2022 Renter’s Insurance Industry Report | SafeHome.org (2024)

After months of steeply increasing housing prices followed by a recent increase in mortgage interest rates, the dream of homeownership remains out of reach for millions of young Americans. At the same time, inflation and increased demand for housing in many U.S. cities drove rents through the roof in 2022.

These market conditions have been especially hard on renters’ pockets. As many slash spending and buckle down on their budgets, some renters are reducing their insurance coverage limits or canceling their policies altogether. But the vast majority of insured renters are choosing to maintain their current coverage. Similarly, most renters without coverage are planning to keep to the status quo.

In the midst of housing market volatility, our newest research shows that the renter’s insurance industry is projected to remain steady and even gain new customers over the next year.

Key Findings

  • 55 percent of U.S. renters, or 61 million people, currently have renter’s insurance policies. This number could rise to more than 65 million within the next year.
  • 75 percent of insured renters are required by their landlords to obtain renter’s coverage.
  • The average renter’s insurance premium was $211 per year, or about $18 a month. The most popular deductible was $500.
  • Only 18 percent of insured renters had noticed an increase in their premiums over the last year, compared to 43 percent of insured homeowners.
  • Most renters are sticking with their current coverage (or lack of coverage). Just 14 percent of insured renters plan to make changes to their current policies. Of those who don’t have renter’s insurance, 16 percent said they are likely to purchase a premium within the next 12 months.

Demographics of Insured Renters

Renter’s or tenant’s insurance protects renters who experience unexpected property damages. In our latest research, we found that 55 percent of renters had renter’s insurance policies. This is an estimated 61 million U.S. renters.

The vast majority of individuals with renters insurance were required by their landlords to have this type of coverage. Many landlords do this to prevent claims against their own landlord insurance policies.

2022 Renter’s Insurance Industry Report | SafeHome.org (1)

2022 Renter’s Insurance Industry Report | SafeHome.org (2)

Our data revealed that renters of all ages and genders were interested in protecting their property with renter’s insurance, though slightly more female renters than male renters had coverage. While more than half of all renters in each age group had insurance coverage, renters in their 20s were likelier than any others to have insurance.

2022 Renter’s Insurance Industry Report | SafeHome.org (3)

The largest difference in terms of renter’s coverage was between people who lived in public versus private housing. About one in four people living in public housing had renter’s insurance coverage, compared to nearly 60 percent of people in privately owned housing.

Since public housing opportunities are restricted to people with low income, older ages, or disabilities, their budgets may not allow for the costs of renter’s insurance. Unfortunately, these individuals would benefit most from renter’s insurance, since the cost of replacing damaged belongings out of pocket would be more burdensome on limited incomes. This is a reason why destructive disasters like Hurricane Katrina often compound wealth inequality.

Renter’s Insurance Basics

The purpose of renter’s insurance is two-fold. First, it covers damage to a tenant’s personal property. Second, it protects them against acts they may be liable for. While those are both good reasons for purchasing a tenant insurance policy, many tenants might wonder, “The building is the landlord’s problem, and I don’t own many valuables, so why spend money on a renters’ insurance policy?”

However, imagine that a fire sweeps through your apartment. The costs to replace (all at one time) your furniture, dishes, pots and pans, clothing, jewelry, electronics, linens, and sporting equipment would be in the thousands. And then there's the looming threat of burglary and loss of prized possessions. Of course, you should have an apartment security solution in place to help deter burglars and thieves (our roundup of the best security systems for renters is a great starting point).

Our study showed that 46 percent of tenants preferred replacement cost coverage while 32 percent were happy enough with actual cash value coverage. The difference in the cost between replacement cost coverage and actual cash value may not amount to very much. But, these few extra dollars per year can make the difference in being able to replace everything at current prices.

2022 Renter’s Insurance Industry Report | SafeHome.org (4)

We were also interested to know which insurance companies tenants preferred when looking for tenant insurance. We found that State Farm and Geico were the most popular among tenants in our research, followed by Progressive and Lemonade.

