Canada vs. U.S. Tax Rates: Do Canadians Pay More? (2024)

A common belief among many Canadians is that they pay more in income tax than their American counterparts. Even politicians in Parliament have used this argument to press for lower taxes. But is it really true? The differences in income tax rates, taxable income amounts, the services provided, and costs beyond taxes make broad conclusions difficult and most likely require people to assess their financial situations individually.

Key Takeaways

  • The IRS taxes the richest Americans at 37%, whereas the top federal tax rate in Canada is 33%.
  • Wealthy Americans have access to many tax deductions that Canada's Alternative Minimum Taxdoes not allow.
  • The mortgage interest deduction is touted as being a huge benefit to home-owning Americans. However, if you make less than $84,200 and do not own a home, you will most likely pay less tax north of the border.
  • In the U.S., some states levy no income tax whereas all Canadian provinces and territories do so.
  • Canadians pay taxes for the healthcare services they receive. U.S. citizens pay for healthcare with their own funds or through a healthcare plan that they purchase (although they also pay payroll taxes for the government program, Medicare).

Personal Income Tax Guide

Determining whether Canadians pay more in taxes than Americans is more complex than you might think.

Statistics-gathering agencies in both countries publish averages of income taxes paid, but comparing the two numbers is like comparing the stats of a hockey player with those of a basketball player. The numbers are based on different premises and reflect different factors.

Using an average is also problematic as extreme wealth inequality skews the data on both ends. In general, lower-income Canadians pay less in tax than lower-income Americans for the services they receive and rich Americans are better off than rich Canadians.

Here's a breakdown of the relevant tax components and their contribution to the overall tax story.

Federal Income Taxes

For tax year 2023, U.S. federal income tax brackets range from 10% to 37% for individuals. In Canada, the range is 15% to 33%. In the U.S., the lowest tax bracket is 10% for an individual earning $11,000 or less and jumps to 22% (after the 12% bracket) for those earning over $44,725.* The corresponding bottom Canadian bracket of 15% applies to income up to $53,359 (in Canadian dollars).

*For tax year 2022, these amounts are $10,275 or less (10% bracket) and over $41,775 (22% bracket). You file 2022 tax returns in 2023.

State vs. Provincial Income Taxes

Comparing state and provincial incomes taxes is a more problematic endeavor. U.S. state taxation is completely outside of the federal tax system and each state has its own tax laws regarding deductions and credits. Some states, like Florida and Alaska, have no state income tax at all whereas all Canadian provinces and territories levy an income tax.

In Canada, however, provincial income taxes (except in Quebec) are coordinated with the federal tax system and are based on a percentage of federal tax. This means that the provinces have the same allowable deductions and income rules as the federal system. Each province also has additional credits and incentives.

Unemployment Insurance Premiums

Although not technically an income tax, Canadians pay Employment Insurance (EI) premiums based on their employment income. EI premiums are paid by employees and employers. For tax year 2023, employees pay 1.63% of maximum gross employment income of C$61,500. Employers pay 1.4 times that amount. In the U.S., the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) is levied exclusively on employers.

When looking at the extra tax on employees in Canada, it's important to note that Canada offers more robust unemployment benefits including extended pregnancy and other parental leave and paid time off for compassionate care.

Social Security vs. Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

In the U.S., Social Security benefits that kick in at retirement are paid out based on what individuals have paid into the system throughout their working lives. Canada has a similar system in the Canada Pension Plan (CPP).

For tax year 2023, American employees pay 7.65% of their wages into social security (6.2%) and Medicare (1.45%). Social security premiums are capped at an income level of $160,200. Medicare premiums have no cap. In Canada, employees pay 5.95% of gross employment income up to C$63,100 into CPP. Medicare-style benefits are included as part of the country's healthcare plan.

The Old Age Security (OAS) program is Canada's largest pension program, and it is funded by general tax revenues. The OAS pension is taxable income available to people age 65 and older who meet Canada's legal status and residence requirements and don't exceed maximum income caps.


No discussion of U.S. versus Canadian taxes would be complete without comparing the healthcare systems in both countries.

The income taxes that Canadians pay partially fund the country's socialized health plan. Under this plan, everyone has equal access to medical facilities, practitioners, and procedures at no additional cost.

In the U.S., healthcare must be paid for out of pocket or through a health insurance plan. Medicare in the U.S., which all Americans contribute to throughout their working years, helps cover healthcare costs once people reach age 65.

Monthly premiums for these U.S. plans vary based on a number of factors, including the state you live in, your age, and whether you have employer coverage. That said, the average monthly premium for a 27-year-old in 2023 is $382, and $1,503 for a family of four, not including co-pays and deductibles.

