GTA Online has a really easy way to escape Cayo Perico (2024)

GTA Online players can escape Cayo Perico with a very simple method.

Cayo Perico has three different phases, each with their own checkpoints. Players must infiltrate the island, sneak into the compound to steal treasures, and make their escape. It's a great way to make several million in GTA Online. However, El Rubio's guards will not make that easy.

Escaping the island can be a very frustrating experience. Players have to avoid getting shot by several guards and attack choppers. It's very easy to fail this part because there are too many enemies surrounding them.

The good news is that GTA Online players can escape Cayo Perico with this simple trick

GTA Online has a really easy way to escape Cayo Perico (2)

Cayo Perico can be relentlessly difficult for GTA Online players. It's especially problematic whenever random teammates leave the heist. With that said, there is a far simpler escape method that players can use. They don't have to travel across the entire island looking for the docks or airport.

Head south of the compound and go for a swim

GTA Online has a really easy way to escape Cayo Perico (3)

Before they make their escape, players need to make sure they have everything they need. Once GTA Online players enter the third and final phase, they will be situated outside El Rubio's compound. Attack choppers will only arrive when they leave the area, so keep that in mind.

Instead of leaving through the northern main gate, players should go behind the compound and dive into the water. They need to be careful not to hit the rocks on the way down. All they have to do is continue swimming in the opposite direction of the island. Eventually, they will make their escape and complete the heist.

Attack choppers will go after them, so players should dive underwater. This is why training lung capacity is a crucial aspect of the game. Players that arrive with a Kostaka will already have scuba diving gear, so they don't have to worry about lung capacity. They just need to stay underwater to avoid the helicopters.

Why is the normal escape route so difficult?

First and foremost, there are too many enemies. They have powerful weapons and rarely miss their shots. What's even worse is that El Rubio will send multiple attack choppers. GTA Online players can outrun enemies, but they will never get away from the helicopters.

Another problem is that most of the island's vehicles are not suitable for combat. The Vapid Winky is too slow and provides no defense for the player. While the Manchez Scout is much faster, it's easy to fall off the bike. The island is also full of bushes that will block players like brick walls.

Last but not least, there's always a risk when playing with random crew members. All it takes is a single bad player to jeopardize everybody's lives. Some of them might even leave the heist due to a lack of patience.

Hopefully, this escape method will be much easier

GTA Online has a really easy way to escape Cayo Perico (5)

Cayo Perico is the most lucrative heist in the entire game. GTA Online players can earn several million just by doing a single heist. However, it requires impeccable planning to make it work. At the very least, players will have a much better escape route for the next time.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.

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Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul


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Greetings, GTA Online enthusiasts! As a seasoned player with an extensive background in the game, I'm here to shed light on the intricate details surrounding the article discussing a simple yet effective escape method from Cayo Perico.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Cayo Perico Heist Overview:

    • The heist consists of three phases: infiltration, stealing treasures from El Rubio's compound, and making a successful escape.
    • The island is a lucrative opportunity for players to earn several million in GTA Online.
  2. Challenges in Escaping Cayo Perico:

    • Escaping the island is a daunting task due to the presence of El Rubio's guards, attack choppers, and the risk of encountering too many enemies.
    • The traditional escape route through the northern main gate poses difficulties, primarily because of powerful enemies and multiple attack choppers.
  3. The Simplified Escape Method:

    • The article suggests a more straightforward escape method by heading south of the compound and diving into the water.
    • Players need to be cautious to avoid hitting rocks during their descent.
    • Attack choppers will pursue them, and players should stay underwater to evade detection.
  4. Preparing for the Escape:

    • Players should ensure they have all necessary items before entering the third phase.
    • Attack choppers only appear when leaving the area, so players need to be mindful of their timing.
  5. Challenges with the Normal Escape Route:

    • The standard escape route is challenging due to numerous enemies armed with powerful weapons.
    • El Rubio sends multiple attack choppers, making it difficult for players to outrun them.
    • The island's vehicles may not be suitable for combat, with drawbacks like slow speed and vulnerability.
  6. Importance of Lung Capacity:

    • Training lung capacity is emphasized as a crucial aspect of the game, especially during underwater escapes.
    • Players with a Kostaka will have scuba diving gear, eliminating the need to worry about lung capacity.
  7. Risks of Playing with Random Crew Members:

    • The article highlights the risk of playing with random crew members, as a single inexperienced player can jeopardize the entire team.
    • Patience is essential, as some players may leave the heist prematurely.
  8. Overall Heist Planning:

    • The Cayo Perico heist is acknowledged as the most lucrative in the game, but success requires impeccable planning.
    • The simplified escape method provides players with a more efficient route for future heists.

In conclusion, mastering the Cayo Perico heist requires a combination of strategic planning, knowledge of escape routes, and effective teamwork—factors that can significantly impact the success of the mission in GTA Online. Happy gaming!

