Housing in Europe - House or flat – owning or renting (2024)

Housing in Europe - House or flat – owning or renting (2024)


Do people own or rent in Europe? ›

Over two-thirds of people in the EU lived in households owning their home. Being an owner or a tenant of your home is something that differs significantly among the Member States. In the EU in 2021, 70 % of the population lived in a household owning their home, while the remaining 30 % lived in rented housing.

Do most Europeans live in houses or apartments? ›

Our friends in mainland Europe— where 46% of people live in apartments to the US's 17% — would beg to differ. We can learn a lot from them about how apartment living can be enjoyed — not just endured.

Do most Europeans own their homes? ›

The vast majority of European households own their home as well. However, the incidence of homeownership across the EU is typically greater than the homeownership rate in the United States. The rate of homeownership across Europe is strongly correlated with the share of homeowners without a mortgage or a housing loan.

What type of housing is common in Europe? ›

The data for 2019 (the latest available), shows that across the European Union as a whole, 53.3% of people lived in houses (detached, semi-detached or terraced) and 46.1% of people lived in apartments. In 14 EU member states a majority of the population lived in flats.

Do people buy houses in Europe? ›

In fact, many US citizens are purchasing property in Europe in recent times due to the soaring dollar and rising interest rates, which have made American buys splurge on real estate acquisition across all of Europe as property prices have decreased respectively.

Do most people rent or own in Paris? ›

With almost half the population renting, and many doing so long term, the most exclusive apartments and houses get snapped up quickly. In France, unfurnished properties are usually rented for a minimum of three years, though you, as the tenant, can opt to give notice sooner.

Are houses cheaper in Europe than America? ›

Home prices in certain countries are more affordable than in large U.S. cities, so it is affordable to rent a flat, buy a townhouse or condo, or purchase a single-family home in Europe. European countries such as Portugal, Spain and Italy are considered the hottest areas for U.S. consumers to buy real estate.

Is living in Europe cheaper than living in America? ›

Key Takeaways. Overall, Europe has a lower cost of living due to lower healthcare expenses, a weakening euro currency, and low inflation. Europeans, however, tend to pay more of their income to taxes, and average wages tend to be lower than in America.

What is the difference between American and European homes? ›

American homes tend to be more open and spacious, while European homes are more compact and cozy. In an American home, you're likely to find a living room, kitchen and dining room all in one big open space. On the other hand, in a European home, these rooms tend to be smaller and separated from each other.

Why do most Europeans rent? ›

The need for housing after WW2 in Germany

This meant that rents remained cheap for a long time, and so most people were happy to stay in rented accommodation. This government-built, high-quality supply of social housing laid the foundations for Germany's preference for renting over buying.

Why did people in Europe leave their homes? ›

While the Pilgrims left their homeland seeking freedom from religious persecution, immigrants in the 19th and early 20th centuries were also fleeing poor economic conditions or political oppression.

Do most Americans own their home? ›

Top Home Ownership Statistics In America: 65.8% of Americans own a home as of 2022. Some 74 million Americans, or about 27%, live in a condo or HOA property.

What part of Europe is mostly flat? ›

North European Plain

It includes parts of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Poland, the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania), and Belarus. Most of the Great European Plain lies below 152 meters (500 feet) in elevation.

Does Europe have suburbs like America? ›

In the United States, 75% of residents in large metropolitan areas live in the suburbs. In Europe, the number of large metropolitan area residents living in the suburbs is 65%. Lewyn also gets it partially right on how land regulation and zoning can induce greater suburbanization than in a less regulated environment.

Do houses in Europe have basem*nts? ›

The majority of continental European houses have cellars, although a large proportion of people live in apartments or flats rather than houses.

Where is the best place in Europe to own a house? ›

So, let's dive in and discover the top five countries in Europe to buy property in 2023.
  • Spain. Spain is a popular destination for property investment, with its warm climate, beautiful beaches, and rich cultural heritage. ...
  • Portugal. ...
  • France. ...
  • Italy. ...
  • Germany.
Apr 7, 2023

Which country is the hardest to buy a house? ›

After Hong Kong, New Zealand and Australia were the least affordable countries overall in the study which looked at the U.S., Canada, the UK, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland. This chart shows the places where it's hardest to afford a home (2023).

Are mortgages a thing in Europe? ›

You can in principle also obtain a mortgage loan from lenders based in other EU countries; however, your country of residence, where you work or the location of the property may influence how the lender assesses your application. Understanding how your creditworthiness is assessed is therefore crucial.

Is it cheaper to live in Paris or United States? ›

The USA's national index is 71.05 while the French national index is 74.14. Therefore, the cost of living is 4% higher in France than it is in the USA.

