The Best And Worst Ways To Conduct Executions (2024)

The recent shortage of execution drugs in America inspired Slate writer John Kruzel to suggest the guillotine may be a more humane way to kill criminals than the lethal injection "co*cktail" most frequently used in the United States.


It's impossible to know exactly how people feel when they're being executed. The guillotine does seem to have the least risk of painful complications, though. More modern tools for execution — like the electric chair — can cause prolonged agony if they malfunction.

This infographic shows what we do know about various execution methods, some of which are still in use today and some of which are not. Many people believe the death penalty is always abhorrent, but some methods of execution may be worse than others.

The Best And Worst Ways To Conduct Executions (1)

Mike Nudelman/Business Insider

The Best And Worst Ways To Conduct Executions (2024)


What is the most effective execution method? ›

Lethal injection is the most widely-used method of execution, but states still authorize other methods, including electrocution, gas chamber, hanging, and ring squad.

What was the most brutal method of execution? ›

13 of the most brutal execution methods from the ancient world
  • The brazen bull. Perilaus being forced into the brazen bull. ...
  • Death by molten metal. In Ancient Israel, Mosaic law defined 36 crimes as punishable by death. ...
  • Poena Cullei. ...
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  • 9 wacky medieval war machines. ...
  • An eye for an eye.

What is the kindest method of execution? ›

Lethal injection avoids many of the unpleasant effects of other forms of execution: bodily mutilation and bleeding due to decapitation, smell of burning flesh in electrocution, disturbing sights or sounds in lethal gassing and hanging, the problem of involuntary defecation and urination.

What is the most botched execution method? ›

Lethal injection requires execution workers to administer drugs intravenously to the prisoner to stop their heart. It has become the most commonly used execution method across the country, though it is also the method with the most recorded "botches," or mistakes.

What is the least botched execution method? ›

MethodTotal ExecutionsBotched Executions
Lethal Gas59332
Lethal Injection1,05475
Firing Squad340
2 more rows

What is the most painful death row execution? ›

On that basis we determined that the most painful method of execution was Stoning, followed by Gassing, then Hanging, Beheading, Electrocution, Shooting, and least painful, Intravenous injection.

What is the painful way of execution? ›

Cutting the skin of the victim by the spine, breaking the ribs so they resembled blood-stained wings, and pulling the lungs out through the wounds in the victim's back.

Which methods of execution are painful? ›

[1] Today, five states authorize lethal gas as a method of execution, but all have lethal injection as an alternative method. A federal court in California found this method to be cruel and unusual punishment.

What states have no death penalty? ›

In addition to Michigan, and its Midwestern neighbors Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin, the states without the death penalty are Alaska, Hawaii, West Virginia, Rhode Island, Vermont, Maine and Massachusetts, where an effort to reinstate it was defeated last year.

Which state has the most people on death row? ›

In 2021, 2,382 prisoners were sentenced to death and awaiting execution, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. More than half of prisoners with a death sentence were held in California (690 people), Florida (324), and Texas (198), the most populous states.

Do people get to choose their method of execution? ›

The method is actually written into the statutes which allow for capital punishment. The only time the inmate would have a choice if the law provided for that such as some states allowing a choice between lethal injection and firing squad for instance, or some other methods.

Who survived the electric chair 3 times? ›

Richard Glossip, an inmate on Oklahoma's death row, had a message for those advocating his innocence last year: “God has spared me many times, and I know that he will spare me again.” Glossip, 59, was referring to his state's three failed attempts to take his life over the last 25 years.

Why do they put a bag over your head electric chair? ›

Why do they cover your face in the electric chair? The same reason that they would usually cover the faces of criminals being hanged or shot: to keep people from seeing the expressions of fear or agony on the faces of the ones being executed as they die.

Has a guillotine ever failed? ›

The first failed or botched guillotine execution after 1892 may have been in 1793 at the execution of Louis XVi.

Is death by firing Squad Painless? ›

Dunn (2017): "In addition to being near instant, death by shooting may also be comparatively painless. [...] And historically, the firing squad has yielded significantly fewer botched executions."

Is the firing squad the most humane? ›

ARE THEY MORE HUMANE? Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is among those who say firing squads are a more humane method of execution. That idea is based on expectations that bullets will strike the heart, rupturing it and causing immediate unconsciousness as the inmate quickly bleeds to death.

Is nitrogen gas execution painful? ›

Is the procedure painful? This month, United Nations experts raised the alarm that Smith's execution could constitute torture, saying in a news release, “We are concerned that nitrogen hypoxia would result in a painful and humiliating death.”

What is effective execution? ›

Effective and efficient execution includes the ability to use your own time in a focused and outcome-oriented way, mobilizing your team to achieve your desired outcomes, staying on top of your own to-do list and those of your team members, and most importantly avoiding procrastination and saying NO to things that do ...

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