Cost and Requirements for Retiring in Malaysia with MM2H (2024)

Cost and Requirements for Retiring in Malaysia with MM2H (1)


Justin Oh

My parents have often talked about retirement in Malaysia.

Think living in a landed property, eating good food that’s close to home, cycling and exploring nature as you enjoy the good life…

And they aren’t wrong with Malaysia being the third-best country in Southeast Asia to retire in, according to International Living.

Cost and Requirements for Retiring in Malaysia with MM2H (3)

The best part?

You can retire in Malaysia and live a pretty comfortable life on just S$2,000 a month.

Interested? Here’s all you need to know about the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Visa and retiring in Malaysia.

TL;DR: Cost and Requirements for Retiring in Malaysia with MM2H

To retire in Malaysia, you’ll need to successfully apply for the national Malaysia My Second Home programme which requires at least RM1.5 million (S$462,733) in liquid assets and a monthly offshore income of RM40,000 (S$12,378).

If you are unable to qualify for the national MM2H, you can apply for the Sarawak-MM2H (S-MM2H) which has a lower requirement of RM150,000 (S$46,416) or RM300,000 (S$92,845) fixed deposit for couples and a monthly offshore income* (or government pension funds) of at least RM7,000 (S$2,166) or RM10,000 (S$3,085) for couples.

At the time of writing, the S-MM2H does allow you to live in West Malaysia, but this may change following the more stringent changes to the national MM2H programme.

*According to a Facebook user, the monthly offshore income must be regular payments from a company or a government pension fund. Rental/dividend income will not be considered.

For a comfortable retirement from 65 to 85 years old, expect to save at least S$700,000 to S$1.1 millionafter accounting for inflation.

Jump to:

  • Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Retirement Visa
  • Sarawak-MM2H Retirement Visa
  • Cost of Living in Malaysia
  • How Much You Need to Save Up for Retirement in Malaysia
  • Why Retire in Malaysia?

Disclaimers: All currency conversions are rounded off to the nearest dollar. Information is accurate as of the time of writing and may change without further notice.

Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H)

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty, let’s address thebigelephant in the room; obtaining a retirement visa in Malaysia.

Malaysia offers a transparent 5-year renewable visa with the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme.

Cost and Requirements for Retiring in Malaysia with MM2H (4)

Under MM2H, you can bring your spouse and unmarried children (below the age of 21) along as dependents.

However, you are expected to be financially capable of supporting yourself.

Requirements of MM2H:

  • Age 35 and above
  • Provide proof of RM1.5 million (S$462,733) in liquid assets
  • RM1 million (S$308,413) fixed deposit to be made after approval
  • Have a monthly offshore income* of at least RM40,000 (S$12,378)
  • Participants need to be in the country for at least a cumulative 90 days in a year
  • Visa fee: RM 500 (S$154) a year

There is also a processing fee of RM5,000 (S$1,547) for the main applicant and an additional RM2,500 (S$774) per dependent.

*According to a Facebook user, the monthly offshore income must be regular payments from a company or a government pension fund. Rental/dividend income will not be considered.

Am I Allowed to Make a Withdrawal From My Liquid Assets?

After a period of one year, you are allowed to withdraw a maximum of 50%of your liquid assets for approved expenses related to:

  • House purchase
  • Car purchase
  • Education for your children in Malaysia
  • Medical purposes

However, you’ll have tomaintain a minimum balance of RM500,000in your fixed deposit account.

Medical Requirements

On top of providing financial statements, you and your dependants must:

  • Submit a medical report from any private hospital or registered clinic in Malaysia
  • Possess valid medical insurance coverage that is applicable in Malaysia from any insurance company (exemptions may be given for participants who face difficulty in obtaining a medical insurance due to their age or medical condition)


For most Singaporeans, having a S$12,728 monthly offshore income is a pipe dream.

BUT! You may still have the option to retire if you consider the Sarawak-MM2H visa.

Both Sabah and Sarawak control their own immigration. Sabah has chosen to follow the national MM2H programme, while Sarawak has a somewhat more relaxed version of MM2H.

At the time of writing, the S-MM2H supposedly allows you to live in West Malaysia, but this may change following the more stringent changes to the national MM2H programme.