GTA Online has a really easy way to escape Cayo Perico (2024)


GTA Online has a really easy way to escape Cayo Perico? ›

Any direction will do as long as you make sure to be swimming away from the island. Keep in mind though that it's a long swim and can take up to several minutes, it'll be much faster to escape through the main dock (it'll have a boat there). Only swim without a boat if you do so right after leaving compound.

What's the easiest way to escape Cayo Perico? ›

Any direction will do as long as you make sure to be swimming away from the island. Keep in mind though that it's a long swim and can take up to several minutes, it'll be much faster to escape through the main dock (it'll have a boat there). Only swim without a boat if you do so right after leaving compound.

How do I leave Cayo Perico without getting caught? ›

As long as you haven't set off any alarms, all you should have to do is head around the compound walls and towards a cliff overlooking the water. Dive in and swim underwater towards the north of the island. It's possible to swim east as well, but north seems to be the safest direction.

What is the easiest way to do Cayo Perico? ›

A good approach for Cayo is to use the Sub as entry vehicle and go to the drainage tunnel, also use this tunnel to enter the compound. Then you can use the main docks for your escape. It can be tricky to get into this, but the secret is that nothing is random.

What is the best escape point on Cayo? ›

The main dock is the fastest place to escape the island when playing solo, but there are other means if a player is in a group. A player can choose to take on the heist during the day or night, but it doesn't matter which one is chosen.

What gives the most money in Cayo Perico heist? ›

Cayo Perico Heist Primary Targets Value List:
  • Madrazo Files (once only): $1,100,000.
  • Sinsimito Tequila: $900,000.
  • Ruby Necklace: $1,000,000.
  • Bearer Bonds: $1,100,000.
  • Pink Diamond: $1,300,000.
  • Panther Statue (rare): $1,900,000.
Jan 9, 2024

Does Pavel ever leave the kosatka? ›

While Pavel doesn't physically appear in The Contract update, he is briefly mentioned by Franklin Clinton at F. Clinton and Partner. Despite swearing that "he would never leave the Kosatka submarine again", he visits Franklin and GTA Online Protagonist's Agency (offscreen) in 2021.

Can you do Cayo Perico solo? ›

Can you do the Cayo Perico heist solo in GTA 5? Yes you can do it solo. You may not get as much money as you would doing it with a bunch of friends though.

How long does Cayo Perico heist take? ›

The heist takes 10-20 minutes. super ease heist I do it whit 2 computers solo that way I never have to bother scoping anything but the main area. Try the GTO discord you can find tons of people that would help ya out too.

Can you go back to Cayo Perico after the heist? ›

You can return and scope the Island as many times as you need to before launching the Prep Work or the Finale.

What is the best weapon for Cayo Perico? ›

if you using the drainage tunnel approach Conspirator or Marksman is most useful both can kill juggernaut without alerting. If you are bad at hitting headshots(close range) use Aggressor. If you are using other approaches than drainage tunnel, ie. airstrip, main docks, north docks, Crack Shot would be best.

Is Cayo better than diamond? ›

Cayo Perico Heist

One of the biggest advantages Cayo Perico has over Diamond Casino in GTA Online is that players can do it solo. As a result, a player efficiently completing it solo doesn't have to divide the loot between several parties. The Cayo Perico Heist had a maximum payment of $4,570,600.

What is the best item in Cayo? ›

List of all Primary Target Values in GTA Online Cayo Perico Heist in 2024
  • The Panther Statue is the most profitable option (Image via Rockstar Games)
  • An example of a player taking some Gold (Image via Rockstar Games)
  • Gold is the best Secondary Target in terms of overall value (Image via Rockstar Games)
Mar 31, 2024

Is Cayo Perico heist the best? ›

GTA Online's Cayo Perico Heist is okay, but it's a shell of its former glory. The Cayo Perico Heist isn't terrible as far as making money goes, but players should expect to earn far less than they did before.

What is the easiest heist in GTA 5? ›

The Fleeca Job is the easiest entry-level bank heist in GTA Online. It is also the only heist in the game that requires a duo: one to be the driller and the other to be the driver and take hostages. Even though it has the least payout, it can still be a thrilling experience if you are new to the world of GTA heists.

What equipment is needed for Cayo Perico? ›

IntelGather Intel
Approach VehiclesKosatka | Alkonost (Pilot) | Velum | Stealth helicopter (Pilot) | Patrol Boat | Longfin
EquipmentDemolition Charges | Safe Code | Plasma Cutter | Fingerprint Cloner | Cutting Torch
Weapon LoadoutUnmarked Weapons
DisruptionDisrupt Weapons | Disrupt Armor | Disrupt Air Support

What are the Cayo Perico primary targets? ›

For primary targets it's pink diamond > bearer bonds > ruby necklace > sinsimito tequila (there's a Panther statue during special events which is worth the most, but you'll know when that's on, and it hasn't been available for a while).

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