17 Things You Need to Know Before Investing in Stocks (2024)

RD.COM Money

17 Things You Need to Know Before Investing in Stocks (1)Jeff HoytUpdated: Dec. 16, 2022

    Finally, you can enter the investment world of Wall Street with confidence.


    17 Things You Need to Know Before Investing in Stocks (2)


    It’s not always the smartest option

    “Over many decades, the investment that has provided the highest average rate of return is stocks,” says financial adviser Brian Saranovitz, president of Your Retirement Advisor. If you owe money on a credit card and are paying 18 percent interest, though, you should pay off that debt before investing. By sending the money to the credit card issuer instead of Wall Street, you’re effectively making 18 percent on your money. That type of high-paying investment—let alone a sure thing—would be hard to find in the stock market, so it’s helpful to know in a “stock market for dummies” crash course.


    17 Things You Need to Know Before Investing in Stocks (3)


    Learn the lingo

    If you can’t talk the talk, don’t try to walk the walk. Not knowing the difference between EPS (earnings per share) and ETF (exchange-traded fund) could cost you a small fortune. Did you realize the much-touted Dow Jones Industrial Average is based on only 30 stocks? Websites such as MoneyTips can provide some stock market for beginners lingo and help you learn the vocabulary of Wall Street. Most importantly, understand what investing in stocks means: that you own a small piece of a business.


    17 Things You Need to Know Before Investing in Stocks (4)


    It’s not all “buy low, sell high”

    “Stock ownership provides multiple ways to profit—not only price appreciation, but also dividends,” says Saranovitz. With a dividend, you get paid simply for owning a stock.” A recent Hartford Funds study shows that dividend-paying stocks tend to beat the market over the long term and yield far better returns for investors than stocks that don’t pay dividends. In addition to learning the stock market for dummies, check out other easy ways to earn extra income.


    Decide what kind of help is best for you

    Back in the day when the Dow Jones Industrial Average was below 1,000, investors had to rely on licensed brokers who garnered large commissions with every trade. Not only has the Internet driven sales commissions way down, but new technology also allows people to rely on robo-advisers (computer algorithms) or to make their own stock-picking decisions without any human interaction. It’s wonderful that you can trade stocks in your underwear—until you lose your shirt!

    “My mother has always said, ‘Life is 20 percent what happens to you and 80 percent how you react to it.’ With your financial life, you might not always have the right know-how or frame of mind if the going gets tough,” saysLynn Toomey, co-founder of Your Retirement Advisor. “A financial adviser can provide the behavioral coaching that you can’t do on your own or with a robo-adviser platform. When the market drops, an adviser can help you focus on your long-term goals instead of hitting the panic button.” With so many good stock-pickers in the industry, picking your own portfolio is a financial risk, she says.


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    Consider the long-term

    “Trading stocks isn’t like a long weekend in Vegas,” warns Toomey. “You’re not trying to cram a ton of action into a few nights. Commit to being a long-term trader, and the odds of coming out ahead turn in your favor.” Your stocks might dip for a little while, but with the patience to ride it out, you’ll earn in the long run.Learn 26 more secrets rich people won’t tell you about their money habits.


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    Don’t try to time the market

    When investing in stocks, try the buy-and-hold strategy as opposed to day trading. Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Samuelson wrote, “Scores of documented statistical studies attest that not one in ten ‘timers’ ends up getting back into the market at bargain prices lower than what they sold at earlier.” In fact, you might end up doing worse damage, says Saranovitz. “Many traders panic and sell stocks too late, after a large drop,” he says. “That could be the worst time to sell.” When learning the stock market for beginners, it’s hard to calculate exactly when to sell a particular holding, but signs include a high price-to-earnings ratio, stagnating or dropping sales, and decreasing profit.


    17 Things You Need to Know Before Investing in Stocks (8)

    Sirichai Puangsuwan/Shutterstock

    Understand risk

    Don’t invest more than you could afford to lose. Like any investment, there are risks, especially in the short term. What if you had invested in early February, right before the market suffered through the biggest one-day drop in history? Stocks won’t go up all the time. You also need to recognize your own risk tolerance. Consider your age: The closer you are to retirement, the less time you’ll have to make up for a large loss. Saranovitz, who counsels people on controlling their risk as they get closer to retirement, says, “We’ve witnessed many people throwing caution to the wind due to the stock bull market we’ve had since April 2009. We’ve witnessed people very close to retirement wanting to keep high stock exposure in their portfolios. We recommend age-appropriate portfolio allocations to assure one is properly invested in the event of a major stock market correction or potential bear market, either of which could be on our horizon.” Use this timeline to show exactly how much to save for retirement.


