23 Legitimate Ways To Make Money Online 2020 | MakemoneywithHanna (2024)

You are on this page probably wanting to know the ways of how to make money online 2020, and I want to tell you that you are on the right page.

Today we will discuss 20 legitimate ways to make money online 2020

When I say legitimate they are surely legit suggestion which you should try them out all my reviews on this page are 100% honest,

I have personally used them and I recommend to people.

Are you a stay at home mom? A student? Retired?

It doesn’t matter who you are, you can make money online 2020 with these 20 legitimate ways which we are going to discuss today.

23 Legitimate Ways To Make Money Online 2020 | MakemoneywithHanna (1)

In this current generation we are in there are many ways you can make money online these are just a few I could gather.

The technology has evolved so much and 20 years ago not many people knew you could earn money at your own comfort zone. Other bloggers, influencers generate almost $45,000 a month just from their homes.

I used to think the only way someone could earn that kind of money is they have to wake up in the morning get ready for work and become a CEO of some organization.

Did you know almost 5 Million USA citizens are working from home these days?

The internet can be scary and friendly you just have to choose which path to choose. Most people think working online is just scamming people that is not true but I do agree if you don’t be careful you are going to get ripped off with scammers it happened to me once and that’s when I realized I need to start my own business because no one will have your back besides yourself.

Below are the 20 Legitimate Ways To Make Money Online 2020

1. Your Opinion Matters, Get Paid For Your Opinion By Taking Surveys

23 Legitimate Ways To Make Money Online 2020 | MakemoneywithHanna (3)

There are alot of websites out there for surveys you have to make sure which ones are legit for you I will recommend a few down below.

Taking surveys aren’t the best way to make alot of money but it can help you with some groceries rather than idling around you can participate in surveys and make some money.

I have participated in a lot of survey websites which some of them just wasted my time I gave my opinion and at the end there was no payment made to me.

Below are sites which I do recommend and in fact I find them the best so far .

This platform rewards you for your opinion for every survey you complete you earn some points and you can redeem them as cash or popular gift cards like amazon gift card.

They have paypal as one of their method of payment, it is international you can participate anywhere in the world. You can get started today all you need is your email address and that’s it, you have nothing to loose you don’t have to pay anything to get started.

Related Post : Survey Junkie Review And How To Get Started

  • MySurveys

MySurveys is another one of my best surveys sites out of the 100 more sites out there that I have tried. They offer large amount of points to their clients where as 1,000 points is equal to $100. Each survey you could earn roughly 10 – 500 points depending with the survey duration which is such a good thing.

All you have to do is sign up with your email address and make sure you fill all the details in your profile settings, that’s how they match a survey according to your profile. They pay via paypal or gift cards like Amazon they also have options if you would like to donate to charity, gift cards for restaurants and many other opportunities.

2. Get Paid For Testing Websites

23 Legitimate Ways To Make Money Online 2020 | MakemoneywithHanna (4)

There are many companies out there who would like to know how their websites operate to third party clients.

So that is where people like you and me plays the part of testing websites,

So for example a big company like Amazon they would like to know how there websites work outside their regional area,

they pay websites like User Testing, Userlytics to look for them customers who are going to test their websites for a certain fee.

User Testing pays $10 per website you test for a 20 minute duration every website. There are at time the tasks are longer and it could end up upto 40 minutes and ofcourse the payment will be higher.

$10 per websites isn’t that bad, It is a good way to make money online 2020 if you did 10 websites that month you already have $100 in your pocket.

The tasks are very easy you will instructed to perform tasks like checkout, going to the next page or maybe try placing orders things like that you don’t have to have any knowledge for coding or technical stuff.

3. Become A Social Media Influencer

Do you have a large following on Instagram?Facebook? Big brand companies look for people who have a large following on social media so that they can put their product or service to a large audience. Some companies are baby brands and maybe they have just started with the social media advertising but they still do not have a large following and that is where people like me and you come in.

Usually if you have 10k and above followers you could charge anywhere $75-$85 that is the minimum per post. For those with 100,000 followers roughly goes $1,000 per post, you could make alot of money with a large audience on social media, an example of Kim Kardashian who charges over $200,000 per post that could be your yearly income, right?HAHAHAHA!

