Buying Property in Germany as a Non-resident - Ultimate Guide (2024)

Last Updated on May 31, 2023 by Kristina Valcheva

Buying property in Germany as a non-resident can be a smart investment opportunity, but it’s important to understand the tax implications and potential challenges that come with owning real estate abroad.

Unlike other countries in the European Union, there are no restrictions for foreigners to buy real estate there. This is a safe investment, and you can benefit from rising house prices.

This guide explains what you need to know about buying property in Germany as a foreigner.

What are the benefits of buying property in Germany?

Compared to other European countries, property prices in Germany are more competitive than in the UK, Spain, or Greece for example.

More than half of the population does not own property but rent it instead. That’s why house prices will continue to grow as the demand is higher than the supply.

For this reason, buying property in Germany is attractive for investors who want to live off rental profit or supplement their retirement income.

Here are some of the main benefits of buying property in Germany:

  • a very stable rental market
  • better prices compared to the rest of the European cities
  • stable political environment
  • a strong economy with solid household income in the heart of Europe
  • fixed interest rates and tax advantages

For a few years, the European Central Bank’s interest rate has been relatively low. Therefore, the bank may provide you with a mortgage with an interest rate as low as 2 -3%.

That’s why investing in real estate is preferable to keeping your savings in a bank where you receive virtually no interest.

Read also:

Property Tax in Germany – How much property tax do I have to pay on my German rental income?

Can foreigners buy properties in Germany?

As we mentioned earlier, there are no limits for expats to purchase property in Germany, whether they are from an EU or non-EU country.

You should be able to get a mortgage from a German bank if you work and live in Germany. If you are a non-resident and you want to buy German property from outside the country, it’s possible that you will need a bigger deposit.

If you can bring higher capital to the table, you may be able to secure a mortgage with ‘only’ a Blue Card.

The German word for real estate is ‘immobilie’. If you want to buy an apartment, you are looking for ‘Eigentumswohnung’. Buying a house is translated as ‘Haus kaufen’.

Can you get German citizenship by buying a property?

Buying a house and becoming a citizen are not connected. If you meet the legal criteria, you can purchase property in Germany and apply to become a citizen.

In Germany, you can buy a home and apply for citizenship without being a German resident. Purchasing a home does not make it easier to become a German citizen.

How much does a property cost in Germany?

The cost of buying a property in Germany is influenced by the location, condition, and size of the real estate.

The average house price in Germany in 2022 is around €340,000. People spend approximately €354,000 on average when buying a property in Germany.

Reuters has reported that the average residential property values in Germany, which is considered the largest economy in Europe, are expected to decrease by 5.8% this year (2023) followed by a 2.5% drop next year.

This forecast is worse than what was predicted three months ago when the expected declines were 3.5% and 0.5% respectively. Saxony has the lowest cost, while Munich has the highest.

According to other analysts, the property market in Germany is expected to remain steady in 2023. The sustained interest in purchasing property, particularly in key urban areas, and the reasonable interest rates set by the European Central Bank are factors contributing to this stability.

What are the additional costs of buying a property in Germany?

Investors should be aware that some of these fees could add up to 10% of the initial price and sometimes even more.

Some of them are:

  • notary and registry fees
  • transfer tax (if there is any)
  • real estate agent fees
  • maintenance costs
  • property tax

You can expect a real estate transfer tax, of around 3.5 – 6.5% of the purchase price, the agent’s fee – 3-6% of the purchase price, and the notary’s fee – 1.5-2% of the purchase price.

Buying Property in Germany as a Non-resident - Ultimate Guide (1)

Property transfer tax

It’s also known as property acquisition tax or Grunderwerbssteuer in German.

This is the highest additional fee when you buy a house in Germany. The exact rate will vary depending on where in Germany your real estate is but it’s usually between 3.5% and 6.5% of the purchase price.

In Munich, it’s 3.5%, while in Berlin you can expect to pay 6%. You must pay this tax within one month after the purchase. After you do so, you can register the transfer of the ownership of the property in the land registry also known as Grundbuch in Germany.

