Casing the Jewel Store (2024)

Michael gets a suit and enters the Darnell Bros. garment factory in La Mesa, which Lester uses as a front for his operations.
Michael:The hell is this place?
Lester:A garment factory. I needed a job that didn't require me to do anything apart from, uh, paying taxes.
Lester leads Michael to his office upstairs.
Michael:Hey, listen...
Lester:Shh shh shh.
Michael:What have you got?
Lester:The Holy Grail - the Union Depository. Now, they say it cannot be hit. Hasn't been yet.
Michael:Look, I just owe some Mexican a couple of million bucks 'cause I wrecked his girlfriend's house. I don't need to go crazy here.
Lester:Which Mexican?
Michael:Martin Madrazo.
Lester:He's not supposed to be very nice.
Michael:Oh, when I met him, he was charming.
Michael:So what do you think?
Lester:Oh, erm, let's see, either we hit a bank in the sticks, or we do a store. Which do you like?
Michael:Well...a store's usually easier, but I gotta make a big take.
Lester:Well, gems it is, then. Let's go to Vangelico, buy ourselves an engagement ring.
Michael:And we're gonna need a crew. I can round up some of the old guys?
Lester:There are no old guys. Moses, ironically, he found Jesus. All those Irish crazies, they mostly just disappeared, that crew from the south, they all went down. There was Eastern European guy making moves in Liberty City, but...nah, he went quiet.
Michael and Lester go outside.
Michael:Alright. Well, we're gonna need a crew. You got any contacts in LS or not?
Lester:I've been working with someone, but they're too unpredictable. I'll have to reach out to some other guys.
Michael and Lester get into Michael's car and head to the Vangelico jewelry store.
Lester:The shop's on Little Portola. Your FIB buddies, they, uh, know you're back in business?
Michael:FIB buddies? What are you talking about?
Lester:I checked out the WPP thing. It doesn't look like any WitSec program I'm aware of. Well, for starters, they don't put witnesses up in multimillion dollar mansions in Rockford Hills.
Michael:Oh, maybe they thought this would be the best cover.
Lester:And most witnesses don't transfer five figure sums into a particular FIB agent's bank account every month. Of course, the money gets moved around and washed through a number of fronts, but the trail is there: deposits and withdrawals, the same sum every month. Agent Dave Norton. White middle-aged divorcee, unremarkable career except for one incident: the shooting of a notorious stick-up man, Michael Townley.
Michael:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, alright. Lester, I'm very impressed.
Lester:Look, we can talk about this another time. Take these glasses.
Michael:My eyesight's fine.
Lester:They're fitted with a camera and a radio relay. I'm going to run the operation from the car, while you're in the store getting what we need.
Michael puts on the camera glasses and goes to Vangelico on foot.
(Voice only):
You reading me?
(Voice only):
Okay, we need shots of the security features - the alarm system, ventilation, cameras.
Michael gets greeted into the store as one of the staff members opens the entrance door for him.
Store Staff:(not in subtitles) Sir.
Michael:(not in subtitles) Thank you.
(Voice only):
The alarm keypad is on the left when you come in, on the wall by the side door. Glasses are live, shoot away.
Michael activates the camera glasses and takes a picture of the alarm, vents and security camera.
(Voice only):
Shot's come through. Camera: check. Alarms: check. Vents: check. Good work, now speak to the assistant and see if there's anything else we need to know.
Michael:Hey, beautiful. I need to pick up a little something for the woman in my life, well, one of 'em.
Vangelico Cashier:Sir, I'm sure we can help you. Tell me about her, what's her taste?
Michael:Cheap, thank God. This ain't my wife we're talking about. (chuckles) I don't know...I don't want to spend too much, I'm thinking, maybe...ten grand?
Vangelico Cashier:Our rings start at eight, our pendants start at twelve.
Michael:Alright. So, these things built to last, or am I just paying for the Vangelico logo here?
Vangelico Cashier:Ah, no no no no no. We use perfect clarity jewels, 18K gold, 950 platinum. Nothing but the best.
Michael:Alright, I think you just made a sale. I'm gonna take a look around, think about it, come back to you, baby. Don't go anywhere.
Vangelico Cashier:I understand.
Vangelico Cashier:Thank you, sir.
Michael:You got it.
(Voice only):
Come back to me.
Michael leaves the store and heads back to his car.
Michael:So, we good?
(Voice only):