4. Become A Freelance Writer

Who is a freelance writer? Basically, this type of job is when a person is self-employed and he/she writes for more than on client either blogs, article, books and many other writing documents. They are paid according to batches or per article.

The amount of money earned by a freelance writer it depends, a writer would charge you average of $0.15 a word. An article could have 1000 words the writer already has $150 on that article, what if you had 5 more article like that you have your $750 on your pocket.

It depends with how frequent writer you are, some writers earn $100 and others $2000. You can get started with Fiver.com or Upwork they have alot of opportunities, I personally hired someone to write for me an article which I was working on and they produced such a good content.

Related Post: How To Become A Good Freelance Writer

5. Start Dropshipping Or Create Your Online Store

Dropshipping is a type of business where you buy things from a wholesaler or another retail brand and selling it at a higher price. So, what do I mean by this? Basically, If a retailer is selling $200 for a laptop you sell at $300 and your profit is $100. It is an easy way to start your online business you do not need any inventory.

One downside of dropshipping is you need to market yourself and create awareness to people about your online business. But how do you create your online store? You can get started with Shopify.

Shopify is one of the best platform to create your e-commerce store. It is very simple to use all work is done for you, all you have to do is put your content and choose which type of theme you would like for your store. It has this extension called Oberlo which connects you with a wholesale website called the AliExpress, most dropshippers use AliExpress to import their products to their online store. I have a friend of mine who makes six figure income with dropshipping.

Related Post: How To Start A Dropshipping Business In 2019

6. Charge People For Your Talent

What do I mean by that? One way of making money is charging people for your talent, Let’s say you are good in drawing or any kind of art sell your unique pieces online. There are a few websites that I would recommend you to join them and produce your pieces, each websites mentioned below gets their commission when you make a sale.

Art Boost~ This website offers a free store for their artists to put their collection and they charge you 15% commission for purchase price of the art sale. They artists has unlimited space for gallery and they do not charge you for any storage, I find them quite reasonable in terms of commissions as some other websites they charge almost 40% commission.

Artfully Reimagined~ This website specializes in reused or recycled art work and they charge a 10% commission, It also has no membership fee you have access to unlimited storage.

If you like to cook and you have very good recipes why don’t you open up a YouTube channel and start making money out of your own home. Do you know over 5 million USA citizens make money from YouTube?If they can do it any one can even if you are a Grandpa hehehe.

7. Create A Blog Or Website

There are bloggers out there who make $50,000 a month with their blog, how did they do it? Let me tell you for you to have a successful blog you will need these requirements:

  • Write good quality content
  • Build engagement with your readers
  • Be consistent with your posts
  • Be different

Most people think creating a blog is difficult but I totally get it because I had the same mentality before I started mine.

I was confused at first I didn’t know how to get started, heard things called plugins, web hosting , domain name I did not know any of these things I did my degree in BA and literally have no idea what these things mean.

I had to try things myself because no matter what, you are the only person who wants what’s best for you,

So I created mine with some a little help with my cousin sister she also has her own blog and she started before me and she is generating almost $9,000 a month with her blog. I started mine with Bluehost I recommend it to everyone it is one of the best web hosting sites out their.

The top web hosting I recommend are:

I treat my blog as my journal I do not regret creating mine it is one of the best things that has happened to me.

Related Post:How To Start A WordPress Blog Under 60 Minutes

8. Rent Your Home On AirBnB

Are you going for a vacation? Leaving the house all alone? Why leave it empty while you can rent it out and you can make a few thousand dollars per month? You can rent out a room aswell if you have an extra room.

Just post some pictures of your house or room and post it on AirBnb and you can get tons of clients who are interested renting out your place.

People choose places which has nice review and if you are getting started probably don’t have any review yet but they will eventually come in as long as you treat your guests nicely and you will see them coming in 5 star rating.

9. Tutor People

Helping people learn something which they have difficulty understanding can be the most rewarding thing,

Tutoring doesn’t mean you need to be a teacher as your occupation, you can teach someone something new and you have already educated someone.

