20 Most Common Staging Mistakes – 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty (2024)

If you want your home to appeal to the widest range of potential buyers, you’ll need to make staging a priority. Buyers may not have the same home decor tastes as you do or their living situations may be different. Staging well allows them to visualize their family in your home despite any potential style differences you may have.

If you want to make your home shine while it’s on the market, avoid these common home staging mistakes.

Too Much Furniture

Pay careful attention to the amount of furniture in each room of your home. Filling a house with excess furniture is a very common staging mistake — if the furniture barely fits, buyers will have a hard time imagining how they’ll make their everyday lives, and their own furniture, fit into the same space.

Furniture That Doesn’t Fit the Room

Many sellers fill their rooms with furniture that is simply too large for the intended space. Your family might love that gigantic sectional couch in the living room, but does it fit the space well? Consider the size of your house and which furniture you should keep on display.

Household Smells

We often become immune to all of the smells in our homes, from pets to lingering kitchen odors. However, newcomers will notice unpleasant or unusual smells instantly. Banish any unpleasant scents before your home goes on the market.

20 Most Common Staging Mistakes – 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty (1)

Keeping Knick Knacks on Display

Some buyers think that personalizing their home is a good thing because it shows that the space is livable. However, it’s important for buyers to focus on your home’s best features and how they can work for them, not on your family photos. Pack up excess knick knacks before opening your house to buyers.

Excessive Dark Paint

Dark paint colors can work in certain rooms, but don’t overdo it. Dark hues can make a room feel small and uninviting. Neutral, light colors are best when selling your home.

Drastically Different Paint Colors Throughout the Home

While you’re painting, be sure to keep the color scheme consistent. Painting each room a new, vibrant color takes away from the overall flow of your home.

Pushing All Furniture Against the Walls

In a large room, the space actually looks smaller if every piece of furniture is up against a wall. Try placing furniture at different angles or moving it out and away from the wall.

20 Most Common Staging Mistakes – 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty (2)

A Lack of Light

Dimly lit rooms are uninviting and dreary, so make lighting a priority. Natural light is the best option, but lamps are also a good choice.

Hanging Artwork too High

Artwork and other wall decorations should be hung at eye level. If you’re taller than average and have hung your artwork accordingly, you may need to move things down.

Multiple Focal Points in a Room

Most rooms should have a focal point. In the living room this point is often the fireplace, television or a window. Pick one central point and decorate around it.

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20 Most Common Staging Mistakes – 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty (3)

Forgetting to Stage Storage Areas

Buyers will be opening your cupboards and closets to assess the storage situation. Clean and organize this important part of your home.

20 Most Common Staging Mistakes – 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty (4)

Neglecting Exterior Areas

First impressions are important, so don’t skimp on staging your home’s exterior. Simple tasks like trimming the bushes and planting flowers can have a huge impact.

Too Many Holiday Decorations

There’s no need to ignore the holidays, but keep your decorations tasteful. Excessive holiday decorations can mask some of your home’s best selling points.

A Dark, Uninviting Entryway

After the exterior, your home’s entryway is the first thing buyers will see. Set the stage for a successful viewing by keeping this area bright, open and clutter-free.

20 Most Common Staging Mistakes – 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty (5)

Keeping Your Kid’s Clutter

There will be some potential Buyers who don’t have kids, and it’s important for your home to appeal to them, too. Make sure to de-clutter your kid’s rooms and pick up toys before a showing.

Leaving Rooms Vacant

Some sellers leave rooms completely vacant but this is a massive staging mistake. You don’t need to fill the room with expensive furniture, but you can use a few pieces to show buyers the room’s potential. Furniture and decor also have the added bonus of hiding imperfections.

Over-Staging the Home

It is possible to have too much of a good thing, so don’t over-stage your home with decor that feels out of place. Instead, make sure your home feels comfortable and natural.

Not Cleaning Thoroughly

Many of us think that our houses are cleaner than they actually are and buyers will pick up on dirt and grime. Do a deep clean, focusing on every small nook and cranny. If you don’t have the time or desire to complete a deep clean by yourself, consider hiring a professional cleaner.