Almost. I need to get eyes on the roof of the building, see where the ventilation comes out.
Michael gets into his car.
Lester:Drive us around the block. We gotta find a way up to the roof.
Michael checks around the block to find an access point to the rooftops.
Lester:Look, there. Some construction.
Michael:Ah, if they're gutting the place, I might be able to get to the roof.
Michael leaves his car and heads to the rooftops.
Michael:So, you keep up with the old crew?
Lester:Well, after your death/disappearance, there wasn't much holding us together.
Michael:Yeah, you see him at all, after the incident?
Lester:I kept tabs on him for a while, needed to know that he didn't blame me.
Michael:Yeah, where'd he go?
Lester:North, south, east, west, whereever there were liquor stores to turn over and hitchhikers to disappear.
Michael:Where did they bury him?
Michael finds a ladder to the roof.
(Voice only):
I saw a ladder. Climb up and see if you can get to the roof.
Michael:I'm on the roof.
(Voice only):
Alright, use the glasses to get a shot of Vangelico's roof unit. It'll be right above the store. I've pulled up a satellite image. It looks like the highest point is on the north west side. Get a shot from there.
Michael heads to the vantage point.
(Voice only):
Right, you're well placed to take the photo of the system now. Okay, capture an image of the system and we're done.
Michael takes a picture of the ventilation system.
(Voice only):
We've got our shot of the Vangelico unit, looks good. Okay, that'll do. Now, come back to me before someone spots you up there.
Michael:Will do.
Michael goes across the rooftops and heads downstairs back to his car, and gives the camera glasses back to Lester.
Michael:Here, take your glasses back.
Lester:Let's go back to the garment factory, I called ahead and told them to start setting up the information.
Michael and Lester drive back to the garment factory.
Michael:So, what did you see?
Lester:Nothing that'll cause undue complications.
Michael:Yeah, it looked like a simple set-up: cameras broadcasting to a remote server. We might be able to wipe 'em remotely. Security guard on the door: he won't want to die for rich assholes that rub his nose in it.
Lester:Good. The alarm system's linked to the door lock. We'll get a good window if someone talented hacks it.
Michael:Anything else?
Lester:Well, the, uhh, more valuable merchandise is in the cabinets in the center of the store by the register. so I'd start there. Umm... Glass in the cabinets wasn't bulletproof, means you can smash 'em easy enough, but the stones'll be in the safe at night.
Michael:So, we go in when it's open, then?
Lester:Right. Once we melt down the gold, re-cut the rocks, that's an okay score.
Michael:Yeah, shame we can't go in after hours, man. Those vents looked promising.
Lester:Might be able to flip that another way.
Michael:I'm listening.
Lester:Wait 'till we get back.
Michael:About the crew...
Michael:There's this kid who's been helping me. Maybe we could cut him in.
Lester:I don't work with amateurs.
Michael:He ain't an amateur. Or, if he is, he's a gifted amateur about to turn pro. He's a good kid, Lester.
Lester:You know what they say, it's your funeral, one of them, at least.
Michael:(nervous chuckle)
Michael and Lester arrive back at the garment factory. One of the factory's workers hands the processed photos to Lester.
Factory Worker:Here are the photos.
Michael and Lester head into the office.
Lester:My workers have their uses. Okay, let me set this up.
Lester puts the photos on the planning board, which already has Vangelico's blueprints, an EyeFind Maps satellite photo of the rooftops, a part of the map of Downtown Los Santos stiched to go along with a map of a subway path as an escape route.
Michael:(chuckles) Nice to see the methods haven't changed.
Lester:Well...we gotta figure out what we're doing somehow, all the crews, the roles, prep work. Don't want to leave evidence behind on a hard drive. So, yeah, the er...methods don't change.
Michael:Right, not for a pro.
Lester:(chuckles) Well, mapping out the options and showing you all the angles, that's my area of professional expertise. But making decisions, that is your domain, my friend. Here.
Lester finishes putting the photos on the planning board.
