Finance Broker Learns That Banks Don't Loan Money – What Happens Next? | Wake Up World (2024)

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10th April 2015

By Uwe Schafer

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

What happens when a former finance broker realizes that banks don’t loan money, they create it out of thin air?

Imagine if you were a finance professional who sells loans for a living, and one day suddenly found out that banks do not actually lend anything when they claim to issue a ‘loan’?

In early 2011, whilst working as a Finance Broker in Perth, Western Australia, I was pointed towards this very information for the first time by a good friend. I instantly sought substantiation through in-depth research and investigation, and much to my dislike, it wasn’t very difficult to confirm these initial, incredible sounding claims. Banks create ‘money’ from thin air and loan it to you, at interest. This is the lie upon which the entire world of banking and finance is founded.

Based on these early findings, I left my job within a couple of days. For good.

Think about it…

You earn your income in a role that you love, where you get to meet tons of interesting people all the time, and in particular you get to assist families, businesses and individuals achieve their dreams of home-ownership, business expansion and lifestyle improvement. Then, as a banker, the carpet gets pulled out from under your feet when you discover that you have inadvertently been made an accessory to one of the biggest deceptions going on right in our midst — the very mechanism that keeps humanity (yes, that’s you too) in perpetual debt-bondage.

Much has happened in these past 4 years.

After an initial period of going through some “grieving”, which had me move through stages like self-pity and even anger, it became clearer that this journey down the rabbit-hole had only just begun, and that it would be best approached with an open mind and especially an open heart, in order to maintain sanity and peace in the house.

I therefore chose going about this in a rational manner.

Firstly, as part of this personal process of growing awareness, I became a ferocious reader and consumer of countless videos on topics like government corruption, banking fraud and many more. It started to appear, that the information landscape is studded with as many pieces of information of a “conspiracy” nature as it is with pieces of disinformation and lastly of course elements of truth. Of course, it is not a simple process to identify which is which.

I needed to put this to rest once and for all for my own sanity. The most logical thing to do appeared to be directly “putting to the test” the various financial service providers I had engaged in my personal life. That way, I could quickly get away from mere hearsay and opinions and actually determine what the real facts were. Surely, in a transparent and honest business transaction, it shouldn’t be difficult for either party to come up with certain information to put the other side’s mind at ease after concerns had developed pertaining to their mutual contract. Naively, that’s what I expected – at least initially.

After the first event of stone-walled silence and outright refusal by our bankers all around, I stopped all payments to finance providers, apart from our family’s home loan. I intended to test the validity of these debts, and by written notices, I continued to request in-depth information and substantiation that the other party to the agreements had a real case to enable them to claim monthly “re-payments” from me.

It didn’t take very long to find out that I had hit the nail on the head.

At least I had one element of grace in all this; the fact that my wife Barbara also “switched on” at the same time making this journey very philosophical for us.

Over the course of two years, we dealt with dozens of debt collectors, after the banks quickly on-sold these non-performing accounts to get them off their books. Of course, the debt collectors now were even less able to answer any questions of substance, and each time, quickly handballed the matter to the next one via “debt-brokers”. Some accounts have been in the hands of over 6 companies trying to collect from us. Still NO answers. And of course, no collection.

From direct experience, we discovered that their creativity in this disgraceful profiteering had no end, and that virtually all levels of operators in the world of finance are deeply complicit.

Some of you may ask: “But you got the money and the benefit, didn’t you?” This is an important question which I will deal with in a subsequent article, due to be published very shortly. As it turned out, this question has become the most important question in our awakening to the reality of finance and banking —a mechanism of control— and is equally used by the courts to throw out defences. Albeit not a question of law, it is pivotal.

For some, the penny drops quickly, for others a bit later. Stay with me, as I set the scene for what happened next…

Democracy has lawful remedies, doesn’t it?

Over time, not one of our “lenders” was able to substantiate that the promises they had made within our mutual agreements had been accordingly fulfilled. Instead, all approaches on our part were ignored, and force and bullying became the norm in an attempt to force us to comply.

What could we do about it? Turn our backs and forget about it all?