Real estate agent fees

Real estate agent fees, also known as Maklerprovision in Germany can be as high as 6% + VAT, for a total of 7.14%, or 3.57% for the seller and 3.57% for the buyer.

In Germany, homebuyers usually must split estate agent fees with the seller. This is the law.

Notary and land registration fees

You can expect to pay around 1.5 – 2% and this depends on the value of the property. The fee for registering the property in the land registry is also included here. In German, it’s called notar.

What is the equity capital when buying a property in Germany?

How much money you will need in advance depends on the purchase price of the property. Financial experts advise that you have 20-30% of the property’s cost available as equity capital.

Equity is not just the money you have in your bank account, it also includes other properties you own, mutual funds, shares, and more.

What documents are required for non-residents who want to buy property in Germany?

You will need to provide these documents translated in German:

  • proof of equity
  • proof of employment
  • latest tax returns
  • Selbstauskunft questionnaire*

    *You must complete a questionnaire called the “Selbstauskunft” in which you’ll provide personal information such as your name, current income, marital status, the number of children you have, and more.

Which banks in Germany offer mortgages?

Some of the German banks in Germany that offer mortgages are:

– Postbank
-Deutsche bank

Who can get a mortgage in Germany?

There are no limits for foreigners to buy property in Germany. Here are some of the basic requirements:

  • you are working in Germany
  • the business or the company pays taxes in Germany
  • your salary is in euros
  • you have a residence permit that allows you to work
  • with your own equity (up to 15% of the purchase price), you can pay the closing charges

You may need to fulfill any additional requirements depending on your personal circ*mstances. Lenders often require that your mortgage repayments won’t be more than 35% of your monthly income, and some banks will demand that you earn a minimum amount every year in order to qualify for a mortgage (for example, €20,000).

Mortgages for non-EU citizens

How much you can borrow depends on your residency status. Non-residents can borrow up to 60%.If you are a non-EU citizen with a temporary residence permit, you should be eligible for all types of mortgages.DKB and Santander are two German banks that offer mortgages to expats.

Here are some of the requirements you will have to meet:

  • You are employed in Germany for at least three months
  • Your monthly salary is between €1500 and €2000

Only a few banks will agree to lend to you and they will require a larger deposit in advance. A permanent residence permit will improve your chances.

Mortgages for EU citizens

In this situation, you will have the same limits as German citizens (up to 100% of the property value). Some banks might ask you for a larger initial deposit.

Mortgages for self-employed

You may find it more challenging to get approval in this situation. It will be easier to get approval the longer you have been working for yourself.

Buy-to-let mortgage

You can get a buy-to-let mortgage which is suitable for investors who plan to rent out their properties. This means that your loan is calculated based on the rental income that you expect.

Applying for a buy-to-let mortgage is the same as applying for any other type of mortgage. Interest rates for buy-to-let mortgages are usually a little higher.

What documents are required to get a German mortgage?

A mortgage broker can advise you depending on your personal circ*mstances. Some of the documents usually are:

  • proof of equity
  • an ID/passport (but not a driving license)
  • registration certificate (Anmeldebescheinigung)
  • a copy of your residence permit
  • social security ID or proof of German pension scheme
  • various documents that you can request from the real estate agent, such as a floor plan and declaration of division, land registry documents, property assessment, and more

Documents for employees:

  • Salary statement from the previous year (Lohnsteuerbescheinigung)
  • Salary slips from the last few months

Documents for self-employed:

  • The prior year’s profit and loss statement, confirmed by your accountant
  • The German tax office’s two most recent tax assessments (Steuerbescheid)
  • Most recent tax returns

What is the process of buying property in Germany?

Before starting your search for a German property you will need to get a pre-approval informal mortgage agreement. You will also need to open a German bank account. Once you get it, you can take the next steps.

Search for a property

You will need to keep a close eye on the market for a while to understand it better. We advise you to sign up on online portals because when a new property is added, you will be notified.

You can also get in touch with a real estate agency to assist you through the process. Ensure that any agent you hire is a member of a reputable group like the IVD.
Some of the most famous German portals for properties are:

  • A place in the sun

You can also take a look at websites that offer houses that are privately sold.