Requirements of S-MM2H:

  • Age 50 and above
    • RM150,000 (S$46,416) or RM300,000 (S$92,845) fixed deposit for couplesto be made after approval
    • Present the latest 3 months’ government-approved pension funds of at least RM7,000 (S$2,166) or RM10,000 (S$3,085) for couples
  • Age 40 to 49
    • RM150,000 (S$46,416) or RM300,000 (S$92,845) fixed deposit for couplesto be made after approval
    • Provide the latest 6 months’ payslip and bank statements asproof of monthly offshore income funds*of at least RM7,000 (S$2,166) or RM10,000 (S$3,085) for couples
    • Buy a house with a minimum purchase price of RM600,000 (S$185,090) per unit for Kuching and RM500,000 (S$154,185) per unit for other divisions.
    • Have children below 18 years old enrolled in school in Sarawak OR
    • If they are undergoing long-term medical treatment in Sarawak with his/her condition verified by Private/Government Physicians who are registered with Malaysian Medical Council
  • Age 30 to 39
    • RM150,000 (S$46,416) or RM300,000 (S$92,845) fixed deposit for couplesto be made after approval
    • Provide the latest 6 months’ payslip and bank statements as proof of monthly offshore income funds*of at least RM7,000 (S$2,166) or RM10,000 (S$3,085) for couples
    • Have children below 18 years old enrolled in school in Sarawak OR
    • If they are undergoing long-term medical treatment in Sarawak with his/her condition verified by Private/Government Physicians who are registered with Malaysian Medical Council.
  • Participants need to be in the country for at least a cumulative 30 days in a year
  • All applicants must be bonded by a Sponsor who originated from and currently staying in Sarawak OR by a S-MM2H Licensed Agent that is registered in Sarawak
  • Visa fee: RM 500 (S$154) a year
  • Personal bond: RM200 (S$62)

*According to a Facebook user, the monthly offshore income must be regular payments from a company or a government pension fund. Rental/dividend income will not be considered.

Am I Allowed to Make a Withdrawal From My Liquid Assets?

After a period of two years, you are allowed to withdraw a maximum of 40%of your liquid assets for approved expenses related to:

  • House purchase
  • Car purchase
  • Education for your children in Malaysia
  • Medical purposes

You’ll have to maintain a minimum balance of RM90,000 or RM180,000 for couples in your fixed deposit account.

Medical Requirements

On top of providing financial statements, you and your dependants must purchase medical insurance in Sarawak and show proof of purchase before obtaining the S-MM2H sticker.

Cost of Living in Malaysia

Here’s where the fun begins: how much would we really need to enjoy a comfortable retirement?

Assuming that you are retiring with your spouse in Penang Malaysia (a popular choice for many to retire in), here is a rough estimate of how much you’d be spending to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle:

Rent (3-bedroom condo/house) S$969
Cell PhoneS$14
Internet and LandlineS$53
Gas for CookingS$6
Domestic Helper (four hours per week)S$26
Entertainment (eating out five nights a week, local and western food, alcohol not included)S$396

Source: International Living

Of course, how much you want to spend during your retirement years really depends on the type of lifestyle you want to live.

If you really want to stretch your dollar, you can still live a decent lifestyle for as low as S$1,500 a month.

How Much You Need to Save Up for Retirement in Malaysia

Cost and Requirements for Retiring in Malaysia with MM2H (5)

With the life expectancy of Singaporeans being 83.9 according to SingStat, and increasing over the years, we’ll assume that we’ll age gracefully till the ripe old age of 85 years old.

Assuming that we retire at 65 years old, that gives us a good 20 years to enjoy our retirement.

Total cost of living over 20 years

= 20 years x 12 months x S$2,000/month

= S$480,000

If you’d like to travel around Malaysia or even take a trip up north for a vacation in Thailand, you may also want to consider owning a car.

In Malaysia, the cost of owning a car for five years is roughly RM100,000 (S$31,784) according to CompareHero. So, assuming that we buy a new car every five years:

Owning a car in Malaysia over 20 years

= 4 x RM100,000/5 years

= RM400,000 (S$127,152)

Last but not least, we’ll need to account for inflation.

You know, that pesky lil bugthat sucks the value of our money away.

In Malaysia, the average inflation rate from 1973 to 2022 was 3.39 per cent.

Taking this into account, here’s the total sum that you’ll need to retire comfortably:

Total retirement amount

= S$480,000 + S$127,152

= S$607,152

After accounting for inflation (20 years): S$1,182,682

If we’re looking at a more conservative lifestyle:

Total retirement amount

= S$1,500 x 12 x 20

= S$360,000

After accounting for inflation (20 years): S$701,251

While these figures may seem intimidating, do note that you will still have access to your CPF contributions via CPF LIFE payouts, so long as you keep your Singaporean citizenship of course.