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    Start with exchange-traded funds, index funds, and mutual funds

    Buying exchange-traded funds (ETFs), index funds, and mutual funds are popular ways of buying stocks without having to choose individual stocks. Many are automatically diversified (so one event won’t ruin all your investments), have low fees, and are rated for risk tolerance. Target-date funds, which assume investors will retire in a certain year, adjust their asset allocation to get more risk-averse as one approaches retirement age. However, one study shows that most participants in these “set-it-and-forget-it” end up taking money out to actively invest in their own stock picks, despite its risks.


    17 Things You Need to Know Before Investing in Stocks (10)


    Try dollar-cost averaging

    “Many people are introduced to stocks through an employer-based retirement program such as a 401(k) plan, where you get to choose your preferred investments from several options,” says Toomey. “Take full advantage of these programs, since many are tax-deferred and have matching components. They also make it easy to use dollar-cost averaging.” In this investment technique, you buy a fixed dollar amount of stocks regularly, such as every pay period. In “stock market for dummies” lingo, that means you’re buying more shares when the price is lower and fewer when the price is higher, removingthe worry about when to buy.


    17 Things You Need to Know Before Investing in Stocks (11)

    Montri Thipsorn/Shutterstock

    Diversify in every way

    “A good money manager will purchase 20 to 30 stocks to diversify a portfolio,” says Saranovitz. Not only should you pick different industries, such as consumer staples and technology stocks, but you should aim to have different countries, and both mega-corporations and small companies, he says.In mastering how to invest money, your overall investments should be diversified, too. Stocks should make up a part of your portfolio, but not all of it. “We recommend bonds and fixed-indexed annuities to our clients as well,” says Saranovitz.


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    Expect realistic returns

    With cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin increasing by 1,000 percent or more in a year, investors might have unrealistic ideas about what to expect from stocks. In a 2016 study, investors expected an 8.5 percent return over inflation, but financial advisers said less than 6 percent was more realistic. While 2017 was a great year for stocks, the market could go down in any given year. “Remember, past performance is no indication of future results,” says Saranovitz.


    17 Things You Need to Know Before Investing in Stocks (13)


    Minimize fees

    The more you pay in fees, the less you’ll get to take home. You’ll pay fees to an adviser, and the funds you’ll buy have management fees that will eat into your returns. If you’re the do-it-yourself type, compare prices of online brokers, and try to get in on a new-customer promotion. If you’re using an adviser, make sure you understand the fee structure that can include custodial fees, trading costs investment management fees, adviser fees, as well as other expenses.


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    Use 5 percent of your holdings to experiment with company shares

    Owning individual company shares is higher risk than investing in funds; be prepared to lose 100 percent of your investment. Still, if you have insight and knowledge of a particular industryor use products of a company you admire, feel free to buy some shares. Watch out for red flags, such as companies that recently cut dividends or have never earned a profit.


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    Avoid penny stocks, options, and hot tips

    In a pump-and-dump scheme, a group will buy stock in a small company, and then email thousands of people touting the company. They’re trying to get the gullible ones to invest; when the price goes up, the senders sell at a profit, and the price drops back down. If stock tips were truly based on insider knowledge, then trading on them would be illegal. Another stock market for beginners tip: Avoid penny stocks, which are sort of like the lottery: little money down, but little chance of profit. Investing in options—the right to buy or sell a stock for a certain price within a certain time—can be inexpensive, but it’s also easier to lose all your investment when options expire.


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    Leave emotions at home

    “The raging bull market since 2009 has made investors feel impervious to the inherent volatility of the stock market. February’s market dip could be a quick market correction or the beginnings of the next bear market,” says Saranovitz. “But my research shows that you have to keep a cool head when times get tough. Since 1950, the Standard & Poor’s 500 stock index fell by 3 percent or more on 100 days. In the ensuing year following those drops, the S&P 500 generated a 16.8 percent investment return average. Too many people sell after drops because they fear losing even more.” As noted investor Warren Buffett puts it: “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.”


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    Don’t celebrate unrealized profits

    When you learn how to invest in stocks, you could become a paper millionaire—but until you sell your holdings, the profits aren’t yours. On the other hand, don’t mourn unrealized losses, either. You can’t count your profits or losses until you sell.


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    Don’t forget the taxman

    When you do sell a stock for a profit, Uncle Sam will want his share in the form of a capital gains tax. If you hold a stock for more than a year, your tax situation should be more advantageous than flipping a stock within a year. Investing in stocks in a retirement plan such as a 401(k) can help your investment grow in a tax-free environment. In addition, if you sell a stock for less than you paid for it, the resulting capital loss could lower the tax you’ll pay on your gains. Consult with a tax professional for how to keep more of your stock market gains. Now that you know these stock market for beginners tips, don’t miss these other 32 things a tax accountant won’t tell you for free.