Lester:There's two ways I see of doing this - we go in smart, or we go in loud and dumb. Remember the vents? If we're gonna be smart, we pump a little knockout gas through the air system, then hit the cabinets while everyone's out. You'll have to source the gas, of course, but crowd control won't slow you down, and that might improve the take. The cover is pest control, so no one will look twice when you're wearing gas masks, that means getting a pest control van, though. You go in dumb and you'll need your famous way with people and four carbine rifles. We can't buy 'em and risk 'em getting traced. No no no, we gotta find some in circulation. It's awkward, it's real awkward, but this is the gun favored by LSPD tactical teams, so one of their vans is probably a good place to look. A hacker can disable the cameras, the length of time depends on their ability. The alarm will be operating on the same window. The exit strategy is more or less the same for both options: the driver you pick will, of course, source some bikes. You come out of the store, and make your way through the new subway tunnel they're digging off the Del Perro freeway. You lose the cops in there and meet a truck in the LS river.
Michael:Alright, I want my guy, Franklin, on the getaway. He can handle a bike.
Lester:Alright, if you vouch for him, I'll take the risk. So, how do you wanna do this? Run in through the front door, or try to play it smart?
The player decides on the approach.
Lester:(If the player chooses the Loud approach) Ah, still a hothead? Some things never change.
(If the player chooses the Smart approach) Ah, you've grown wise and cautious in your age. Okay.
Lester:Select personnel with that in mind. As ever, the better they are, the bigger the cut. Now, the driver, they'll source the bikes, lead you out through the tunnels.
The player decides on the getaway driver.
Lester:(If the player chooses Eddie Toh) Eddie Toh. Well, you can count on him to get you out of a spot.
(If the player chooses Karim Denz) Ah, okay. This one's new blood. I've seen him drive, but I haven't seen him under pressure.
Lester:(If the player chose the Loud approach) Guns. It might be hot and heavy in there, this guy'll keep it from going bad.
(If the player chose the Smart approach) Guns. We're hoping to keep quiet, so this guy shouldn't make much difference.
The player decides on the gunman.
Lester:(If the player chooses Gustavo Mota) Gus Mota. He's a pro, not much else to say.
(If the player chooses Norm Richards) Ah, Norm, came across as a bit of an idiot, but could be useful.
NOTE: The following dialogue will play only if the player helped Patrick McReary in his random event prior to the mission.
Lester:McReary? He was part of a well-known Liberty City stick-up crew. Small world.
Michael:(If the player chooses Patrick McReary) I got a good feeling about him.
Lester:Hacker. Back office, but this is the person who will determine how long you'll get inside.
The player decides on the hacker.
Lester:(If the player chooses Paige Harris) Harris. Good. Feminine touch. She'll be able to find any back doors they got.
(If the player chooses Christian Feltz) Feltz. Okay, he's not the best, but if you move fast, that won't matter.
NOTE: The following dialogue will play only if Michael receives Rickie Lukens' phone call prior to the mission.
Michael:This guy - Rickie. I met him at the Lifeinvader office. He may not be that good, but he's enthusiastic.
(If the player chooses Rickie Lukens) Let's take a chance on him.
  • If you're happy, I'll start making the arrangements.
  • That look good to you? Are you sure?
The player confirms their choices.
Lester:(If the player confirms their choices for the Loud approach) Okay, I'll look into how you can find a tac team and get their weapons, and I'll be in touch.
(If the player confirms their choices for the Smart approach) Great, I'll do some research on a pest control van and the knockout gas, and I'll be in touch.
Lester:Ah yes, good...good. I'll call you when everything's ready. You'll need to pitch it to the guys.
Michael:Whoa, what, my rep don't count for nothing no more?
Lester:You're a dead man, Michael. I'll call you.
Michael leaves the garment factory. Upon doing so, he calls Franklin.
(Voice only):
Eh, wassup.
Michael:Hey man, it's me, Michael.
(Voice only):
What's going on?
Michael:Listen...err...I gotta get hold of the money for that house we pulled down, so, well, I'm getting a crew together can guess. The pay'll be awful, and the risk'll be high, but you might learn something, if you're interested.
(Voice only):
Man, that's not exactly a great sales pitch, dog, but I guess I gotta start somewhere.
Michael:Thank you. Maybe one day you can put together your own deals, your So, there's still some preparation I gotta do, sit tight for a while, my buddy Lester will get in touch with the details.
Casing the Jewel Store (2024)