For some reason, the harder I tried to walk away from it to find a “normal” way of life again, the more it reared its ugly head. It was as if I had made an agreement (maybe at soul-level) and I felt compelled to continue shining the light into this darkened corner. Hence, in mid-2012, we began challenging our home-loan provider — the last bastille. Again, all approaches for information were ignored or rejected.

In late 2012, we and the “lender” had agreed to a small loan variation, in the form of an increase. It was at that point that we added in a clause to the new variation agreement, which compelled the lender to full transparency upon written request from us. We advised them of this change by cover-letter and offered the choice to decline the amendments. They did not decline and settled the increase to the account.

Very shortly after, we sent in several detailed notices requesting information pertinent to our agreement. These requests were ignored. We clearly advised that in the event of non-provision of the information requested, per our agreement, we would “freeze” payments until they had complied. Then in December 2012, we served the lender a “Notice of Breach of Agreement” and made no further payments.

The lender began legal enforcement proceedings with an action in the Western Australian Supreme Court in March 2013.

Apprehensive, yet excited, we were ready to tackle and settle this matter in the open arena of justice, and to have one of our “honourable” Australian judges swiftly determine that this lender had overstepped the boundaries of the written agreement it had entered into with us, and should perform according to that agreement. After all, from my days in banking, it was clear that it would take a professional operation only minutes to extract the documents and pieces of information we had asked for; things like bank statements, trust account ledgers and settlement cheque disbursem*nt sheets. Their refusal could only be seen as an act of deliberate concealment.

Now 2 years later…

Over 100 “events” have since transpired in this action and in court – application filings, responses, affidavits, hearings and more – turning this into more than a full-time effort as self-represented litigants. The bank has never brought any evidence into the record that it provided us with funds on the day – the central point of their argument. The court recognises and accepts that a breach of the above variation agreement exists.

Despite this, the ‘Justice’ awarded judgement against us in August 2014. He suggested that we sue the lender for compliance. Our official attempt to commence such an action was subsequently refused filing by the court. All requests to have the lender comply with the terms of our agreement – which the court accepts were breached – are being outright refused or sidelined by that very court.

The judgement is currently being appealed in the Court of Appeals, with a crucial public hearing happening in Perth on 23 April 2015.

Convening a “Court of Public Opinion”…

We feel that the time has come to bring this story into the public light in all its detail.

First I must say, that we have not yet exhausted the full gamut of remedies “on offer” within the judicial system. Yes, the Supreme Court decided against us and gave judgment in favour of the bank in August. However, the Court of Appeal still has an opportunity to overturn the earlier judgment. In banking cases this outcome would probably be a first in Australia, but we are unable to unequivocally state that NO remedy exists within the system.

We invite you to come to the court in Perth on 23 April 2015 to personally witness democracy – or the complete opposite – in action. Take a moment and read the latest filings we have submitted to get a proper understanding of what exactly is being argued in the case. It does concern every one of you with a “loan” from a bank or non-bank lender of any shape or form.

Whether the Court of Appeal does the right thing and decides according to the rule of law, or the rule of hidden paymasters, will soon be apparent.

To follow this case, read documents, watch a short documentary, please visit

In my next article I will answer the question “But you got the money and the benefit, didn’t you?” and explain in detail how all this relates to you and your sovereignty.

Fountain Pen Money

This 33 minute video presentation provides details of the contract’s “transparency” terms, the bank’s failure to provide information requested, evidence that payments were “frozen” due to their breach, and subsequent foreclosure action commenced by the bank in the Supreme Court of WA.

Courtesy of

About the author:

Uwe and Barbara Schafer are German-born Australians and live in Perth, Western Australia with their two children. They have a diverse background in business, spanning over more than 25 years with interests ranging from running a very popular Perth health café for seven years in the 90’s, four years of fulltime network marketing in SE-Asia, property development, wholesome organic health food creation, and of course Uwe’s career as a consulting finance broker for several years. Barbara has also completed a tertiary diploma in psychology/counselling.

Uwe and Barbara can be reached via their website:

Finance Broker Learns That Banks Don't Loan Money – What Happens Next? | Wake Up World (3)

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Finance Broker Learns That Banks Don't Loan Money – What Happens Next? | Wake Up World (2024)


Why are banks allowed to loan money they don't have? ›

However, banks actually rely on a fractional reserve banking system whereby banks can lend more than the number of actual deposits on hand. This leads to a money multiplier effect. If, for example, the amount of reserves held by a bank is 10%, then loans can multiply money by up to 10x.

