How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (2024)

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Exactly one year ago, I made my first blog post on My Debt Epiphany. Don’t forget to sign up for the giveaway in celebration of my one-year blogoversary

This post originally appeared on Brown Girl Bloggers.

So you’ve started your blog. You’ve been lucky enough to find your niche early on, set up your domain and hosting, install a professionally design theme, and maybe even get started on some amazing content for your site. Whew.

After all that, you should no doubt be feeling a sense of accomplishment but the most challenging task is yet to come. After you’ve set up the basics for your blog and begin to get into the habit of perfecting your posts, the idea of growing your blog will most likely surface.

I’m sure we’ve all heard time and time again that blogging takes time and lots of effort, but growing a blog is not necessarily that easy either. Sometimes when trying to grow a blog it’s important to realize that you can derail your blog’s progress by being your own worst enemy. Sometimes we allow ourselves to get in our way of success by being afraid.

Table of Contents

Common Fears New Blogger Have

  • Being afraid of what other people think
  • Being too scared to ask others questions or get help
  • Fear that others won’t like what you have to say
  • Fear of rejection if you offered services on your blog or tried to do business with more experienced bloggers

Fear Can Hold You Back

Unfortunately, fear can hold you back from achieving your goals with your blog. If you’re intimidated by an expert blogger in your niche and you choose not to forge a friendly connection with them, you are only hurting yourself and holding yourself back from achieving success with your blog. If you’re afraid to share your products and services on your social media pages because you don’t want your old high school classmates to think you’re weird for having a blog, you’re missing out on the opportunity to attract loyal readers and potential customers.

Fear Can Waste Time and Energy

Fear can easily lead to anxiety causing you to spend more time than necessary over analyzing your pitch and contemplating how people will react. If you are being authentic with your blog and offering helpful advice to your readers then odds are someone is bound to resonate with your content.

With blogging I’ve learned that you can’t win them all. Not everyone is going to agree with what you have to say and love your blog. Blogging with passion and a purpose is already time consuming enough as it is. Instead of wasting time and energy worrying about who will be underwhelmed with your blog and becoming discouraged by the criticism, it’s better to spend your time connecting with those who find your content useful and building an email list of dedicated followers.

Now is the Time To Be Fearless

Have you ever heard bloggers say they wish they would’ve done this or learned that when they first started blogging? While no one will have the perfect start, don’t let that be you with the long list of “I should haves”. Be fearless when it comes to growing your blog and building your brand.

Ask questions, create a solid plan and leverage your platform to bring in more traffic. Being fearless won’t solve all your issues, but it will get you further ahead than the next person. There will still be rejection and setbacks sometimes. But there will also be breakthroughs, progress and success stories as well.

RELATED:A Day in My Life: How a Working Mom Manages Motherhood, Work, Blogging and Freelancing

Being Fearless One Year Later

Back when I wrote that guest post I was just getting my feet wet with blogging. While I’m still no pro yet, I’ve taken some risks with my blog and my writing over this past year and really went out of my comfort zone to grow it. I know it can take years to build a very successful and profitable blog, but I didn’t want to let fear hold me back and I encourage every other blogger – new or veteran – to do the same.

Don’t be afraid to share your honest opinion, to monetize, to build a community, or to promote yourself and your services to others if you genuinely believe it will help someone. The sooner you jump right in the sooner you will start to see the fruits of your labor.

I’ve kept track of all my writing and was surprised to find out that I’ve written 370 posts and articles to date since I started my blog. This includes posts for my blogs, posts for my clients and guest posts. In light of my blogoversary this month, I’ve picked out some of my favorite posts from the blog this past year.

Could You Live on One Dollar a Day?
What do your Friends Think of your Frugal Ways
My Version of the Secret
How to Stop Letting Money Control You
The Man I Never Knew Who Changed My Life
Why I’m Choosing a Staycation Over a Vacation

How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (1)

In what ways have you decided to stop letting fear hold you back? If you have a blog, what are your plans to grow it within the next year?

