10 Reasons You Should Turn Off Notifications (2024)

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10 Reasons You Should Turn Off Notifications

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Get back control over your phone and life by turning off notifications. After these 10 reasons you will turn them off for sure!

Are you in control of your phone, or is your phone controlling you? Looking around at the average person, I’m guessing the latter.

Smartphones were supposed to make our lives easier, but somehow they went from being a useful tool to something we can’t live without.

I could go on and on about all the things that make smartphone apps addictive, but for now we will focus on 1 thing: notifications.

If you want to reduce the control your phone has over you, a simple but very effective action to take (today!) is to turn off your notifications.

Notifications are one of the worst parts of smartphones. Simply turning them off allows you to reduce your phone addiction while still having access to all the apps you use.

Without notifications, you are in control of when you pick up your phone, rather than your phone shouting for your attention.

Before we move on, let’s get one thing out of the way: You are not as “needed” and important as you think you are.

Wow, harsh!

Sorry to break it to you, but most ordinary people are rarely “urgently needed”. And even if you are, there is still a very useful part of your smartphone that can cater to this: The actual phone.

One of the greatest issues of modern life is our overinflated sense of importance. However, it’s very unlikely that one will notice or tell you that you’re responding slower.

Now that that’s out of the way, you can’t let that be an objection while reading the 10 reasons you should turn off your notifications!

10 Reasons You Should Turn Off Notifications (1)

1. You always look at more than just the notification

When you notice a notification popping up, you can’t help but glance at what it says. Usually, they lure you in into opening the app. You’ll be like, “let’s have a quick look at this notification”, and before you know it, you’re scrolling 20 minutes through cat content. How did that happen?!

Apps and websites are designed cleverly to keep you on the platform. You think you just opened 1 notification, but many other things are screaming for your attention at the same time:

  • perhaps an older notification,
  • a newsfeed that you need to pass before reaching your notification,
  • or maybe even another app you saw on your home screen with a red notification bubble on it.

Even if you just look for the time on your phone, chances are you’ll notice something else too and it will distract you. (You could solve that problem by getting a watch!)

Notifications put you in a state of high alert. Your phone or laptop becomes a pool of messages, always looking for your attention. It constantly throws news, updates, promotions, requests etc. at you out of the blue.

Many notifications cause a feeling of stress or anxiety:

  • Breaking news: the economy is down 30% —> Stress/anxiety
  • Email: can you draft this report asap —> stress
  • Social media: Gary liked Phoebe’s photo —> anxiety/fear of missing out (FOMO)

By turning off your notifications, you can stop the ambush of notifications throughout the day.

3. Turn off notifications for less overwhelm in the morning

Notifications don’t stop at night. They continue to fill up your phone while you’re sleeping.

One of the first things most people do in the morning is to check their phones.

You’ll see messages you have to reply to, emails to catch up on, social media notifications to check, and usually something bad is published in news apps.

Seeing it full of notifications gives you a dreadful sense of “feeling behind”.

Don’t allow external forces to dictate your mood in the morning by turning off your notifications.

Related post: How To Start A Phone-Free Morning Routine For Better Balance

4. Be more conscious of your phone use

We are so conditioned to open our phone when we see a notification, it happens almost unconsciously. Next thing we know, we spend more time on the phone than initially intended.

Stop the first step of the cycle – the lure to your phone – by turning off the notifications.

You are still able to check emails, news and social media, but you do it on your terms, not because your phone pings every other minute. So you actively choose what to do, making you more intentional and more conscious of your phone use.

5. Be more productive instead of "busy" when notifications aren’t distracting you

You probably know the feeling of “being busy” but when you look back at what you’ve actually done… it’s not much. You’ve been busy with meaningless, small tasks only – or been continuously distracted.

Focusing on one task only, instead of multiple things at once, makes you more productive. It allows you to go deep into the task at hand.

6. Turning off your notifications will increase your focus

It goes without saying that notifications are the ultimate interrupter. They interrupt at work, while driving, during quality time etc.

All these interruptions during the day have led to us not being able to focus on one thing anymore.

We may be thinking we’re “multi-tasking” but actually, multi-tasking doesn’t exist. Our brains are just switching very quickly in between tasks. With each switch, there is some lag to regain focus, up to 20 minutes!

Take away the interruptions of notifications to focus on one task only.