Agreement on the price with the seller and making an offer

Once you have decided which real estate you want to buy, get an agreement on the price with the seller. This offer could be through the real estate agent. It’s a good idea also to check for any potential problems with the building with professionals.

If you accept it, you will be asked to pay the reservation fee so that the property is taken off the market. It is usually between 0.5%-1% of the price. If you give up on the real estate later, you may lose it.

After you pay, you will have up to one month to finalize your mortgage.

Get your mortgage finalized

Now is the time to get back to the banks or lenders to finalize your mortgage. You can do this by yourself with your preferred bank or with the help of a mortgage broker.

You should give the mortgage lender up to 10 days to process your application once you’ve filed it. The process could be quicker but if the lender wants to get more details or to perform their own valuation of the real estate, you might expect delays.

Sign the contract

You should have around 14 days before signing the contract. You will need a notary. Since the documents are in German, you may have to bring a translator, so that you have a full understanding of what you are signing. It’s also possible to find a bilingual notary.Both the buyer and the seller can ask questions and request edits.

Register your purchase

It is crucial to know that simply signing the contract is not sufficient. The property should also be registered with the notary. This process is usually handled by the notary, and the government will check for any unresolved problems with the sale.

Transferring money and paying fees

Now is the time to pay some of the fees listed above. The first one will be the real estate agent’s fee and then the notary’s fee. After this, you will have one month for the property transfer tax. The notary will schedule a date for you to transfer the complete purchase price to the seller a few weeks later. After this, you will receive the keys to the real estate.

Is it good to invest in property in Germany?

To buy or not to buy? The property market in Germany continues to be viewed as one of the most attractive investment destinations in Europe.

Despite the high prices, it still makes sense to buy because property can be one of the safest long-term investments. Why? Because the demand for real estate surpasses the supply in urban areas and the interest rates have remained low. Germany attracts real estate investors from all over the world due to its highly educated workforce, economic and political stability, extensive infrastructure, and the lack of restrictions on foreigners buying property.

What’s more, for buy-to-let (buy-to-rent it) mortgages, Germany has an incredibly generous system that provides numerous tax benefits. Property prices rarely decline, and the rental income is higher than the interest you pay, that’s why many people use buy-to-let properties (buy to rent it out) to increase their retirement income.

Buy-to-let property in Germany – how does it work?

Any time you buy property as an investment (instead of for your personal use), it’s called buy-to-let. After ten years, you can sell your buy-to-let property without paying any capital gains tax (before the 10 years period, you will have to pay it).

Buying Property in Germany as a Non-resident - Ultimate Guide (2)

Is there a property tax in Germany?

Real Property Tax also known as (Grundsteuer) is an annual local property tax for all property owners in Germany. It is calculated by multiplying the assessed value of the real estate with the local tax rate and it’s between 0.26% and 1%.

Selling your property in Germany and Capital Gains Tax

If you decide to sell your property and if you have owned it for less than 10 years, your financial gain will be subject to Capital Gains Tax which is 25% in Germany.There can be an exception if you have lived in the property and it was your main residence for two years.

You might also have to pay mortgage termination fees in addition to estate agency expenses. The value of the property should be evident from the real estate agent’s assessment, but it’s wise to gather many opinions before settling on an asking price.

A number of documents must be ready before you can advertise your property for sale. A floor plan (Grundriss), an extract from the land register (Grundbuchauszug), an energy certificate (Energieausweis), and a building permit are among them (Baugenehmigung). A statement of the building’s division (Teilungserklärung) and reports from the most recent owners’ meetings are also required if you’re selling an apartment.

What German taxes apply to rental income?

If you rent out your property in Germany, you will have to file an annual income tax return and pay taxes on the rental income.

The good news is that you can deduct any costs associated with rental income from your taxable rental income. This covers mortgage expenses as well as costs for maintenance, repairs and improvements, and others. Rental income is subject to the 5.5% solidarity surcharge in addition to the usual progressive income tax rates for singles and married couples.

