10 Political Differences between the US and Canada (& Why They Matter Today) (2024)

Most Canadians today interact with Americans daily, through media, goods, or even travel. Our countries share life-long history, and we overlap in many areas of life beyond political relations.

“There are no closer friends that we have than the Canadians. And we share values, we share culture. The ties between our people are extraordinary. We are NATO Allies, and across the board, our interests align.” - President Obama

However, despite the geographical closeness and apparent cultural similarities, Canada and the United States are distinctly more unique in political structure than you might think.

In the wake of all the political and social unrest that has come with 2020, consider the following list, and the impact these political differences have on citizens, business, and advocacy - and notice why an issue in one country might not have the same solution in the other.

Here’s a list of critical differences in no particular order.

1. Differences from the beginning: The basis for statehood

The US is a republic while Canada, as a member of the British Commonwealth, is a constitutional monarchy. This means that while the President is the US Head of State, the Canadian Head of State is Queen Elizabeth II, as represented through the Governor General (Her Excellency the Right Honorable Julie Payette).

2. Free Speech vs Freedom of Expression

The US was founded on freedom. As a result of the Revolutionary Wars, the ideals were equal rights (including free speech, liberty, freedom of religion, etc.). In contrast, while the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms does have a section on Fundamental Freedoms including “freedom of expression”, hate speech is not tolerated in Canada. Perhaps this is a cause for the polite Canadian stereotype.

3. An Elected Senate?

Both the US and Canada operate with a bicameral legislative system (read: two houses), but with one key difference: the US Senate is elected, and considered the more powerful house in comparison to the “lower” House of Representatives with 435 seats. This is because Senators serve longer terms, and there are only two from each state.

In contrast, the Canadian Senators are appointed by the Governor General on behalf of the Prime Minister, and they serve for life until they reach mandatory retirement at age 75. Canadian Senators make much less of a splash than those in the US.

4. The Cabinet Composition

A surprising difference in the Executive branch of government is the structure of the Cabinet. In Canada, the Cabinet is composed of elected members of the Legislature, including the Prime Minister. Although it is not required by law for Cabinet Members to be MPs (and sometimes Senators), it is the common practice. Each of these Members has a portfolio (a category) to oversee and report on before the house, for example: finance, status of women, health, etc.

In the US, the Cabinet cannot be part of either Congressional House. Instead, these individuals are often the Secretary (head) of specific departments that are vital to American life (such as State, Defense, etc.).

5. Leader vs. Leader

As mentioned above, the Canadian Prime Minister is not the Head of State, like the President is. The American people also vote directly (well, as directly as you can vote through the densely complicated Electoral College… at least the President’s name is on the ballot) for the President, no matter where they live.

In Canada, Canadians will only vote for the Prime Minister if they live in his electoral district. The rest of Canadians vote for the Candidates in their own electoral districts, and whichever party gets the most candidates elected becomes the governing party, and the leader of that party becomes the Prime Minister. The American President cannot sit in either House whereas the Prime Minister is a sitting Member of Parliament (by convention, not law) and can even introduce government bills (which, NOTE: the US President cannot do. That’s why they can blame the House or the Senate for kiboshing their campaign promises).

6. Difference in Political Spectrum

Canada functions with a multiparty system. Currently in the House of Commons, there are members from 5 different parties, and 3 independent MPs. In the US, there is quite a divide between their two-party system, as the Democrats and GOP duel it out (with the exception of one Republican-defunct Senator who now sits as a Libertarian). Some would conclude that the different options in Canada provide a more balanced political spectrum for voters. (Check your political leanings here!)

7. Campaign Funding

In Canada, there are specific funding limits to follow during elections. Corporate and trade union donations are not accepted, and personal donations are limited to $1600 to each party/candidate/EDA. Political parties can spend up to 73.5 cents for each voting person in the ridings where there are candidates for that political party. Candidates themselves can spend around $75,000 to $115,000 CAD depending on the number of constituents in the riding. Private groups and individuals cannot spend more than a cumulative $150,000 during an election period, although more than $3000 cannot be concentrated in one riding.

In contrast, the 2020 US election cost $14 billion, making it the most expensive in US history. In South Carolina, the unsuccessful Democrat Senate race cost the most: $95 per SC voter for a total of $109 million, of which 93% was funded by out of state contributions.