What to do after casing the jewel store in GTA V? ›

You need to go back to Micheal's house after exiting Ponsonbys. It will start the "Daddy's Little Girl" mission.

What is the best approach for the Jewel heist GTA V? ›

The Smart approach is the best approach for this heist. You will take in more money because you will have less to deal with in the shop. Here are both approaches in more detail to help you decide: Choosing the Smart approach means Franklin will throw knockout gas in the ventilation system.

How do you complete the Jewel Store Job? ›

Smart Approach
  1. Get in the car. ( Michael)
  2. Go to the jewelry store. ( Michael)
  3. Go to the roof. ( Franklin)
  4. Throw the BZ Gas into the air vent. ( Franklin)
  5. Steal the jewelry. ( Michael)
  6. Follow the crew. ( Franklin)
  7. Take out the cops before getting to the rendezvous point. ( Michael)
  8. Go to the lockup. ( Michael)

How do you get the most money in the Jewel store heist? ›

For maximum cash, the best choice is the Smart approach with Karim Denz for the driver, Rickie Lukens for the hacker, and Packie McReary for the gunman, rewarding Michael with well over $1.2M. For efficiency, use Eddie Toh for the driver, Paige Harris as the hacker and Patrick McReary as the gunman.

What happens if you collect all nuclear waste in GTA 5? ›

Each barrel is worth $23,000 upon discovery and an additional $250,000 once you collect all of them.

Can you redo the jewelry heist? ›

Yes, you can replay the heists. Go into the pause menu, select the game tab, hit replay mission and it'll give you a list of all the missions. Pick Th e one you want to replay and have fun.

What's the easiest way to do the diamond heist? ›

Once you've bought an Arcade, starting the Diamond Casino Heist is extremely straight-forward. All you need to do is enter your Arcade's office, and interactt with the Lester Speaks fortune-teller at the back wall.

What stock to invest in GTA 5 Jewel Heist? ›

Vangelico stock will plummet after The Jewel Store Job, but will partially rebound after completion of Minor Turbulence. Buying stock at its reduced price prior to completing this mission can yield an approximate 42.57% return on investment.

Is Diamond casino heist easier than Cayo Perico? ›

The Cayo Perico Heist is more efficient than the Diamond Casino Heist in terms of constant maximum payment. It offers a roughly $1 million greater payoff, and the player gets a larger share of the final payout because it may be completed solo.

Is it hard working at a jewelry store? ›

Working in a jewelry store can be like going to work in a treasure chest. It's hard work, but it's also an opportunity to indulge your love of beautiful things. Plus, you'll get to share in some of your customers' happiest moments: engagements, important anniversaries, birthdays and other celebrations.

What is the most money heist in GTA 5 story? ›

The Diamond Casino Heist payout is by far the highest in GTA Online. The rewards for the mission add up to $10.34 million on normal difficulty, and it can go up to $11.37 million if the heist is on hard difficulty.