Related post: 6 Exercises To Improve Your Focus

7. Turn off your notifications to be more present

You’re catching up with a friend, deep in conversation over a drink. Then your phone dings or lights up. It’s so tempting to check it!

Even if you don’t check, your attention is compromised for a second because you’re wondering what the notification could be about. At that moment you’re not actively present in the conversation.

If you do check it, that’s actually called phubbing: phone snubbing. It means glancing at your phone in the middle of conversations or spending time on your phone when you’re supposed to interact with others in real-time.

When your notifications are off, you’ll be more present for those around you.

10 Reasons You Should Turn Off Notifications (2)

8. To be in control of what you do

When you’re bombarded with notifications left and right, it can feel like you have to react to each notification right away (hello stress!). But let’s face it, you almost never need to take action immediately.

Without notifications, you are in control of what you do and at which moment. This will force you to learn to prioritize tasks by yourself and be proactive, instead of reactive.

Remember, not everything needs an instant response. And if something’s really urgent, people will still usually call or text.

Related post: Are You Addicted To Your Phone?

9. Notifications do not serve you; they serve the app creator

The aim of most apps is to make you spend as much time as possible in their app. Notifications are a great way for apps to remind you of them and pull you back to the app.

Once you’re in, there is a host of other methods to keep you hooked to the app.

Notifications are not for your benefit, but for the benefit of the app itself.

I read this metaphor and I think it makes the concept very clear:

“Allowing an app to send you push notifications is like allowing a store clerk to grab you by the ear and drag you into their store. You’re letting someone insert a commercial into your life anytime they want.”

Time to turn off your notifications.

10. Get more calm without notifications

All of the above results will lead to more calmness in your life.

No more aimlessly scrolling, no overwhelm in the morning, fewer interruptions, being more productive, being in control of your phone use, being more present and no more stressful notifications: It will give you a sense of calm.

There is already so much noise in the world – don’t let your phone add more to the mix.

Let's get started by turning off your notifications now

Now that you understand why you should turn off your notifications, there’s one thing left: actually turning them off. Here is how:

iPhone: Settings > Notifications > click on each app > Turn off ‘Allow Notifications’

Android: Settings > Notifications > click ‘See all’ below the ‘Recently sent’ list > Filter on ‘All’ in the top > Turn off the notifications for each app.

Got inspired and want to tackle your social media use next? Get the free Social Media Detox Guide.

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5 Responses

  1. I think it’s a better idea to choose a few important notifications


  2. Great topic, good reasons to turn off notifications. Possibly keep track of phone usage for a day, then next day after you turn them off, check phone usage. I believe this would be an eye opener for many, especially me.


  3. Thank you I needed to hear this. I came back and read it twice to get the inspiration again !! Notifications are going to be turned off on my phone as of today.


  4. Thanx so much for this information. For most regular people, it’s probably everyday ‘stuff’, u know? But I’ve been trying to figure this n other ‘basic’ info. for months n months now. I have no help, n you’re the first one to explain it in a way I could actually understand. 🤔🙏🏻 Bless u for that. It’s kinda weird Zuba, cuz when I first saw your name, I jumped back n then I proceeded to take a second look 👀.My maiden name, which is Ukrainian, was Zurba. I realize it has zero to do with your post, n I apologize for that, 🤦‍♀️however I just had to share it with u. Anyhoo, again, thanx n have a great long weekend! Peace n Love ✌️❤️Di


  5. Great article! Thank you!
    I have a diagnosis of ADHD and it affects my life greatly. Medication and no notifications help immensely, though I do wonder how many of the newly diagnosed who are seeing reels that state “if you can’t focus, it’s ADHD” = “me too”, would benefit from this article.
    How can we focus on anything with a pocket-pc controlling our day? It controls our every mood, if we let it, as so greatly explained in this article. I have tried switching to a flip phone but trying to type a necessary text message like that, yup, NO 🙂 Thanks again!


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Hi, I’m Zuba. If you want to be more intentional about your time spent on social media, learn about digital minimalism and create healthy phone habits, you’ll feel right at home here.

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10 Reasons You Should Turn Off Notifications (2024)


10 Reasons You Should Turn Off Notifications? ›

When you disable notifications, you may stop receiving alerts or messages from applications or services on your mobile device. This may result in less stress, more attention, and fewer distractions.

Why should you turn off your notifications? ›

When you disable notifications, you may stop receiving alerts or messages from applications or services on your mobile device. This may result in less stress, more attention, and fewer distractions.