Progressive income tax rates in Germanyapply to the rental income. However, keep in mind that non-residents are taxed differently than German residents. 10, 347 (the threshold for German residents) is added to their profit to calculate the taxable base.:

Taxable IncomeTax rate
Less than €10,347 (the threshold for German residents)0%
10,909-15,99914% to 24%

Taxes on rental income if you don’t live in Germany

When you own an investment property, even if you don’t live in Germany, you must continue to file your tax return with the German tax office! Non-residents may find it difficult to file their taxes on their own, particularly if all the official paperwork is only in German.

Who can help me file my German income tax return?

As a non-resident buying property in Germany, it’s important to understand the tax implications and to file all necessary tax returns to comply with German tax law.

We know that dealing with property taxes in German can be stressful.

If you don’t live in Germany, it will be easiest for you to use the help of a property tax expert like PTI Returns. Our tax consultants can help you file your annual income tax return in Germany.

In addition, with the help of an experienced tax expert, you will be able to claim all the tax credits and deductions applicable to your personal circ*mstances.

Get help filing your German income tax return

Buying Property in Germany as a Non-resident - Ultimate Guide (3)

Why choose Property Tax International (PTI Returns)?

Peace of mind PTI Returns is part of Clunetech. We have more than 25 years of experience in international tax, and we will keep you compliant with the German tax office.

Save time and stress – Our property tax experts will handle all the tricky tax paperwork in German

Secure -We are a Registered Tax Agent with over 1 million tax returns filed. Our service is also ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified

Convenient service – Our service is online

Your questions answered – If you have any questions that we did not answer, you can request a free callback from our tax experts

No language barrier – Our tax experts will deal with language barriers and with the local German tax office

File yourGerman rental income tax returnwithPTI Returnstoday.Start online here


Buying Property in Germany as a Non-resident - Ultimate Guide (2024)


Can I buy a house in Germany as a non resident? ›

Unlike other countries in the European Union, there are no restrictions for foreigners to buy real estate there. This is a safe investment, and you can benefit from rising house prices. This guide explains what you need to know about buying property in Germany as a foreigner.

What are the requirements to buy a house in Germany? ›

Necessary equity capital when buying a house in Germany

Experts recommend having 20-30% of the property price available as equity capital. The more equity you have, the better conditions for a mortgage you will get. So how much money you need upfront to buy a house in Germany depends on the purchase price of the house.

Can a US citizen buy a house in Germany? ›

There is no restriction on foreigners buying property in Germany, no matter whether they live in Germany or elsewhere. You can, therefore, buy property as a non-resident with the expressed purpose of renting it out, or you can choose to rent out your own home if you move away from Germany.

How can a foreigner buy property in Germany? ›

There are no special requirements nor paperwork for foreigners wishing to buy property in Germany, so you shouldn't have any issues.
  • What about foreigners buying land in Germany? ...
  • Make an offer. ...
  • Finalize your mortgage. ...
  • Sign the contracts. ...
  • Pay fees and transferring money. ...
  • Make the final arrangements.
Dec 14, 2022

Can I get permanent residency in Germany if I buy any property? ›

Technically, you cannot get German citizenship or permanent residency simply by investing in real estate. However, if you can live in Germany relying solely on your own funds, then you may be granted a temporary residence permit if you purchase real estate.

Do non residents pay taxes in Germany? ›

All resident individuals are taxed on their worldwide income. Non-resident individuals are taxed (in case of investment and employment income usually by withholding) on German source income only. Taxable income covers income from the following categories: Agriculture and forestry.

How much is property tax in Germany? ›

Real Property Tax Rate

The German Assessment Code refers to historical property values that are usually significantly lower than current market value. The tax rate varies between 0.26 percent and 1 percent depending on the Federal State (the real property is located at) and the use of the property.

What is the minimum down payment for a house in Germany? ›

If you don't live and work in Germany, you might need a deposit of at least 40% of the property's value. Some banks will require you to earn a minimum amount per year to get a mortgage (for example, €20,000), and lenders will usually require that your mortgage repayments won't be more than 35% of your monthly income.

How much down payment is needed to buy house in Germany? ›

In Germany, it is recommended to pay at least 20% of your house price as a down payment. You may have to pay more if the bank considers that you have a higher risk, e.g. if you are an expat. However, it is also possible to pay less than that or even get a 100% loan under certain circ*mstances.