    Originally Published: October 03, 2019

    17 Things You Need to Know Before Investing in Stocks (19)

    Jeff Hoyt


    17 Things You Need to Know Before Investing in Stocks (2024)


    What do I need to know before investing in stocks? ›

    Before you make any decision, consider these areas of importance:
    1. Draw a personal financial roadmap. ...
    2. Evaluate your comfort zone in taking on risk. ...
    3. Consider an appropriate mix of investments. ...
    4. Be careful if investing heavily in shares of employer's stock or any individual stock. ...
    5. Create and maintain an emergency fund.

    What should a beginner invest in stocks? ›

    The easiest way to create a broad portfolio is by buying an ETF or a mutual fund. The products have diversification built into them, and you don't have to do any analysis of the companies held in the index fund. “It may not be the most exciting, but it's a great way to start,” Keady says.

    What should I check before buying a stock? ›

    The company's fundamentals: Research the company's performance in the last five years, including figures like earnings per share, price to book ratio, price to earnings ratio, dividend, return on equity, etc. Future relevance: Check if it is equipped to survive a few years down the lane.

    What's the first thing you need to know about stocks? ›

    Stocks represent shares of ownership in a company, and are listed for sale on a specific exchange. Exchanges track the supply and demand — and directly related, the price — of each stock. They also bring buyers and sellers together and act as a market for the shares of those companies.

    How much money do I need to invest to make $1000 a month? ›

    A stock portfolio focused on dividends can generate $1,000 per month or more in perpetual passive income, Mircea Iosif wrote on Medium. “For example, at a 4% dividend yield, you would need a portfolio worth $300,000.

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    13 Best Major Stocks to Buy Right Now
    • Intuit Inc. (NASDAQ:INTU) Number of Q4 2023 Hedge Fund Shareholders: 75. ...
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    • Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ:AVGO) ...
    • Micron Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ:MU) ...
    • Adobe Inc. (NASDAQ:ADBE) ...
    • Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)
    Feb 25, 2024

    Is $10 enough to invest in stocks? ›

    A disciplined approach of allocating $10 daily to investments can contribute significantly to wealth,” said Jia. “Committing to a daily investment of $10 may not amass an enormous fortune, but it can substantially expedite wealth accumulation.”

    Is $100 enough to start investing in stocks? ›

    Investing can change your life for the better. But many people mistakenly think that unless they have thousands of dollars lying around, there's no good place to put their money. The good news is that's simply not the case. You can start investing with $100 or even less.

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    7 of the Best Long-Term Stocks to Buy and Hold
    StockSectorTrailing 12-month dividend yield*
    Stanley Black & Decker Inc. (SWK)Industrials3.5%
    Atmos Energy Corp. (ATO)Utilities2.7%
    T. Rowe Price Group Inc. (TROW)Financials4.3%
    Chevron Corp. (CVX)Energy3.9%
    3 more rows
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    Key Takeaways
    1. Decide what you want your portfolio to achieve, and stick with it.
    2. Pick an industry that interests you, and explore the news and trends that drive it from day to day.
    3. Identify the company or companies that lead the industry and zero in on the numbers.

    When should a beginner buy stocks? ›

    Historically, April, October, and November have been the best months to buy stocks, while September has shown the worst performance. Knowing when to hold or sell stocks depends on personal strategies, research, and confidence in the stock's potential for growth.

    How many stocks should I own? ›

    There might be other practical considerations that limit the number of stocks. However, our analysis demonstrates that, whether you own ETFs, mutual funds, or a basket of individual stocks, a well-diversified portfolio requires owning more than 20-30 stocks.

    How many stocks should I buy first time? ›

    A portfolio of 10 or more stocks, particularly those across various sectors or industries, is much less risky than a portfolio of only two stocks.

    Is $500 enough to start investing in stocks? ›

    Consider investing $500 in an individual retirement account (IRA), which gives you options, including stocks, bonds and mutual funds. If you don't have an IRA, $500 would easily get you started at many banks and credit unions. You can also open up IRAs at online brokerages and investment companies.

    Is $1 enough to invest in stocks? ›

    You don't have to be rich to invest in the stock market. Even with just one dollar, you can start building your portfolio. Fractional shares allow investors to purchase a small portion of their preferred companies or funds, without having to buy a whole share.

    Is $1,000 enough to start investing in stocks? ›

    With many available options, investors can use $1,000 to purchase ETFs, stocks, or bonds. Simply paying off outstanding debt may save money in interest payments over time and prove to be a wise investment.

    How can I invest $10 and earn daily? ›

    If you want to invest $10 and earn daily, opening a high-yield savings account is a great option. High-yield savings accounts offer higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts, which means you can grow your wealth faster. These accounts are also a safe place to keep your emergency fund.

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    Name: Trent Wehner

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    Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.