2022 Renter’s Insurance Costs

Anyone concerned may about their budget occasionally looks for ways to reduce expenses. One expenditure they reconsider is their tenant insurance premiums. Nonetheless, there are two things renters may fail to think about – the amount of coverage they get compared to the premium, and how much the budget will increase if they have a loss.

Average Annual Premium by Deductible

Among those with no claims history

DeductibleAverage Annual Premium

Our study showed that the average premium for a tenant policy is just $211 per year! That amounts to less than a car wash or a cup of coffee every day. Considering a tenant policy typically covers tens of thousands of dollars in contents and hundreds of thousands in liability coverage, a tenant insurance policy provides astounding value. The value is particularly significant, especially considering the average home insurance policy is more than seven times higher at $1,584 a year.

2022 Renter’s Insurance Industry Report | SafeHome.org (5)

We also found the most common deductible is $500, as 53 percent of renters chose this option. The deductible is the amount a tenant would have to pay before an insurance company would pay for a loss.

The $500 average deductible was a bit surprising, considering the premiums are only $5 to $6 per month more for a $0 or $250 deductible. However, this might be because tenants are often in a rush to purchase a policy and may not shop around for multiple quotes. They may also think they’re unlikely to need the coverage, and thus choose a high deductible.

Top discounts on renter’s insurance

Tenants can offset a higher premium generated by a lower deductible by taking advantage of as many discounts as possible.

Our study showed that 85 percent received at least one discount and 60 percent of renters received two or more discounts on their tenant insurance policies. About 43 percent of renters chose to bundle their tenant insurance policies with auto or other insurance policies. With the popularity of online bill-pay plans, about 35 percent of tenants can get an additional discount for going paperless.

2022 Renter’s Insurance Industry Report | SafeHome.org (6)

Fifteen percent of tenants were not getting any discounts, which may be because they were unaware of the possibility or failed to ask for them. The best way to find all available discounts is to ask an insurance agent for a policy review.

What about roommates?

As rents soar and inflation increases, more and more people will be looking to split the rent with roommates. Those looking to save even more might wonder if they can share a renter’s insurance policy with their roommate. In a situation where a roommate has a tenant policy and the other does not, the tenant insurance does not extend to other roommates as they are not related to each other.

However, one renter’s insurance policy would cover related people in a household such as the spouses, children, and parents of a policyholder. The caveat is the coverage limits may not be enough to protect everyone’s personal property.

Either way, it is best for both family members living together and unrelated roommates to have their own tenant insurance policies for maximum coverage.

Renter’s Insurance Market Forecast

The good news about renter’s insurance is that tenants can count on their tenant insurance premiums to be relatively stable. While 43 percent of homeowners indicated their home insurance premiums went up over the previous year, only 18 percent of tenant insurance premiums increased.

2022 Renter’s Insurance Industry Report | SafeHome.org (7)

While history shows that tenant insurance premiums tend to be fairly steady, certain conditions could cause them to trend upward. A tenant who files a claim on their tenant insurance policy will likely see an increase in their premium, although only three percent of tenants in our study had ever filed one.

Increases in tenant insurance can happen for other reasons besides claims. For example, suppose insurance companies pay out claims in the hundreds of thousands of dollars after major catastrophes like Hurricane Ian. In that case, insurance companies will have no choice but to increase premiums.

Inflation may also impact increased tenant insurance premiums as it will cost more to replace damaged or stolen property. Lastly, excessive lawsuits could negatively impact insurance companies’ profitability, which could also have a bearing on increasing tenant insurance premiums.

Most renters have no plans to change their coverage

In light of the economy, housing market, and other societal factors, what plans do tenants have regarding their tenant insurance policies? Our study showed that most renters would not be making any changes to their tenant insurance policies. It stands to reason if something is not broken, why fix it?

