Educational Planning (2024)

About Educational Planning

Educational planning is a process in which each college student is involved in self-assessment, exploring, and integrating academic and career alternatives, and making decisions that are personally relevant for the present and the future. Educational planning involves many important tasks that eventually incorporate a set of shortterm and long-term goals.

Certain conditions must be present before an educational plan can be of optimal value:

  • Students need a personal commitment and involvement in formulating a plan. If the plan is initiated by them and has relevance for them, it will provide a blueprint for an important period in their lives and have profound influence on their future. They will also take responsibility for its outcomes.
  • Students must be aware of the need for flexibility in carrying out any plan. Nothing remains static, and plans may need to be altered as new information or events indicate a change is desirable or necessary.
  • Students should be able to articulate their reasons for being in college and how the degree fits into their career and life goals.

Advisor Responsibility

Advisors can play a key role in helping students initiate and monitor an educational plan. The responsibilities of the advisors and students need to be negotiated very early in the relationship. Advisors often see themselves primarily as information givers. Much more is expected and needed by the student however.

Advisors can provide a mature, experienced opinion in many aspects of the planning. Advisors can also act as sounding boards for ideas as the student progresses through each step of the process. Advisors can create an open, friendly climate so that students feel free to share ideas and dreams. Students need to feel that someone has a personal interest in their present struggles and their future. It is the student's responsibility to actually make decisions so that they feel a sense of personal ownership of the plan once it is formulated.

Students sometimes need to be reminded that they will live with the plan and will need to take responsibility for modifying or changing it when needed. They will know, however, that there are always supportive people around to listen, to question, and to suggest ideas, as well as to congratulate them on a job well done.

Watch the video below to learn how to write SMART goals to aid in your education planning.

Educational Planning (2024)


Educational Planning? ›

Educational planning is creating a plan of action for providing quality education to students. It involves setting goals and objectives for the educational system, as well as determining how to achieve those goals best.

How do you write an educational plan? ›

Written educational plans should contain:
  1. Your student's biographical information.
  2. Summary of your child's present levels of performance.
  3. Specific goals.
  4. Time frame for accomplishing goals.
  5. Materials, resources/curriculum, therapies, accommodations, and modifications, and teaching strategies needed to achieve these goals.
Aug 3, 2020

What is education planning in financial planning? ›

Educational planning involves designing an investment strategy that specifically addresses the educational needs of your family. Specifically, it involves forecasting what those needs will be and helping you create a plan to satisfy those needs.

What is the planning for postsecondary education? ›

  • Planning for Postsecondary Education. High School Timeline. ...
  • Take the Right Classes. ...
  • Explore Your Career Interest. ...
  • Get Involved! ...
  • Start Saving Money. ...
  • Build Your Self-Advocacy Skills. ...
  • Get Information. ...
  • Visit Programs.

What is planning time in education? ›

In schools, common planning time refers to any period scheduled during the school day for several educators, or teams of educators, to work on grading and lesson planning. In most cases, common planning time is considered a form of professional development.

What are the five principles of educational planning? ›

Educational planning includes five steps, represented by the mnemonic GNOME: goals, needs assessment, objectives, methods, and evaluation. Goals are broad aspirations, which are refined by the learners' needs to specific, measurable objectives.

What is the basic concept of educational planning? ›

Educational planning is a process in which each college student is involved in self-assessment, exploring, and integrating academic and career alternatives, and making decisions that are personally relevant for the present and the future.

What is the main purpose of educational planning? ›

One of the main goals of educational planning is to ensure that all students have access to quality education. By creating a plan of action and setting goals, educational planners can help make sure that every student has the opportunity to receive a good education.

Why is education planning important? ›

A child's success in career is determined by methodical planning and a good educational path. Planning can help in knowing about the different opportunities, prepare financially, and get into right college and course. Moreover, planning before-hand also saves time and money.

What is financial planning examples? ›

The main elements of a financial plan include a retirement strategy, a risk management plan, a long-term investment plan, a tax reduction strategy, and an estate plan.

