A Bull Market Is Coming: 1 Great Reason to Be Optimistic About Stocks Right Now | The Motley Fool (2024)

If you're feeling nervous about the stock market right now, you're not alone.

According to a survey from Allianz Life, more than three-quarters of Americans expect the market will be "very volatile" throughout 2023. Furthermore, around 62% of survey participants are bracing for a recession this year.

There's good and bad news about the market and economy. The bad news is that a recession is looking more likely, with experts at JPMorgan Chase projecting a higher than 50% chance it will happen sometime in 2023.

But the good news is that a bull market is coming -- perhaps sooner than you expect.

The future is bright for the stock market

In times like these, it can be tough to stay optimistic about stocks. But no downturn can last forever, so it's only a matter of time before the market rebounds. While nobody knows precisely when that will happen, the next bull market will begin sooner than you might think.

The stock market is often described as being forward-looking, meaning that during periods of economic uncertainty, the market will generally take a hit before the economy.

For example, back in January 2022, the S&P 500 began its decline as investors worried that the Federal Reserve would increase interest rates and spur a recession. But the Fed didn't even begin hiking rates until March, and the economy still has not yet officially entered a recession.

The same also works in reverse, though, which is great news for investors. In most cases, the market is already on the rebound before the economy even reaches its bottom. In fact, over the past 50 years, only one recession failed to follow this trend (the dot-com bubble burst in the early 2000s).

When will the next bull market begin?

The inner workings of the stock market and economy can be incredibly complex and confusing. But all you need to know is that if you're waiting for the economy to recover before you begin investing, you may miss out on the early stages of the next bull market.

For instance, during the Great Recession, the S&P 500 officially reached its lowest point in March 2009. But the recession didn't technically end until June of that year, and during those few months, the S&P 500 surged by nearly 40%.

A Bull Market Is Coming: 1 Great Reason to Be Optimistic About Stocks Right Now | The Motley Fool (1)

^SPX data by YCharts.

If you had waited to invest until the economy was on the rebound, you'd have missed out on those earnings. And hindsight is 20/20. In the moment, it's impossible to know whether we're in the early stages of a bull market or just a temporary rebound before prices fall again. By waiting until stock prices are clearly on the rise, you'll forgo valuable time to grow your investments.

Keeping your money safe during a recession

It's not easy to invest during times like these, but buying during the market's low points and simply riding out the storm is one of the best ways to build long-term wealth.

Investing in the right places is key to keeping your money safe. Weaker companies will have a harder time surviving a recession, and those stocks are risky. But healthy businesses with solid fundamentals (like strong financials and competitive advantage, for instance) are far more likely to rebound after a downturn.

When your portfolio is filled with these types of stocks, you're more protected against a recession. While your investments may still take a hit in the short term, there's a much better chance they'll make a full recovery.

Nobody knows where the market is headed over the coming months, but it's only a matter of time before it's on the road to recovery. By continuing to invest during the slumps, you'll be in a fantastic position to take advantage of the next bull market.

JPMorgan Chase is an advertising partner of The Ascent, a Motley Fool company. Katie Brockman has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends JPMorgan Chase. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

A Bull Market Is Coming: 1 Great Reason to Be Optimistic About Stocks Right Now | The Motley Fool (2024)


Is a bull market optimistic? ›

A bull market is an extended period of time when stock prices rise and investors are optimistic. Bull markets can last for months or even years, and stocks tend to outperform other investments like bonds.

Are bull markets a good thing why or why not? ›

Having a higher allocation of stocks is optimal in a bull market, where there's more potential for higher returns. One way to capitalize on the rising prices of a bull market is to buy stocks early on and sell them before they reach their peak.

What is a bull market quizlet? ›

Bull Market. A period of increased stock trading and rising stock prices.

Why would a bull market have investors feeling confident about the stock market? ›

The main characteristics of a bull market include: Increase in investor confidence: With stock prices increasing, investors are convinced they'll keep doing so, so they keep buying. This further increases stock prices, due to supply and demand.

Is bull market optimistic or pessimistic? ›

“Bull markets are born on pessimism, grown on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria.” So says the legendary investor, John Templeton.

Is bull optimistic or pessimistic? ›

The two forces are the bear market and the bull market. The bear market is characterized by pessimism and lowering prices, while optimism and increasing prices characterize the bull market.

What is the advantage of bull market? ›

These include an increase in trading volume, as more investors are willing to buy and hold onto securities in the hopes of realizing capital gains. Securities in a bull market also tend to receive higher valuations, as investors are willing to pay more for them due to the perceived potential for price appreciation.