Do French people live in houses or apartments? ›

Apartments – The Preferred Home

Most homes in France, whether in a town or a city, are rented apartments. French streets are embellished with rows of four or five-story buildings with large doors made of wood or metal.

Why is housing so cheap in France? ›

France is about 1.5 times bigger than Germany but with a population 20% smaller. In effect, it has a larger rural area with less people to populate it. And as more and more people relocate to cities, more houses are being added to the market—often at bargain prices.

Can an American citizen move to Europe? ›

Yes, US citizens can move to Europe, but how easy it would be depends on which European country you want to live in. Every country has its own immigration rules. You'll need either a work permit (for a job in your target country), or another kind of residence visa.

Where are Americans moving to in Europe? ›

What is the best European country for an American to move to? Depending on your preferences, some of the best countries in Europe to move to are Portugal, Spain, Cyprus, and Malta. With warmer climates, friendly people, and a more relaxed way of life, these places are favorites for America's citizens to relocate to.

What are the cons of moving to Europe? ›

Cons of Living in Europe
  • Complicated Visas & The Schengen Zone. Something that is seriously GREAT for EU citizens and an absolute nightmare for the rest of us is the Schengen. ...
  • Bureaucracy, Bureaucracy, Bureaucracy. ...
  • High Taxes. ...
  • Colder Winters. ...
  • More Strict Culturally. ...
  • Far From Family.
Mar 21, 2023

What country are Americans moving to? ›

40% opt for the Western hemisphere — Canada, Central and South America. 26% move to Europe. 14% head to East Asia and the Pacific — think Australia and New Zealand as well as China and Japan. 14% head to the Middle East.

What is the easiest country to live in Europe as an American? ›

Spain is one of the easiest European countries to move to as a US citizen. Since you are from an English-speaking country you can easily get a temporary visa via the North American Language and Cultural Assistant program.

Are taxes higher in Europe than the US? ›

In contrast to the US combined rate of 15.3%, European rates range between 13.97% (not including medical insurance and pension contributions) in Switzerland and a whopping 65-68% in France, based on the 2022 table by Trading Economics. Speaking about European taxes vs.

What is the best European country to live in as American? ›

Spain. There are numerous reasons why, for many American expats, Spain tops the list of best countries in Europe to live in. For a start, the country boasts a diverse and rich culture and quality of life, with something to offer everyone.

Is it better to live in Europe or in the US? ›

Quality of life: European countries offer shorter working weeks, longer holidays, and a greater focus on work-life balance. This emphasis on quality of life is one of the biggest advantages that Europe has over the US.

What do European homes look like? ›

Some common characteristics of European house design are rooflines with sharply pitched hip or gable roof design and irregular massing, decorative aspects such as half-timbering, intricate windows, and brick or stonework are utilized in combination with brick, stone, and stucco.

Do Germans live in houses or apartments? ›

Over 40 percent of German families own the house or apartment in which they live. But the majority live in rented apartments – more than in all other European countries. Particularly in big cities, more than one third of the apartments house only one person.

Why the rich are renting instead of buying? ›

RentCafe chalked it up to a matter of “comfort and smart investing.” Owning a home can come with more than its fair share of maintenance and costly repairs and upkeep. Then there's the flexibility renting offers one to move from city to city for career opportunities.

Do the French rent or buy? ›

Renting a House or Apartment

For many expats who move to France for good, buying a home might be the ultimate goal. However, in French cities, and particularly among expats, it is a lot more common to rent.

At what age do Europeans leave home? ›

Overall, it is estimated that young people leave the parental household at the age of 26 years on average in the EU. But significant discrepancies can be observed between Member States. In the Nordic Member States and Luxembourg, they flee in their early 20s…

What age do Europeans leave their parents? ›

In 2021, in the EU, the average age of young people leaving their parental home was 26.5 years. In 2021, Sweden (19.0 years) recorded the lowest average age of young people leaving their parental home, and Portugal (33.6 years) the highest.

What is the most common age to move out? ›

While there are a lot of factors involved, the average age when people move out of their parent's home is somewhere between 24 and 27.

How many blacks own homes in America? ›

While the U.S. homeownership rate increased to 65.5% in 2021, the rate among Black Americans lags significantly (44%), has only increased 0.4% in the last 10 years and is nearly 29 percentage points less than White Americans (72.7%), representing the largest Black-White homeownership rate gap in a decade.

Who owns most homes in USA? ›

Among racial demographics, White Americans had the country's highest home-ownership rate, while African Americans had the lowest home-ownership rate. One study shows that home-ownership rates appear correlated with higher school attainment.

At what age does the average American become a homeowner? ›

But is there a right age when these factors should be in place? And are these the factors Americans should consider when deciding to become a homeowner for the first time? In 2022, the average age of first-time homebuyers was 36, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). This is up from 33 in 2021.

