Which heists can be done solo in GTA Online? (2024)

There is only a single heist in GTA Online that can be done solo: The Cayo Perico Heist. All others require two to four people. That can be unfortunate for those who can't always buddy up with somebody, especially since this game has a bad reputation when it comes to teaming up.

Thankfully, visiting Cayo Perico to rob El Rubio is one of the best moneymakers in GTA Online, even after its nerf in The Criminal Enterprises. It is worth noting that this mission doesn't necessarily have to be done solo, either.

If you'd like, you can opt to do it with anywhere between one and four players.

The Cayo Perico Heist is the only heist you can do solo in GTA Online as of November 2022

Which heists can be done solo in GTA Online? (3)

Rockstar Games could always introduce more solo heists in the future. Until then, you're stuck with The Cayo Perico Heist. It's a pretty easy activity that's profitable and even has a wide variety of ways to complete it.

Naturally, some new GTA Online players might wonder how you can get started with it. Here are the requirements:

  • Meet Miguel Madrazo at the Music Locker
  • You must own a Kosatka, which costs $2,200,000 at minimum, outside of potential weekly discounts
  • Register as a VIP, CEO, or Motorcycle Club member

These are pretty easy requirements that most players can easily fulfill. New players on the PS5 or Xbox Series X|S start off with a business of their choice from Career Builder. Hence, they should already have a viable way to get $2,200,000 to purchase the Kosatka in GTA Online.

The Cayo Perico Heist payout

Which heists can be done solo in GTA Online? (4)

This activity has primary and secondary targets. It's worth starting with the primary targets first since you must steal one:

  • Madrazo Files: $1,100,000
  • Sinsimito Tequila (Normal Mode): $900,000
  • Sinsimito Tequila (Hard Mode): $990,000
  • Ruby Necklace (Normal Mode): $1,000,000
  • Ruby Necklace (Hard Mode): $1,100,000
  • Bearer Bonds (Normal Mode): $1,100,000
  • Bearer Bonds (Hard Mode): $1,210,000
  • Pink Diamond (Normal Mode): $1,300,000
  • Pink Diamond (Hard Mode): $1,430,000
  • Panther Statue (Normal Mode): $1,900,000
  • Panther Statue (Hard Mode): $2,090,000

Madrazo Files are only available on the first playthrough. All subsequent thefts in Cayo Perico will be given to one of the other random primary targets, although the Panther Statue is only available via some special weekly events.

Solo players should know that activating Hard Mode requires them to complete The Cayo Perico Heist first and then wait three hours and 12 minutes to get a text from Pavel. They will then have 48 minutes to complete the Gather Intel mission. Otherwise, they won't be able to start Hard Mode, and they will be stuck in Normal Mode instead.

Which heists can be done solo in GTA Online? (5)

Secondary target loot is optional, but the max amount you can get varies.

  • Gold Bars: $328,584~$333,192
  • Cocaine: $220,500~225,000
  • Artworks: $176,200~199,700
  • Weed: $145,980~149,265
  • Cash: $78,480~$89,420

You can have up to 1.5 stacks of Gold Bars, two stacks of Cocaine, 2.67 stacks of Weed, two stacks of Artwork, and four stacks of Cash. There is also a random amount of money that doesn't count towards this secondary target's loot from El Rubio's safe.

Solo GTA Online players can get an extra $50,000 to $99,000 by stealing from it.

For The Biggest GTA 6 Map Leaks, Click Here.

Poll : Do you wish GTA Online had more solo heists?



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Which heists can be done solo in GTA Online? (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.