About one in 20 insured renters plan to change their coverage or change their insurer altogether. Another six percent of insured tenants plan to cancel their policies without switching to a new insurer. They may be doing so for reasons such as moving in with a family member, purchasing a home, or moving out of the country.

2022 Renter’s Insurance Industry Report | SafeHome.org (8)

Tenants who are unhappy with their current tenant insurance company may be canceling their coverage at the renewal date or sooner. Budget-savvy tenants commonly leave their present insurance carriers to save money. There is not really a downside to switching insurance companies as long as tenants switch to an insurance company that is financially strong and has a good reputation among its policyholders. The main risk is canceling the old policy before the new one officially goes into effect, which would create a coverage gap.

Top reasons for changing insurersTop reasons for changing coverage
Moving to a new homeIncreasing coverage amount
No longer need renter’s insuranceAdding optional coverages
Lower premiumRemoving some optional coverages
Changing to a company that offers better bundling optionsLower premium
Changing to a company that has optional coverage not available on current planReducing coverage amount

Reducing coverage is one way to get a lower premium, yet too low of a limit for contents or liability could defeat the purpose of having tenant insurance. In this case, tenants would run the risk of being able to get their contents replaced or not having enough liability to cover a lawsuit in the event of a claim.

2022 Renter’s Insurance Industry Report | SafeHome.org (9)

According to our research, 16 percent of renters without insurance are likely to purchase a policy within the next year. This could be nearly 8 million new customers. However, most renters who do not have tenant insurance aren’t likely to purchase a policy anytime soon. These individuals may not be required to have insurance coverage or simply not feel their possessions are at risk of loss.


With increases in the number and severity of natural disasters and the rising cost of replacing personal items, a tenant insurance policy is a wise investment.

All tenants benefit by purchasing a tenant insurance policy, and they far outweigh the cost of purchasing tenant insurance. Therefore, the premiums for tenant insurance are quite affordable for any budget. In addition, discounts for tenant insurance policies are plentiful, making them even more lucrative.

As we move into 2023, tenant insurance will continue to be a wise choice for renters, and the market will remain steady despite housing market volatility.

Our Data

In October 2022, we conducted an online poll of 1,504 renters. Those with renters’ insurance were invited to participate in a more detailed questionnaire about their specific policies. 55 percent were women, 36 percent were men, and about 9 percent did not provide their gender. Participants ranged in age from 18 to 84 with a mean of 35.

2022 Renter’s Insurance Industry Report | SafeHome.org (2024)


What are some statistics of renters insurance? ›

Top Renters Insurance Statistics:

The average renters insurance plan costs $15.58 per month or $187 per year. More than 35% of all occupied housing units in the United States are rented.

How many renters in the US have renters insurance? ›

Key Findings. 55 percent of U.S. renters, or 61 million people, currently have renter's insurance policies.

What is the size of the renters insurance market in the US? ›

Questions Clients Ask About This Industry

The market size, measured by revenue, of the Renters' Insurance industry was $4.5bn in 2022.

What is the target market for renters insurance? ›

The target market for renters insurance is anyone who owns possessions but not a house or other property. Home insurance covers everything inside the home but since renters don't own the home they have to buy renters insurance instead.

How many Americans don't have renters insurance? ›

According to the National Multifamily Housing Council, 44 million households are renters. However, many people are unprotected since 59% of renters don't have insurance. This means that if there's a fire or other unforeseen event, renters could lose everything, and many wouldn't have the means to replace these items.

What is the average cost of renters insurance in the US? ›

The average renters insurance cost in the U.S. is $179 per year, or about $15 per month, according to NerdWallet's latest rate analysis. We based this estimate on a policy for a hypothetical 30-year-old tenant with $30,000 in personal property coverage, $100,000 in liability coverage and a $500 deductible.

Where are the most renters in the US? ›

Many residents in Northeast states are renters. The company IPX1031 found in a recent report that the highest percentage of renters in the U.S. can be found on the East Coast.

