Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (2024)

By Ming Diaz on Jun 20, 2019

Thank you for the wonderfully loaded introduction wherein, after much research and deleting the non-Teff ingredients, you had nothing left to work with. I also went to Bread Chick and between the two processes you've both created, I'll make the Injera and let you know how it evolves. Your writing is concise, very sequential, and very entertaining. Respect, Ming

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (1)

By nikki on May 16, 2018

i got to the point where i fermented it for 5 days, can i put it in the fridge if i am not ready to cook it?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (2)

By Barbara on May 5, 2018

thanks for this. Cooking up my first batch of batter made with all teff flour Keeps sticking to the pan and doesn't t have all the little holes in it. I'm using more oil which is leaping with the sticking - any ideas about how to get the holes? thank you

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (3)

By Debi on Mar 14, 2018

I'm desperate. I made the starter and now the link you have where it says (Now lets go to the Injera recipe (verbatim from this link) ) is broken! I have been fermenting this all week and now I don't know what to do with it. Help please!!

But I have pretty much done what the original link says.So you can refer to my post if thats broken. --DK

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (4)

By Nanz on Jan 15, 2018

Have you made pizza with this recipe. If so can you share please.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (5)

By Eden on Jan 13, 2018

Hello, your article about enjera was wonderful!! For you to tacklemaking enjera using teff is remarkable. I grew up eating enjera and wanted to add a bit more knowledge to your amazing journey. One important thing is that the older the yeast the better it gets. In my family home the yeast stays for years, it’s like it is a family member. The only time you start a new yeast is if you move to another area and sometimes women borrow old yeast from the new neighbors. The enjera is always made on a clay surface. In the countryside the folks use wood for fire. The smoke from the wood contributes to the enjera’s flavor. I also found your article to be very humorous especially the part about the smell of the yeast. Well done!!!!

Thank you so much for the knowledge. Nothing like hearing it right from the source. Appreciate it :) --DK

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (6)

By Lucy on Feb 23, 2017

I'm trying to make this injera recipe but there are no instructions about what you do with the rest of the starter after the 1st 7 days in step 4.Then there are no instructions about what to do with the 1/4 cup to save after you start making injera in step 6. I also cannot find the recipe in the link you provided in step 4 as they seem to have taken it off that webpage.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (7)

By beth on Feb 7, 2017

Why do you need to wait longer to have leftover if you only use 1/4 C of the starter? Wouldn't that still leave you with 1 3/4C of starter after 5 days?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (8)

By Howard on Dec 10, 2016

I lived in Ethiopia for years with both my wife and daughter being born there. True Injera does not have salt or yeast added at any point in the process. This is part of what makes it so special!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (9)

By Varda on Sep 4, 2016

I tried it and the mix started to stink so bad after 2 days. It was like garbage + sewage + yeast. I love teh yeast smell but this was horrible. I had to bleach it even before I dumped it. Seems like there was a bacterial growth that took over rather than the yeast. If you have any advice I am eager to try again.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (10)

By cr on May 17, 2016

Some people have asked about storing the starter. Someone once told me that it's best not to put yeast in the freezer, since it could die; it likes to be warm. I think if you were planning on making injera at least once a week you could keep your starter alive on the counter, or if making it once every 2 or 3 weeks maybe keep it alive in the fridge, feeding it like other sourdoughs, otherwise probably you'd want to just use up all your "starter" dough to make actual injera, then start over again next time, if it will be a couple months or more before you'll cook these again.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (11)

By Joanna on May 10, 2016

Hi, I really love those but somehow can't get a whole batch of good ones. I always make the whole bowl and than freeze them. My problem is while making: first couple - yes is rubbish, than they get beautiful, but before long they start going grey and cracking on top and breaking

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (12)

By Angela on Mar 6, 2016

What do you do if your batter is much thicker than it should be? I can't do the "tilt and swirl", I have to smear the batter around with a utensil.

Two options. 1 Try just spreading it around with your ladle itself. 2. Take a separate bowl with just the batter needed to make one, add wee bit water to thin it lightly and try the Injera. Test the end result of both and opt of the one you prefer. Since I haven't tried it out myself, I can only suggest a workaround. Hope this helps :) --DK

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (13)

By Fassica on Mar 1, 2016

Thank you for sharing....check out for 100% Teff Injera (Gluten Free) delivered to your home.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (14)

By Julia on Oct 18, 2015

HI! How long can you keep the starter? Can you freeze it for further use later?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (15)

By Guy on Jul 15, 2015

Thank you for this Recipe. I will make it very soon. Can I please ask, when you write "1-3/4 cups" do you mean between 3/4 cup and 1 cup or do you mean one and 3/4 cups?

one AND 3/4 cups --DK

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (16)

By Renee on Jun 8, 2015

Hi DK,Back on Feb 28, 2015, Dawn asked what to do with the leftover starter...and if it should be put in the refrigerator. I didn't see you or anyone else answer that question. Please I am not proficient with working with starter. Thank you.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (17)

By Regina on May 12, 2015

Wow. The description of your research and first attempts sound like mine. I gave up my quest for good homemade injera, but now I am inspired again. The smell from my first attempt at fermentation made me think I had done something wrong and I was afraid to proceed. Now I know what to expect. I will let you know how my next experiment turns out.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (18)

By Giusi on May 2, 2015

Did not work whatsoever. I followed all the instruction and when I cooked it it did not make any bubble or rise or anything. It tasted horrible too.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (19)

By Jamie on Mar 30, 2015

HELP! I was planning on making this today, but the link to the recipe with measurements is not working! It doesn't take me to an injera recipe. What do you do after day five when you are ready to make the injera? How much teff, water, salt, etc. Thanks.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (20)

By Guide to Whole Grains Pt. 4 - Recipe Roundup - Fast to Fresh on Mar 19, 2015

[…] Brussels Sprouts from Oh My VeggiesKiwi Cilantro Salsa with Amaranth Chips from Eat Spin Run RepeatEthiopian Injera from Chef in You (with Teff)Wild Rice-Stuffed Squash from My Daily MorselMediterranean Tabbouleh […]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (21)

By bethan on Mar 17, 2015

I am increasing the recipe amounts as i'm making it for a large group. Is 1-3/4 cups, one AND 3/4 cups or between 1 and 3/4 cups?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (22)

By Dawn on Feb 28, 2015

Where do you store the remaining starter batch? do you put it in the fridge?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (23)

By susan on Feb 3, 2015

a friend says he just sits the mix of teff flour that he grinds himself with water and salt on the counter overnite and the next day, it has fermented. he proceeds to make the pancakes. how could this be so simple?!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (24)

By Meatless Monday Roundup: 4 Pancake Recipes on Feb 2, 2015

[…] be gluten-free, and some versions of savory pancakes naturally are, like Ethiopian teff flour injera. Teff is a naturally gluten-free grain native to Ethiopia, and it’s notably used to make […]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (25)

By gg on Dec 11, 2014

I hope my first post went through from minutes ago.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (26)

By gg on Dec 11, 2014

Dear Friend,Thank you for the information and the potentially successful recipe. I want to get all the right items together before I even attempt to experiment. When I do, I will leave a comment of the results. It is a fantastic blog that updates its users of responses.In the meant time, Happy Holidays to DK of the chef in you ( author of the blog), friend and all other commentaters here.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (27)

By Friend on Dec 1, 2014

You can order bulk Teff on line. Google Teff Idaho. Mix equal parts teff and water (nothing else). Let sit for 5 days. Peel off top layer of yuck and discard. Whisk what is left w water salt and baking soda (experiment with these three) to get proper thickness and result. Cook between a 1/2 and 1/3 cup on a 10-12" square non stick pan/griddle (covered). Enjoy one of the best foods on the planet

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (28)

By gg on Dec 1, 2014

Joseph's comment from June 29th, 2013 on 6:28 pm -That is how I remember Injera "ersho"/Amharic ( starter or as in yeast being made from teff flour). Have small quantity of the ersho to ferment, set it aside for 2-3 days mix with teff flour, bring to good batter consistency and bake. From that very mixture, save some for a couple of days while the baked injera is used; keep up with the cycle as Injera is used in Ethiopian homes daily and year round. I find this recipe after some confusion of other suggestions with a mix of wheat, self rising flour etc., These days you don't find 100% teff recipe. Fortunately my memory got refreshed. I usually buy Injera from Ethiopian stores, but for diet reasons, need to avoid flour. The reasonable healthy mix could be barley and teff if done right. Whole foods sells teff flour as well as Ehtiopan stores. I will atlast experment this time.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (29)

By Fosolia (fasolia) – Ethiopian Green Beans and Carrots | Wheat-Free Dairy-Free Kitchen on Oct 27, 2014