And while inflation will chomp away at our savings, you can use the power of compounding by doing CPF contributions or investing to counter the effect of inflation.

Why Retire in Malaysia?

Aside from the much lower cost of retiring in Malaysia compared to Singapore, here are some of the pros and cons of retirement in Malaysia.


Cost and Requirements for Retiring in Malaysia with MM2H (7)

Despite the fierce food rivalry that Singaporeans have with Malaysians, retiring in Malaysia lets you enjoy similar foods such as nasi lemak for a cheap price.

Compared to Australia for example, nasi lemak costs more than S$15 at PappaRich…and that’s if you’re lucky enough to have an outlet in your city.

If you’re retiring in Costa Rica, you can forget about indulging in nasi lemak at all.

On the social side of things, Malaysians are a friendly bunch (if you don’t have Malaysian friends already) and you can find plenty of other Singaporean retirees to befriend.

Moreover, you won’t have to deal with much of a language barrier as most Malaysians speak English.

So if you’re worried about settling in, Malaysia is probably the easiest country to adjust to as a Singaporean.

Nature and Climate

While you won’t get to experience the four seasons or snowfall in Malaysia, our neighbour is known for its beautiful beaches, waterfalls and forests.

Cost and Requirements for Retiring in Malaysia with MM2H (8)

Nature lovers will relish the experience of living in Malaysia and exploring nature whenever they want, without crossing the border.


As we age, healthcare costs are also something we should take note of.

Thankfully, healthcare costs are relatively affordable, and you’ll have access to some of the best healthcare professionals and facilities.

According to Numbeo, Malaysia has a healthcare system index of 70.14, not too far off from Singapore’s 71.18.

But if you really want to, you can always go back to Singapore to get any treatments done.


Unlike Singapore however, Malaysia is not entirely safe and security could be an issue depending on where you live.

Retirement in Malaysia

Retiring under the national MM2H programme is a far stretch for most Singaporeans. However, if you qualify for the current S-MM2H programme, you still could retire anywhere in Sarawak or West Malaysia. Technically anyways and IF you have monthly offshore income from a company since dividends and rental income are not considered.

To be safe, the best way is to get a reliable agent online to help with your retirement visa as they are the most updated when it comes to the requirements and have been authorised by the Malaysian government.

If you have yet to start retirement planning, start out with our guide:

Want to hear more opinions about retirement in Malaysia or retirement planning?

Head on over to the Seedly Community’s Retirement group to ask for first-hand experiences and advice!

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Cost and Requirements for Retiring in Malaysia with MM2H (10)

About Justin Oh

Your average Zillennial who is obsessed with anime, games, movies and of course, personal finance.Join me as I break down personal finance into easily digestible and fun bits!

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Cost and Requirements for Retiring in Malaysia with MM2H (2024)


Cost and Requirements for Retiring in Malaysia with MM2H? ›

Applicants over 50 years of age require a fixed deposit of about $35,000 USD (150,000 RM) in a local bank or $70,000 USD (300,000 RM) per couple. After two years, 40 percent of this could be withdrawn to buy a house, car, pay for medical expenses or pay for education.

How much money do you need to retire to Malaysia? ›

Applicants over 50 years of age require a fixed deposit of about $35,000 USD (150,000 RM) in a local bank or $70,000 USD (300,000 RM) per couple. After two years, 40 percent of this could be withdrawn to buy a house, car, pay for medical expenses or pay for education.

How much does it cost for retirees to live in Malaysia? ›

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia is regarded as an excellent place for retirement as it has been ranked first in a list of 10 safest places to retire in Asia for less than US$2,000 (about RM9,000) a month of expenditure, according to US-based financial services corporation Nasdaq.

How much monthly income to retire in Malaysia? ›

The general rule of thumb

If you are earning RM8,000 by the time you retire, your retirement fund or income should allow you about RM5,600 a month. To achieve that, you will need to save one-third (33%) of your income, from as early as 25 years old.

Can a US citizen retire in Malaysia? ›

The beautiful Southeast Asian country is perfect for everyone who enjoys a quiet and relaxing life. However, to live in Malaysia as a retiree, you will need to apply for a Malaysian retirement visa.