How do you plan to use your education after graduation? ›

Things to do after college
  1. Regroup at home. ...
  2. Continue your education. ...
  3. Become a research assistant. ...
  4. Take a gap year. ...
  5. Find an internship. ...
  6. Turn your passion into a job. ...
  7. Go to graduate school. ...
  8. Find volunteer opportunities.
Mar 16, 2023

What is a post-secondary education IEP goal? ›

Post-secondary goals are intended to help provide a clear picture of where the student wants to be as a young adult, the path needed to get there, including the key players and their responsibilities, as well as necessary services and experiences.

What is a postsecondary education goal for IEP? ›

Postsecondary goals represent the student's perspective about their next step after high school. They can be included in the IEP at any earlier point, but in the IEP year that a student turns 16, postsecondary goals must be included and measurable.

What do teachers do during planning? ›

To facilitate students' pandemic recovery, teachers need not only instructional time but also planning time: time to review curricula and upcoming lessons, to evaluate students' work and assess where students have grasped content and where they struggle, and to adjust future lessons accordingly.

What is the role of the teacher as a planner? ›

The teacher is the planner of materials to ensure that the lesson is appropriate for the students and the learning purpose. The teacher is also a diagnostician of her/his students' problems.

What is the meaning of instructional planning? ›

In general terms, planning means the “act or process of making or carrying out plans.”1 Instructional planning is a process of the teacher using appropriate curricula, instructional strategies, resources and data during the planning process to address the diverse needs of students.

What are the essential elements of educational planning? ›

  • Planning should be flexible.
  • Programs should be based on client needs.
  • The client system and planning context should be thoroughly analyzed.
  • Clients should be involved in the decision-making process of program planning.

What are the 7 principles of planning? ›

Seven principles for strong planning
Oct 19, 2009

What are the 4 principles of good planning? ›

The four qualities that effective plans should have are unity, continuity, accuracy, and flexibility. These four qualities will make planning more successful in businesses.

What are the level of planning? ›

There are four phases of a proper organizational plan: strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency. Each phase of planning is a subset of the prior, with strategic planning being the foremost.

What is the concept of planning in the curriculum process? ›

Curriculum planning • It is the process of preparing for the duties of teaching, deciding upon goals and emphases, determining curriculum content, selecting learning resources and classroom procedures, evaluating progress, and looking toward next steps.

What is the planning concept of planning? ›

Planning involves the setting of goals and these predetermined goals are accomplished with the help of managerial functions like planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling. Planning provides standards against which actual performance is measured.

What are the 4 purposes of education? ›

As you think about the four basic purposes of school: academic (intellectual), political and civic purposes, socialization, and economic purposes, what do you think? Which one (or more) do you find as primary purposes of schooling in your own personal philosophy?

What are the disadvantages of planning? ›

Disadvantages of Planning
  • Rigidity. Planning has tendency to make administration inflexible. ...
  • Misdirected Planning. Planning may be used to serve individual interests rather than the interest of the enterprise. ...
  • Time consuming. ...
  • Probability in planning. ...
  • False sense of security. ...
  • Expensive.

What is strategic educational planning? ›

Strategic planning guides educational development by giving a common vision and shared priorities. Educational planning is both visionary and pragmatic, engaging a wide range of actors in defining education's future and mobilizing resources to reach its goals.

What are the benefits of planning for children? ›

Planning Helps the Children:
  • Articulate ideas, choices and decisions.
  • Promotes children self confidence.
  • Promotes children's sense of self control.
  • Leads to involvement & concentrated play.
  • Supports development of complex play.

Why is it important to plan ahead for kids? ›

Planning Gives You Room To Explore Different Activities

Instead of having them spend hours on end before a TV screen, you can channel the energy and time they have into productive activities such as picking up a new skill, learning a new language or even just making new friends.

What are the four main 4 types of financial planning? ›

The four main types of financial planning are cash flow planning, tax planning, investment planning, and retirement planning. Each of these types of financial planning has different goals, concerns, and objectives.