[...] and cave-like. You sat on very low stools and the food was served on a flat basket lined with the injera (bread/giant crepe with a consistency somewhere between a sponge and a crepe and a vaguely sour [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (30)

By Martin on Oct 14, 2014

I lived in Ethiopia and was shown how to make this by an old lady in my village but had forgotten the details. Finally managed to lay my hands on some teff back here and after lots of searching the web, your site is the most authentic recipe around I could find! As you found, lots of people presume to make additions or add self raising wheat flour etc. So thank you.Just a couple of ideas. They would not usually ever have covered the pan as a huge round hotplate would have been used. The technique usually used for pouring onto the pan was a close -ish spiral pour (rather a big dollop) from the centre which I guess would ensure an even cook on a relatively dry pan for a spongy mixture. Lastly, they used your technique of leaving a 'starter' behind to restart for the next batch. However, they would usually have cooked a batch every 3 days and so slightly quicker than above. Each batch cooked would somehow become more sour and slightly dry by day three and so thet everyone would be keen for the next days batch of fresh injera. Thanks again. Martin

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (31)

By Thabile on Sep 21, 2014

:lol: My Daughter has an Ethopian friend now,and she will come home from a visit and talks about eating Injera and it seemed like the dish that was eaten all the time hence my curiosity of this Injera Dish thanks for a nice read i'm not trying that anytime soon two Days is long for Moi

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (32)

By Tina on Sep 15, 2014

I have made this dish. Made the starter over a week actually and when we made the bread we made the dough sligthly thick and flipped the breads over (it takes a bit of skill). They were awesome! Best Gluten free and also eeg free bread recipe I've seen. I guess because it is not an adaptation of something else but because this is how these breads are supposed to be. thanks a very much for the recipe :)

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (33)

By Edith on Sep 14, 2014

After hearing all the positive things of Teff flour and Injera I'm keen to start, as an avid (home) bread maker I feel very comfortable with flour. I'm a Dutch National living in the UK and will forever remain confused about measurements in 'cups' and would love to have it all in grams, are you able to do that? Thank you :wink:

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (34)

By Donna Elhard on Sep 4, 2014

I am excited to try this recipe!! But I already have a sourdough starter I use; can I use that starter for this recipe??

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (35)

By Why You Should Grind Grains Other Than Wheat . . . / BePrepared on Jun 25, 2014

[...] on bread with dinner? Non-wheat grains are key to the flatbreads from many countries, including Ethiopian injeraand French socca(a chickpea flour [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (36)

By BernadetteDemone on Jun 20, 2014

I had some Eritrean injera last month and have dreamed about it ever since. My starter is ready to be used and I hope that this will mimic the taste. Can injera be kept in the refrigerator? Target (in the US has a cooking surface, with or without a top which I know is used for injera -alas not available in Canada). I was wondering whether a cast iron skillet would work?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (37)

By Andrew on Apr 15, 2014

The starter is an active culture of yeast that should live indefinitely as long as you do not allow it to get contaminated and keep it hydrated and properly fed. You can slow down the metabolism of the culture by keeping it cool and refrigerating it. To be honest I don't think the yeast is necessary to start this or any other sour dough culture. You can start a sour dough with just flour and water. Ubiquitous lactobacteria will do the rest although it might take an extra few days. The cool thing is that the sour bread will have a character reflecting the native strains of lactic bacteria where you live. It won't necessarily be authentic to Ethiopia but it will be authentic to you and where you live which is just as good in my opinion.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (38)

By Jaqueline Yamey on Apr 8, 2014

At last I have perfect injera! Seems the problem was with the pan I was using - it wasn't heavy enough. I'm now using a thick bottomed pan. It makes all the difference! :wink:

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (39)

By Robin on Apr 7, 2014

:wink: How do I store the starter?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (40)

By Jaqueline Yamey on Mar 19, 2014

I also had them mostly sticking. I baked some mixture on a baking tray lined with parchment paper, on the lowest rack of the oven , at a high temperature. This works well but doesn't have the same delicious crispiness. I have now managed to make some successfully in a stainless steel frying pan but am still learning...lots of broken ones!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (41)

By rosalie on Mar 18, 2014

The Bulk Barn has teff flour

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (42)

By Golubka Kitchen on Mar 16, 2014

[...] Ethiopian Injera (adapted from here) [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (43)

By Luisa on Mar 6, 2014

I haven't tried yet, but this is exactly the type of preparation I was looking for. My partner is Ethiopian but never learnt how to cook it himself. Seems similar to what I have seen there in Ethiopia. Should have learnt when I had the chance! Thanks for the recipe. I'll write again as soon as I try :-)

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (44)

By Jaqueline Yamey on Mar 1, 2014

I'm in the prices of making these....excited! Do you perhaps know how long the 7 day starter can be kept?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (45)

By Theta on Feb 23, 2014

:lol: I like your way - I thought I gave up on making it a few months ago, but you inspired me to try again. Oh, by the way, I have Ethiopian friends and watching them make ingera, roasting coffee beans, etc. is just amazing. They have one of the real ingera grills (not sure what the real name is), but when I'm there, it's like being in a different country - and I love it! Thank you. Theta -- PS I'll let you know how it turns out!!!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (46)

By Selam on Feb 22, 2014

I'm from Ethiopia, just moved from there. I can honestly say your recipe is great but it will never be the same as the one I used to eat back home. I guess it's the traditional frying object called a "mitad" which you can't find here. That's the only problem but thank you for your recipe !

Its amazing that you compare my attempt with the very best out there. I take it as a compliment :) --DK

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (47)

By Recipes for Life | Rediscovering Fermented Foods on Feb 17, 2014

[...] foods to explore:Sauerkraut Kvass Lacto-fermented vegetables Kombucha Sourdoughbread Injera (Ethiopian sourdough teff bread) Yogurt Kefir Vinegar Umeboshi plums [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (48)

By Shaari :) on Feb 17, 2014

Thank you so much... High protein, lower glycemic index than rice, naan, roti, gluten , soy, dairy free, fermentedIt's honestly what the western diet needs.:)

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (49)

By Wylie on Feb 10, 2014

Thank you soooo much for this info! Ethiopian is my favorite food but I can afford to go out and eat it every night. I have a question. I'm on day 5. I had some water on top but everything wasn't fully separated and it looked as if there could be some type of moldy formations. Not hairs but dots and some flat crystal type formations. I went ahead and mixed it to test test the smell, wow, and I fed it. ! I don't know how to describe the smell but grassy and yeasty didn't seem to quite describe what I am smelling. Does this all sound normal or might I have a issue? Thank you thank you thank you sooo much! Getting a 12" square cast iron griddle tomorrow to cook it on.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (51)

By Bishir on Jan 30, 2014

So excited about trying this!! Thank you for sharing it. I'm Ethiopian and always buy injera from my Eritrean/Ethiopian store. They say it's teff, but I'm sure it's a mix. Being gluten sensitive, I can 'feel' that it's a mix.Wish I could ask my mom to teach me, but she's in heaven now. Wish I'd paid attention all those years she tried to teach me... but that's just how teenagers are. Who wants ingera when you can have burgers :lol: Can't wait to try this. Thank you!!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (52)

By Hungry for health film on Jan 25, 2014

Yes, there is a huge benefit to the fermentation. All grains, beans & nuts have an outer coating that's hard to digest. The fermentation process breaks it down. It's an enzyme called phytase. Without the fermentation process you eat the grain,s but then the phytase binds with minerals in your body (phytic acid), and takes them out of the body as waste. So the fermentation process actually makes the food more digestible and the nutrients available to you. See for more. Thanks for the non-wheat bread recipe. I cannot tolerate wheat here. So thanks!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (53)

By sheila on Jan 17, 2014

:-P A friend of mine from Ethiopia used a electric skillet to fry her injera , It was so delicious with the spicy dish's

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (54)

By John on Jan 8, 2014

I am also wandering how to feed the starter? Thanks for the recipe!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (55)

By Lizzy on Jan 4, 2014

I heard that if you make it with mineral water (with bubbels) that you only have to wait for 8 hours and then it is ready to go!!!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (56)

By Cheryl NY on Dec 13, 2013

Mike - teff flour is available online at Bob's Red Mill.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (57)

By Duane J Marcroft on Nov 16, 2013

I'm impressed by the injera recipe. I made it and it is very good. It has exactly the taste I remember, when made by an Ethiopian. Thank you.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (58)

By 9 Ingredients That Make Any Dish Healthier « Grind Report on Oct 29, 2013

[...] quinoa or any other grain. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could try to make a traditional Ethiopian flatbread called [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (59)