How long can a US citizen live in Malaysia? ›

Immigration officials will place an entry stamp, known as a social visit pass (visa), in your passport authorizing a stay of up to 90 days. Travelers may apply to the Malaysian Immigration Department for extensions, which may or may not be granted. You must exit Malaysia using the same passport that you used to enter.

Can I live in Malaysia as a US citizen? ›

If you plan on staying in Malaysia for a period longer than 90 days (three months), you need to obtain a long-stay visa. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to stay in Malaysia.

Where is the cheapest place to retire in Malaysia? ›

KUALA LUMPUR, June 16 — If you are a senior citizen living alone, the capitals of Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu would be the cheapest cities in Malaysia for you with an estimated minimum monthly budget of RM2,100, while Klang Valley would be the costliest with at least RM2,520 needed, a new spending guide has shown.

Is it easy to retire to Malaysia? ›

Malaysia has everything from beaches to jungles and is, therefore, an attractive place to retire. Buying a home in Malaysia is relatively simple, and individuals do not get taxed on income earned outside of the country. Overall, Malaysians are very friendly and welcomes foreigners who want to retire there.

What is the retirement age for expats in Malaysia? ›

Minimum retirement age

The Act prohibits premature retirement through provision Section 5(1) states that no employer shall retire their employee before they reach the age of 60. Under the law, before an employee reach their 60th birthday, their employer cannot request them to retire early.

How can a foreigner retire in Malaysia? ›

Requirements of MM2H:
  1. Age 35 and above.
  2. Provide proof of RM1. ...
  3. RM1 million (S$308,413) fixed deposit to be made after approval.
  4. Have a monthly offshore income* of at least RM40,000 (S$12,378)
  5. Participants need to be in the country for at least a cumulative 90 days in a year.
  6. Visa fee: RM 500 (S$154) a year.
Jan 30, 2023

Is retirement income taxable in Malaysia? ›

Retirement Benefits

It feels really bad if you still have to pay income tax after retiring, but good news - Malaysians don't pay any tax on that. Firstly, pensions paid to people after reaching the age of retirement are exempt from tax under Schedule 6, Paragraph 30 of the Income Tax Act 1967.

Where is the best place to retire in Malaysia? ›

5 Best Places to Retire in Malaysia 1
  1. Tanjung Bungah, Penang. Penang is famous for its gorgeous beaches and for having some of the best food in Malaysia. ...
  2. Desa ParkCity, Kuala Lumpur. ...
  3. Ipoh, Perak. ...
  4. Horizon Hills, Johor. ...
  5. Kuching, Sarawak.
Jan 16, 2023

Can I have dual citizenship in the US and Malaysia? ›

Dual citizenship is not recognized in Malaysia. To become a citizen of Malaysia, you must renounce your previous nationality.

What is the requirement for mm2h in Malaysia? ›

As shown in the above chart, the requirement is to show that you have RM1,500,000 in liquid assets which can be used to make the fixed deposit if you are approved. All applicants have to make a Fixed Deposit of RM1,000,000. An additional fixed deposit of RM50,000 has to be made for each dependent.

Can I live permanently in Malaysia? ›

For those who want to live in Malaysia permanently for work, school, or other reasons, the Malaysia Permanent Residence Visa is an option. Depending on the exact category of the visa, eligibility criteria can differ, but they often include factors like age, level of education, work experience, and financial stability.

Is it cheap to retire in Malaysia? ›

What is the cost of housing in Malaysia for a Retiree? Quite simply, the low cost of living allows you a much more luxurious mode of living and you can still save money. For example, rental of a one-bedroom apartment in the capital, Kuala Lumpur, is approximately USD 440 to USD 640 or USD 270 to USD 370 in the suburbs.

What is the average income to live in Malaysia? ›

Cost of living in Malaysia in USD
Living expenses in Malaysia (excluding rent)Kuala Lumpur average cost¹Penang average cost²
Single person, per month486.75 USD456.77 USD
Single person, per year5,841 USD5,481.24
Four person family, per month1,735.76 USD1,613.76 USD
Four person family, per year20,829.12 USD19,365.12 USD
Feb 21, 2022

How much salary do you need to live in Malaysia? ›

He added that Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) had stated that for Kuala Lumpur, the living wage for a single adult was RM2,700 (in 2018), and for a childless couple, it would be RM4,500. The living wage for a couple with two children would be RM6,500.

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