8. The Jurisdiction of the Federal Government

In the US the federal government has very distinct roles and responsibilities laid out in the Constitution, and everything else is left to state and municipal governments. Canadian jurisdiction is the opposite; if it’s not left to the Provinces, it’s most likely the responsibility of the federal government.

9. The Incarcerated Vote

In Canada, it is a constitutional right for inmates to vote. In the US, one out of every 44 eligible voters cannot vote, due to a felony conviction. While some states have different laws on who can vote while behind bars or after they are released, only two states maintain the right no matter what: Maine and Vermont.

10. Healthcare Provisions

It’s impossible to do a side-by-side political comparison and leave this one out. Canada’s state funded healthcare is available for each Canadian citizen to receive medical treatment in a hospital or from a physician. The US has Medicare and Medicaid to assist the elderly, the dissabled, and low-income individuals. About 55% of the population receives health insurance from employer-sponsored insurance. If an American does not have the appropriate health insurance to receive life-saving assistance, that care is not available to them. As of 2018, over 27 million people were uninsured.

So why does this matter?

We share media platforms and social platforms, often without language barriers. We function in the same time zones often with similar climates. We closely identify with our southern neighbour, and most of us have travelled on US soil. Our border is the longest undefended border in the world, and we have close economic and security interests. And we share many of the same issues. Because of this, it’s easy to look at problems with a hom*ogenized view.

But, if the above list proves anything, it’s that we cannot forget our differences when finding solutions. It means advocacy looks different; government intentions differ; and strategies for public health, democratic reform, and financial policy must be analyzed in national context.

While the territorial closeness and shared attitudes in the media may suggest common similarities, noting and addressing these differences is paramount in solving issues we both face at a national level.

#Canada #USA #Politics

10 Political Differences between the US and Canada (& Why They Matter Today) (2024)


What are 2 differences between the US government and the Canadian government? ›

One of the most obvious differences between Canada and the U.S. is in their forms of government. Americans have a president, whereas Canadians have a prime minister. In America, there are two major political parties: Democrat and Republican.

What are the differences between Canada and the United States? ›

While both countries are democracies, their style of government is different. French and English are the official languages in Canada while in the U.S., English is the official language. Many government services in the U.S. are also provided in Spanish because of its large Hispanic population.

How is the Canadian government different from the US government quizlet? ›

Canada: Constitutional Monarchy. -The Queen, represented by the Governor General, is the head of state and the Prime Minister is the head of Government. U.S. : A republic. The President = The head of state and head of the Government.

What is the politics like in Canada? ›

Canada is described as a "full democracy", with a tradition of liberalism, and an egalitarian, moderate political ideology. Far-left and far-right politics has never been prominent in Canadian politics. The traditional "brokerage" model of Canadian politics leaves little room for ideology.

What is one main difference between the governments of the provinces and the government of Canada? ›

The main difference between the federal and provincial governments, however, is that the federal government can write criminal law, while the provincial governments cannot. This is discussed in more detail in the law chapter.

What are the cultural differences between the US and Canada? ›

Canadians and Americans are alike and the exact opposite at the same time. Americans are generally more sociable, patriotic, conservative, religious, and traditional. Canadians are more restrained and at the same time more liberal.

What are 5 things that define Canadian culture? ›

Canadians value equality, respect, safety, peace, nature - and we love our hockey!

Is Canada a different country than US? ›

The U.S. and Canada are two countries in North America with many similarities and quite a few important differences. While the United States is much larger than its northern neighbor in terms of GDP, the average income per capita is similar in both places.

What is the difference between Canada and the United States economy? ›

The United States GDP was $24.8 trillion in 2021. The United States has the largest economy globally and Canada ranks 9th at US$2.015 trillion. The US share of the global market economy estimated at US$79.98 trillion, was c.

What type of government is Canada and why? ›

Canada is also a constitutional monarchy, in that its executive authority is vested formally in the Queen through the Constitution. Every act of government is carried out in the name of the Crown, but the authority for those acts flows from the Canadian people.

What are the three different ways in which Canada's government can be described? ›

Canada has three levels of government: federal. provincial or territorial. municipal (city)

What are the 7 political parties in Canada? ›

Represented parties
NameFoundedPolitical position
Liberal Party of Canada Parti libéral du Canada1867Centre to centre-left
Conservative Party of Canada Parti conservateur du Canada2003Centre-right to right-wing
Bloc Québécois1991Centre-left
New Democratic Party Nouveau Parti démocratique1961Centre-left to left-wing
1 more row

How is Canada politically stable? ›

Canada is under the constitutional monarchy, meaning Queen Elizabeth II is seen as the Head of State, with Justin Trudeau as the Prime Minister. Currently, the Liberal Party rules Canada, which according to The Canada Guide, is “the most historically successful” party.