What happens if you choose Rickie Lukens? ›

If Rickie is selected, he will provide the team with 2m 26s time in the vault if undetected. If the team is detected, this is reduced to 1m 45s, making him the worst choice.

What is the highest paying item in Cayo Perico? ›

Black Panther Statue

The statue is Cayo Perico's biggest haul by far. You can expect to clear around two million dollars from this item alone.

What is the maximum take for the Jewel Store job? ›

The maximum take for the mission is $4,946,153 if the player smashes all twenty displays and chooses a good gunman (for either approach) or a good driver (for the Loud approach). $2,500,000 will then go to Martin Madrazo while the rest gets split between the crew members.

How much money does gold give u in Cayo Perico? ›


What happens when you collect all 100 figures in GTA Online? ›

If you collect all 100 action figures you will also earn an additional GTA$50,000 bonus which will be deposited into your Maze Bank account. In total, this means that if players were to collect all 100 action figures they could earn a massive GTA$150,000 and 100,000 RP.

What skin do u get after collecting all the action figures in GTA? ›

The real reward for collecting all 100 action figures, however, is a costume of Impotent Rage. The new outfit, which is accompanied by a new haircut, will let players cosplay as the in-game superhero.

What happens after you collect all 30 submarine parts in GTA 5? ›

After finding all the parts, Abigail will immediately contact you and requests to meet with you at Paleto Cove, which begins Abigail's second mission, What Lies Beneath.

Do I get paid again if I replay a mission in GTA 5? ›

Yes! If you replay The Contract VIP Missions in GTA Online you will earn $1 million each time you complete the storyline.

Does replaying heists give money? ›

It does. When you complete heist for the first time you get its normal pay + “first time bonus” which is around 100k. On 2nd playthrough you dont get that bonus anymore, still you get the normal pay. There is a huge point in replaying heists if you complete additional challenges.

Can I solo the Diamond Casino Heist? ›

Whilst it cannot be played solo, you can play the Diamond Casino Heist with 2, 3, or 4 different players, meaning the final take can be split in a multitude of different ways. There are also different factors that will impact the final take once you complete the heist.

Which Diamond casino heist approach gives the most money? ›

Looting diamonds lets you take the maximum possible payout from the Diamond Casino Heist, which is $3.619 million. Once your support crew and Lester's cut are taken out, the amount left for players is $2,714,250.

Can you do diamond heist alone? ›

NOTE: Heist Setup missions can be completed alone or coop with players in your Organization or Motorcycle Club.

How to cheat stock market GTA 5? ›

Using this glitch, purchase stocks in eCola, save your game and shut off autosave. Go to the pier and shoot the Sprunk vending machines. Let the vending machines respawn and shoot them again. Go back to Michael's house and rest 3 or 4 times.

When should I invest in Vangelico stock? ›

Buy Vangelico stocks some time before this mission, and no later than right after Patricia's kidnapping. Buy at -30% to -20% and sell at +30% to 40% a few days later.

How do I increase my eCola stock? ›

Begin attacking the competitor's property or clientele. In the case of eCola, this would be Raine; simply find the corresponding competition and repeat your mayhem-inducing actions for them. Watch your invested stock rise in value.

How much profit from Diamond casino heist? ›

According to Reddit (opens in new tab), the maximum Diamond Casino Heist payout is GTA$2.1 million. While that's a persuasive sum, note that Lester will always take his 60k cut.

What is the highest paying heist? ›

However, out of all the heists available in the game, the Diamond Casino Heist is the highest-paying one.

What is the best jewelry store to work for? ›

The 10 Best Luxury Goods & Jewelry Companies to Work For As Rated by the Women Who Work There (February 2023)
  1. Kendra Scott. 3.8 stars. ...
  2. EMD Diamonds. 3.8 stars. ...
  3. SWAROVSKI. 3.6 stars. ...
  4. Brilliant Earth. 3.6 stars. ...
  5. Pandora Jewelry LLC. 3.2 stars. ...
  6. Tom James Company. 3.2 stars. ...
  7. Tiffany & Co. 3.2 stars. ...
  8. Fred Meyer Jewelers. 2.9 stars.

