Average Annual Raise [2023]: Industry, Demographic, Regional Averages, And More - Zippia (2024)

Research Summary: Everyone likes getting a raise. Even if you’re not changing jobs or gunning for that next promotion, understanding what to expect out of an annual raise is important.

After all, anything from where you live to what industry you work in can have a significant effect on your average raise.

Luckily, we’ve investigated all of the essential facts about average annual raises across the US. According to our extensive research:

  • The average annual raise in the US is 7.6% as of 2022.

  • The average salary increase when changing jobs is 14.8%, while wage growth is 5.8% for those who remain at their job.

  • Wyoming workers experienced the highest annual salary increase from 2021-2022, at 11.2%.

  • When asking for a raise, 82% of men will receive it compared to 74% of women.

  • The Leisure and Hospitality industry had the highest annual raise within the past year, at 12.1%.

For further analysis, we broke down the data in the following ways:
Regional Average | Demographics | Industry | Changes in Average

Regional Average Pay Raise Rates

The US is a vast country, and with that comes regional diversity. As of 2022, the average pay raise can vary a lot from state to state. According to our research:

  • Wyoming has experienced the highest annual salary increase from 2021-2022, at 11.2%.

    Yellowstone and Bison jerky isn’t the only perk of living in Wyoming, as workers in the state have seen a significant salary increase within the past year. Other states that have had high salary increases include: Arkansas (10.9%), Florida (10.8%), Maine (10.3%), and Indiana (9.8%).

  • California has experienced the lowest annual salary increase from 2021-2022, at 1%.

    While this is, in part, due to California’s already high minimum wage, it’s still a bummer for workers. Other states that have had slow raises include: Maryland (2%), Washington (3.8%), Hawaii (4.2%), and New Jersey (4.6%).

Percent Salary Increase By State

StateAnnual Salary Increase (2021-2022)
New Hampshire7.8%
New Jersey4.6%
New Mexico6.5%
New York5.6%
North Carolina9.2%
North Dakota6.9%
Rhode Island6.8%
South Carolina9.2%
South Dakota8.6%
West Virginia6.1%

Average Annual Raise by Demographics

Personal characteristics like age and gender can also have an impact on the average annual raise you might expect to see. To find out more, we’ve gathered some important facts:

Average Annual Raise [2023]: Industry, Demographic, Regional Averages, And More - Zippia (1)

Average Pay Raise Percent By Age And Gender

Age rangeMenWomen
  • Those between 16-24 receive the highest pay raises, at 14.5% on average.

    However, women earn slightly higher than men, at 14.6% compared to 14.4%. A trend that holds true for most age groups.

  • Those between 55-85 receive the lowest pay raises, at only 5.1% on average.

    In this age range, women have higher pay raises at a greater disparity, receiving an average 5.3% increase compared to a 4.9% increase for their male counterparts.

  • The only age range where men receive higher pay raises than women is between 25-34.

    In this age range, men receive an average 11.1% increase compared to 10.9% for women.

  • On average, women receive 14% higher wage growth when changing jobs.

    When changing jobs for men, the average wage growth is 5.5%, and the average for women is 6.4%. Women have also seen a more steady increase in their wage growth when changing jobs, with a 1.1% uptick from 2020-2021.

    On the other hand, men only saw a 0.2% increase. However, women still make less than men on average, at a rate of $32.61 to $27.79.

Average Annual Raise by Industry

The industry you work in can also have a huge impact on whether or not you’ll receive a high pay raise at the end of the year. For example, here are some insights our research uncovered:

  • The Leisure & Hospitality industry has seen the highest annual raise within the past year, at 12.1%.

    The Leisure and Hospitality industry took a massive hit in 2020 but seems to be recovering. Other industries that have seen high annual raises include Trade, Transportation & Utilities (8.4%), and Natural Resource Mining (8%).

  • The Construction industry had the lowest annual raise within the past year, at only 6.7%.

    That’s only a little over half that of the Leisure and Hospitality industry, and there are other industries with low annual raises within the past year as well. For example, Education & Health Services, as well as Professional & Business Services, both had annual raise increases of 6.8%.