Should you invest during a bull market? ›

In general, bull markets are a better time to invest. Yes, stock prices are higher, but it's an overall less risky time to invest. You'll have a greater chance of selling assets for a higher value than when you bought them. "The markets can be very volatile in the short term," says Nwasike.

What is positive for the bull market? ›

Declining unemployment rate: Bull markets are often marked by a declining or low unemployment, and as people have money to spend, they drive corporate profits higher. Growing economy: Bull markets also tend to coincide with periods when the economy is growing, including positive signs among key economic indicators.

What happens during a bull market? ›

A bull market tends to occur when there's a price increase on securities of more than 20% after a period of decline. During bull markets, there's also more trading activity since more investors are willing to buy and hold securities in order to receive capital gains.

What is known as the big bull in stock market? ›

The Big Bull of the Indian Stock Market, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, has successfully transitioned from a novice investor to a self-made millionaire. He began with just Rs. 5,000 in capital; over time, his investments have increased to an astounding Rs. 32,000 crores.

What follows a bull market? ›

Bear Market. A bull market is a market that is on the rise and where the conditions of the economy are generally favorable. A bear market exists in an economy that is receding and where most stocks are declining in value.

How do investors react to a bull market? ›

During bull markets, public sentiment is mostly positive – investors are willing to buy and hold investments as their value is expected to rise.

What do bulls think about stock prices? ›

Bottom line. Bulls think prices are going higher, while bears think they're headed lower. Try not to get caught up in trying to anticipate when a bull or bear market might begin or end. Think of your investments as part of your overall financial plan and do your best to take a long-term view.

What are 3 characteristics of a bull market? ›

Characteristics of a bull market include:
  • Stock prices are climbing. Typically by at least a 20% increase over a two-month or more span, measured by a broad market index like the Dow Jones Industrial Average or the S&P 500.
  • Investor confidence is usually high.
  • It often coincides with a strong national economy.

Does a bull market attract investors? ›

Since bond prices and bond yields move inversely, eventually, the falling bond prices would push the bond yields high enough to attract investors. In a bull market, equity prices move higher overall, boosting investor confidence, and making investors less risk-averse.

Who are more successful optimistic or pessimistic? ›

A landmark study by my former research partner Dr. Martin Seligman from the University of Pennsylvania found that optimistic sales professionals outsell their pessimistic counterparts by 56%.

What is better optimistic or pessimistic? ›

Optimism is among the most celebrated human qualities. Many studies have shown that optimists tend to fare better in life than their pessimistic friends—at least when it comes to physical and mental health, resilience, relationships, career, pain management, and even longevity.

Should we be optimistic or pessimistic? ›

Optimism can protect against depression — even for people who are at risk for it. An optimistic outlook makes people more resistant to stress. Optimism may even help people live longer. The best thing about optimism is you can learn it, even if your outlook tends to be more pessimistic.

What are the negatives of a bull market? ›

In a bull market, the investors are willing to be put in the purchase queue as long as they can get the asset and, hopefully, make a large profit out of it. However, in a bull market, the market sentiment is usually negative due to investors selling their assets and moving their funds between issuers.

What makes a bull market last? ›

Stocks May Have More “Staying Power”

Bull markets tend to have longer periods of uptrends which tends to throw off short-sellers, who in turn end up covering by buying back shares further driving prices higher. Uptrends tend to last longer and get overextended but continue to rise.

How many years does a bull market last? ›

Although past performance is no guarantee of future results, we believe looking at the history of the market's expansions and recessions helps to gain a fresh perspective on the benefits of investing for the long-term. The average Bull Market period lasted 6.6 years with an average cumulative total return of 339%.

How long do bull markets last? ›

However, there have also been 27 bull markets—and stocks have risen significantly over the long term. Bear markets tend to be short-lived. The average length of a bear market is 292 days, or about 9.7 months. That's significantly shorter than the average length of a bull market, which is 992 days or 2.7 years.

Is 2023 a bull market? ›

“The bear [market] is almost over, and a new exciting bull market awaits in the second half of 2023,” he said, pointing to potential in technology stocks in particular.

How do you profit from a bull market? ›

Ways to Profit in Bull Markets
  1. Long Positions. A long position is simply the purchase of a stock or any other security in anticipation of a rise in price. ...
  2. Call Options. ...
  3. Long ETFs.

How does a bull market affect stocks? ›

A bull market typically has a positive effect on the stock market. Prices may rise across the board, and trading activity is usually high. This can be a good time to invest in stocks, as there is potential for good returns.