Learn How to Start a Money-Making Blog in 10 Days

How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (2)

My free blogging course will teach you everything you need to know about starting a blog, increasing your traffic, and how to monetize it quickly so you can earn money doing something you love.


How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (3)

About Choncé

Chonce is a personal finance blogger and freelance writer who enjoys sharing debt stories (as she and her husband work their way out of $40,000 in debt) along with talking about saving, budgeting, conscious spending and improving your financial house. In her spare time,she enjoys working out, playing sports with her son, cooking, and thrifting.

Reader Interactions


  1. How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (4)My Urban Family says

    Congrats on your first year! That is really great and I can tell you’re going big places 🙂

    • How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (5)Choncé says

      Thank you! Means a lot!

  2. How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (6)Latoya says

    I can definitely relate on being scared. When I first started, I knew I would have to start guest blogging and there were a couple of people I’ve thought so highly of over the years that I was afraid to approach them about guest posting on their site. I decided to get over those fears and now I already have a post published at one of those blogger’s site and another one set to go live next month. It never hurts to ask and I have a whole spreadsheet of people I’m scared to approach, but I’m doing it anyway. I’ll survive, lol…

  3. How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (8)Tonya @ Budget and the Beach says

    When I first started blogging I was anonymous…then it took over a year to tell friends in real life. I was afraid of being judged by my financial state and money habits, but once I “came out of the blog closet,” my fears proved to be unfounded, and in fact it really helped grow my blog that I was 100% out in the open!

    • How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (9)Choncé says

      You? Anonymous? I never would have guessed that. Where are the posts to prove it? 🙂 Being open and transparent can certainly take aways a ton of fear and help your blog grow.

  4. How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (10)lovetteorleavette says

    I let fear affect my intentions, my ideas, and eventually my growth. I also let fear affect me asking for help (and the fact that I feel like everything is for sale). In 2016 I plan on letting that fear go and becoming comfortable with being more open so that my blog can grow eventually.

    • How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (11)Choncé says

      Sounds like a great plan! And it a process a lot of people go through so don’t feel alone. I used to be such a super shy person and I’m naturally an introvert, but as soon as I started blogging, it’s helped me come out of my shell more.

  5. How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (12)fehmeen says

    Fear is an excellent way to make sure your blog goes nowhere and I can totally relate to your article. I’ve noticed that some new bloggers have quickly shot to a reasonable amount of fame because they are not afraid of experimenting with social media or of reaching out to other bloggers to develop personal relationships.

  6. How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (13)Sarah says

    Wow! I can’t believe it has only been a year. You really do seem like a pro. I will admit fear is huge in holding my back, although as strange as this is going to sound, I think I’m afraid of being successful. The legal side of blogging scares the dickens out of me.

    • How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (14)Choncé says

      Thanks Sarah! It’s interesting that you say that because I’ve definitely felt the same way. Sometimes you become your own road block on the path to your success. The legal side of blogging is no fun to me either and I’ve been avoiding it for now but I know that won’t last for long.

  7. How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (15)Jason @ says

    I was scared as hell when I first started my site. I used to wonder if anyone would read it or would people hate on it. Now idgaf! One of the best things that happened to me was when a stranger tweeted me last year and stated that they like the stuff I write. It was humbling and let me know that I was doing the right thing.

    • How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (16)Choncé says

      You, scared? Nahh!! That’s awesome that someone reached out to you like that. Recognition can truly make a blogger’s day 🙂

  8. How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (17)Cat@BudgetBlonde says

    It’s awesome that you kept track of all your writing. 370 pieces is over 1 piece/day of the year. Awesome! I can’t see where you go from here. 🙂

    • How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (18)Choncé says

      I actually never thought about it that way 🙂 I did a ton of writing this year but it’s helped me improve so much.

  9. How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (19)Michelle says

    YAY!! Keep on sharing your journey with us and congratulations on your blog anniversary.

    • How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (20)Choncé says

      Thanks Michelle!!

  10. How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (21)MB @ Millennial Boss says

    I’m just getting started on my blog! Thanks for the inspiration!
    Looking forward to reading your posts. 300+ in one year is impressive!

    • How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (22)Choncé says

      Thank you so much!