Where is the best standard of living in Europe? ›

Europe: Quality of Life Index by Country 2022
RankCountryQuality of Life Index
32 more rows

Where is the highest standard of living in Europe? ›

Belgium is famous for its high standard of living because of its stable and developed economy, excellent healthcare and education systems, and overall quality of life. Moreover, in 2017, the World Economic Forum ranked Belgium as the 7th best place for education.

Which US city is like Europe? ›

Charleston, South Carolina. Even though this town is the definition of Southern, it's also filled with countless similarities to European cities, like grand churches, cobblestone streets, and short, colorful buildings.

Which American city feels the most European? ›

New Orleans, Louisiana

Settled by the French, turned over to the Spaniards, then passing back through French hands before landing in America's lap, New Orleans might be the most outwardly European city in the nation.

Do European homes use drywall? ›

For example, it is common in the EU to intermix the terms drywall and plasterboard. Common to both continents, drywall can be applied over masonry substrates. Europe refers to this as “dry lining.” While North America tends to use furring, Europe prefers the dot-and-daub system to affix gypsum panels.

Why are houses in America so big? ›

But over the course of the 20th century, government policy, the invention of cheaper, mass-produced building materials, marketing by home builders, and a shift in how people regarded their houses—not just as homes, but as financial assets—encouraged ever larger houses.

Why are German houses so sturdy? ›

Instead, German house builders use a mixture of concrete and rebar, with sand and limestone block-work for the walls, and plenty of insulation too. The result is a strong and well-insulated home that will stand the test of time.

Do most people own or rent in France? ›

Renting a house or apartment in France is much more common than buying, especially among expats. It is likely your best option if your stay is temporary, as buying property can be very costly.

Do most people own or rent in London? ›

The proportion of London households which are owner-occupied has increased since the 1960s. Rates of home ownership peaked at 57.2% in 1991, before stabilising between 49% and 53% in the last decade. A similar trend is found amongst households that were socially rented, which peaked in 1981 at 34.8%.

Do European countries have rent control? ›

Rent control measures appear in various forms across Europe, ranging from strict caps on the initial rent that can be charged under a tenancy, or measures that allow free negotiation of the initial rent but moderate any rental increases.

Do more people rent or own in the UK? ›

More people now own their homes outright than have a mortgage or rent them. Figures show that 32.6 per cent of dwellings were owned outright in England in 2021, up from 30.7 per cent in 2011. Another 28 per cent of properties are owned with a mortgage or loan, down four percentage points on a decade earlier.

Do people rent or buy in Germany? ›

Germany has the greatest proportion of home-renters in Europe, and Germans still prefer to rent accommodation rather than own it. Only 39 per cent of the population own the homes that they live in compared with about 60 per cent in Britain.

Do most Americans own or rent? ›

Homeowner vs.

In the under-35 age group, 65% of American households are rented. Meanwhile, in the 65+ age group (senior citizens), 79.3% own a home. The median age of homebuyers is 47 years old, while the median age of renters is 38 years old. A whopping 64% of millennials who own homes regret their purchase of a home.

Do most British people prefer living in houses or flats? ›

But current trends and data actually reveal that more of the British population, especially in London, actually prefer living in flats rather than houses. The streets of the UK are filled with flats of different variations accounting to 14% of the total accumulated residency.

Do most people in England live in flats? ›

Across England and Wales, 77.9% (19.3 million) of households lived in a house or bungalow, 21.7% (5.4 million) lived in a flat, maisonette or apartment and 0.4% (104,000) lived in a caravan, or other mobile or temporary structure.

Do European countries have homelessness? ›

You might wonder why homelessness in Europe isn't much worse than in the United States — it's poorer on average, but also more densely populated with higher land costs. Part of the answer is about inequality. The median American is richer than the median resident of any European country.

What is the cheapest European country to rent? ›

Lithuania is often touted as one of the cheapest countries in Europe, and for good reason. Expenses like food, transportation, and utilities are relatively low, and rental prices are reasonable. That said, there are a few potential downsides to living in Lithuania as a remote worker on a US or UK salary.

What percentage of people rent in Europe? ›

What is the EU's housing situation? In 2020, 70% of the population in the EU lived in a household owning their home, while the remaining 30% lived in rented housing.

What percentage of Brits own a house? ›

The 2021 census marks the first time the data has shown that among homeowners, those that are mortgage free are now in the majority. It shows that 33% of households own their home outright compared to 31% back in 2011. Even more interesting the number of people with a mortgage has dropped by 4% to 29%.

What percentage of Americans rent vs own? ›

65.8% of the U.S. population lives in a home they own, and 34.2% rent.

Is it cheaper to live in a flat or a house in UK? ›

Flats tend to be cheaper than houses in the same area, so if you're on a tight budget and there's a particular place you'd like to live, you'll probably find it easier to buy a flat than a house.

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