Average Annual Raise [2023]: Industry, Demographic, Regional Averages, And More - Zippia (2)

Average Percent Raise By Industry

IndustryAnnual Raise (2021-2022)
Leisure & Hospitality12.1%
Trade, Transportation & Utilities8.4%
Natural Resource Mining8.0%
Financial Activities7.4%
Other Services6.8%
Education & Health Services6.8%
Professional & Business Services6.8%

Changes in Average Annual Raises Over Time

Whether workers chose to change jobs or stay in the same field, their average annual raises differ month by month and year by year. Here are some prominent trends:

  • Year-over-year annual raises for January increased by over 300% between 2021-2022.

    In January of 2021, the year-over-year annual raise for those who stayed in their jobs was only 1.6%. However, that number increased to 6.7% in January 2022.

  • Annual raises for job switchers were also high, increasing by 163% between 2021-2022.

    In January of 2021, the average annual raise for job switchers was 5.4%, a number that increased to 14.2% in 2022.

Average Annual Raise [2023]: Industry, Demographic, Regional Averages, And More - Zippia (3)

Raises Of Job Stayers Vs. Job Switchers

MonthJob StayerJob Switcher
January (2021)1.9%5.4%
January (2022)6.7%14.2%

Average Annual Raise FAQ

  1. How much should my salary increase each year?

    Your salary should increase by at least 3-5% per year. While annual raises vary a lot depending on your circ*mstance, a raise of at least 5% is more than adequate. Anything above that would be considered higher than average.

    Of course, the average annual increase between 2021-2022 is 7.6%, but this is partially due to abnormally high inflation rates.

  2. Should I ask for a raise every year?

    Yes, you should ask for a raise every year if you don’t receive one automatically. Generally speaking, most companies will naturally raise their pay over time; however, if you’ve been working for a company for over a year and haven’t seen your salary go up, it’s appropriate to ask for a raise.

    Additionally, if you’re starting a new job, you’ll want to wait at least six months before you ask for a raise.

  3. How long should you work without a raise?

    You should work for at least one to two years without a raise. On average, waiting any longer than two years is too long, and working a job for three years without a raise is unacceptable.

    If you feel as though you’ve been working your current job for too long without receiving a raise, you should contact your boss or HR and politely discuss the issue. If your wage stagnation persists, it might be time to look for other career opportunities.

  4. Is a 5% yearly raise good?

    Yes, a 5% yearly raise is good, however it is not exceptional. Many raises fall between the 3% and 5% mark. 5% raises are good if they stay above inflation and cost of living. Understand though that as a raise, it does little to reflect any reward for extreme effort or success.


The average annual raise you receive in the US can vary a lot depending on where you live, how old you are, or what industry you work in. A miner in Wyoming may have seen a significant raise this past year, maybe even over 10%, while a construction worker in California might feel like their wages were stagnant.

Either way, annual raises from 2021-2022 have been higher than in previous years but not necessarily high enough to catch up with rising inflation.

Regardless of your current situation, it’s important to understand that you have value as a worker. If you feel as though your wages are stagnant, it’s important to reach out to your boss or consider the option of changing jobs.


  1. MarketPlace. “Men and women ask for pay raises at the same rate — but men get them more often.” Accessed on September 7th, 2022.

  2. BLS. “Percent change in average weekly wages by state, total covered employment.” Accessed on September 8th, 2022.

  3. ADP. “ADP® Pay Insights.” Accessed on September 8th, 2022.

  4. SHRM. “2022 Salary Increases Look to Trail Inflation.” Accessed on September 8th, 2022.

Raise decisionmakers statistics

Zippia’s research team connects data from disparate sources to break down statistics at the job and industry levels. Below you can dig deeper into the data on jobs that relate to setting pay rates or browse through Business and Financial jobs.













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Average Annual Raise [2023]: Industry, Demographic, Regional Averages, And More - Zippia (4)


Jack FlynnAverage Annual Raise [2023]: Industry, Demographic, Regional Averages, And More - Zippia (5)

Jack Flynn is a writer for Zippia. In his professional career he’s written over 100 research papers, articles and blog posts. Some of his most popular published works include his writing about economic terms and research into job classifications.Jack received his BS from Hampshire College.

Average Annual Raise [2023]: Industry, Demographic, Regional Averages, And More - Zippia (2024)


What is a 5% raise on $20 an hour? ›

After the pay raise, you would be making $20.60 per hour.

What is the average job increase percentage? ›

While the average range for job increases is 5-10%, that doesn't mean you're limited to these figures. When switching jobs, you should aim to negotiate for at least a 10-20% pay increase.