By Buster on Oct 26, 2013

I make a pizza sauce with avocado, tomatillo, garlic, cilantro or basil with olive oil. You can buy Teff online also, that's how I found it and purchased it.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (60)

By Sandra on Oct 17, 2013

You can use Ragi flour it's the same as Teff, just a different name and that's available online.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (61)

By daizyjune on Oct 15, 2013

pizza dough, what a great idea! What toppings do you put on it to compliment the sour taste?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (62)

By Buster on Oct 15, 2013

I used mine as pizza dough.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (63)

By Susan on Sep 25, 2013

Good morning, how do I take care of the starter injera (after using up the 1/4 cup)? Is it best to leave at room temperature (how long is it ok to do this?) or put it in the fridge? How long will the start injera last, and does it need to be fed the flour again? Thank you, Susan.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (64)

By Mike O'Hara on Sep 23, 2013

I lived in Ethiopia as a child have great memory of the place I have been unable to find the Teff Flour can you help!! Mike

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (65)

By Marika on Sep 7, 2013

Delicious! Thank you for the recipe! One problem I had was that every single injira stuck to the pan, so I had to scrape it. Despite it, they turned out fine, just a lot of work. I have stainless steal pan. Any experience with that?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (66)

By Texas Firefly on Sep 3, 2013

Just back from Ethiopia and delighted to find the recipe for the injera that I saw cooking and ate there. Thinking it is a lot like the crepes I make and wondered why it is fermented? Is there some nutritional benefit to the process? I will try your recipe as soon as I find the teff flour.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (67)

By Ellen on Sep 2, 2013

Hi everyone! I, too had teff grain that I needed to turn into teff flour. I had a small Hamilton Beech coffee grinder that I used, set on "fine," and it worked beautifully! It only grinds about 1/2 cup at a time, but that's fine for this recipe!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (68)

By 9 Ingredients That Make Any Dish Healthier | Eat.Live.Ride on Aug 26, 2013

[...] Stir it into soups to thicken and up the fiber profile, grind it into a flour that can be used as a gluten-free substitute for baked goods or serve it in place of rice, quinoa or any other grain. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could try to make a traditionalEthiopian flatbreadcalledInjera. [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (69)

By Ingredients That Make Any Dish Healthier | Cambridge Hub on Aug 26, 2013

[...] Stir it into soups to thicken and up the fiber profile, grind it into a flour that can be used as a gluten-free substitute for baked goods or serve it in place of rice, quinoa or any other grain. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could try to make a traditionalEthiopian flatbreadcalledInjera. [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (70)

By 9 Ingredients That Make Any Dish Healthier - Freshwadda Brooks | Coming Soon! on Aug 23, 2013

[...] quinoa or any other grain. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could try to make a traditional Ethiopian flatbread called [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (71)

By Gautami on Aug 21, 2013

Thank you soo much for the website. I have wonder mill at home. Cannot wait to order some grains....

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (72)

By daizyjune on Aug 20, 2013

thanks so much for the website! Bob Mills can get so expensive!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (73)

By Natalie on Aug 20, 2013

You can buy teff flour from - they have very good prices, great quality and fast shipping.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (74)

By Gautami on Aug 19, 2013

Thank you Lidya. I was impatient and ordered it from Walmart website. In the mean time search for Ethiopian store in New Jersey.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (75)

By Lidya on Aug 18, 2013

You can get teff from any Ethiopian store. It is very cheap than any other stores.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (76)

By Gautami on Aug 16, 2013

Hello, Where can I buy teff grain or teff flour? Would love to try ur recipe.....Thank you.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (77)

By sanne on Jul 2, 2013

Hello,I am making injera for the first time. And followed the instructions for the teff starter. Our day 7 was yesterday but did not have time to make injera so it is still standing in room temperature. It smells terrible and wonder if I waited to long and messed up the starter (out of lack of knowing what to do I fed it again tonight?)? What should I do with it until I use it to make injera? How should I store the left over starter? I am confused and do not seem to find clear answers on internet.Hope you can help me, thank you.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (78)

By Joseph on Jun 29, 2013

Great recipe! I really appreciate when people post accurate traditional recipes online. I would like to point out that you could make the starter without yeast for the "sourdough like" starter method you are using. Optionally you could also mix teff flour and water together, let it ferment for 3-5 days and use that mixture so keeping a starter wouldn't be necessary. If you have whole teff grains, soak them for a day, wet grind them, ferment for 3-5 days and cook.This recipe and the method I posted applies to many grains! I have made flatbreads from rice, quinoa, oat, chia, lentils, and combinations of those using the soak, grind, ferment method. I love traditional one ingredient fermented recipes!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (79)

By Elizabeth on Jun 19, 2013

LOL. I went through the same thing, looking for a recipe that didn't include gluten (wheat). Thank you. I am going to make it. didn't know it was fermented--all the better because I LOVE fermented flavor. I don't eat dosas because the ratio of rice to lentil is too high and it is too high glycemic for me.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (80)

By Amy on Jun 7, 2013

Hi - I was so excited to make this. My starter started out great - got the grassy aroma when I went to feed it on day 3. This morning, I went back to make the dough and it's gone from a grassy smell to more of a stinky feet smell and instead of a watery layer on top, there was a brown, almost moldy looking layer. I'm assuming that this means the starter died but I'm not sure why. Does this sound right to you? Looking forward to trying it again!

Actually it sounds about right- see my Day 5 (step 4). It looked dead to me - may be thats why I forgot to even take a picture. Stick with it - it probably is still alive and stinking!!! ;)--DK

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (81)

By Shakakhan on May 25, 2013

Mark P: It sound like you used teff grain (very tiny grains). You need to use ground teff.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (82)

By Mark P on May 10, 2013

I tried this recipe and failed utterly. On day five I thought I might be on the right track: the starter smelled awful. It looked thick. It was clearly fermenting. The teff had even sprouted, sending up grassy shoots. (Is that normal?) However, by the time I tried to make the injera on day eight, though everything still stunk, the starter was watery. What happened? My theory is that the starter died sometime between day five and eight and that the water (and teff) I added on day five to feed the starter was left undigested. It certainly was not the consistency of pancake batter after adding more teff flour and water that the recipe directs. I tried cooking it in the state it was in and the result didn't hold together. It was mush, cooking something too wet.Have you or any other commenters had problems like this before? I'm hesitant to try this recipe again--going through the process of stinking up a room in the house--unless I'm pretty sure it'll be edible.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (83)

By Eat This! Teff | No Baloney on May 1, 2013

[...] this is definitely a time investment, but injera is delicious and worth [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (84)

By Theta Ciriello on Apr 22, 2013

Finally I found a recipe using only teff. Thank you for sharing in such easy terms to follow. I just started my starter and plan to wait the 7 days so some will be left over. Will let you know how it turns out. :-D

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (85)

By billie on Apr 15, 2013

My starter is now on day seven. It has not separated into layers. But smells so I know something is right. There are bubbles like said in step3. Do I need to wait longer?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (86)

By Misir Wat or Ethiopian red Lentils | veggiezest on Apr 9, 2013

[...] Injeera – the traditional way [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (87)

By gr8shoes on Apr 7, 2013

How often should I feed the remaining starter? Weekly, daily, monthly?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (88)

By Lidya on Apr 1, 2013

:-o Hi everyone. About the starter. Keeping in the fridge will not kill the starter. Using very hot water will stop the activity. All Ethiopians in North America will keep the starter in the fridge. Once you have it keep it in the fridge and instead of keeping the same starter in the fridge for long just keep some from the fresh batter. Don't forget after you mix your batter to keep in room temperature. If it is too hot your injera might fail. If it is too cold it also will not work. You can use your stove to keep in room temperature. Try to keep your batter for only eight hour at room temperature and then keep it in the fridge for over night. Hope you will get good result.Blessings to you all.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (89)

By John Langevin on Mar 31, 2013

How do you store the starter? Other sites and my Ethiopian friend said it could be refrigerated, but after two days it was dead.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (90)

By brenda on Mar 7, 2013

Can the strarter be made without adding yeast? :?:

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (91)

By Victoria on Mar 7, 2013

Hi I can't wait to try this recipe , but am a little confused? If I choose not to use all the starter how should I keep it? Do I just keep it in a bowl that is covered with cloth at 70 degree's until I need it?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (92)

By Noreen on Feb 26, 2013

I have a question. On day 5, you said to use only 1/4 cup of the starter to do the injera mix and keep the rest for future use. Then, after mixing the injera, why do do ask to keep the "starter" again?? Do you mix the original starter with the later ones? How do you combine the two batches?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (93)

By daizyjune on Feb 21, 2013

oh, and a vitamixer will blend the grains into flour, if you do not have one, find a good friend with one

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (94)

By daizyjune on Feb 21, 2013

What a great observation Darcy! Cannot wait to try it that way, thanks!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (95)

By Darcy on Feb 21, 2013

I watched this being made on round stone slabs over open fires in Ethiopia. they don't tilt the pans or spread it.The trick to making it thin and round is to pour it out in a spiral, starting in the center of the pan. I also bought the whole grain, so have to figure out how to grind it.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (96)

By Weezie on Feb 5, 2013

The starter recipe here makes 2 cups, and you only use 1/4 cup for the injera recipe ... so you have plenty left over for next time without letting it sit for 7 days. Which begs the question, why do you need to reserve 1/4 cup of the starter in step 6 of the injera recipe when you already have 1-3/4 cups of starter that hasn't been used? How long does the starter last?