Can a retired US citizen move to Germany? ›

Once you prove that you have adequate financial means and health insurance, you are issued a residence permit and can stay in Germany for the issued period and spend your retirement there.

Can a retired American live in Germany? ›

Visas for Retirees in Germany

As an American, you can stay in Germany for up to 90 days without a visa. To stay longer, you'll need to apply for a temporary residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) during your initial 90 days.

How long can I live in Germany as a US citizen? ›

A residence visa is required if you intend to stay in Germany for more than 90 days for work or study or if you intend to move to Germany permanently.

What is the average price of a house in Germany? ›

The average sales price of single-family and duplex homes in the biggest cities in Germany varied between approximately 5,000 euros and 11,000 euros per square meter in the third quarter of 2022.

Why is home ownership so low in Germany? ›

The high cost of buying a home is also a significant factor in the low rates of home ownership in German-speaking countries. In many areas, property prices are prohibitively expensive, making it difficult for people to save up for a down payment or qualify for a mortgage.

Which city in Germany is the cheapest? ›

5 Cheapest City to Live in Germany in 2023
  • The City of Halle. Halle is one of the cheapest cities to live in Germany. ...
  • Bielefeld. The city of Bielefeld is located in the northeast region of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and has a population of around 350,000 citizens. ...
  • Frankfurt (Oder) ...
  • Krefeld. ...
  • Passau City Germany.
Apr 18, 2023

What is the new citizenship law in Germany 2023? ›

Germany's new citizenship bill seeks to transform the process of obtaining citizenship by allowing for dual and multiple citizenships and aims to shorten the required minimum stay in Germany before a resident can apply for German citizenship.

Does Germany allow dual residency? ›

Under the current law, only those with an EU passport or those who have one parent from Germany are eligible to hold dual German citizenship.

What is the Golden Visa in Germany? ›

The Golden visa in Germany allows foreign investors, entrepreneurs, and family members to live and work in the country freely. They also become eligible to run a business on the ground, given they have made the necessary investment.

Is US Social Security taxable in Germany? ›

Social Security – The benefits provided in the United States – Germany Tax treaty will also provide relief once you begin receiving social security payments. The treaty provides that the distributions are taxed only in your country of residence.

Do American expats pay taxes in Germany? ›

When living abroad in Germany, many American expats wonder whether they should file taxes with the US government, Germany, or both. In most cases, the answer is both, as virtually all US citizens are required to file a US Federal Tax Return, and most expats in Germany will also need to file a German tax return.

What is the 183 tax rule in Germany? ›

Who is subject to limited tax liability (183-day rule)? Individuals who are resident or ordinarily resident in Germany are subject to unlimited tax liability. People who are not ordinarily or habitually resident in Germany are subject to limited income tax liability.

What are the taxes on owning a house in Germany? ›

Real property tax (Grundsteuer)

The amount payable is calculated by multiplying the assessed value of the property with the local tax rate (somewhere between 0,26% and 1%). As of 2023, Germany is in the process of overhauling the way it calculates real property tax rates; the new rates will be payable from 2025.

What is the property rental tax in Germany? ›

Taxation rates vary from 14% to 45% as mentioned above. In short, the higher your taxable income, the higher the rate of taxation will be. The top rate of tax is 45%. This is only payable on earnings of more than €€277,826 a year if you are unmarried.

What is the capital gains tax on property in Germany? ›

Capital gains from financial investments (e.g. sale of shares) are subject to a flat tax rate of 25% plus 5.5% solidarity surcharge (in total 26.375%, plus church tax if applicable), which is basically withheld at source. Related expenses cannot be deducted.

How much is a house deposit in Germany? ›

Whether unfurnished or furnished, landlords will require a security deposit to be paid. The amount will usually be between 1 and 2 monthly cold rents and is paid into a bank account that is lawfully yours but on which the landlord as withholding rights.

How long are mortgages in Germany? ›

The maturity or "Laufzeit" is the length of time between the payout of the mortgage and the end of the mortgage. This is usually 30 years in Germany.