What should you not say when asking for a raise? ›

That said, there are certain words and phrases that you should avoid when asking for a raise.
  1. "I Deserve a Raise Because I Have Been Here 'X' Amount of Years." ...
  2. "I Feel That…" ...
  3. "X Is Making More than Me." ...
  4. "I'm Overdue for a Raise." ...
  5. "I Will Leave if I Don't Receive a Raise of X Amount."
Jan 27, 2023

How do you calculate percentage increase in a raise? ›

How to calculate raise percentage
  1. Convert the percent increase to a decimal number.
  2. Multiply the decimal amount by the current salary.
  3. Add the result to the old salary.

How much does a $1 raise add to your salary? ›

How $1 Per Hour Impacts Your Earnings
PeriodAdditional Income
40 hour work week$40
4 week month$160
12 months in a year$2,000
Over 5 Years$10,000
4 more rows
Aug 24, 2022

How much is a $5,000 raise per paycheck? ›

Suppose you pay around 20% in taxes each year. That means that a $5,000 raise will be about $4,000 extra in your paycheck this year. If you break that down on a monthly basis, you'll see that that's about $335 extra in your pocket each month.

What is a fair salary increase percentage? ›

Establish your target salary

Make sure to research the average salary for people in your position and industry with the same level of experience. Then, come up with a figure to give your manager when they ask. Typically, it's appropriate to ask for a raise of 10-20% more than what you're currently making.

How much raise per year is normal? ›

Make sure you're prepared if you're going to ask your boss for a raise. Pay increases tend to vary based on inflation, location, sector, and job performance. Most employers give their employees an increase of around 3% per year. Consistent job switching may have an impact on the rate at which your salary increases.

Is 7% a good salary increase? ›

The average pay raise is 3%. A good pay raise ranges from 4.5% to 5%, and anything more than that is considered exceptional. Depending on the reasons you cite for a pay raise and the length of time that has passed since your last raise, you could request a raise in the 10% to 20% range.

Can I threaten to quit if I dont get a raise? ›

Threatening is not a good idea. However, when you receive another offer, and the main reason you want to take that other offer is the salary, it might be worth to share that with your manager (not as a threat, but as a simple statement of fact, and to see if they're willing to match the offer).

What is the best wording to ask for a raise? ›

Subject: Salary Increase Request

I'm writing to request a salary increase, based on my recent accomplishments and contributions to the team. Given this track record of success, I kindly request that we discuss my compensation to ensure it aligns with my performance and commitment to the company's goals.

How do you respond when a raise is not enough? ›

What you can and should do is re-anchor by making a counter-offer, giving your employer a compelling reason to either accept it or counter it with something less than 25% but more than 7%. In response to that counter, feel free to counter again.

How often should you get a raise? ›

How Long Should You Work Without A Raise? Every worker is different but most find that they should expect a raise every 1-2 years. However, comparing your salary against those of your coworkers and industry as a whole will highlight whether you are underpaid or not.

How do you calculate cost of living increase for employees? ›

You can calculate this by using the following formula:Current employee salary x cost of living increase = Cost of living raiseFor the abovementioned employee, the calculation would be as follows: 40,000 x 0.02 = 800This means that the employee would receive an $800 raise and would now make $40,800 annually.

What does a 10% raise look like? ›

Assuming your monthly salary is $1,000, a 10% monthly raise represents an extra $100 per month. Similarly, if your annual salary is $12,000, a 10% annual raise represents $1,200 a year or $100 a month (dividing your new $1,200 raise by the 12 months contained in a year).

How do I calculate a 5% pay raise? ›

To calculate a 5% pay raise, you only have to multiply the percentage of the increase (in decimals) by your current salary and add your current salary. So, assuming your monthly salary is $1,000, a 5% increase will be 0.05 multiplied by $1,000 plus the current salary, resulting in $1,050.

How do you calculate a 5 percent raise hourly? ›

Convert the percentage increase to a decimal by dividing 5% by 100. To get the raise amount in dollars, multiply the current salary by the decimal increase. Add the raise amount to the current salary to get the new salary.

How do you calculate a 5 increase? ›

Divide the number you wish to add 5% to by 100. Multiply this new number by 5. Add the product of the multiplication to your original number.

What is a 10% raise of $20 an hour? ›

If your current rate is $20/h and you are offered a 10% increase, your new hourly rate can be calculated like so: $20 + $20 * 10 / 100 = $20 + $20 * 0.1 = $20 + $2 = $22. On the other hand, if your current hourly rate is $20/h, and you are offered $22/h, what is that in percentage change?

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