I have made only about 4 Injera here, hence used only 1/4 cup of the starter. Only if you were going to make the entire batch then you would need to reserve the starter. I just included it in the recipe if you were going to be using it all up right away. Will add a more clear note in there. --DK

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (97)

By Constance Gravestock on Feb 4, 2013

Thank you for providing this information. I work with an immune compromised man who has learned that the only grains he can use are tef and buckwheat. I'm pretty skilled at making lots of interesting healthy things with buckwheat but tef is more new to me. Have eaten Injera at Zeni's in San Jose and love it. The girls there gave me their recipe and so far I haven't made it but now I MUST! I hope he can tolerate yeast. Am also looking for an unleavened tef bread recipe in case he feels he's better off leaving yeast alone. Thanks for posting all this info!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (98)

By Jeste on Jan 25, 2013

Have not actually tried your recipe, however I am having pretty good results with a simple teff starter. I accidentally ordered whole grain teff when I started this project; thought 'well, that was dumb', but realized that gave me the opportunity to grind it fresh each time. So I just put it in my magic bullet with the nut grinding blade and keep shaking the container until it looks like flour. Presto. One issue: in my quest to find something to bake them--I want electric, not gas, since I have solar--I have settled on a Zojirushi griddle which comes with a glass lid. This pan *absolutely* does not stick, at all! The thing I'm playing with at the moment is 'how hot?' It seems like I'm getting my product out in record time: no more than a minute and a half or so. And this is with a fairly thin batter. So, I'm not sure whether turning the heat down would help. I started with pre-heated up to 480 degrees, then adjusted to 380. They're perfectly edible, nice and sour, but what I'd like to see is a bit more height. Thicker batter, maybe? And medium heat?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (99)

By Phillip on Jan 16, 2013

Found your site specifically looking for injera recipes. A while back I had some injera at an Ethiopian restaurant and loved it. I grind my own grain so I bought some whole teff. Now I hear it's near impossible to grind in my home mill. Eventually I'll try your recipe. Thanks for doing the research.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (100)

By Beverly Weeks on Jan 15, 2013

Good Morning DK ?? I'm about to create my starter for Injera. Will I be able to keep the starter ongoing? Would it be possible to get instructions for doing this? Thank you.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (101)

By Lidya on Jan 4, 2013

Once you have a starter it is easy to make injera with only teff. The first thing I noticed through experience is there is a big different between fresh teff flour and old. You will get good result with the fresh one. I use from meskel flour company of Idaho. You can google and get the right address. It will be cheap if you buy it from any Ethiopian stores. For the injera what I do is I will mix the teff flour with the starter and knead it very well with lukwarm water.(Better in filtered water) I use water from Britta. Keep it for 24hrs. in warm place and keep it in the fridge for another 24 hrs. Take it out from the fridge. Boil just 1/4 cup water and take a table spoon of the batter mix it with the boiling water. Let it cool down and mix with the remainder of the batter and blend it in a blender to the consistency of a pancake batter. Let it stand till it is bubbly. Pour it on ungreased nonstick pan. When it starts cooking cover it for a while and remove from the pan. Make sure to cool it before piling up.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (102)

By bett on Jan 3, 2013

Being in u.s one thing I missed is the real injera which is made only with teff can get a very delcious injera but it is forged mix with selfrising it is very difficult to make injera only with teff flour here in u.s.a I think it is from the water or the teff the chemistry doesnt work.But anyway to make injera it is not easy.the dough has to stay at least 4 days with starter and you make abset that means take 2 tabs of the dough and stir in water and boil it let it cool down and mix in a dough.some people use regular pan to make injera or there is specific pan made to make injera.any ways to make a good injera to have to try and try again and is hard to get the right one without a hard work.good luck.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (103)

By Juney on Jan 1, 2013

you can start a really vigorous gluten free starter culture without having to open a whole packet of yeast for just a few grains by using a tablespoon or so of a fermented drink--kombucha, water kefir (Whole Foods carries a coconut water kefir that is very active) or if you have access to real unpasteurized sauerkraut you could probably use some of the liquid. You only have to do this once, so you could also use yoghurt or soy yoghurt etc as long as the culture is good and active. Starter of all kinds does fine when frozen--that is how they get freeze-dried sourdough starter, after all. Since the natural yeasts and climate are different here than in Ethiopia, it seems a good idea to give your starter whatever help it needs. I also use filtered water since the chlorine or other stuff in ours might have something to do with why we don't get the great starter just naturally. Wild yeasts line in the air and are different in different places and create distinct flavors etc. in the sourdough in different geographical regions.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (104)

By David Waterbury on Dec 27, 2012

I made this recite, or at least tried to. The starter and batter seemed to with fine but injera stuck badly to the pan. I think possibly the pan was too hot. Are there any drawbacks to using a non- stick pan? Also, how do you keep the starter going after day 5. I read the instructions, but the starter did not foam up like it had up until then. I tried feeding again on day 7 but it is just separated and the liquid part is turning blue. How do you keep the starter for future use?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (105)

By Bob on Nov 30, 2012

I have not tried injera, but have done lots of sourdough. Has anyone tried using the remaining starter as you would with sourdough? With sourdough you just mix a new batch with all your starter and let it ferment at room temperature overnight, no need to wait the whole 5-7 days after the first batch. Also, avoid using metal bowls and spoons when mixing and letting ferment as metal will contaminate it. If you don't use it often, feed your starter weekly. I would think that basic sourdough principles and recipies would work with teff.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (106)

By Bekelu on Nov 20, 2012

you can get the book on how to bake Injera from Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (107)

By Robin H on Nov 20, 2012

:wink: Thanks for posting all the info with the recipe. I tried futilely for months to make several different recipes for Injera....all flops. I finally gave up and just started buying it when I needed it....A part of me wants to try again, just to say I DID it. I will probably give this recipe a try soon.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (108)

By Ten Grains You Can Enjoy on a Gluten-Free Diet | ACN Latitudes on Nov 15, 2012

[...] Teff [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (109)

By Eva on Nov 14, 2012

Hi, Im looking for a recipe for a dish called kajot, kayot or something like this. My Ethiopian husband say it his favorite food and I would like to surprise him. :-P

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (110)

By Gluten-Free Black Bean Flour Tortillas | Gourmandelle on Nov 9, 2012

[...] withstand being stuffed and rolled. Todd said that the consistency of the tortilla reminded him ofInjerabread that he had at an Ethiopian restaurant a few years ago and he LOVED it!*Injera bread takes [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (111)

By DaizyJune on Nov 5, 2012

Best to use up your supply each time and start a new one, so easy enough to do, and that way it will always be fresh. The bread freezes easily and tastes great after thawing

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (112)

By Shannan on Nov 5, 2012

Thank you so much for all your research and for posting this. I just had my first experience at an Ethiopian restaurant and love this gluten free bread. I have my starter finished and plan on making my first injera today!My question is, what is the best way to store the starter for future use and how long will it last? Thanks Again!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (113)

By T on Nov 3, 2012

Thank you for posting this great article DK. I was born in Ethiopia and left home at a young age so I never got a chance to learn how to make injera. I can make most of the dishes but just not injera. Unfortunately, I was ill for a long time and recently found out I need to divorce gluten. Sad as I was at the thought of losing injera voila I came across your site to bring a smile to my face. Many of my Ethiopian family and friends told me it's impossible to make 100% injera in the US so I'll forward them your site. Again, thank you for bringing the smile back to my life.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (114)

By T on Nov 3, 2012

@churcha, "I was able to make 100% teff injera...for a starter I ordered a sourdough starter from amazon and made the injera on the 5th day."How was this 100% Teff if you used a sourdough starter? I'm a bit confused.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (115)

By Rajendra kumar on Nov 3, 2012

I would like to know if there are instant mixes for Teff Injera like Dosa mixes of Indian origin ( can be teff flour with acidulants to give fermented taste) or a powder of prefermented Teff? Let me know if available and where? I am looking at whole wheat(stone ground) flour usage in African traditional dishes and pass if u have any info. Thanks a lot

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (116)

By Alem on Oct 24, 2012

I grew up in Ethiopia. It is difficult to make 100% teff injera in USA due to change in water and climate. Your reciepy seems to work so i cannt wait to try. Salt or mustard seeds is what is used to wipe the clay pan in Ethiopia. Also, the original injera has NO salt. As one commented, water and Teff are the only ingridients of Injera. The main reason why i really want to make injera is due to health concerns. I wish people know about Injera. Thank you for sharing!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (117)

By maria ligia conti on Oct 23, 2012

:oops: Hi, it is soo sad we don´t have teff in Brazil. could you help me by giving me an address where i could import it from? thanks so much for your recipe - it is really clear!