Lack of Style

While you don’t want your home to overflow with treasured mementos, it should have some personality and style. Try to imagine that your house is an expensive hotel — neutral, yet appealing to a broad range of people.

Misunderstanding What Staging Can Realistically Do

20 Most Common Staging Mistakes – 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty (6)

Staging is a helpful tool, but it isn’t a magical cure-all. You won’t be able to cover up large flaws or hide glaring structural issues, so approach the staging process with a realistic mindset.

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20 Most Common Staging Mistakes – 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty (2024)


What should you not do when staging a house? ›

20 Most Common Staging Mistakes
  1. Too Much Furniture.
  2. Furniture That Doesn't Fit the Room.
  3. Household Smells.
  4. Keeping Knick Knacks on Display.
  5. Excessive Dark Paint.
  6. Drastically Different Paint Colors Throughout the Home.
  7. Pushing All Furniture Against the Walls.
  8. A Lack of Light.

What is the most important thing a seller must do when staging their home? ›

12 Home-Staging Tips
  • Clean. A clean home shows potential buyers that you've taken good care of the property. ...
  • Declutter. There are two major problems with clutter: ...
  • Depersonalize. ...
  • Focus on Fresh. ...
  • Define Rooms. ...
  • Wallpaper and Paint. ...
  • Flooring. ...
  • Lighting.

Does staging make a difference? ›

Staging can help buyers visualize themselves in a particular home while also helping properties garner higher prices than non-staged homes, according to the Real Estate Staging Association. And in a recent survey by the National Association of Realtors, more than 25 percent of Realtors said staged homes sell faster.

What is the 3 foot 5 foot rule in staging a home? ›

Too much visual interest can create a dizzying effect. When it comes to accessories, follow the “3-to-5-foot” rule for surface décor and knickknacks: surfaces in the 3-foot to 5-foot range, such as coffee tables and credenzas, should have the right balance of accents but be clear of clutter.

How to stage your home to sell for top dollar? ›

Staging Your Home to Sell for Top Dollar
  1. Clean & Declutter Your Home. Photo via @sharon_arny_interior_design. ...
  2. Remove Personal Items. ...
  3. Furnish Empty Spaces. ...
  4. Let in Natural Light. ...
  5. Hire a Professional Photographer. ...
  6. Choose the Right Paint Color for Your Walls. ...
  7. Spruce Up Your Curb Appeal. ...
  8. Upgrade Carpets & Floors.
Oct 28, 2022

What sells better an empty house or a staged house? ›

Staged Homes Usually Sell Faster and For More Money

Ninety-five percent of staged homes sell in 11 days or less, which is 87% faster than non-staged homes. They also sell for an average of 17% more, so you could recoup the cost of staging and then some.

Should you set the table when staging a home? ›

Generally, when you're staging your home to put on the market, I recommend that you avoid setting the table, instead keeping the focus on the space, not your stuff. That is, after all, the entire concept behind staging to sell. You aren't selling your stuff, you're selling the house!

What are the 3 factors to consider in staging? ›

There are three key factors that should never be overlooked when placing a property on the market:
  • First impressions count: Potential buyer's expectations are high when viewing properties. ...
  • Sell a lifestyle: ...
  • The 'smoke and mirrors' effect:

Is it better to sell house empty or with furniture? ›

All prices were accurate at the time of publishing. Anyone who works in real estate has long operated by a certain rule of thumb: Professionally staged homes sell faster. That's because furniture actually makes spaces appear larger and encourages potential buyers to see themselves living there.

Are staging costs tax deductible? ›

To recap: Staging costs for primary and secondary homes under this rule are considered to be selling and advertising expenses. This means when you engage a professional stager for staging services and furniture rentals, these costs reduce the profit of the transaction and you can have less tax liability.

What is the House 3X rule? ›

The 3X rule

If you spend more than 20% of your monthly income to pay down existing debts, you could potentially consider homes priced up to three times your household's annual income.

