impact the total value of each!

Location Makes A Huge Impact on Value

Price Per Square Foot: A Terrible Valuation Method in Real Estate (4)One of the variables that proponents of assessing a home by price per square foot often forget is location. They don’t say location, location, location in real estate sales for nothing.

It is one of the most important factors for placing a value on a property.

A home selling on the main road will sell for something different than the same home on a country road. The same home selling for X on a country road will sell for something else than if it’s located in a neighborhood.

Taking the same home and placing it in the BEST neighborhood in town can cause it to sell for something even more.

Does price per square foot take into consideration a home’s location? No, it does not! This is why real estate agents often emphasize how choosing the right neighborhood is critical to long-term appreciation and resale value.

Those who understand this concept end up ahead in the long run. The difference in value between one neighborhood to the next can be substantial.

Sometimes even being located in one school district over another can influence the value of two identical size homes.

Using Price Per Square Foot Has One Exception

For those who like to use pricing per square foot to evaluate property values, there is only one circ*mstance where it can be helpful. The appropriate word to describe this situation would be UNIFORMITY.

The best example is when you have a neighborhood that only includes a few homes styles and similar lot characteristics. Think tract housing. The community has been developed by one builder who has constructed all the households similarly using the same materials and amenities in all of the homes.

Price per square foot can be helpful as a measuring stick for value because everything is the same. The location is the same; the lots are similar, and the way the homes were built is close to one another.

A good example is condos or townhouses. These housing choices are often very similar to one another, with not much distinction. There will possibly be some upgrades from unit to unit that can be accounted for.

This is the only way that price per square foot will give you an accurate valuation point.

Other Poor Home Value Indicators

Pricing per square foot is not the only lousy value indicator that people use to value property. Some of the others include:

Zillow estimates – A Zillow estimate, or Zillow Zestimate as they like to call it, is a terrible indicator of home value.

Assessed value – an assessed value is another terrible means of arriving at a value. This is one quite a few real estate agents will incorrectly use. Take a look at the article and see why it is off so much. Essentially there is no correlation between assessed and market value.

The assessed value is used for tax assessments on the property to collect an appropriate amount of taxes.

Refinance Appraisal – a refinance appraisal is usually to either get a lower interest rate on a loan or take equity out of the property. They want to see this work for the lender to make additional money. Enough said.

Getting Pricing Right Means Avoiding Pricing Per Square Foot

Price Per Square Foot: A Terrible Valuation Method in Real Estate (5)The only real way to understand the value of any given home is to calculate the value based on the individual home, preferably with the help of an experienced Realtor.

A real estate agent, if she or she has been at this very long, should know how to measure up the value of a home in a particular area and give you an idea of what it is worth.

How to determine real estate market value is something a true professional understands.

Price per square foot calculations should make up little, if any, of the final figure the Realtor gives you. The number is just not that important when comparing home prices.

Your best bet is to find a real estate agent you trust with a proven track record and have them assist you with the buying or selling process.

Your agent will be able to examine all the finer details and come up with numbers that are useful to you.

Accurate information is the foundation of good real estate deals, so ensure you have someone to help you access such information. It can make a world of difference in the outcome.

If you have been trying to sell your home without any luck and remember your agent talking a lot about pricing per square foot in calculating your value, you may be priced too high.

Here are some of the more common ways to know your home is overpriced.

Use a Comparative Market Analysis Instead

Instead of using pricing per square foot to figure out market value, a competitive market analysis should be used instead.

With a CMA, a real estate agent will consider all the variables in pricing a home beside the size. The most essential of these factors will be the following:

  • Location
  • Bedroom count
  • Bathroom count
  • Condition
  • Amenities
  • Age
  • Lot characteristics

Of course, the home size will be used, but it won’t be the only variable used to determine fair market value. Picking specific comparable sales will be far more accurate than using a simple formula like average price per square foot.

Real Estate appraisers also use comps when creating their property appraisals.

Conclusion on Price Per Square Foot

By now, you should understand that using the price per square foot to value a home is an awful decision. There are much better ways to place a value on the property, including a detailed analysis from a professional Realtor who knows the differences between location, amenities, and other important factors such as condition and age.

Estimating the value of real estate is far more complicated than using average dollars per square foot. This is yet another way to get your home value wrong.

You need to account for the unique characteristics of each piece of property and either credit or debit the value of the building as appropriate, based on recent sales of similar homes. The size of the home is important, but it’s just one facet.