How do notifications affect your brain? ›

Phone notifications send our brains into overdrive and trigger the release of stress hormones like cortisol. When we hear a notification sound or feel our phone vibrate, our brain interprets it as something that demands immediate attention. This can put us in a constant state of alertness, leading to heightened stress.

Does turning off notifications improve performance? ›

To combat distraction and boost productivity, consider turning off immediate mobile alerts. Instead, enable batched notifications that deliver alerts every 30–60 minutes.

What happens when you turn off text notifications? ›

If message notifications are turned off, the device will not display any visual or auditory alert when a new message is received. The message will still be received and can be viewed by opening the messaging app or by accessing the device's notification center.

Why do people silence notifications? ›

Android and Google have introduced similar functions on their devices. These “Do not disturb” functions are seen by many as a potential solution to the constant buzz and rings coming from our phones, and even to curb mobile phone addiction (Jolly, 2019).

Are notifications good or bad? ›

They provide real-time updates, keep us informed, connected, and on top of our tasks. Yet, they can also be the relentless drumroll that disrupts our focus, amplifies stress, and threatens our productivity.

Is it better to have notifications on or off? ›

You will have more time to live in the moment and with the people around you. Turning off all app notifications can bring several benefits, including: Increased focus and productivity: Without constant interruptions from notifications, you can better concentrate on your work and complete tasks more efficiently.

Do notifications cause anxiety? ›

And this can lead to, you guessed it, more anxiety. On top of that, she says: “constant notifications lead to overstimulation, leading to an individual being constantly in a stage of high alert. Any notifications will trigger or further exacerbate this cycle of overwhelm, stress, and anxiety.”

What is the effect of too many notifications? ›

Stress and anxiety from too many notifications

When you're inundated with an oncoming hoard of notifications and alerts, it is all too easy to trigger your panic receptors and create a nasty case of anxiety for yourself.

What are the negative effects of notifications? ›

A Load of Interruptions

We only have so much mental capacity, and the extra effort it takes to switch between tasks can exhaust us, make us more susceptible to distractions and disrupt emotional regulation. Notifications can therefore result in slower (and poorer quality) work performance.

Should notifications be turned on? ›

Turn Off Notifications For Apps

“Notifications drain a lot of energy in the background, so disabling them can significantly improve your battery life,” Sornoso said. “To turn off notifications, go to Settings > Notifications and toggle off any apps that don't need immediate updates.”

Do notifications drain your phone? ›

Just like any other type of activity, push notifications can drain the battery on your device. Notifications can be especially draining, as they cause your phone screen to light up with each alert. Depending on your settings, each alert may also trigger a ringtone or vibration, which also uses battery life.

What notifications should be on? ›

That said, there are some instances when you should have notifications enabled for apps.
  • Messages and Phone. ...
  • Email. ...
  • ​Calendar. ...
  • Breaking News and Commuting Apps.
Oct 27, 2016

Are notifications the same as text messages? ›

Users have greater control over which messages they receive, how they receive them, and how the messages appear on their device. Text messages are delivered over a cellular network to the mobile phone. Push notifications are delivered from a downloaded app to the mobile phone.

Can you text without notification? ›

Silent messaging is a communication method that enables users to send and receive messages without alerting others with conspicuous notification sounds. This approach is especially useful in scenarios where discretion is key, such as during meetings, at the movies, or while someone is resting.

Is it safe to allow notifications? ›

“The main risks are that notification will lure the user into giving his username and password (mimic a login page), javascript will run an exploit in the browser level to get privilege escalation, also password and browser profile grabbing, redirects to actual infecting websites or downloading a malicious file.”

What are the benefits of having notifications on? ›

They increase open rates, keep users engaged, drive user retention, and ultimately enhance the user experience. Think about the overwhelming amount of messages the average person sees on a daily basis. We're constantly bombarded with TV ads, radio ads, billboards, social media ads, email ads—it's never-ending.

Should my push notifications be on or off? ›

So, it makes sense to allow push notifications in cases where there might be incoming information you don't want to miss. But it also pays to be selective with which notifications you allow.

Is it OK to turn off notifications on iPhone? ›

It could be that you're not sure where to go in your privacy settings to make the proper adjustments. Turning off constant notifications can increase your focus and productivity. You won't be distracted by sounds and banners popping up every few minutes. Also, you won't be tempted to go to the app to see what's new.

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.