What is the best way to stage a home? ›

How do I stage my home myself?
  1. Declutter rooms – put items in storage if necessary.
  2. Invest in good storage – this will make rooms feel well organized and neat.
  3. Clean and maintain your home.
  4. Repaint bright or bold schemes in more neutral, light-enhancing colors.
  5. Rethink room layouts to make them look bigger.
Sep 7, 2021

Is home staging stressful? ›

Keep in mind that you will be responsible for setting up and taking down the furniture and decor, which can be time-consuming and stressful.

How clean should house be for selling? ›

Many real estate contracts require sellers to leave a home in “broom-clean condition.” That means that sellers should sweep up after themselves, clear out closets, shelves and cabinets, take everything out of the refrigerator, throw out all the garbage and leave the home presentable.

What should I clean before realtor comes? ›

First impressions mean a lot. So, don't let foul smells, dirty floors or dusty surfaces make a bad one on a potential buyer. Before listing your home (and throughout the selling process), give your home a deep clean. This means cleaning toilets, wiping surfaces, mopping floors, cleaning rugs and scrubbing bathrooms.

Why do people sell their house for $1 dollar? ›

While the seller can enjoy the ease of an all-cash offer with a sales price of $1, they may end up dealing with a lot of hassle come tax season. Some parents may try to sell their home to a child for just one dollar in order to help their child avoid estate taxes down the line.

What room in house is most important when selling? ›

The kitchen is by far the most important room in the house for a buyer. A well-apointed kitchen dramatically increases the value of your home. As you build your new home to meet your personal interests and needs for your kitchen, you should consider these items in your kitchen design: Modern appliances.

What makes a house less valuable? ›

A home's value is affected by local real estate trends, the housing market, the home's condition, age, location and property size.

What size house sells best? ›

But in reality, the larger the property, the longer it stays on the market. The places that sold the quickest—on average, 86 days—were between 1,500 and 2,000 square feet and priced at about $194,000.

How can I make my house more attractive to buyers? ›

5 Ways to Make Your Home More Attractive to Buyers
  1. Focus on making a good first impression. ...
  2. Set the stage for maximum impact. ...
  3. Opt for neutral colors and decor. ...
  4. Give Fido (and his stuff) the day off. ...
  5. Get a home inspection, and offer copies.

What happens to the furniture used for staging? ›

So what happens to all the furniture items that get cut from a stager's arsenal? They're sold off — and oftentimes at a discount. If you want to get your hands on a gently used piece of furniture at a below-market price, here's how to find home stager sales.

Which 5 should be the most important factors you will consider in staging the event? ›

5 things to consider when organising an event
  • Timings.
  • Attendance.
  • Venue and entertainment.
  • Budget.
  • Evaluation.
  • Good luck!
Aug 4, 2017

What are the 5 types of staging? ›

There are many different types of staging, each presenting unique challenges and opportunities when creating a performance:
  • proscenium arch.
  • end-on.
  • in the round.
  • traverse.
  • thrust.
  • promenade.

What is the most common form of staging? ›

Proscenium stage

The proscenium stage is one of the most common and classic theater stages. The typical feature of a proscenium stage is the proscenium arch (which doesn't actually have to be in an arch shape) that frames the stage and through which the audience watches the action.

Do cluttered homes sell for less? ›

The less mess and stuff they see, the more they can focus on picturing themselves in your home. Messy homes look like they need work. If someone does make an offer, they will come in lower anticipating cleaning, painting, and updating the home. Your messy home could sell for less money.

Why you should declutter your home before selling? ›

Decluttering makes it easier to stage your home to sell. Homes that are staged tend to sell faster and for more money than ones that aren't. The additional effort put in to make your home show well usually pays off. Keep in mind that people are likely to look in closets, cabinets, and other hidden areas.

Why do you have to declutter before selling your house? ›

Decluttering your home will make it seem larger and more appealing to home buyers. It's a simple step that will have a major impact on how your house shows. A clean, decluttered house will give buyers the confidence that it has been well-maintained and make it look and feel better overall.