What are the 6 types of financial planning? ›

This article will discuss the six essential types of financial planning that you should be able to provide, including cash flow planning, insurance planning, retirement planning, tax planning, investment planning, and estate planning.

What are the five types of financial planning? ›

What are the Different Types of Financial Planning?
  • Cash Flow Planning and Budgeting. The first step in the financial planning process is to develop a budget and cash flow plan. ...
  • Insurance Planning. ...
  • Retirement Planning. ...
  • Investment Planning. ...
  • Tax Planning. ...
  • Legacy Plan for Wealth Distribution.
Dec 20, 2022

What is the education plan after bachelor's degree? ›

Graduate Degree

Graduate degrees are advanced degrees that some students pursue after earning a bachelor's degree. The two most common are master of arts (MA) and master of science (MS). Other examples include master of fine arts (MFA) and master of business administration (MBA).

What do you put for education if you haven't graduated yet? ›

Currently Pursuing Degree on a Resume

In this case, you should include your degree program and school name. You should specify the expected graduation date if you're continuing your education, or simply mention that your education is still ongoing.

What are your top 3 personal plans after graduation? ›

5 things to do after graduation
  • Search for a graduate job. Now that you've finished your course, you might be thinking of embarking on a career. ...
  • Develop your CV. ...
  • Gain graduate work experience. ...
  • Apply for a postgraduate course. ...
  • Travel after graduating.
Aug 12, 2022

What are some IEP goals list? ›

Some examples of possible IEP goal focus areas identified within the present levels are: Reading comprehension, fluency skills, communication, time-management, self-advocacy, self-regulation, organization, independent travel, interpersonal and social skills, college and career exploration, math skills, fine motor ...

What is an academic IEP goal? ›

Annual IEP goals are statements that describe what knowledge, skills and/or behaviors a student is expected to achieve within the year the IEP will be in effect. The IEP must include measurable annual goals consistent with the student's needs and abilities, as identified in the student's present levels of performance.

How many goals is an IEP? ›

IEP Goal Information

“As many as you need to address the child's areas of need” is how many you should have. One item that is certain. There IS NOT A MAXIMUM number of goals for an IEP.

What are the rules for IEP goals? ›

IEP goals include three components that must be stated in measurable terms:
  • direction of behavior (increase, decrease, maintain, etc.)
  • area of need (i.e., reading, writing, social skills, transition, communication, etc.)
  • level of attainment (i.e., to age level, without assistance, etc.)

Do you need an academic goal for an IEP? ›

An IEP must be tied to the academic standards for your child's grade. IEP goals must be “ambitious but achievable” for kids who are performing below grade level. Accommodations should help kids reach grade-level standards.

What should IEP goals be based on? ›

The IEP team (which includes parents) develops academic and functional goals based on your child's present level of performance. Reports from you and the teachers, as well as evaluations and performance on state assessments, provide the basis for deciding areas to focus on for your child.

What are the 4 A's of a lesson plan? ›

4As (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application) Lesson Plan.

How long should lesson planning take? ›

There are also different opinions about how far ahead a teacher should plan lessons. Some recommend working a week out, while others advocate planning a month ahead. In the end, though, creating successful learning outcomes for students is the goal.

What is the most useful part of teacher planning? ›


A lesson objective can be one of the most important components of a lesson plan. Objectives define what students are going to learn during the lesson and explain how the learning is going to be assessed.

What does a teacher planner look like? ›

A teacher planner is a notebook or binder that teachers use to organize their time, tasks, and class information. Like standard personal planners, they generally include a calendar for managing time.

How do you use a teacher planner effectively? ›

10 Tips for Organizing Your Teacher Planner You'll Want to Try...
  1. Start with importance. ...
  2. Use sticky notes when a date is not confirmed. ...
  3. Never miss a student's birthday again. ...
  4. Make a list of EVERY contact you have with EVERY parent. ...
  5. Use clear address labels for lesson planning. ...
  6. Create back-of-book lists.
Nov 21, 2017

What skills does a planner have? ›

Knowledge of urban spatial structure or physical design and the way in which cities work. Ability to analyze demographic information to discern trends in population, employment, and health. Knowledge of plan-making and project evaluation. Mastery of techniques for involving a wide range of people in making decisions.