Is this the biggest bull market ever? ›

The current bull market that started in March 2009 is the longest bull market in history.

Why is it called a bull market? ›

That is, a bull will thrust its horns up into the air, while a bear will swipe down. These actions were then related metaphorically to the movement of a market. If the trend was up, it was considered a bull market. If the trend was down, it was a bear market.

Who is the biggest bear in stock market? ›

The 1929 bear market, caused by the Great Depression, is the largest in history. The September 1929 stock market crash was the first domino to fall which caused several banks to default triggering a chain reaction of collapsing institutions.

How often are we in a bull market? ›

There's a bull market about 75% of the time

In the 14 years since then, there have been only two years, including 2022, when the S&P 500 lost value, which amounts to an 86% success rate. Does that mean investors are in for some more bad years?

What are the signs of the end of a bull market? ›

5 Signals To Tell When The Bull Market Is Over
  • ExtremeOptimism. Bull market tops are always characterized by excessive optimism. ...
  • Ultra-High Valuations. Interestingly, ultra-high valuations may or may not be a signal for the end of the bull market. ...
  • Trouble In Financials. ...
  • Divergences. ...
  • The VIX.
Oct 30, 2017

Is it better to buy in a bull or bear market? ›

Bear markets tend to be shorter than bull markets — 363 days on average — versus 1,742 days for bull markets. They also tend to be less statistically severe, with average losses of 33% compared with bull market average gains of 159%, according to data compiled by Invesco.

How much do bulls usually sell for? ›

A few old rules of thumb were mentioned. One is that a bull should be worth two-and-a-half times a finished steer. At today's market, the steer is worth almost $2,000, so a bull would be worth $5,000. Another thumb rule says a bull is worth five times the price of a steer calf.

What was the longest bear market in history? ›

History's longest bear market and bear market rallies

The last one (7.2 months) was also part of the longest bear market in history - the five year, 1937 to 1942 bear market (as an aside, I think Warren Buffett bought his first stock around 1942).

When was the last bull market? ›

The last bull market in 2009 commenced with stocks way cheaper than bonds, while the 2000 bear market started with stocks wildly more expensive. That pattern is not remotely on display today. It has been said by dozens of strategists. The breadth of this market is just too narrow.

What characterizes a bull market? ›

A time when stock prices are rising and market sentiment is optimistic. Generally, a bull market occurs when there is a rise of 20% or more in a broad market index over at least a two-month period.

What best describes a bull market? ›

The definition of a bull market is a financial market condition where prices are rising or are expected to rise. It's typically associated with a sustained increase of 20% or more in securities prices, often spurred by strong investor confidence, economic recovery, or robust economic growth.

Is bearish market pessimistic? ›

During a bear market, market sentiment is poor. Investors are pessimistic about the stock market's prospects, making them more likely to sell assets than hold them. Investors are likely to put their money into safer investments like bonds because of concerns about future market performance.

What does a bull market lead to? ›

For starters, they generally happen during periods when the economy is strong or strengthening. Bull markets are often accompanied by gross domestic product (GDP) growth and falling unemployment, and companies' profits will be on the rise.

Is a bull market good? ›

Growth stocks in bull markets tend to perform well, while value stocks are usually better buys in bear markets. Value stocks are generally less popular in bull markets based on the perception that, when the economy is growing, "undervalued" stocks must be cheap for a reason.

What are two characteristics of a bull? ›

Bulls are much more muscular than cows, with thicker bones, larger feet, a very muscular neck, and a large, bony head with protective ridges over the eyes. These features assist bulls in fighting for domination over a herd, giving the winner superior access to cows for reproduction.

What are the key indicators of a bullish market? ›

Bull markets reflect a positive investor sentiment, and it is in contrast to the market pessimism of bear trends. A bull market is defined as a prolonged period of price rise in the stock market following lows such as a 20% decline from a previous peak. This can also occur in a market index.

How long does a bull market last? ›

How long do bull markets usually last? Historically speaking, the average length of a bull market is 9.6 months. The average gain for a bull market is 112%. Keep in mind these are the average and they have been extending with each bull market.

What is a bullish indicator? ›

A pattern or indicator that tends to appear when prices are getting ready to move higher is referred to as a bullish one.

Are we in a bull or bear market 2023? ›

“The bear [market] is almost over, and a new exciting bull market awaits in the second half of 2023,” he said, pointing to potential in technology stocks in particular.

Should I buy or sell when bearish? ›

While investors may be more willing to buy during a bullish market, a bearish market will likely lead them to sell and move their money into low-risk investments.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.