What are three important facts about Canada's government system? ›

There are three key facts about Canada's system of government:
  • Canada is a federal state. The federal government has different responsibilities than the provinces. ...
  • Canada is a parliamentary democracy. This means that citizens in Canada can vote in democratic elections. ...
  • Canada is a constitutional monarchy.

What are the four government types in Canada? ›

Government in Canada is organized into three and quite often four levels: federal, provincial or territorial, and municipal (which is often subdivided into regional and local). Each level is charged with various responsibilities by either the Constitution or a higher level of government.

How does democracy work in Canada? ›

Canada supports gender-responsive democratic institutions (including legislatures, electoral-management bodies, and political parties). They get rid of barriers that discriminate against people from marginalized groups.

What are the 4 types of local government in Canada? ›

Types of Local Governments
  • Municipalities. Cities, towns and villages are known as municipalities and are represented by a council, elected by residents. ...
  • Regional Municipalities. ...
  • Rural Communities (RC) ...
  • Local Service Districts (LSD)

What are 3 different cultures in Canada? ›

Canada's history of settlement and colonization has resulted in a multicultural society made up of three founding peoples – Indigenous, French, and British – and of many other racial and ethnic groups. The Indigenous peoples include First Nations (Status and Non‑Status Indians), Métis and Inuit.

What makes Canada different from other countries? ›

Canada is a multicultural nation. Multiculturalism is a definition of many different religious, customs, and cultural forces in their integration and coexistence, resulting in a unique Canadian cultural mosaic. With approximately 40% of the population of neither British nor French descent by the 1980s.

What are similarities between Canada and US government? ›

They are both democracies, but each has its own form of government. The U.S is a Republic; their elected representatives create most of the laws. Canada however, is a constitutional monarchy with a prime minister and a parliament. This very closely matches the British government.

What are 4 cultural facts about Canada? ›

Here is the top 5 of Canadian Culture:
  • Polite and friendly. This is probably the most basic fact about Canadians. ...
  • Both multicultural and nationalist. As you may know, Canada is a a very large country; the second biggest in the world. ...
  • Canadian food. ...
  • Everyone Matters. ...
  • Respect for the Indigenous.
Jan 30, 2020

What are the 5 Canadian values? ›

There are shared values—openness, respect, compassion, willingness to work hard, to be there for each other, to search for equality and justice. Those qualities are what make us the first post-national state.

What makes us uniquely Canadian? ›

"What makes us Canadian is our love and respect for the lives of humans and wildlife. Our neverending compassion to make the entire world a better place to live, for humans and wildlife.

What are 10 interesting facts about Canada? ›

47 Fascinating and Fun Facts About Canada
  • Canada is home to the longest street in the world.
  • The longest coastline in the world is in Canada.
  • A bear from Canada inspired Winnie the Pooh.
  • The United States has invaded Canada twice.
  • There are over 55,000 different species of insects in Canada.

What is the difference between living in Canada and US? ›

Living in Canada can be vastly different than living in the United States. For example, America is one of a few nations in the world that are not using the metric system. Healthcare is free in Canada, while it can be costly in the U.S., and longer maternity leave with pay means less stress on a new parent.

Are taxes higher in Canada or USA? ›

American federal income tax brackets ideally range from 10% to 35%, whereas in Canada it ranges from 15% to 29%.

What is Canada best known for? ›

Nature, wildlife and beautiful landscapes

Canada is full of incredible outdoor wonders and is famed for its natural beauty. Its varied coastlines are one source of its enviable natural beauty. Canada is home to the world's largest coastline (202,080 km long to be precise) stretching from the Pacific to the Atlantic.

Is Canada or the US more affordable? ›

Overall, Canada is more affordable than the US, but the US has a higher median income. Comparing the cost of living in both countries is tricky because living costs vary dramatically within each city. It's important to consider the hidden costs and savings of public goods and services when comparing costs of living.

Is Canada more productive than the US? ›

The OECD has us ranked dead last of all the advanced economic countries in the world in its predictions for real GDP per capita growth from both 2020-30 and 2030-60. While it's widely known that Canada lags the United States, we have also fallen behind France, Germany, Britain, Australia and Italy in productivity.