What Are the Lowest Income Tax Brackets in the U.S. and Canada?

For tax year 2023, in the U.S., the lowest tax bracket is 10% for income up to $11,000. In Canada, it's 15% on the initial C$53,359 (Canadian dollars).

How Does the Tax on Old Age Pensions Differ?

While the systems offer similar approaches—working people in both countries pay into government retirement funds throughout their working lives—the amount they pay differs. For tax year 2023, Americans pay a tax of 7.65% into Social Security (and Medicare) on up to $160,200 in income. Canadians pay a tax of 5.95% on up to C$63,100 (Canadian dollars).

Do Canadians Pay State as Well as Federal Taxes?

Yes, although they aren't referred to as states. Every Canadian territory and province levies income taxes. In such a case, they could potentially pay more in income taxes overall than some Americans because some U.S. states levy no income taxes. In 2023, these states are Wyoming, Washington, Texas, Tennessee, South Dakota, New Hampshire, Nevada, Florida, Alaska.

The Bottom Line

To understand whether Canadians pay more in income taxes than Americans requires an analysis of the benefits received for those taxes and any other out-of-pocket costs outside of taxes. Along with many other factors, each taxpayer's individual situation can help determine whether they would be financially better off in one country or the other.

Canada vs. U.S. Tax Rates: Do Canadians Pay More? (2024)


Who pays more taxes USA or Canada? ›

The United States is a larger global superpower and as such, Americans can expect to pay more in nearly every aspect of living. People in the U.S. and Canada generally have similar annual incomes. However, taxes are reportedly lower in the U.S., which can offer Americans a slight take-home pay advantage.

Do Canadians get taxed more? ›

Canadians are paying more in taxes, leading many to say they're forking out too much for what they get, new research suggests.

Why do Canadians pay so much income tax? ›

The government uses taxes to support the federal, provincial and territorial, and municipal levels of government. Taxes also help pay for the programs and services the government offers. Does your personal situation determine the amount of tax you pay? Check your answer for determining the amount of tax you pay.

Do all Canadians pay the same amount of tax? ›

While there are federal income tax rates that apply to all Canadians, each province and territory also has its own income tax rates. Combining these two rates helps determine what you might pay in annual income taxes.

Do Canadians pay taxes like the US? ›

Do Canadians Pay State as Well as Federal Taxes? Yes, although they aren't referred to as states. Every Canadian territory and province levies income taxes. In such a case, they could potentially pay more in income taxes overall than some Americans because some U.S. states levy no income taxes.

Do Canadians pay less in taxes than Americans? ›

With few exceptions, Canadians pay more individual income tax than their American peers. That's the finding of a study by the Fraser Institute which has added to the growing chorus of voices calling for a fairer tax system to boost Canadian competitiveness.

Is Canada the highest taxed country in the world? ›

Canada is ranked #25 out of 172 countries in the list of highest-taxed countries in the world. While Canada isn't the highest taxed overall, we are within the upper third of the highest-taxed countries in the world.

Who pays the most taxes in the world? ›

Côte d'Ivoire citizens pay the highest income taxes in the world according to a survey by World Population Review.

How much do Canadians pay in taxes for healthcare? ›

While income taxes make up just 30 per cent of the tax bill for the average Canadian family, the amount of money spent on health care by Canada's governments is equivalent to about two-thirds of all personal income taxes.

Is it better to live in Canada or the US? ›

While the USA offers better salary packages, Canada has better healthcare, more maternity leaves and other social benefits. Average work hours for Canada is slightly higher than that of the US. The annual leave structure of both countries is similar.

Why do US citizens pay so much taxes? ›

In addition to paying the salaries of government workers, your tax dollars also help to support common resources, such as police and firefighters. Tax money helps to ensure the roads you travel on are safe and well-maintained. Taxes fund public libraries and parks.

Is health Care Free in Canada? ›

How is Public Healthcare in Canada Paid For? Public healthcare is free because patients are not required to pay any fees to receive medical attention at a healthcare facility. However, public health care in Canada is funded by a tax paid by Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

Does Canada pay for healthcare? ›

Canada has a decentralized, universal, publicly funded health system called Canadian Medicare. Health care is funded and administered primarily by the country's 13 provinces and territories.

Is college free in Canada? ›

University costs

Tuition fees for universities vary depending on the program and school you choose. On average in Canada, university tuition costs around: $36,100 per year for international undergraduate students (Statistics Canada, 2022) $21,100 per year for international graduate students (Statistics Canada, 2022)

What percentage of Canadians do their own taxes? ›

Almost half of Canadians (46 per cent) take the "do-it-yourself" approach come tax-reporting time, rather than seeking counsel from professionals, family or friends, according to a survey published Wednesday by the Bank of Montreal. Forty-two per cent of those polled said they rely on outside help.