How to Grow Your Blog by Being Fearless | My Debt Epiphany (2024)


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How to Get Blog Readership
  1. Determine your blog audience.
  2. Create content that attracts blog readers.
  3. Optimize posts to increase blog traffic.
  4. Convert blog readers to blog subscribers.
  5. Promote your blog to attract new readers.

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Clear and engaging writing style: Write in a clear and concise manner, using an engaging writing style that keeps your readers hooked. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and images to break up the text and make it easier to read and understand. Consistency: Consistency is crucial for building a loyal readership.

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10 Tips for Writing Engaging Blog Posts
  1. Use bulleted and numbered lists. People skim through blog posts and read only the most interesting parts. ...
  2. Showcase case studies. ...
  3. Include relevant images. ...
  4. Add value for readers. ...
  5. Avoid highfalutin jargon. ...
  6. Share your story. ...
  7. Create compelling headings. ...
  8. Maintain flow.

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  1. Brainstorm blog topics. Any blogger will always consider the topic of their blog as their priority. ...
  2. Refine your topic with keyword research. ...
  3. Google the term to understand your audience's search intent. ...
  4. Write an Outline For Your Post. ...
  5. Write engaging content. ...
  6. Optimize for SEO. ...
  7. Edit and publish your blog post.
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Share your posts on social media.

The 'publish content and they will come' method isn't really enough. People need to know your content exists. Sharing links to your blog posts on various social media platforms is a good way to drum up awareness and increase views.

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How to Make $100 Per Day with Blogging: A Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Step 1: Choose a Profitable Niche. ...
  2. Step 2: Build a High-Quality Blog. ...
  3. Step 3: Produce Valuable Content. ...
  4. Step 4: Implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques. ...
  5. Step 5: Monetize Your Blog. ...
  6. Step 6: Engage with Your Audience.
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What makes a blog post stand out? ›

Remember to create a unique logo, write engaging content, promote through social media and email marketing, use paid ads, incorporate graphics and visuals, and leverage LinkedIn. By taking the time to implement these strategies, your blog post will stand out from the crowd and become a go-to source for your readers.

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In this article, we are going to cover the three key elements that make a blog successful: content, design and branding.

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17 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Blog
  1. Publish Long-Form Blog Posts.
  2. Write About Trending Topics.
  3. Use Long Blog Post Headlines.
  4. Comment on Related Blogs.
  5. Repurpose Content For Different Platforms.
  6. Promote New Content In Email Newsletters.
  7. Guest Blog On Legit Blogs In Your Niche.
  8. Optimize Your Blog Posts For SEO.
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Is There an Ideal Blog Post Length? Some content marketing experts suggest that 1500-2000 words are the ideal length of a blog post. However, many companies and brands stick to shorter blog length guidelines (500-750 words) to honor a specific element of their marketing strategy.

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120 best blog niche ideas to write about
  • Health and fitness.
  • Relationships.
  • Gaming.
  • Science and medicine.
  • Home ownership.
  • Lifestyle and hobbies.
  • Pets.
  • Your own journey.

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Creating a successful blog takes focus, purpose and planning, and it also requires enough flexibility to edit that plan as needed. There shouldn't be any fluff. Everything, even if it's on the “light” side, should be worthwhile for your audience – everything should have a benefit.

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How To Make Money With a Blog
  1. Brand Partnerships. Bloggers often team up with brands to create sponsored content. ...
  2. Advertising Networks. ...
  3. Affiliate Links or Codes. ...
  4. Digital Products. ...
  5. Physical Products. ...
  6. Premium Content or Memberships. ...
  7. Consulting or Coaching.
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You're Not Consistent With Your Content

Putting out consistent and quality content is a must for any blogger who wants to see growth. If you're inconsistent with when and how often you publish a new blog post, you can't expect your traffic or audience to grow either.

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You're not publishing enough articles

I've worked with many clients' blogs and have my own. I find that you need to publish at least two monthly SEO-friendly blog articles for six months minimum to see an increase in website traffic. If your niche is saturated with SEO-optimized websites, it could take more.

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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.