You can tutor people in a certain type of niche and charge them a certain fee for your time. The medium pay for a tutor can roughly cost $18 per our and it can go upto $20. It depends with what type of niche you would like to teach.

10. Become A Translator

Do you know more than one language? Why don’t you use it to make some money for yourself? You can register yourself as a translator for all the languages that you know.Many translation jobs are done by freelancers by there are some companies which give opportunities to home based translators.

Before applying as a translator you should have the following qualities:

  • Passion, you should be passionate about doing your job right and make sure you did everything to make someone understand what they needed to know.
  • Clarity, you should be able to express your translation in a very clear manner. You shouldn’t be eating your words and your client can not understand what you mean
  • Accuracy, a translator should be accurate with what he/she is translating and not just guessing their words assuming the client does not understand. The translator should give the exact words as said despite how hurtful the information might be, never alter your own words and meaning.

11. Web Designer

Do you know how to create and decorate websites?These days creating a website you don’t need to have all that technical coding knowledge to create a website. I created mine with Bluehost and I did not even use a single code needed except for google analytics of course for my visitor graphs which is an easy task with simple plugins.

These days you can also just Google or YouTube how to create a website using Bluehost. When you have the exact knowledge start charging companies or people who want a website or a blog but have no idea to get started, you could easy earn $1,000 a month with web designing. Below is a video explaining how to get started with Bluehost using WordPress

Video Content Is By Cole Webb

Related Post: How To Start A WordPress Blog

12. Create Your Own E-book

I read online about someone who made himself $100,000 in just one book passively. All he did was just writing about a topic he was passionate about and he created an e-book out of it and he tried his luck publishing at Amazon Kindle Publishing. His book sold more than 200 times without him marketing nor doing any advertising, pure passive income, Now he has published more than 5 books.

You can create your own e-book, write about anything you are knowledgeable in just anything either cooking, how to become a new mom, how to start your own family or maybe ways to keep your man just anything those are a few ideas in my mind hehe. You don’t need any special requirements changing your e-book to PDF, you can just write your book on WordPress sheet and after you are done you can go over to Fiver.com and pay someone $5-$10 and he will make your book ready to be published at Amazon Kindle Publishing, Some people make money from publishing e-books and that is how they make their source of income and so can you.

13. Buy And Sell Domains

What is a domain name?

A domain name is basically is just a website address like mine is makemoneywithhanna.site that is a domain name.

You can purchase a domain name at a cheap as little as $10 and end up selling it $1,000.

There are alot of extension like .site .com .net they expensive one is .com. Before selling a domain name you should consider the following factors:

  • You need to know the value of your domain, some people over price or under price their domain and they start loosing clients
  • Choose your market place to sell your domain.
  • Make your domain more attractive by including details if your domain, age, traffic

Selling of domains is a good investment because your domain might be sold after 2-5 years it depends,

But at the end you get some good amount of money.

Of course buying and selling of domains is not a make money fast or get rich quick scheme it takes time but it is worth the period.

You can purchase cheap domain at Namecheap they have the best offers for domain names.

14. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s (or company’s) products according to Neil Patel.

So, the big question is can you really make money with affiliate marketing?

The answer is yes,

but it can get complicated.

Affiliate marketing is like any other business you need to put in some work to make good amount of money.There are people who make a full-time living with affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is easy to start and has low cost capital,

you do not have to have a physical product to promote you can simply partner with a company to promote their product or service and whenever you bring a client you make your commission.

For a long term passive income it is better for you to have a blog and post your affiliate products and give them a review about it, it is the best way to make money online.

For you to be a successful affiliate marketer it is best for your clients to see you already using the product yourself to gain trust with your buyers.

Related Post: How To Start A WordPress Blog

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15. Love Taking Quality Pictures?

Do you have a nice cellphone which takes good picture quality?Sell your photos to Foap.com

It is an app or website which lets your post your photos and you share commission.

For example you posted a picture and

23 Legitimate Ways To Make Money Online 2020 | MakemoneywithHanna (5)

someone bought it for $20 you will earn $10.

They pay commission half and half, so if your photo was bought 10 times that day you already have $100 in your pocket just by using your cellphone.

