diff between executed and execution in legal documents? - Property Law (2024)

diff between executed and execution in legal documents? - Property Law (1)

Nali Seshu Kumar(SOCIAL WORKER) 15 January 2010

Executed means the ultimate object is completed Ex mple a obtained a money decree from the competent court per sum of Rs 1000 and there after he filed Petition for execution for realisation of amount and he succeded it AMOUNTS EXECUTED .but the execution is concerned what are the options are avilable to a for executing is for proceeding against person to send him civil prison ,to put his property for public auction and movables auction these are all remedies to use the decree holder or person authorised to done the work is called EXECUTION.simply states that execution means to be done, executed means already done.

diff between executed and execution in legal documents? - Property Law (2024)


Diff between executed and execution in legal documents? - Property Law? ›

By legal definition, to execute a contract means to fulfill the terms of a contract by performing the services or providing the goods in exchange for the agreed-upon compensation. An executed agreement is a contract in which both parties have fully completed the terms, and the deal is complete.

What does it mean when a property is executed? ›

The buyer transfers the agreed amount of money to the seller, and the seller transfers ownership and possession of the property to the buyer. The contract is now deemed to be fully executed. “Fully executed” can also be used to reference the fact that all parties to the contract have signed it.

What does executed mean on a legal document? ›

Executed contracts are agreements that have passed the signature stage and have been approved by all parties involved. An executed agreement establishes a contractual and enforceable relationship, and each party is now responsible for fulfilling the legal obligations stated in the agreement.

What is the difference between executory and executed in real estate? ›

In the same vein, the opposite of an executory contract (a contract under which there are outstanding obligations) is an executed contract (an agreement according to which all parties have fulfilled their obligations).

What is an executed agreement in real estate? ›

An executed contract is a finalized agreement that has passed the sign stage and been agreed to by all necessary parties. The agreement is now effective and enforceable.

What does it mean when a document is executed as a deed? ›

What Is Execution of a Deed? Execution is the process by which a party to a document shows it intends to formally accept and be bound by its terms. There are strict legal formalities for execution which differ depending on who or what is the party, e.g., an individual, a UK company, an overseas company etc..

What does this document has been executed as a deed mean? ›

What does 'executing a deed' mean? Executing a deed means signing and completing it as a legal document. Without proper execution of your deed, it may not be enforceable or legally binding. Ensuring your deed is properly executed can also help you avoid unwanted legal disputes in the future.

What makes a document executed? ›

Executing a document means that it is signed with the proper protocol. This may include signatures, dates, witnesses, and in some cases, notarization. If a document is not executed properly, it may not be legally valid.

What makes a document fully executed? ›

A contract is fully executed at the point at which it has been signed by each of the Parties to form a Legally Binding contractual relationship. All Parties have agreed to fulfil their contractual obligations and have also agreed to all terms and conditions.

What is legal execution called? ›

Primary tabs. Capital punishment, which is also known as the death penalty, is criminal punishment that takes the defendant's life as the punishment for the defendant's crime.

What does executed mean in law? ›

Execute means (1) to carry out, perform, or complete as required, usually to fulfill an obligation, such as executing a contract or order; (2) to sign or complete all formalities necessary to make a contract or document effective, such as signing, stamping, or delivering; (3) to put to death according to a court- ...

What determines if a contract is executory or executed? ›

In a nutshell, an executed contract exists when promises are made and completed immediately, like in the purchase of a television. Conversely, in an executory contract, the promises of the contract are not fully performed immediately.

What's the difference between executed and executory? ›

(a) An executed contract is one in which all the parties thereto have performed all the obligations which they have originally assumed. (b) An executory contract is one in which something remains to be done by one or more parties.

What is an example of an executed agreement? ›

An example of an executed contract is the purchase of a vehicle in one lump payment. The contract is immediately complete after the sale is over. On the other hand, both parties have to carry out their duties before they fulfill executory contracts. An example of an executory contract is an apartment lease.

What are the two meanings for executed contract? ›

First, when all parties have fully performed all the obligations of the agreement, the contract is said to have been executed. An executed contract also refers to a contract that has been signed by all the parties necessary to make it legally enforceable.

Can a seller cancel an executed contract? ›

Bottom line. “Generally, a seller can't cancel without cause,” Schorr says. “You could build in some contingency, but absent that, you had better be committed to the sale.” Reneging because you fear you underpriced the house, or you actually receive a better offer, doesn't count as “cause.”

Does executed mean the same as signed? ›

First, when all parties have fully performed all the obligations of the agreement, the contract is said to have been executed. An executed contract also refers to a contract that has been signed by all the parties necessary to make it legally enforceable.

How do you execute a property? ›

Methods of Executing a Deed

Individuals Signing: If you're an individual signing a deed, your signature must be witnessed. The witness should be present when you sign and must then add their signature to the document as well. Companies Signing: Companies can execute deeds in several ways.

Does executed mean completed? ›

Once all parties have fulfilled their obligations, the contract is considered executed. This means that the terms of the contract have been completed and the parties are no longer obligated to each other.”

What does it mean when a sale is executed? ›

The execution of a sale deed is the last part of the property purchase transaction. A sale deed is executed when the necessary compliance as mentioned in the agreement to sell are met with. A sale deed contains the following details: Transfer of property from the seller to the buyer. Price of the property.

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