What are three instructional planning? ›

A successful lesson plan addresses and integrates three key components: Learning Objectives. Learning activities. Assessment to check for student understanding.

What are the three types of instructional planning? ›

What are the 3 types of lesson plan?
  • Detailed lesson plan. A detailed plan covers everything and gets teachers fully prepared for the lesson ahead. ...
  • Semi detailed lesson plan. ...
  • Understanding by design (UbD) ...
  • Objectives. ...
  • Procedure. ...
  • Evaluation. ...
  • Stage 1: Desired Results. ...
  • Stage 2: Assessment Evidence.

What are some educational plans? ›

Educational Goals for Studying

“…to attend every lecture and take detailed notes to improve my understanding of the course material.” “…to practice a new math problem every day to improve my problem-solving skills. “…to participate in a study group to gain different perspectives and insights on the course material.”

How do I write an education plan for homeschooling? ›

How to Plan Your Homeschool Curriculum
  1. Review State Requirements.
  2. Set Goals.
  3. Ask For Advice.
  4. Start Small.
  5. Talk to Your Kids.
  6. Consider Supplementing.
  7. Schedule Related Activities.
  8. Draft Your Ideal Routine.
Jun 8, 2022

What does a good IEP look like? ›

Your child's IEP will have annual goals. These will lay out what your child will be working toward over the school year. For kids to get the most out of an IEP, the goals shouldn't be vague or general. Instead, they should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-oriented, and Time-bound.

What is the purpose of an education plan? ›

Educational planning generally is understood to be the identification, development, and implementation of strategies designed to attain, efficiently and effectively, the educational needs and goals of students and society.

What is an educational plan and why is it important? ›

An Education Plan (commonly shortened to ed plan) is a plan that you will develop alongside your college counselor based on your academic and career goals. Your Educational Plan will serve as your guide for which courses to select each semester so you can stay focused and on track to meeting your goals.

How do I start making a plan? ›

Follow this seven-step process to create your life plan.
  1. Create a vision. To get started, imagine your dream life. ...
  2. Perform a self-assessment. ...
  3. Prioritize your life. ...
  4. Identify your values. ...
  5. Establish SMART goals. ...
  6. Outline an action plan. ...
  7. Adjust as necessary.
Jun 10, 2021

What is 1 example of planning? ›

Planning is futuristic

Management planning examples includes looking into the future, analyzing it and deciding a future course of action beforehand. For an example of planning in management process, an annual sales plan is made based on an estimate of future sales.

What should a homeschool portfolio look like? ›

Some common student homeschool portfolio items include:

Daily, weekly or monthly log of activities. List of books, educational videos or other supplements used. Brochures, ticket stubs, flyers or other field trip memorabilia. Photo album documenting projects, outings and assignments that cannot be represented on paper.

Can you write your own homeschool curriculum? ›

While new homeschooling parents are often attracted to complete curriculum packages, homeschooling also offers the ability to tailor a curriculum to your individual child. Home educators often rely on purchased curriculum for some subjects while creating their own learning experiences for other areas of instruction.

How to write a letter to the Board of Education about homeschooling? ›

Information to Include in a Letter of Intent

Child's address and address of homeschool if different. Child's birth date. The grade the child would be entering if they were in school. A simple statement saying that the child will be homeschooled for the following school year and who will be giving the instruction.

What should you not say at an IEP? ›

Talking about the IEP of or the needs of a different student is not something that you can discuss in an IEP meeting. Not only are IEPs legal documents, they are confidential. Sharing about another student on your caseload, even if a family member asks about that student by name, is not something that is legal to do.

How long does it take to write an IEP? ›

It takes about 2-4 hours depending on the needs of the student. Her former district was not as thorough (picky) and it took about an hour for an annual. Special education teachers have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to their students and the writing process.

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