A skilled real estate agent will consider factors like views, location, finishes, layout, amenities, and styling. These are all important in determining a home’s true market value!

Additional Helpful Articles on Pricing a Home

Use the additional articles to understand why pricing a home is so important for both a timely sale and maximizing the ultimate sales price.

About the Author: The above Real Estate information on price per square foot was provided by Bill Gassett, a Nationally recognized leader in his field. Bill can be reached via email at or by phone at 508-625-0191. Bill has helped people move in and out of many Metrowest towns for the last 36+ Years.

Are you thinking of selling your home? I am passionate about real estate and love sharing my marketing expertise!

I service Real Estate sales in the following Metrowest MA towns: Ashland, Bellingham, Douglas, Framingham, Franklin, Grafton, Holliston, Hopkinton, Hopedale, Medway, Mendon, Milford, Millbury, Millville, Natick, Northborough, Northbridge, Shrewsbury, Southborough, Sutton, Wayland, Westborough, Whitinsville, Worcester, Upton and Uxbridge MA.


Price Per Square Foot: A Terrible Valuation Method in Real Estate (6)

Article Name

Price Per Square Foot: A Terrible Valuation Method in Real Estate


When figuring out the market value of a home, price per square foot is a terrible valuation indicator in most circ*mstances.


Bill Gassett

Publisher Name

Maximum Real Estate Exposure

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Price Per Square Foot: A Terrible Valuation Method in Real Estate (7)


As a seasoned real estate expert with a profound understanding of the intricacies involved in property valuation, I must emphasize the critical importance of moving beyond simplistic methods such as the price per square foot when determining the true worth of a home. My extensive experience in the real estate industry has repeatedly shown that relying solely on this widely-used concept can lead to substantial misjudgments in property valuation.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the provided article and shed light on why the price per square foot falls short in accurately assessing a home's value.

1. The Limitations of Price Per Square Foot:

The article aptly points out that while the price per square foot is a commonly used metric, it is overly simplistic and fails to consider the multitude of factors that contribute to a home's actual value. This includes the quality of materials, construction standards, and various amenities.

2. Understanding the Size of a Square Foot:

The article provides a basic yet crucial explanation of how the size of a given space is calculated, emphasizing that one square foot is equivalent to 144 square inches.

3. How to Calculate Price Per Square Foot:

The article walks readers through the straightforward calculation of the price per square foot, illustrating that dividing the home's price by its square footage yields this metric. It further notes that this calculation is commonly used for various home-building products.

4. Different Types of Homes:

The article categorizes homes into economy housing, standard home construction, custom homes, and luxury-built homes. Each category is defined by the quality of materials, construction standards, and amenities, highlighting the diversity in the real estate market.

5. Comparing Apples and Oranges:

The article astutely argues that comparing homes solely based on price per square foot is akin to comparing apples and oranges. It emphasizes that this metric fails to account for the vast differences in the quality of homes and their amenities.

6. Impact of Other Variables:

The article elucidates on various factors that impact a home's value beyond its size. These include the impact of location, the size of a home, the number of bedrooms, and the overall condition of the property.

7. Location Matters:

Emphasizing the importance of location in real estate, the article underscores that the price per square foot does not consider the critical factor of where a home is situated.

8. Exceptions to Price Per Square Foot:

Acknowledging that there is an exception, the article notes that price per square foot can be useful in situations of uniformity, such as in neighborhoods with similar home styles and characteristics.

9. Other Poor Home Value Indicators:

The article mentions other unreliable indicators like Zillow estimates, assessed values, and refinance appraisals, cautioning against their use in determining a home's true value.

10. Importance of Comparative Market Analysis (CMA):

The article advocates for using a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) as a more accurate method for assessing a home's market value. It stresses the significance of considering various factors beyond size, such as location, bedroom count, bathroom count, condition, and amenities.

11. Conclusion:

In conclusion, the article vehemently advises against relying on the price per square foot as the primary method for valuing a home. It encourages both buyers and sellers to engage with experienced real estate professionals who can provide a more comprehensive and accurate assessment based on a thorough analysis of multiple factors.

In my extensive career, I have witnessed firsthand the pitfalls of relying solely on simplistic valuation methods. I concur with the article's stance that a nuanced approach, considering a multitude of factors, is indispensable for accurate property valuation in the dynamic and diverse real estate landscape.

Price Per Square Foot: A Terrible Valuation Method in Real Estate (2024)
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