Why is Canada cheaper than USA? ›

This is mostly due to the fact that there are different taxes and regulations in each country. That being said, the cost of living is lower in Canada, which does account for some of the salary. The US's higher salary will make up for some of that.

Is there free speech in Canada? ›

The Canadian Charter or Rights and Freedoms is the equivalent to our Bill of Rights. Both guarantee the right to freedom of speech and the press, peaceably assemble, travel, due process, privacy, an attorney and speedy trial in criminal cases, and trial by jury in certain cases.

Does Canada have its own government? ›

Canada is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy, founded on the rule of law and respect for rights and freedoms. The government acts in the name of the Crown but derives its authority from the Canadian people. Canada's parliamentary system stems from the British, or “Westminster”, tradition.

What is money in Canada called? ›

Canada's currency is the Canadian dollar (CAD). It's available in 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollar paper notes. Canadian coins circulate as: 5 cents (nickel)

What two ways could you describe Canada's government? ›

Canada's government can be described in two ways: both a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy.

What are Canada's three territories and how are they governed differently than provinces? ›

The territories are Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon. The major difference between a Canadian province and a Canadian territory is that a province is a creation of the Constitution Act (17 April 1982), while a territory is created by federal law.

What are the three 3 types of government around the world? ›

According to Yale professor Juan José Linz there are three main types of political systems today: democracies, totalitarian regimes and, sitting between these two, authoritarian regimes with hybrid regimes.

What are the 5 political regions of Canada? ›

Canada includes many different geographical areas and five distinct regions.
  • The Atlantic Provinces.
  • Central Canada.
  • The Prairie Provinces.
  • The West Coast.
  • The Northern Territories.
Jul 1, 2012

What are the 4 main political parties? ›

(Elec. Code, § 5006.) The existing qualified political parties with statutes relating to their activities and the conduct of their presidential primary elections are: the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, the American Independent Party, the Green Party, and the Peace and Freedom Party.

What are the 6 different political parties? ›

Today, America is a multi-party system. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the most powerful. Yet other parties, such as the Reform, Libertarian, Socialist, Natural Law, Constitution, and Green Parties can promote candidates in a presidential election.

What kind of political state is Canada? ›

Canada's political system is based on that of the United Kingdom. It is a constitutional monarchy, which means that we recognize the Queen or King as the Head of State, while the Prime Minister is the Head of Government.

Which country has the most stable politics? ›

For example, Switzerland is generally called the most politically stable country on Earth.

What is the level of political risk in Canada? ›

Risk Assessment

Coface Country Rating: A2 — The political and economic situation is good. A basically stable and efficient business environment nonetheless leaves room for improvement.

What are 2 important facts about Canada? ›

1. Canada is the largest country in the Western hemisphere and the second largest country in the world after Russia and borders only one country, the United States of America. 2. Canada has the longest coastline in the world with 202,080 km/ 125,567 miles.

How many types of government are there in Canada? ›

There are three levels of government in Canada - Federal, Provincial and Municipal - each with its own set of responsibilities.

How is the Canadian government different from the US government quizizz? ›

In Canada, the people directly elect the leader of the country. Canada has an absolute monarchy. In the US, the legislature selects the leader of the country.

What makes the United States government different? ›

The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot.

What type of government did Canada used to have? ›

Government of Canada
Constitutional monarchy
Coat of arms of Canada
Formation1 July 1867
Founding documentConstitution Act, 1867
15 more rows

What are the three powers in Canada? ›

In Canada, we rely on a comprehensive justice system. In fact, our democratic system consists of three independent, but interrelated functions: the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial branch.

What are 3 things about the US government? ›

The Federal Government is composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive, and judicial, whose powers are vested by the U.S. Constitution in the Congress, the President, and the Federal courts, respectively.

What 3 types of government does the US have? ›

The Constitution of the United States divides the federal government into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.

What are 3 forms of government which one do we have in the US? ›

To ensure a separation of powers, the U.S. Federal Government is made up of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial.

What is the most important government in Canada? ›

Parliament is Canada's legislature, the federal institution with the power to make laws, to raise taxes, and to authorize government spending. The Parliament of Canada is “bicameral”, meaning it has two chambers: the Senate and the House of Commons.

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.