What percent of Americans are renters? ›

If you're wondering, "what percent of americans rent", you've come to the right place. Today we'll show you how many americans rent. Did you know that 36% of American households currently rent their home?

What percent of the US is renters by year? ›

The number of U.S. households renting homes has been gradually increasing for the past 10 years, reaching 43.95 million in 2021, a 2.3% increase over a year prior. In the ten years, the annual number of homes rented in the U.S. grew by 10.3%.

Who is the largest insurance provider in the US? ›

Who are the largest property and casualty insurance companies? State Farm is the largest property and casualty insurance in the United States, with more than $70 billion in premiums in 2021.

Why is renters insurance a good investment? ›

If you can afford it, renters insurance is usually worth it. It will protect your belongings, provide liability coverage, and may cover your personal items when you travel. Renter's insurance protects you from a long list of perils, as well.

What percentage of Americans are homeowners vs renters? ›

65.8% of the U.S. population lives in a home they own, and 34.2% rent.

What are the 3 common target markets? ›

The three most common types of target marketing fall into demographic, geographic, or psychographic categories.

What is target ROI for rental property? ›

The 2% rule in real estate is another simple way to calculate ROI for rental properties. According to this rule, if the monthly rent for a rental property is at least 2% of its purchase price, then odds are it should generate positive cash flow.

What are the segments of the insurance industry? ›

The modern insurance industry is divided into three parts: (1) a life and health insurance segment; (2) a property/casualty segment; and (3) a financial management segment involving reinsurance and various forms of excess insurance.

Why is it bad to not have renters insurance? ›

Your landlord will cover any damage

However, your landlord and their landlord insurance do not cover you and your belongings. If your personal property is destroyed, you're going to be left footing the bill yourself.

Who are the most uninsured in America? ›

In 2021, roughly 30 million people did not have health insurance in the U.S. This number includes all age groups, but nonelderly adults have the highest uninsured rate. At 13.5% without coverage, those surveyed were aged 18 to 64.

Where are the most uninsured in America? ›

Most of the 27.5 million people who are uninsured are nonelderly adults, in working families, in families with low incomes and six in ten are people of color. Reflecting geographic variation in income and the availability of public coverage, most uninsured people live in the South or West.

What are at least 3 factors that affect the cost of renters insurance? ›

7 Factors That Impact Your Renters Insurance Cost
  • Your coverage limits.
  • Your deductible.
  • Where you live.
  • Your insurer.
  • The type of coverage.
  • Your other insurance coverage.
  • Safety features.
Jan 20, 2023

How much do most people pay for renters insurance? ›

The average cost of renters insurance is about $15 to $20 per month1. However, what you end up paying depends on a number of factors. Take a look at the information below to find out how your home or apartment renters insurance cost is determined.

How much is $30,000 of renters insurance? ›

Average renters insurance cost by state
StateAverage cost per year for $15,000 in renters insuranceAverage cost per year for $30,000 in renters insurance
47 more rows
Apr 11, 2023

What is the highest rent city in the USA? ›

The most expensive rental market in the US remains to be New York. The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom is roughly $3,260. This is about a $500 decrease from 2021, however as demand continues to increase prices are likely to follow.

What US state has the most expensive rent? ›

Analysis by Redfin showed prices increased by 14.1% over the year in 2021 and 7.45% in 2022. With real wages falling by 1.3% in the last year there is an intense squeeze on purse-strings. California is no exception and has the highest average rent prices in the country.

Are rents falling in the US? ›

Rent prices are continuing to slow down, according to the latest data from the real estate website Zillow's rental report for May 2023. The price of asking rents increased by 0.6% from April to May, the report shows. It's the same increase as the one from March to April.

What is the rent crisis in the US? ›

There is a shortage of 7.3 million affordable and available rental homes for renters with extremely low incomes in the US, up 8 percent from 6.8 million in 2019. The lack of housing options for renters with extremely low incomes are driving the overall affordable housing shortage across the country.