How much does the average jewelry store owner make a year? ›

How much does a Jewelry Store Owner make in the United States? The average Jewelry Store Owner salary in the United States is $42,052 as of January 26, 2023, but the salary range typically falls between $34,077 and $52,402.

Do jewelry salesmen make good money? ›

Salary Ranges for Jewelry Salespeople

The salaries of Jewelry Salespeople in the US range from $17,360 to $40,200 , with a median salary of $21,780 . The middle 60% of Jewelry Salespeople makes $21,780, with the top 80% making $40,200.

What's the biggest heist ever? ›

On September 12, 1997, six men robbed the Dunbar Armored facility on Mateo St. in Downtown Los Angeles, California of US$18.9 million (equivalent to $31.9 million in 2021).

What is the biggest heist ever recorded? ›

The largest cash heist in global history took place in March 2003, when approximately US$1 billion was stolen from the Central Bank of Iraq, shortly after the United States began the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

How much money was stolen in the biggest heist? ›

Thieves dug a 260-foot-long tunnel into a Brazilian Banco Central branch to steal around 70 million dollars, the country's biggest-ever bank heist. In 2005, a group of robbers rented a building in Fortaleza, Brazil in the name of an artificial turf company.

What happens if you pick Norm Richards? ›

If Norm was selected as the first gunman, he will have trouble with loading the gauntlets, causing the crew lose 18 million in gold. If he was chosen as the second gunman, no other complications will occur.

Who should I choose for the jewel store heist? ›

Heist 1: The Jewel Store Job

On the first heist, the Jewel Store Job, choose Option B (Smart). Take Rickie Lukens as your hacker. Other hackers may give you more time, but he will give you the perfect amount of time for this heist.

What happens if you let Darko Brevic live? ›

If the player lets Darko live, he runs away. If followed, he runs about the airport forever without running out of breath or stopping. Crashing into or shooting him will immediately change the conversation between Niko and Roman to the conversation used when Niko kills Darko, as seen in this video.

What is the rarest thing in Cayo Perico? ›

The pink diamond is the rarest and most valuable primary loot in the Cayo Perico heist and GTA Online.

How do you get max payout on Cayo Perico? ›

GTA Online Cayo Perico heist solo payout

To make the most money by yourself, you'll need to target the Panther Statue as your primary target, with gold as your secondary objective. Grab these and get out alive, and you can add around $2.2 million to your bank balance.

What are the chances of getting Pink Diamond Cayo Perico? ›

You'll probably only see the Pink Diamond in about 10% of the Cayo Perico Heists you do.

Do jewelers make a lot? ›

A Jeweler can get an average wage on a scale from $26,050 - $77,330 depending on tenure and industry expertise. will normally receive an average salary of fourty-eight thousand and fifty dollars yearly.

Where is dollar pills? ›

Hawick Avenue, Alta, Los Santos.

Should you invest in Vangelico? ›

Vangelico stock will plummet after The Jewel Store Job, but will partially rebound after completion of Minor Turbulence. Buying stock at its reduced price prior to completing this mission can yield an approximate 42.57% return on investment.

Is the Cayo Perico Heist worth it solo? ›

The cons of going solo, especially in the Cayo Perico Heist, is that certain doors are locked behind security systems that can only be bypassed by a crew. Hence, in order to get the maximum payout, players will have to return with a crew.

What's worth more cash or painting Cayo Perico? ›

Cash is still d best; wont take up that much space. Painting is a No No if your doing it SoLo ; Duo or Trio you need to get it. What about cash vs.

How rare is the panther statue Cayo Perico? ›

It will be a guaranteed score the first time you go after it. After that, the chances of obtaining it will drop to just a lowly 10% on each run.