Can you get 100% mortgage in Germany? ›

Mortgage lenders in Germany allow you to borrow up to 100% of the property value (although you will have to cover some other costs of buying a house, such as purchase fees, with your own equity).

What is the average interest rate for a mortgage in Germany? ›

Residential mortgage interest rate in Germany 2015-2023, by mortgage type. After a period of record-low mortgage interest rates, the cost of mortgage borrowing in Germany surged in 2022. In late 2020 and early 2021, the average effective interest rate was as low as 1.16 percent.

Is it easy to get mortgage in Germany? ›

Mortgages in Germany

Most expats buying a property in Germany will need a mortgage. Mortgages are readily available, as long as you can meet criteria on earnings and have a sufficient down payment.

Is 50000 enough for a down payment on a house? ›

The average down payment for a house in California typically ranges between 15% to 20% of the purchase price, but can vary depending on your mortgage lender and financial situation. For example, if you purchase a $1,500,000 home in La Jolla, expect to make a down payment of at least $225,000 to $300,000 on average.

What happens to my social security if I move to Germany? ›

If you have Social Security credits in both the United States and Germany, you may be eligible for benefits from one or both countries. If you meet all the basic requirements under one country's system, you will get a regular benefit from that country.

Is it hard to move to Germany as a US citizen? ›

Do I Need a Visa to Move to Germany From The US? As a US citizen, you do not need a long-stay visa to enter Germany. But, if you plan to stay longer than three months, you must apply for a residence permit in the first few days of your arrival.

How can I move to Germany permanently from the US? ›

In simple steps, the process of immigrating to Germany as a non-EU citizen is as follows:
  1. Find and apply for a job. ...
  2. Apply for a work visa and work permit. ...
  3. Register for German health insurance. ...
  4. Obtain a German residence permit. ...
  5. Start working.

What is the German mandatory retirement age? ›

Germany – 65.7 years (standard), 63.7 (early) Austria – 65 for men (standard), 62 for men (early), 60 for women (both)

What is the average retirement income in Germany? ›

Average German pension increased in 2022

Now, pensioners are finally seeing a significant and sharp increase in their average monthly income. In 2022 the pensioners received an average of 63 euros more per month than in 2021. This increase brought their average monthly income after tax from 1.089 to 1.152 euros.

Do pensioners pay for healthcare in Germany? ›

Healthcare for pensioners in Germany

German residents who have paid into the social security system have their healthcare costs covered in old age, but new residents must seek alternative cover. EU and EEA nationals with an S1 health form from their home country can access medical treatment free or at reduced rates.

Where do most Americans live in Germany? ›

Berlin is, of course, the number one place to find expats in Germany. For many, many years, Berlin has been home to international artists. But in recent years, the development of the tech industry has seen a growing number of expats move there.

Do I lose my American citizenship if I become German? ›

A U.S. citizen may naturalize in a foreign state without any risk to his or her U.S. citizenship. However, persons who acquire a foreign nationality after age 18 by applying for it may relinquish their U.S. nationality if they wish to do so.

Do a lot of Americans live in Germany? ›

Americans in Germany or American Germans (German: Amerikanische Deutsche or Amerika-Deutsche) refers to the American population in Germany and their German-born descendants. According to Destatis, 300,000 - 400,000 Americans live in Germany. 200,000 of them in Rhineland-Palatinate[1].

Is it cheaper to rent or buy in Germany? ›

Renting is far from cheap in Germany - but buying a house is even more expensive! Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the prices of apartments and houses continue to rise, so much so that, according to a new study, renting actually works out cheaper in most German cities.

Is building a house cheaper than buying Germany? ›

Building your own house in Germany means saving on the purchase costs: If you build a new house, the additional purchase costs are significantly lower than for an existing property or the purchase of a finished new build.

What is the average house size in Germany? ›

Germany. Germany is number six. The European nation's houses have an average size of 1,470 square feet. Germans like building multi-family houses both in the rural and urban areas.

Which city in Germany is best to buy property? ›

Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt/Main, Stuttgart and Munich- are the A-cities. So there are still three left in the Top 10 list. Experts are always arguing which cities/areas this could be. To be honest, in my opinion there are quite more than just three more hot spots in Germany.