Who owns the most houses in the US? ›

John Malone is the largest private landowner in the United States. Malone made his fortune as a media tycoon, building the company Tele-Communications, Inc, or TCI, and acting as its CEO before selling it to AT&T for $50 billion in 1999.

What is the rent problem in the US? ›

The average American renter is now paying more than 30 percent of their income on housing, as wages have failed to keep up with rent hikes and affordable units remain scarce, a new report shows. The nation is falling short of the demand for affordable housing by at least a million homes in some estimates.

Which state has the most renters? ›

California had the most renting households with 5.73 million, or 13.6 percent of the nation's 42 million rental homes. Tenants in California make up 44 percent of households in the state, the third-largest share of renters behind. D.C., at 58 percent, and New York at 45 percent.

Why are more people renting? ›

High cost of homeownership and a tight housing market drive demand for rental properties.

How long do most people rent for? ›

So, how long does a Tenant stay? A quick google search will tell you that for a single-family rental in the United States, you should expect an average tenancy to last about 3 years.

Who is the richest insurance company? ›


What is the richest insurance company in the United States? ›

Berkshire Hathaway was the largest insurance company in the United States in 2021, with total assets amounting to almost 960 billion U.S. dollars. Prudential Financial and Metlife secured second and third place, respectively. Who are Prudential Financial?

What are the 5 largest insurance companies in USA? ›

The five largest health insurance companies by membership are UnitedHealth Group, Anthem, Aetna, Cigna and Humana. Currently insured? The top health insurers by market share are UnitedHealth Group, Anthem, Centene, Humana and Health Care Service Corp. (HCSC).

How often should you shop around for renters insurance? ›

It's an excellent idea to re-shop your policy every year to ensure you're not missing out on better deals with a different company. Renters insurance is pretty easy to switch, so it's worth your time to be sure you're getting the best deal possible.

Is Lemonade insurance real? ›

About Lemonade

Lemonade offers a variety of policy types, including home insurance, renters insurance, and life insurance policies, as well as pet insurance and auto coverage. Founded in 2015, Lemonade is unique among the companies in our rating for being almost entirely online, from checking quotes to filing claims.

Why are the premiums for homeowners insurance more expensive than those of renters insurance? ›

In general, you can expect your renters insurance quote to be less than for homeowners insurance. That's because homeowners insurance includes the building structure itself, which isn't the case for renters insurance policies.

Are homeowners 40 times wealthier than renters? ›

A monthly mortgage payment is often considered a forced savings account that helps homeowners build a net worth about 40 times higher than that of a renter.” Along with these wealth gains, homeowners also saw their debt drop by 21% over the last decade, the report shows.

Who owns the most rental properties? ›

Of the approximately 50 million rental housing units in the United States, around 41% of the rental units are owned by mom and pop landlords, also known as individual investor landlords.

How much of your net worth should be in your home? ›

It is commonly agreed that allocating between 25 and 40 percent of your net worth to real estate ( including your home) allows you to capitalize on the advantages of real estate ownership while giving you plenty of flexibility to pursue other avenues of investment and wealth development.

What is the meaning of 4 Ps? ›

The four Ps are a “marketing mix” comprised of four key elements—product, price, place, and promotion—used when marketing a product or service. Typically, businesses consider the four Ps when creating marketing plans and strategies to effectively market to their target audience.

What are the 5 areas of the target market? ›

Five ways to segment markets include demographic, psychographic, behavioral, geographic, and firmographic segmentation.

What are four 4 key ways to identify a target audience? ›

Geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral are the four levels of segmentation that can help define your business's primary target audience.

What is the 2% rule of thumb for rental? ›

The 2% rule is the same as the 1% rule – it just uses a different number. The 2% rule states that the monthly rent for an investment property should be equal to or no less than 2% of the purchase price. Here's an example of the 2% rule for a home with the purchase price of $150,000: $150,000 x 0.02 = $3,000.