Why are Canadian salaries lower than US? ›

At the same time, regional wages are also affected by cost of living, including housing, food and utilities. Canadian provinces tend to have higher costs of living than US states, which can contribute to lower wages overall.

Is it cheaper to live in Canada rather than the US? ›

On average, it's more expensive to live in the US than to live in Canada. But median incomes are higher in the US than up North and the cost of living varies widely between different regions of each country — there's a lot more to this cost of living debate than you might think.

What is Canada's main source of income? ›

Its largest industries are real estate, mining, and manufacturing, and it is home to some of the largest mining companies in the world. A large portion of its GDP comes from international trade, with its largest trading partners being the U.S., China, and the U.K.

What country has the worst tax rate? ›

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Personal Income Tax Rates - Trading Economics 2021:
  • Ivory Coast - 60%
  • Finland - 56.95%
  • Japan - 55.97%
  • Denmark - 55.90%
  • Austria - 55.00%
  • Sweden - 52.90%
  • Aruba - 52.00%
  • Belgium - 50.00% (tie)

Who pays the most taxes in the United States? ›

The highest-earning Americans pay the most in combined federal, state and local taxes, the Tax Foundation noted. As a group, the top quintile — those earning $130,001 or more annually — paid $3.23 trillion in taxes, compared with $142 billion for the bottom quintile, or those earning less than $25,000.

Do the wealthy pay the most taxes in the US? ›

Thanks to a tax code that favors income from wealth over income from work—and a slew of tax-avoidance strategies—the richest among us end up paying a smaller percentage of their income to the federal government than most working families.

What is the highest tax rate in the US? ›

There are seven tax brackets for most ordinary income for the 2022 tax year: 10 percent, 12 percent, 22 percent, 24 percent, 32 percent, 35 percent and 37 percent.

Which country has no property tax? ›

Countries With No Property Tax: Monaco

Monaco is yet another tax haven based on its tax policies, and it does not levy taxes on individual income, capital gains, as well as net wealth.

Which healthcare is better US or Canada? ›

Both countries are ranked relatively high in international surveys of healthcare quality according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Both countries are relatively wealthy compared to much of the world, with long life expectancy. But Canadian life expectancy is slightly higher.

Do Canadian doctors pay taxes? ›

Learn which tax credits, deductions and government benefit programs you might be eligible for as a practising physician in Canada. As a physician, one of the most significant expenses you incur during your professional career is federal and provincial income taxes.

How much does healthcare cost in Canada as a US citizen? ›

How Much Does a Canada Health Insurance Plan Cost?
RankCitizenshipCost per Year
1South Africa$8,365.09
3United States$4,354.07
6 more rows

Are Canadians happier than Americans? ›

Canada is the 13th happiest country in the world, according to the report, with a score of 7.0 — its lowest since the report began releasing information in 2012, yet still . 10 points higher than the U.S. (6.9).

Is gas cheaper in US or Canada? ›

Most of the difference in gasoline prices between Canada and United States is because of taxes. Gasoline taxes vary by state and province and at each national level. When taxes are removed, Canadian and American prices are similar.

Why is food in Canada so expensive? ›

Supply constraints due to unfavourable weather in growing regions and higher input costs like animal feed, energy and packaging materials are said to be to blame.

How many US citizens avoid taxes? ›

According to the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, 107 million households owed no income taxes in 2020, up from 76 million — or 44% of all taxpayers — in 2019.

Is the US the most taxed country? ›

The United States ranked 32nd¹ out of 38 OECD countries in terms of the tax-to-GDP ratio in 2021. In 2021, the United States had a tax-to-GDP ratio of 26.6% compared with the OECD average of 34.1%. In 2020, the United States was also ranked 32nd out of the 38 OECD countries in terms of the tax-to-GDP ratio.

How many US citizens actually pay taxes? ›

TPC finds that in 2020, out of 176.2 million individuals and married couples who could file a tax return, about 144.5 million of them actually filed a tax return. Of the 144.5 million, 75.1 million filers paid no taxes after deductions and credits. Another 32 million households did not file a tax return.

Are surgeries free in Canada? ›

Patients do not have to pay any fees to receive required medical care in a hospital or at a physician's office. Covered services include childbirth, surgery, and prescription drugs given in a hospital. There are restrictions within Canada's public system.

Are family doctors free in Canada? ›

If you live in Ontario, many of the health care services you need are publicly funded. This means that the government pays all or part of the cost for you. Services include: visits to your family doctor and specialists.

