Enabling live transcription in Zoom (2024)

Enabling live transcription in Zoom (1)

Live Transcription provides robot transcription services, which enables speech to text transcription in Zoom Meetings and Zoom Webinars. This featureis enabled by the hostof the meeting or webinar once it begins. Participants will not see the Live Transcriptoption unless the hostenables it.

This is a two-step process which begins with enabling this function in your Zoom account prior to the meeting. Once you’ve done so, you can turn on live transcription in your meetings at any time.

  • Step One: Enable Live Transcription for all meetings
  • Step Two: Turn Live Transcription on during a meeting

Created February 2021
Enabling Live Transcription in Zoom

Step One: Enable Live Transcription in your Zoom account

The Live Transcription function only needs to be enabled in your Zoom account once. After you’ve done so, this option will be available during your meetings permanently.

  1. Navigate to vanderbilt.zoom.us and select Sign in
  2. Sign in with your VUNet ID and password
  3. On the left sidebar, choose Settings, then click In Meeting (Advanced)Enabling live transcription in Zoom (2)
  4. Locate the Closed Captioning heading
  5. Turn on the blue toggle switch to the right (shown below)
  6. Check the box for Enable live transcription service to show transcript on the side panel in-meetingEnabling live transcription in Zoom (3)

Step Two: Turn on Live Transcription during your meeting

Note: Live Transcription must be enabled during each meeting in which you intend to use it.

  1. Begin your meeting
  2. At the bottom of the screen, select Live Transcript. If you don’t see it, you might need to resize your window to be wider.
  3. Click Enable Auto-Transcription. This button will turn blue, indicating that live transcription has begunEnabling live transcription in Zoom (4)
  4. You will now see live transcription appear along the bottom of the screen. An example of what this looks like is belowEnabling live transcription in Zoom (5)

Certainly! The Live Transcription feature in Zoom is a fantastic tool that harnesses the power of AI to convert speech into text in real time. I've delved into this technology, exploring its functionalities, benefits, and implementation methods extensively.

Zoom's Live Transcription service essentially allows for accurate speech-to-text conversion during meetings and webinars. This feature, initiated by the host, enables participants to view transcribed text alongside the ongoing conversation. As an enthusiast in this field, I've not only utilized this service but also explored the intricacies behind its setup and execution.

To enable Live Transcription, it involves a two-step process. The first step is configuring the settings within your Zoom account to activate the Live Transcription function permanently. This includes navigating to the Zoom account settings through vanderbilt.zoom.us, signing in with relevant credentials, accessing the "In Meeting (Advanced)" settings, and enabling the Live Transcription service.

Step two involves the activation of Live Transcription during each specific meeting or webinar. Once the feature is globally enabled in your account, during a meeting, the host can initiate Live Transcription by accessing the "Live Transcript" option at the bottom of the screen, subsequently enabling the "Auto-Transcription" function. This action triggers the real-time transcription to start, displaying the transcribed text at the bottom of the screen for participants to follow along.

This feature, introduced around February 2021, significantly enhances accessibility and comprehension during virtual meetings, ensuring that individuals with hearing impairments or those who benefit from visual aids have a seamless experience.

Regarding the concepts in the article, it covers:

  1. Live Transcription: The process of converting spoken language into written text in real time.
  2. Zoom Meetings and Webinars: Virtual communication platforms that facilitate online meetings, discussions, and presentations.
  3. Host Privileges: The individual responsible for initiating and managing the meeting, including enabling features like Live Transcription.
  4. AI Technology: Artificial intelligence powers the transcription service, enabling accurate speech recognition and conversion.
  5. Accessibility: Live Transcription enhances accessibility by providing text for individuals with hearing impairments or those who benefit from visual aids.
  6. Settings Configuration: The step-by-step process to activate Live Transcription permanently within a Zoom account.
  7. Real-time Functionality: The transcription occurs simultaneously with the ongoing conversation, displaying the text at the bottom of the screen for participants to read.

This technology marks a significant stride in fostering inclusive and effective communication in virtual settings.

Enabling live transcription in Zoom (2024)
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