It is not a must you use your cellphone if you have a good camera like Cannon or GoPro they really take good quality pictures and you can make money from your camera or cellphone.

Shutterstock is another website where you can upload your images and make money out of it, you get paid $0.25 everytime someone downloaded your picture.

If it was downloaded 10 times that day you already have $25.

16. Customer Service At Home

People go to work and work 9 hours a day just to talk to clients and helping them out with any assistance.

You can do the same job at home and paid roughly $9-$13 per hour talking to big companies and small companies,

Making money from home is not difficult and it’s not easy aswell simple answer is it’s complicated.

You have to work hard aswell to look for good opportunities to make some good income.

Would you rather stay in a chair 9 hours a day at someone else’s company or at your comfort zone at home wearing pj’s and be your own boss work at your own timings,

Mine would be the second one I rather be on my pj’s.

Companies mostly that have 24/7 hour customer support system they need people who can help them with their clients in the middle of the night or during closing hours so they hire home-based people who are willing to take the job and they are paid between $9-$13 per hour depending on the project.

Companies like Working Solution they do not rely on permanent staff hiring instead they depend on temporary part-time workers or home-based staff which they are supposed to commit 20-40 hours a week.

Approximately you will be making $180-$520 depending on which task you are given to.

17. Virtual Assistant (VA)

A virtual assistant helps a company with their day to day services like research on projects, make appointments with big companies, responding to emails, they run social media accounts and many other things.

You can do all that just at home with your cup of coffee how cool is that?

A virtual assistant is paid roughly $12-$15 an hour but you can be paid like $25 if you have more skills of designing,

I was someone’s (VA) and one of the downside is there is a lot of pressure.

It pays off well, it a good way to make money online.

The amount of money can vary broadly it depends on the amount of work done. A virtual assistant should have the following qualities:

  • Planning and Strategize your work
  • Efficiency in communication
  • Be yourself
  • Ability to multitask

18. Become A Transcriber

Atranscriberis someone who writes down what someone else is saying.

A transcriber can use writing or typing but mostly they are suppose to type.

In court or any hearings a transcriber is suppose to record everything that is happening during the court session.

A transcriber should be as fast as possible and never miss any information.

Making money as atranscriber online you earn roughly $10-$20 per audio.

The amount you earn can depend on your typing skills.

Spending 7-8 hours every day can make you earn between $200-$700 a week.

That is not a bad figure to start with I must say that is almost $3,000 a month!

19. Search For Gig On Fiverr

Did you know you can make money online with Fiverr gigs.

There are alot of opportunities on Fiverr the minimum you can charge is $5 per gig.

Fiverr is largest market place selling small services.

All kind of services are available search as social media posting, YouTube thumbnail, editing videos.

People buy gigs for as little as $5 and they resell the gig on other local places like Upwork (another marketplace) for $10-15 bucks.

That is just one client and you can do that with as many clients as possible without doing anything yourself.

20. Get Paid To Search The Web

Most of us like searching the web, watching videos all day.

Get paid to do what you love doing all day?

Websites like Swagbucks and InboxDollars are survey sites but they pay you to browse on their search engines.

InboxDollars pay you $5 just for signing up,

You can get started with them anytime no need for approval. Its is an easy way to make money online 2019.

Making money from these sites can’t make you rich over night but it can help you with some extra money to use for emergency purposes.

21. Catering

Are you good at cooking?baking?

Open up a business just from your home,

Take orders for desserts, main meals, snacks.

Wedding events place their orders at high restaurants charging them a lot of money.

You could cater for special events and advertise yourself online.

22. Data Entry

Data entry is a simple job,

One simple inputs data for companies, hotels and many other facilities.

One does not need any experience to start working.

You could simply charge $10 per hour make money online.

23. Graphic Designer

Graphic designer are in demand for business logos, websites and ads.

If you an expert in this area one could make a full time income annually.

Graphic designer usually make between $40,000-45,000 yearly.

That roughly $3,000 monthly.

You can start by creating a website and show case your work.

Here is my step by step tutorial which help you create your website under 30 minutes.

23 Legitimate Ways To Make Money Online 2020 | MakemoneywithHanna (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Views: 6193

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.