Which country is the hardest to buy a house? ›

After Hong Kong, New Zealand and Australia were the least affordable countries overall in the study which looked at the U.S., Canada, the UK, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland. This chart shows the places where it's hardest to afford a home (2023).

Is Germany cheaper than USA? ›

Cost of living in Germany vs the USA

If you're a US citizen moving to Germany, you'll be pleased to know that the cost of living in Germany is about 35% cheaper than in the USA. This is because the costs of food, rent, utilities and education are significantly lower in Germany than in the USA.

Which is the most English speaking city in Germany? ›

These are the German cities with best English skills. If you're an international looking to move to Germany, you'll want to find a city where English is spoken a lot. Which cities are these in Germany? A study shows: The German cities with best English are Karlsruhe, Munich, Dresden, Bremen and Düsseldorf.

What is the nicest city in Germany? ›

Munich. One of Germany's most famous cities hosts historic sites and buildings, outstanding tourist activities, green parks, castles, and more. The Bavarian city is known for castles and amazing forested surroundings (the views in winter are spectacular).

How long can I stay in Germany without residency? ›

A residence visa is required if you intend to stay in Germany for more than 90 days for work or study or if you intend to move to Germany permanently.

Can a non resident have a bank account in Germany? ›

Non-resident account

Standard current accounts are generally only available to German residents. You typically need to have a permanent address in Germany to open an account. Many online-only and mobile-only German banks also offer accounts to those living overseas.

How much does it cost to buy a house in Germany? ›

An average-sized house in Germany boasts around 140 square metres of living space. A house this size will cost around 376.000 euros, including extra expenses like tax and notary costs.

Is it worth it to buy a house in Germany? ›

Good and stable investment

For self-living property, you can sell it without paying the 25% capital gain tax. If you sell your investment property after you own it for 10 years, you also do not have to pay the capital gain tax. This makes buying a house in Germany an attractive long term investment.

How long can I stay in Germany as a US citizen? ›

A Schengen visa is required if you intend to stay in the Schengen area for up to 90 days within a 180 day period for business, visitor or tourist purposes.

Does Germany allow dual citizenship? ›

As a rule, no. One aim of German nationality law is to avoid creating multiple nationality through naturalization as far as possible. However, there are exceptions for cases of special hardship. For more information please contact your local naturalization authority.

How can I move to Germany from USA? ›

In simple steps, the process of immigrating to Germany as a non-EU citizen is as follows:
  1. Find and apply for a job. ...
  2. Apply for a work visa and work permit. ...
  3. Register for German health insurance. ...
  4. Obtain a German residence permit. ...
  5. Start working.

Can an American get a German bank account? ›

Yes, foreigners can open German bank accounts. However, you'll often be asked for a German proof of address, or at the very least an address from another Eurozone or EEA country. If you're still based in the US a flexible multi-currency account from a specialist provider like Wise or Revolut may be a better option.

Which German banks don't require residence permit? ›

Banks that don't require an Anmeldung
  • bunq.
  • Commerzbank. They require a residence permit.
  • Deutsche Bank.
  • DKB 1 They rarely accept people who just moved to Germany. ...
  • ING 7 They use PostIdent to verify your passport. ...
  • Kontist. Business bank for freelancers.
  • Monese. They are based in the UK and in Belgium. ...
  • N26.
May 15, 2023

Can a US citizen open a Deutsche bank account? ›

In order to open a bank account in Germany, you'll need to submit documents confirming your identity that are recognised in Germany. Documents issued abroad must be authenticated by an apostille or legalisation, depending on the country of issue.

What is the downside of living in Germany? ›

Cons of Living in Germany:

High taxation. No air conditioning. Wet and cold weather, especially during winter. Language barrier.

Will home prices drop in 2023 Germany? ›

The median forecast for peak-to-trough fall was 10.0%, slightly lower than the 11.5% predicted in a February poll, with the steepest forecast at 12.5%. Over three-quarters of respondents, seven of nine, said a significant downturn was more likely than a rebound in home prices for the rest of 2023.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.