Amazon. com carries whole grain Teff. Pls check if that option is available to you or any other online shops --DK

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (118)

By bitaglitz on Oct 14, 2012

THANK YOU! My hubby has gone 'wheat-free' and injera is a perfect bread substitute. We love our local Ethiopian eatery and have decided to start making the the injera pancake to satisfy the cravings for bread. What other recipes, using teff, do you suggest us novices try making?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (119)

By Lidya on Oct 11, 2012

If you are interested getting teff starter you can get it for as little as $2+shipping. Just e-mail.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (120)

By Scott on Oct 9, 2012

I lived in a very rural and isolated area of Ethiopia for over two years as a Peace Corps volunteer and I watched the women on my compound make injera every day. There are exactly two ingredients in true Ethiopian injera: Teff flour and water. They mix it together (I don't know the exact proportions b/c nobody measures anything, but it's pretty runny), and let it sit for a few days until its fermented and bubbly. When the mixture is ready, they fire up a giant griddle really hot. How to tell the correct temp? They drop some water on the griddle or spit on it. When the drops jump across the griddle, it's hot enough. Then they pour the batter on and cover it. It only takes a couple minutes. I never timed it but I would say 3 maybe 4 minutes. They don't flip it. The injera is so thin that its not necessary to flip it.If you are adding salt, another type of flour, or anything else, then you aren't making true injera.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (121)

By churcha on Sep 2, 2012

@ Nunu, I was able to make 100% teff injera...I also thought it was not possible to make only with teff but it's possible. you really don't have to use salt, oil, etc. for a starter I ordered a sourdough starter from amazon and made the injera on the 5th day.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (122)

By JJ on Aug 26, 2012

I also would like to know about starter storage. My first batch turned out nice, but then I put the starter in the fridge and when I tried another batch it didn't do so well.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (123)

By Africa, Land of Differences | Change is Good……Right??? on Aug 21, 2012

[...] found this great recipe here. It has step by step pictures.) Share [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (124)

By Sarah on Jul 31, 2012

How do I know if the starter is bad? (And thanks for the recipe - i'm so excited!)

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (125)

By RonB on Jul 2, 2012

I am following the recipe and am at day 3...But the end makes no sense to me since the recipe only uses 1/4 cup of the starter but there is over two cups at the end!!??Then during the Injera recipe at step 6. you say to reserve 1/4 of the starter for the next batch.Seems to me we got reserved starter coming out our ears by my figures we have about 1 and 3/4 cups of the starter left...thats seven Injera recipes by my count...right?So you give it away or what?Why make so much when you really only need 1/2 cup of starter total...1/4 cup for the recipe and 1/4 cup for the next batch?Cheers, RonB

Please refer the "Basic Information" section before the recipe, esp. the Yield section. --DK

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (126)

By Tom Y. on Jul 1, 2012

I am about to start making the starter. the recipe says it makes 2cups of starter and that a single batch of the batter -- enough for 4 - 6 injera -- takes only 1/4 cup. To have some starter left over to make more injera, let the stuff sit around stinking for 7 days rather than 5 days. Can I not do it for 5 days, use only 1/4 to 1/2 cup for 8 - 12 injera and keep the rest for the next batch???

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (127)

By Organic Goddess on Jun 25, 2012

I had Ethiopian food today ands it was wonderful.I was wondering whether they addedwheat flour to their injera it was lighter in color than just teff.the recipe looks great.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (128)

By Rosalind on Jun 24, 2012

Sounds great - we ate Ethiopian last night and I was wondering how to make injera, we love it. Can't wait to try this recipe! Question: How do you store the starter until you next use it? In the fridge? And how long can you store it? Thanks!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (129)

By Rahel on Jun 23, 2012

This is wonderful! Thank you! for sharing. I have searched the for Injera making prosece ( 100% Teff only) on line and by far this is the best one and the one that did make sense to me.I already made the starter with organic yest and Teff last night and it has been in the kitchen counter overnight. Wish me luck and i will get back to you to let you know how it turned out to be.P.S Rahel from Eritrea :)

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (130)

By barry on Jun 8, 2012

Thank you, thank you. I was also looking for a recipe using only teff to avoid gluten and wheat and found nothing. It was wonderful to come across your site and find such great info. Thanks so much for sharing.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (131)

By Please Pass The Injera | Live. on Jun 6, 2012

[...] injera recipe is found here. But I must admit I desperately pleaded and frantically emailed consulted the most wonderful of [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (132)

By Nunu on Jun 4, 2012

Hi, I am happy to see you are still helping people by providing your own version of Enjera making. It is good to contnue as long as it work for you and others. I promise to find time and try to send you my own recipe. I did however not use your recipe for the simple reason that I have a recipe of my own, it works for me. I do not use salt since the original Ethiopian Enjera has no salt no oil. Yes, the original recipe of Enjera is made of 100% teff but due to the difference in water and climate teff will not work alone here. For a gluten free Enjera, you may want to try to add rice flower or corn meal it makes the Enjera work better. I grow-up eating Enjera made of 100% Teff without any mixtures of other ingredients or flowers.Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wish you good luck no matter what you do. Best wishesNuNu :

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (133)

By Deborah on Jun 4, 2012

The salt on a cast iron pan is a great idea! Does it change the flavor with not using oil as per the original method?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (134)

By A on Jun 4, 2012

I made this recipe and it worked really well. Surprisingly, it tastes a lot like Russian sour rye bread. One thing I did different is I used the salt-on-dry-pan method, not oil. The idea is to use a cast iron pan, and instead of oiling it before every injera, rub it dry with a tablespoon or so of salt, then pour off the salt into a spare container, then pour the batter on the pan. The salt can be reused, of course.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (135)

By Aliyanna on May 29, 2012

I have been using Pickl-it jars and they make it soooo much easier and better....esp since this is gluten free....

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (136)

By Ashleigh on May 29, 2012

Hello! We recently brought our daughter home from Ethiopia and this site was sent to me by a friend so thanks to you, I am on my way to making what I hope to be my first successful batch of injera! Maybe I am having a blonde moment but I am having troubles figuring something out. I am doing the 7 day injera as I want to have starter left over for next time. So, when doing days 3 and 5, do I just skip day 3 and do that on day 5 or do I do day 3 on day 3 and then again on day 5??Thank you so much for your help!!Ashleigh

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (137)

By DaizyJune on May 26, 2012

I use Bob's Red Mill Whole Grain Teff Flour and do add a little yeast in the beginning batch... my Injera always turns out delicious!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (138)

By Kristina on May 11, 2012

For anyone wondering about the instructions to ferment 7 days to have some starter left over, ignore that. This blog uses the starter instructions from Bread Chick, and Bread Chick's injera recipe uses a whole 2 cups of starter. Mystery solved.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (139)

By Radha on Apr 30, 2012

i think it is possible to make injera from 100% whole grain tef without adding anything to it like yeast, kefir, or brown rice etc. my guess, its the water. try not to use water with chlorine in it which tap water tends to have. usually fermentation was done in clay pots and cooking done on clay pans. clay is breathable.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (140)

By Aliyanna on Apr 30, 2012

I get teff from and I make it completely yeast free by adding kefir to teff and letting it ferment for a while. I usually add brown rice so that it feeds and grows better.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (141)

By Radha on Apr 29, 2012

can you teach us how to make this without the flour but with whole grain tef and without added yeast?whole grain teff is available in the usa. i think that would ferment better without the use of yeast, i think yeast is not needed and can be captured from the air itself. i have purchased whole grain myself but i have no idea how to cook with it properly. i use to make cereal with it, but an ethiopian woman told me it was always fermented into injera never eaten like cereal.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (142)