What if there were no loans? ›

Without loans, it might become more challenging for people to access funds for investments, education, housing, and other essential needs. It could potentially slow down economic activity and limit opportunities for financial growth.

Why banks are not giving loans? ›

1. Inadequate Credit Score: Your credit score is a pivotal factor in determining your creditworthiness. Banks use this three-digit number to assess the risk of lending to you.

What if banks didn t exist? ›

Banks were evolved to safeguard one's money from robbers. If there are no banks, the one with muscle power would own the largest chunk of money. Apart from this, people would shift to barter system and no one would trust other's intension to pay for goods and services.

What is it called when banks lend money they don't have? ›

This is called a bank run, and a fractional reserve system keeps them from withdrawing their capital because banks do not physically have it. Too much lending can contribute to economic overheating: When the economy is expanding, it is growing.

How do banks create new money? ›

Banks create money when they lend the rest of the money depositors give them. This money can be used to purchase goods and services and can find its way back into the banking system as a deposit in another bank, which then can lend a fraction of it.

What would happen if the US paid off its national debt? ›

Answer and Explanation:

If the U.S. was to pay off their debt ultimately, there is not much that would happen. Paying off the debt implies that the government will now focus on using the revenue collected primarily from taxes to fund its activities.

Could America pay off its debt? ›

Under current policy, the United States has about 20 years for corrective action after which no amount of future tax increases or spending cuts could avoid the government defaulting on its debt whether explicitly or implicitly (i.e., debt monetization producing significant inflation).

What would happen if US paid off all debt? ›

Having no more debt means, that the government does not have to pay interest anymore. This can mean, that there is more money free to spend on other things like infrastructure or welfare.

What happens to bank loans when bank fails? ›

Either the FDIC sold your loan at closing or the FDIC has retained it temporarily. In either case, your obligation to pay has not changed. Within a few days after the closure, you will be notified by the FDIC, and by the purchaser, as to where to send future payments.

Are banks cutting back on lending? ›

Higher interest rates prompted banks to restrict lending. In a Fed survey last summer, many banks said they had tightened lending standards. Almost no banks said they had made borrowing easier. Some banks continue to tighten credit standards in 2024, according to the latest Fed survey, taken in January.

Where do banks borrow money from? ›

Banks can borrow at the discount rate from the Federal Reserve to meet reserve requirements. Loan programs are available to financial institutions via the discount window. The Fed charges banks the discount rate, commonly higher than the rate that banks charge each other.

Can banks seize your money if economy fails? ›

Banking regulation has changed over the last 100 years to provide more protection to consumers. You can keep money in a bank account during a recession and it will be safe through FDIC and NCUA deposit insurance. Up to $250,000 is secure in individual bank accounts and $500,000 is safe in joint bank accounts.

What happens if my bank goes bust? ›

When a bank is at risk of going bust, there is usually a run on the bank when the bank's customers try to withdraw the money in their accounts before the bank closes. There is a government scheme in place which will compensate account holders of a bank that has failed, but only up to a limited sum.

What are the 2 banks that just failed? ›

Bank Failures of 2023

The collapses of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank in March 2023—then the second- and third-largest bank failures in U.S. history—took consumers by surprise.

Can banks lend money that they don't have? ›

Banks can only lend out money which they have borrowed in (and of course their own equity which is a fraction compared to their total borrowings). If they lend money they don't have they wouldn't be solvent.

Are banks allowed to loan out more money than they have? ›

Thanks to the U.S. fractional reserve banking system, commercial banks can lend out much of their cash deposits, keeping only a fraction as reserves.

Are banks allowed to lend all the money they have? ›

Banks can't lend out all the deposits they collect, or they wouldn't have funds to pay out to depositors. Therefore, they keep primary and secondary reserves. Primary reserves are cash, deposits due from other banks, and the reserves required by the Federal Reserve System.

Can banks create money out of nothing? ›

New funds are produced only with new bank loans (or when banks purchase additional financial or real assets), through book entries made by keystrokes on the banker's keyboard at the time of disbursem*nt.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.