What are the benefits of living in Canada? ›

The Pros and Cons of Life in Canada
  • Canada boasts a strong employment market. ...
  • Healthcare another drawcard. ...
  • Canada is a diverse multi-cultural melting pot. ...
  • Low Crime Rate. ...
  • Great Social Programs. ...
  • Excellent Education. ...
  • Abundance of Natural Resources. ...
  • The Great Outdoors really is great.

How much does a doctor visit cost in Canada? ›

That being said, you can expect a walk-in clinic visit to cost an average of $100CDN. This may be higher or lower but this is an average estimate of what most patients are likely to be charged.

How much does an ER visit cost in Canada? ›

Canadian MIS Database (current as of June 18, 2020), Canadian Institute for Health Information. The direct cost per ED visit has risen from $96 in 2005–2006 to $158 in 2018–2019, an average annual growth rate of 4%.

Which country has best healthcare system? ›

Countries Ranked by Healthcare
#CountryHealth Score
105 more rows

How long is Christmas break in Canada? ›

School holidays
Holidays2021-22 school year2024-25 school year
Christmas break (inclusive)December 20 to December 30December 23 to January 3
Family dayFebruary 21February 17
Mid-winter break (inclusive)March 14 to March 18March 10 to March 14
Good FridayApril 15April 18
4 more rows

Is Masters free in Canada? ›

Generally, Canadian universities do not offer tuition fee waivers. Therefore, it is not possible to gain free education in Canada. However, some Canadian universities offer fully funded scholarships for international students.

Does Canada have freedom of speech? ›

The Canadian Charter or Rights and Freedoms is the equivalent to our Bill of Rights. Both guarantee the right to freedom of speech and the press, peaceably assemble, travel, due process, privacy, an attorney and speedy trial in criminal cases, and trial by jury in certain cases.

Is Canada's tax rate higher than the US? ›

American federal income tax brackets ideally range from 10% to 35%, whereas in Canada it ranges from 15% to 29%.

How much tax do the wealthiest Canadians pay? ›

The top 10% of earners (those who earn over $102,400 per year or more annually as of 2020) in Canada account for 53% of the country's total provincial and federal tax income, according to CRA data.

How much does the average Canadian owe in taxes? ›

In other words, the average Canadian owes about $1.70 for every dollar of income he or she earns per year, after taxes. That ratio is a Canadian record, and up from about 100 per cent 20 years ago.

Is it cheaper to live in Canada or the US? ›

Overall, Canada is more affordable than the US, but the US has a higher median income. Comparing the cost of living in both countries is tricky because living costs vary dramatically within each city. It's important to consider the hidden costs and savings of public goods and services when comparing costs of living.

Which country pays the highest taxes? ›

Côte d'Ivoire citizens pay the highest income taxes in the world according to a survey by World Population Review.

Are US taxes higher than other countries? ›

The average combined US tax rate compared to other countries is not high, staying at the level of 25.81%. Then, there's an equivalent to the personal income tax in the US, which is levied on a federal, state and, in some cases, local level, making up the bulk of respective budgets.

Do Canadians pay for healthcare? ›

Canada has a universal health care system funded through taxes. This means that any Canadian citizen or permanent resident can apply for public health insurance.

Is rent cheaper in Canada than the US? ›

Overall, both Canada and the US are fairly expensive to live in. Canada has much higher housing costs but healthcare costs are much more expensive in the US. While US salaries are slightly higher, Canadians have a much easier time making a higher salary with less education.

Is anything cheaper in Canada than the US? ›

Canada is cheaper than the US in some aspects, but not others. You'll be paying less for health insurance and rent, but what you'll pay in utilities, gas, and consumer goods will increase.

Who has the highest tax rate in the US? ›

New York has the highest state income tax burden out of any other state.

Where does the US rank in taxes? ›

The United States ranked 32nd¹ out of 38 OECD countries in terms of the tax-to-GDP ratio in 2021. In 2021, the United States had a tax-to-GDP ratio of 26.6% compared with the OECD average of 34.1%. In 2020, the United States was also ranked 32nd out of the 38 OECD countries in terms of the tax-to-GDP ratio.

Are taxes higher in China or USA? ›

The marginal effective tax rate (METR) in the United States under current law is 18.3 percent, compared to 4.8 percent in China, indicating the U.S. places a higher burden on marginal investment than China.

Which country has the fairest tax system? ›

Tax Competitiveness Index 2022: Estonia has the world's best tax system
  • It has no corporate income tax on reinvested and retained profits (and a 14-20 per cent corporate income tax rate on distributed profits). ...
  • It has a flat 20 per cent tax on individual income.

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