By Aliyanna on Apr 22, 2012

The bread chick was looking for a source of teff flour. I can get it thru in 25 lbs bags for around $50. You would have to join (free) and have it shipped if you don't live on their routes....lots of those...but would be a good source for the flour. They are out of Oregon.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (143)

By Radha on Apr 3, 2012

sorry she said the teff in usa doesn't make good injera, i wonder why...actually the way their injera is suppose to be with holes and a sponginess is how our dosa is, the dosa we get in restaurants is purposely made crispy because people like that taste, esp north indians, but my dad said there is kal dosa which is more like this inerja which is what he is use to. here's more on kal dosa as she says it will be softer plumper.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (144)

By Radha on Apr 3, 2012

you're not crazy, i too felt exactly the way you did!!! when i read about injera there were so many conflicting recipes, none close to the authentic dish. all were using white teff not the brown teff or some other additives, short cuts etc. i was getting frustrated as well. i wonder why teff in the usa doesn't grow well like in ethiopia. she said there was some scientific reason for it. i feel so much better after reading this. i too read it took days to make and you emphasized that point.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (145)

By Sam on Mar 17, 2012

Just back from Bahar Dar, Gondar, Lalibela and Axum ! Have made semi successful injera with Saracen wheat, a touch of chickpea flour, rye and tsp cocoa powder. Allow to ferment like crazy 3 days. Lovely bubbles in a warm kitchen in uncovered measuring jug. Then, last day pour into lightly oiled pan and cook over medium gas flame under lid. Yum! Also great quartered the day after for breakfast. Bung in toaster to warm and add honey and melted butter. Not authentic but not bad!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (146)

By Nunu on Mar 7, 2012

I am Ethiopian and love cooking my traditional food and consider myself a good cook. I am amazed and impressed by your commitment and hard work to come up with this excellent recipe which is close to the authentic one. The traditional Ethiopian Enjera is based on pure teff, and no salt should be added. Due to some scientific fact, teff which grow in the USA does not work to produce a good enjera unless other type of flower are added. My recommendation to those who would like to have a glutine free enjera, they should work with corn or rice flower. If you have a chance to use teff from Ethiopia, then you do not need to add anything in order to produces a very spongy enjera with the same process without any baking soda and salt. I have tried it the same way and it has worked with a little different than your methods. I usually work with warm water which help me accelerate the fermentation process and as a result I can produce enjera within two days not 5-7 days. In addition I use yeast to prepare the starter and after baking the enjera, I usually keep half a cup of batter in a container in the refrigerator for next time. Thank you again for your good work and also for sharing. All the best

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (147)

By Injera Adventures « The Spunky Veggie on Jan 23, 2012

[...] For my Ethiopian Feast I went all out – including making my own Injera. Google quickly told me that injera should be fermented, and is traditionally made with teff flour. Apparently in North America the starter is often a mixture of teff and wheat flour, which is not the classic method. More Google searches quickly eliminated many of the injera recipes that didn’t involve fermenting the starter or used wheat flour. Finally, I stumbled upon this recipe: [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (148)

By bakingbarb on Jan 9, 2012

I was looking for the gluten free version which contains teff only which is how the recipe should be in the first place!!! Amazing how many people think wheat flour belongs everywhere. Thank you for the clear directions and for sticking to your guns and using teff only. BTW for anyone that thinks it smells badly - any sourdough starter smells! They are supposed to!!!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (149)

By Nancy Culbert on Jan 5, 2012

I was researching injera bread and came across your recipe. I ate at an Ethiopian restaurant last night and inquired about the injera. It is made fresh daily and they use a 60-40% teff-barley flour mixture, saying that 100% teff is too filling (maybe for Americans :)). I am going to try your process with that ratio of flours. I have made it before with teff and whole wheat flour, using Jeff Smith's (Frugal Gourmet) recipe as a guideline. He, however, uses self-rising flour.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (150)

By Marilyn on Nov 27, 2011

If the starter makes 2 cups why do i need to go to day 7 if i only use 1 cup i should have 1 cup left. do i put the left over starter in the fridge or leave it on the counter? do i continue to feed my left over starter? in the instructions for making the bread you tell to save some starter for future starter. do i start at this point at the beginning of the starter instructions again? Thank you so very much for this recipe my husband has celiacs and we are always looking for a good bread.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (151)

By Ed Handline on Nov 4, 2011

It is day number five for the starter. I put a little extra water in the starter and did not have the active yeast. It has mold on it and I was wondering if this is normal or should I start another batch.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (152)

By valerie on Nov 3, 2011

What do you do with the leftover starter?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (153)

By Ethiopian Injera Disaster | Multiculturiosity on Oct 13, 2011

[...] used this recipe. It’s a fine recipe with lovely pictures, which are encouraging, but obviously I need a [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (154)

By Getting a Taste of Ethiopia « A Life Vegetarian on Sep 26, 2011

[...] Injera (Chef In You) LD_AddCustomAttr("AdOpt", "1"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Origin", "other"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_bg", "301e07"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_border", "CC9752"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_text", "cccc9a"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_link", "ff99cc"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_url", "21B6A8"); LD_AddCustomAttr("LangId", "1"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Autotag", "food"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "veg-eats"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "nyc"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "vegan"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "vegetarian"); LD_AddSlot("wpcom_below_post"); LD_GetBids(); Like this:LikeBe the first to like this post. September 26, 2011 alifevegetarian Categories:Veg Eats Tags:NYC, Vegan, Vegetarian [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (155)

By Minal Shah on Jul 18, 2011

1. I need to make injeras for 8-10 people, how much starter is needed.2. Have you tried making the starter with smashed cooked rice? You think that would work? It works for the Indian Dosa.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (156)

By Tovah @ on Jun 23, 2011

BTW, injera IS often made with only teff in Ethiopia, but multiple Ethiopians and Eritreans have told me due to low elevation in most of the U.S. you simply cannot make it without adding wheat flour or some other kind of flour. They have all tried and found it doesn't turn out like it does in Ethiopia. They told me to try with partially rice flour but it didn't work.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (157)

By Tovah @ on Jun 23, 2011

You may turn out to be my hero, if I can get this to work. Even after speaking with multiple Ethiopian restaurant owners I could not get a gluten-free injera recipe to become anything but a sourdough-flavored flatbread with the consistency of an American pancake. If this recipe comes close to the sponginess I recall from (gluteny) injera, I will be on cloud nine. I love cooking Ethiopian but I can't bring myself to serve it on bread that doesn't taste like injera, and I have made no less than 5 different starters and had none of them result in a realistic-textured injera. Thanks so much for posting this!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (158)

By Angel of the North on May 1, 2011

Saw a person making this in a refugee camp in Eritrea a couple of years ago. I agree with the staffordshire oatcake comparison. The local health shop stopped selling teff flour, so that's my chance gone of making any. There is an Ethiopian restaurant in Amsterdam which does good injera. However, the average room temperature in the UK is very much lower than 70 degrees F!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (159)

By Gluten Free Flour Tortillas | Cybele Pascal Allergen-Free Cuisine on Apr 26, 2011

[...] ♥Ethiopian Injera at Chef In You Print Friendly Share Tweet Tags: allergy-free flour tortillas, gluten-free flatbreads, gluten-free flour tortillas [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (160)

By Joe Wallen on Apr 15, 2011

I have the same question as cheftimmi - March 30. In addition, if you do the seven-day starter, do you feed the mixture on day 5, day 7, or not at all? Thanks for the recipe.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (161)

By cheftimmi on Mar 30, 2011

haven't made it yet, but very excited to try. one question, though: you say to keep the starter going for 7 days if you want to have leftover to do it again, but the starter recipe makes 2 cups, and the recipe only calls for 1/4 cup of the starter. does this mean if i let it go for 5 days i will have 1 3/4 cups of starter left, or am i missing something? thanks so much!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (162)

By Chocolate Lady on Mar 28, 2011

To no avail, I have been searching for an authentic injera recipe for years now, and looky here ~ you've posted one! I am beyond appreciative. I only have whole teff grain and am going to attempt to grind it in my mortar and pestle, but if that doesn't work, I'm off to the health food store to pick up some teff flour. Again, THANK YOU for sharing!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (163)

By Kristen on Mar 27, 2011

I made this and my family loved it! Do I refrigerate the leftover starter or leave it at room temp? How long will it last? Do I need to keep feeding it?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (164)

By Tova on Mar 23, 2011

I started making the injera with a recipe from my gluten free cookbook. Then I found your website. Your photos and process information were a big help. I shared some injera with my celiac support group, and they were a big hit. Mine look like your photos. Thanks so much.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (165)

By bergina on Mar 12, 2011

It's working!!!! Thanks.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (166)

By bergina on Mar 8, 2011

Yikes. Someone closed the top tightly for part of day 2 and day 3. I just added the day 3 stuff. It smells as much like beer as "stinky" Is it ruined and I should start over, or should I keep going?