How much profit should you make on a rental property? ›

The amount will depend on your specific situation, but a good rule of thumb is to aim for at least 10% profit after all expenses and taxes. While 10% is a good target, you may be able to make more depending on the property and the rental market.

What is a good monthly return on rental property? ›

Generally, a good ROI for rental property is considered to be around 8 to 12% or higher. However, many investors aim for even higher returns. It's important to remember that ROI isn't the only factor to consider while evaluating the profitability of a rental property investment.

What is the most significant trend affecting the insurance industry at the moment? ›

Rise of Self-Servicing for Policyholders

About 81% of consumers want self-servicing options, and that goes for insurance policyholders too.

What are the 4 broad categories of insurance? ›

Four types of insurance that most financial experts recommend include life, health, auto, and long-term disability.

What are the 4 aspects of insurance? ›

There are four basic parts to an insurance contract:
  • Declaration Page.
  • Insuring Agreement.
  • Exclusions.
  • Conditions.

What is renters insurance Why is it important? ›

Renters insurance (sometimes referred to as "tenant insurance") helps cover unexpected events — otherwise known as covered perils. You may not always be able to prevent certain situations, such as theft, a break-in or a visitor's injury, and that's where renters insurance comes in.

Why is renters insurance important or is it? ›

Renters insurance protects your belongings from loss, damage, or destruction following things like burglaries, fires, tornadoes and other covered events. Plus, renters insurance also protects your liability (and your money) if someone is injured at your rental home or apartment.

What does renters insurance cover? ›

Renters insurance is an insurance policy that can cover theft, water backup damage, certain natural disasters, bodily injuries and more in a rented property. If you rent an apartment, home or even a dorm, renters insurance is recommended for protecting your space and belongings in the event of a covered accident.

What percentage of renters nationwide possess renters insurance roughly? ›

Only 41 percent of renters carry renters insurance, a substantial difference from 95 percent of homeowners who carry homeowner's insurance policies, according to a new poll from the Insurance Information Institute.

Which one of the following is not covered by renter's insurance? ›

Renters insurance does not cover major weather events like earthquakes, landslides, sinkholes and floods. The policy also will not cover pest infestations (including bed bugs) or coverage for your roommate's possessions if they aren't a named insured on the policy.

What is the primary difference between homeowners insurance and renters insurance? ›

Key Takeaways. Homeowners insurance covers the actual building you live in (and associated structures such as garages). With renter's insurance, the landlord will be expected to have coverage on the building, while your insurance will cover your personal property.

What is the average cost of premiums? ›

The average annual premiums in 2022 are $7,911 for single coverage and $22,463 for family coverage.

What is a deductible Ramsey? ›

What Is a Deductible? If you're considering an insurance policy, a deductible is the amount you're responsible for in a claim when and if you make one. The insurance company will deduct that figure from the total amount of the insurance claim being paid out.

Does renters insurance cover broken TV? ›

Generally speaking, almost all consumer electronics are covered under renters insurance. Items like your TVs, your home computers and video game consoles are covered by the personal property provisions of your renters insurance policy.

What is umbrella insurance used for? ›

What is umbrella insurance? Umbrella insurance is extra insurance that provides protection beyond existing limits and coverages of other policies. Umbrella insurance can provide coverage for injuries, property damage, certain lawsuits, and personal liability situations.

Does renters insurance cover tornado damage? ›

Tornadoes, fires, hail, and rain and snow damage (non-flooding) are covered by most renters insurance policies. Floods and earth movement (earthquakes and sinkholes) aren't covered by renters insurance. Consider including loss-of-use coverage in your renters policy if you're in a disaster-prone area.

What is a deductible in renters insurance? ›

Your homeowners or renters insurance deductible is what you pay out of your own pocket for a loss or repair that's covered by your policy. Suppose you have a $1,000 deductible for home insurance or renters insurance and the cost of covered damages comes to $3,000.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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