Do I have to report the sale of my home to the IRS? ›

Reporting the Sale

Report the sale or exchange of your main home on Form 8949, Sale and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets, if: You have a gain and do not qualify to exclude all of it, You have a gain and choose not to exclude it, or. You received a Form 1099-S.

Can I write off home staging? ›

The costs of staging are subtracted from the proceeds of the sale of the home and decrease the total realized profit. In summary, the IRS's position is that Staging costs are a legitimate selling expense for both primary and secondary homes and are therefore tax deductible.

Which expense is not tax deductible for homeowners? ›

Nondeductible Home Expenses

Fire insurance. Homeowner's insurance premiums. The principal amount of mortgage payment. Domestic service.

What are the rules of staging? ›

Top 15 Home Staging Rules According to Studies
  • Removal of personal items from bathrooms.
  • Using rooms for their intended purpose.
  • Removing evidence of pets.
  • Turning on every light in the home during showings.
  • Vacant homes should be furnished.
  • Removal of garbage cans.
  • Removal of personal photographs.

When staging a home does the furniture stay? ›

Typically, this involves removing furniture (another good reason to rent storage space), but also pay attention to the room as a whole -- if there's too much furniture or decor on one side, it can feel lopsided.

How do I prepare for a home stager? ›

Clean Your Windows and Make Them Sparkle
  1. Plan Ahead. Walk through each room and criticize the home from a buyer's perspective. ...
  2. Clean, Declutter and Depersonalize. ...
  3. Maximize Curb Appeal. ...
  4. Pay Attention to Kitchens and Bathrooms. ...
  5. Appeal to the Senses. ...
  6. Show Off Your Home's Best Features. ...
  7. Prepare for the Open House.

Is it better to show a house empty or with furniture? ›

Some real estate experts suggest it's best to sell an unfurnished house, whereas a majority of them agree that it's best to lightly furnish it to attract buyers. However, if you're in a rush to move out, don't furnish the property.

Should you stage an empty house? ›

Staging an empty house is just as important as staging a fully furnished one. It might even be a bit easier to do since there's no need to depersonalize the space or find somewhere to hide any clutter. The goal when you stage a home without furniture is to highlight those features that you do have.

What are the key elements of staging? ›

The elements that are of concern to staging include - theming and event design, choice of venue, audience and guests, stage, power, lights and sound system, audiovisual and special effects, catering, performers, crew, hospitality, the production schedule and recording the event.

What are the four basic staging formats? ›

The four main types of stages are:
  • Found stages.
  • Proscenium stages.
  • Thrust stages.
  • Arena stages.
Jan 29, 2021

What HGTV shows get to keep the furniture? ›

That's pretty accurate, according to News & Record. An HGTV rep reportedly told the website: “The homeowners always pay for the renovation and they are given the opportunity to purchase the furnishings and décor used for the staging. What they don't purchase is removed from the home." So there you have it!

Can you write off staging furniture? ›

Items they rent for the staging process and then return after the home sells are deductible as part of the staging, as they do not use them for any personal use, they are used strictly for the staging process.”

Is staging furniture tax deductible? ›

Good news, IRS rules and guidelines now allow luxury home staging investments to be qualified as tax deductible.

What questions should I ask a home stager? ›

10 Important Things to Ask Before Hiring a Home Stager
  • Do you own your own inventory? ...
  • Are you a trained interior designer? ...
  • Do you stage the kitchens and baths? ...
  • Do you coordinate the colors, style, and decor throughout the home? ...
  • Do you coordinate the staging with the architectural style of the house?
Jul 2, 2020

How do you stage your house while still living in it? ›

These steps will help:
  1. Declutter visible areas.
  2. Empty drawers and cabinets.
  3. Place any belongings not used on a daily basis in storage.
  4. Deep clean areas as you go through the decluttering steps.
  5. Keep any personal items like family portraits, holiday cards and your kids' drawings from the fridge out of view.
Feb 19, 2023

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

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Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.