I didnt exaggerate when I say it makes a stinker ;). Stick to your guns and carry on! It will be worth it in the end...:)

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (167)

By I ate it. It was me. « Gluphed! on Mar 8, 2011

[...] King Arthur Flour has cannonballed onto the GF scene with their new GF mixes and so far, is the best option I’ve found for a [relatively] quick bread fix. It’s $7.99 at Whole Foods, so not cheap, by any stretch of the imagination. I’ve only tried the sandwich bread mix (okay, twice in past two weeks) but so far I’ve been quite pleased. The bread rises perfectly, it’s pretty easy to make and, considering it’s bread, doesn’t take as long as other recipes I’ve tried. Loaf 1Keep in mind I have a starter going on day 5 for some Injera – what? It was a craving. It’s hard to indulge a craving when it takes 5 to 7 days for the starter. By the way, for any of you who are curious about Injera… the starter smells so unbearably horrible that I had to take it down to my neighbor (who’s much braver, and stronger than I am… and she has a less sensitive nose), who had to lock it in the oven because of the smell. We have a 50/50 shot of actually finishing this starter and making the bread. Fingers crossed. Here’s that recipe. [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (168)

By How to cook perfect pancakes | The Guardian Reader on Mar 8, 2011

[...] are a remarkably versatile foodstuff: French crêpes, Indian dosas, even Ethiopian injera, all fall under the same delightful banner. As Ken Albala, author of a gloriously comprehensive [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (169)

By How to cook perfect pancakes | Hackney Citizen on Mar 8, 2011

[...] are a remarkably versatile foodstuff: French crêpes, Indian dosas, even Ethiopian injera, all fall under the same delightful banner. As Ken Albala, author of a gloriously comprehensive [...]

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (170)

By injeraadict on Mar 7, 2011

hey i stumbled across this by accident so i had to write you!common thing about injera or ethiopians is, most people have house maid or mothers who made injera, so they are not as knowledgable as they claim. I myself thought injera is made of teff only. It turns out to be when food prices go up people use sorghum or they mix it(possible version sorghum-wheat / wheat-corn /sorghum teff/ et.c ) as for the starter start by put some flour in a bowl with water and let it stay for 1 or two days. then you start as if you would do it regularily... have fun! :wink:

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (171)

By Rachel on Mar 5, 2011

Thia ia delicious - but just in case you don't know injeera are exactly the same as Staffordshire oatcakes (not Derbyshire ones as they are too heavy) can buy them in any supermarket there, and sometimes people still sell them outside their kitchen windows. Natives always eat them savoury (rolled around metled cheddar and crispy bacon) - visitors may insist on jam (shudder).

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (172)

By NatureMama on Mar 3, 2011

Thank you so much!! This is fantastic! I'm not bothered by the smell at all--we've been making sourdough bread for a few years. :-)

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (173)

By Ali-o on Feb 19, 2011

Awesome recipe! I tried it last week with home-made wat. Cool, international experience. As with all first-tries at something, it didn't go quite as I had thought it would in three ways:1. The starter wasn't very bubbly, or stinky. Could the yeast not have done its thing? Maybe my kitchen isn't warm enough this time of year (it's winter)?2. On about day 2, the starter developed white patches on the top and started to smell like bread mold (I don't see similar patches in your pictures). Another site suggested that if you got mold on your starter, then just scoop it off and keep going, which is what I did.3. When we tried to cook the injera on day 7, the bottom layer of it stuck to the bottom of the pan. We were able to get the top layer off with a spatula. Not the same beautiful presentation you show, but still edible. So, then we turned down the heat a bit and tried A LOT of oil; same result. I feel like I must be missing something. I've had the same trouble in the past making pancakes too - can do it fine on a pancake griddle, but have sticking problems in a frying pan. Any suggestions?That being said, a lot went right. Not much stink, and we did end up with a sort of "scrambled injera" that we could still eat with our wat (which turned out VERY well). My boyfriend and I felt fine the next day, so the white patches were not an obvious health hazard, for us anyway.Thanks again for the great recipe, and all the pictures, and let me know if you have any ideas about ways to make it better for next time (because there will be a next time!). :)

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (174)

By Liz on Jan 10, 2011

Love love love this tutorial! And of course you worked super hard to make injera, it is the most awesome bread ever!!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (175)

By k on Nov 27, 2010

I, too, have looked everywhere and tried everything.I came across this site and I loved how bubbly her starter is. I have yet to try it to a tee -- I modified it partway. you'd like to give it another go?Note: She uses whey from (presumably) her cheesemaking.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (176)

By Dabblertante on Nov 14, 2010

Well, I tried it but it was a flop. Maybe I don't have the right environmental conditions. :cry:

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (177)

By Dabblertante on Nov 7, 2010

I have loved this in restaurants & plan to start it today. Question: What does Mary mean by "toss off half" in her reply to keeping starter for future use?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (178)

By dina on Oct 31, 2010

:-P glad to find a recipe that is gluten free! One question, must the starter be at 70 degrees F? I think it is cooler in my house, want to make the starter while my room mates are gone for a week in case it smells too strong. Also what about in the summer when the temp is so warm (we don't have air or central heat, only wall heat so the house pretty much stays about the temp outside.) Will it be ready sooner if it's warm and later if it's cold? And what is meant by 'feeding' the starter? adding water? Sorry for all the questions, i have never made any type of bread product before, mainly b/c i am celiac but want to try my hand at a bread i can make (and hopefully take along to places like relatives house, temple, etc where nothing is ever gluten free!)

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (179)

By a on Oct 18, 2010

Teff is not gluten free as your title implies.

I did some extensive research and till now have seen that it is indeed Gluten free. One of the places is here If you have a support to your claim pls do let me know

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (180)

By Yesehak on Oct 14, 2010

I love your presentation and effort.I am an Ethiopia Mechanical Engineering sudent.I am doing my final year project on automatic injera baking machine.Therefore I hope the problem of making Ingera will be history.I will make available for you all the finshed Ingera at your door.keep eating Ingera :lol:

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (181)

By Barbara Becker on Oct 6, 2010

:?: I am on day 5 of making the ingera starter. I lifted the towel and there is some green scum on top. I am afraid to go farther since it looks spoiled or moldy. Help! Should I go ahead and feed it then plan on making the ingera tonight?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (182)

By Tricia on Sep 29, 2010

Okay, I just made this (from a different site, but still plain teff and water) and I cannot take the smell of it in my tiny apartment! My first was a mess, like you said, but I can't even bring myself to want to eat it because of the smell, so I'm thinking of throwing the whole thing out. It seems like it can't even be safe, though I'm sure it is. I'm sad because I looooove it in Ethiopian restaurants.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (183)

By deb on Sep 20, 2010

printing out and heading off to the kitchen to give it a go! :)

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (184)

By Niv Mani on Aug 30, 2010

OK, You just scarred me from making Injera!!! but Hats off to your persistence... Do you have perhaps in that Toque of your recipes hidden away for the 'wats' or the finger licking veggies preps that usually accompany Injera?

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (185)

By Nicolas on Jun 24, 2010

Wow, thank you for the thorough recipe! This is something I've been wanting to make, so finally I have some confidence in trying it out. I'm a little bit confused about something: the recipe for the starter yields 2 cups, and the recipe for the injera only asks for 1/4 cup starter. So do you have the rest left over, or are you using all of the starter in the bread?Thank you!

Oh yes, you will have leftovers which you can use later on. But I went ahead and used them all by doubling the recipe of course :) If you go through the previous comments, you will know more about what to do with your leftover starter. Hope this helps :) --DK

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (186)

By Parul on Jun 14, 2010

Hi, your blog is great with excellent photos so I guess one can't go wrong. Only one thing though, for us Indians back home....we would love to make so many of your dishes but a lot of them like this one uses ingredients that we don't know the indian variants of. Could you please make that extra effort and give us the indian equivalents of things like quinoa, teff, spelt, etc. Wouldn't want to miss out on trying your lovely recipes.

Hey Parul, thank u so much for your feedback. I def. add in notes for replacing ingredients wherever I am sure. But since I try other authentic recipes, I am forced to use the exact same ingredients like this Injera. It cannot be made in any other way other than with Teff flour. If you change the flour then the methodology changes like how you make regular indian crepes like Dosa, akki roti and rest. But I def. will keep in mind your suggestion and post more recipes which you can try with ingredients available back home. Do keep a look out on those :) --DK

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (187)

By Mike on Jun 7, 2010

Ready to try my first batch.Day 5. Have just added the 1/3 cup teff flour and 1/2 cup water.(you're so right about the stink) The injera recipe says add 1 3/4 each flour and water to 1/4 cup starter. If I'm not going to save any starter can I assume that I just use the whole batch of starter instead and make the injera from it without the 1 3/4 water and teff?