How do you finish Cayo Perico? ›

Once you're out of the compound, on the pathway with trees, kill the guard standing in front of a bike. At this stage you can steal his motorbike and drive to the southern tip of Cayo Perico where you can wait for a boat to drive past and nab it to escape. That will complete the mission.

What happens after you complete Cayo Perico? ›

This is the main primary objective of the Cayo Perico heist and if you complete it, you'll earn a $1,100,000 reward from Miguel Madrazo. However, you also need to pay Pavel who will assists players from his Kosatka submarine. Pavel takes a $22,000 cut for helping you.

How do you start the Diamond casino finale? ›

Heist Finale

Once players have picked their approach and completed prep missions, the Heist Leader can initiate the finale. NOTE: The Heist Finale requires 2-4 players to initiate. After finalizing details and choosing the location of the Buyer, the Heist Finale will begin.

When should I invest in Vangelico? ›

Buy Vangelico stocks some time before this mission, and no later than right after Patricia's kidnapping. Buy at -30% to -20% and sell at +30% to 40% a few days later.

What is the hardest heist in GTA 5 Online? ›

The Doomsday heist is the longest and most difficult set of missions to beat in GTA Online, and there are actually three separate finales each with a different setup cost and potential take. All three of the Doomsday heists require at least two players, but they're much easier with four.

Can you finish Cayo Perico by swimming? ›

They need to be careful not to hit the rocks on the way down. All they have to do is continue swimming in the opposite direction of the island. Eventually, they will make their escape and complete the heist. Attack choppers will go after them, so players should dive underwater.

What is the easiest heist to do solo? ›

The Cayo Perico Heist is the only heist you can do solo in GTA Online as of November 2022. Rockstar Games could always introduce more solo heists in the future. Until then, you're stuck with The Cayo Perico Heist. It's a pretty easy activity that's profitable and even has a wide variety of ways to complete it.

What is the max solo payout for Cayo Perico? ›

Players who attempt to complete the GTA Online Cayo Perico Heist solo could net the maximum of $4,570,600 if they complete all optional side-objectives.

How many times can you do Cayo Perico a day? ›

How do I play the Heist again? Answer: Solo playthroughs of the Cayo Perico Heist Finale can only be completed once every three in-game days.

What is the maximum payout for Cayo Perico? ›

The maximum payout you can achieve from the Cayo Perico heist is $4,188,152. This needs four players and requires the Panther Statue and gold as primary and secondary targets. You'll also need to grab the $100,000 hidden in the safe.

Can you do diamond heist solo? ›

Whilst it cannot be played solo, you can play the Diamond Casino Heist with 2, 3, or 4 different players, meaning the final take can be split in a multitude of different ways. There are also different factors that will impact the final take once you complete the heist.

How to do diamond casino replay glitch? ›

Casino Heist Replay Glitch (PS4)
  1. Complete Casino Heist as normal.
  2. The host must be ready to eject disc, before entering the yellow circle.
  3. Once the host sees the first frame of the ending cutscene, the host ejects Gta V disc. ...
  4. Load back up GTA V and the heist should still be there and your friends should get the payment.

How do you get the Diamond casino car every time? ›

How to win the Podium Vehicle every time on GTA Online
  1. First, make your way to the Diamond Casino in GTA Online.
  2. Start a private session so the Lucky Wheel is new.
  3. Interact with the wheel and select 'Use to spin' bar that will pop up in the top right.
  4. As soon as it appears, time yourself and count up to four.
Jan 19, 2023

Does Vangelico stock go up? ›

Vangelico will decrease in value after The Jewel Store Job and increase after Minor Turbulence, for about a 40% return if you buy at its low and sell at its high.

Should I buy Vangelico stock before heist? ›

Vangelico stock will plummet after The Jewel Store Job, but will partially rebound after completion of Minor Turbulence. Buying stock at its reduced price prior to completing this mission can yield an approximate 42.57% return on investment.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.