Oh yes! I think I did the same since I did not save my starter --DK

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (188)

By Lin on May 5, 2010

:oops: Just as stated, the first was awful, the second and third much better. Addictive bread with spicy fish/spinach stew. Thanks for the response about saving the starter!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (189)

By PJ on May 2, 2010

That's one classic recipe Divi.Thanks for sending it across for the event.The next time you make this Lil angel and me are getting ourselves invited for breakfast;)

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (190)

By Lin on Apr 30, 2010

:?: Just made my starter. How do I store my starter for later injera batches?Thanks

I asked this query to Mary, from whom I got the original recipe. This is what she told me :) "Like any starter you want to store for a long time, I suggest you keep in the fridge. You don't have to feed it very often, about once a month. Feed it, toss off half and put it back in the fridge. I have kept my starter for over a year now in the fridge. To use it, take out of the fridge. Let it come to room temp. Feed it, toss off 1/2 feed it again. repeat until it is bubbly again. I only use it about once every three months and with a full four feedings, it revives nicely." - Hope this helps :) --DK

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (191)

By Heather on Feb 7, 2010

Wow, thank you so much for the detailed instructions on how to make injera the right way. I never knew that teff is involved, but what a great way to get this grain.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (192)

By Priya Balchand on Feb 3, 2010

Thought it would ragi dosa, but all appears to me as greek and latin... But a good healthy dish.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (193)

By Ramya Vijaykumar on Feb 2, 2010

Soft and healthy injera... I usually ahve this at my neighbors place she just makes it very thin and I love this very much!!!

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (194)

By Cooking Foodie on Feb 2, 2010

I have had this at my local Ethiopian restaurant.. but didnt know it takes 5 days to make... I will be just going there the next time I crave some. Kudos to you for having the patience and passion to search and recreate the dish :)

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (195)

By AshaLAtha R K Prasad on Feb 1, 2010

Yup! I am hearing it for the first time too..... My hubby thought that was ragi dosa.... But this is something informatively new & unique..... All said & done, the presentation & the captures are outstanding & so must be the taste of it, I bet........Ash....(

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (196)

By simplyfood on Feb 1, 2010

I have never come across this type of flat bread so I have certainly learnt some thing new ; the facts and an awesome recipe.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (197)

By mridhu on Feb 1, 2010

OMG !! Dhivi you claim to be a lazy person.... *sigh* I wish I were half as lazy as you are ! This stinky bread doesnt look stinky at all :)

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (198)

By Indhu on Feb 1, 2010

Okay.. so this is the flatbread with the stinker starter... I live with roommates and if I make these, I think they will boot me out because of the starter :)

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (199)

By Yaelian on Feb 1, 2010

I have friends from Ethiopia,and this is the main thing in their diet.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (200)

By Sumi on Feb 1, 2010

Had this lovely breads in an ethiopian restaurant once in seattle.They servers all the side dished we ordered ina very very large plate with loads of this bread on a basket.All 10 of us had to dig into the large plate :) a memorable experince.Oh my ...You have taken such a lots of effort for creating these spongy breads at home.Way to go girl..

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (201)

By Asha on Feb 1, 2010

Why oh why didn't you ask me? HAHA. yum. I got Teff in the whole foods, but once it's over I didn't buy it again. bit work but tastes great, doesn't it? No school today for son, so will not be surfing much, snow has become ice and sleet now.

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (202)

By Priya on Feb 1, 2010

First time hearing this injera, looks like our ragi dosai..thanks for sharing DK..

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (203)

Ethiopian Injera - Chef In You (2024)


Is Ethiopian injera good for you? ›

Teff injera is fairly rich in minerals, and is a complex carb. It's not way better than whole wheat bread, but not worse neither. The way it's traditionally served, a slim piece covered in vegetables, seeds, etc. is what makes Ethiopian cuisine healthy.

What is Ethiopian injera made of? ›

"Injera" is an Amharic term for Ethiopian bread similar to pan cake, made usually from teff. Injera is thin, prepared from teff flour, water and starter (a fluid collected from previously fermented mix) after successive fermentations [1].

Can celiacs eat injera? ›

Is injera always gluten-free? No, not always. Some restaurants may combine teff flour with a more economical flour such as barley or wheat. Not only does this change the consistency of the injera, making the flatbread heavier, it also makes a usually gluten-free flatbread into a product containing gluten.

What is the difference between injera and teff injera? ›

While teff is very nutritious, it contains practically no gluten. This makes teff ill-suited for making raised bread, however injera still takes advantage of the special properties of yeast. A short period of fermentation gives it an airy, bubbly texture, and also a slightly sour taste.

Does injera spike blood sugar? ›

Teff Injera, which is predominantly used in Ethiopia, had a low glycemic index and load. Therefore, Teff Injera is a safe food for diabetic patients, and it can be grown in many drier areas of the world (e.g., Northern United States, Poland, and Western Russia).

Is injera full of carbs? ›

Injera bread (Ethiopian bread) (0.5 each - 12" diameter) contains 11.3g total carbs, 10.7g net carbs, 0.7g fat, 1.8g protein, and 58 calories.

Is injera gain weight? ›

Low Fat: Injera is low in fat, which is beneficial for heart health and weight management.

Is injera a carb or protein? ›

Nutrition Facts (per serving)

Is injera a probiotic? ›

This study revealed that Ethiopian injera sourdough could be potential source of different probiotic yeast strains. Strong emphasis should be given about the use of probiotic yeasts that are isolated from Ethiopian fermented foods.

Does injera give you diarrhea? ›

The bread (injera) and many of the veg dishes are pretty high in fiber. Thatś good for your intestines, but doesn't usually cause diarrhea. If meat dishes were undercooked, or the ingredients mishandled, as at any restaurant, you could get a food-borne disease.

Why is teff so expensive? ›

The prestige associated with consuming white teff, as well as its more stringent growing conditions, contributes to the increased cost of white teff. The shelf life of engera is extended with the use of white teff. Red/brown teff, the least expensive form and the least preferred type, has the highest iron content.

Does teff flour spike insulin? ›

Whole, cooked teff has a relatively low GI compared with many grains, with a moderate GI of 57 (25). This lower GI is likely due to it being eaten as whole grain. Thus, it has more fiber, which can help prevent blood sugar spikes ( 1 ).

Is teff good or bad for you? ›

Since teff is packed with nutrients, this might be a safe and more nutritious option to add to your diet. Teff is high in dietary fiber, with high levels of insoluble fiber in particular. This type of fiber stays mostly undigested in your gut. This causes your stool to bulk up and can help with regular bowel movements.

Why is injera bitter? ›

Fermentation is a chemical process where microorganisms break down sugars, generate heat, and releases gas bubbles, giving injera the tangy flavor similar to sourdough. It is a byproduct of depriving cells of oxygen.

What is a Habesha woman? ›

Habesha peoples (Ge'ez: ሐበሠተ; Amharic: ሐበሻ; Tigrinya: ሓበሻ; commonly used exonym: Abyssinians) is an ethnic or pan-ethnic identifier that has been historically employed to refer to Semitic-speaking and predominantly Oriental Orthodox Christian peoples found in the highlands of Ethiopia and Eritrea between Asmara and ...

What is the benefit of eating injera? ›

Teff grains contain 11% protein and are an excellent source of amino acids, especially lysine, the amino acid often missing in other grains. Lysine is essential for the production of proteins, hormones, enzymes, collagen and elastin. Lysine also supports calcium absorption, energy production and immune function.

Is Ethiopian food good for the gut? ›

To complete the health section, Ethiopian cuisine often errs on the generous side in the use of herbs and spices. Turmeric, garlic, ginger, basil – all these commonly used ingredients possess their own health benefits that range from anti-inflammatory properties to promoting digestion.

What are the disadvantages of teff? ›

Teff is perfectly safe to be consumed at a moderate level. However excessive consumption of teff might pose adverse effects. Teff is high in fibre and excessive consumption fibre might cause the problem of bloating and gas. The level of thiamine in teff is typically lower than other cereal grains.

Is Ethiopian food healthy or not? ›

Ethiopian cuisine is not only healthy and nutritious, but also a great way to expose children to new flavors and teach them about another part of the world at the same time. What kids will love most about Ethiopian food is that you use your hands — exclusively! Though a tad messy at times, it's the perfect finger food.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.